2 TI
I Continued From Page 1.1 RESOLUTIONS.
urged him to take a firm stand in the Resolutions of the Board of Direct-
matter. Wisconsin and Illinois are as ore of the Uaiveroity of Michigan
firm in their position toward Chicago Athletic Association.
as is Michigan and a merry war is on WHEREAS, The Board in control
for some time to come. of Athletics at the University of
Because of their special interest Michigan has deemed it advisable to
the following opinions are given: sever athletic relations with the Uni-
Track Capt. J. F. McLean was versity of Chicago, therefore
very reserved. He regretted the in- Resolved, That we, as representa-
ident exceedingly and thought it tives of the student body, do hereby
would especially affect track athletics, signify our approval of the action of
He said no course was now open ex- the Board of Control. Though we
cept a meet between Michigan, Wis- lament the fact that the heart-thrill-
cousin and Illinois, to which the ing contests with Chicago are now Y
other Western colleges should be i impossihie, we maintain that Mchi-
vited. He hoped for an saly settle- gan, who has proved by her victor-
ment of the difficulty ies her superiority in athletics, _ou
A. C. Steckle, captain of the foot- should not because lacking the finan-
'hail team, said: "I lona't like it cal benefits which accrue to a uni-
very well myself, but I don't think versity playing its home games in a so
we should give in to Chicago. Ihey large city, be on that account treated
have always been trying to get the by any college as a inferior. F
lions share of everything and i t -
should stop. There is no use letting WIIERAs, Dr. C. B. Kinyon was
them runa Western athletics. A kind enough to present to the Ath-
game with Wisconsin won't draw as letic Association a receipted bil for GOL F H OSE. Noh!
well as Chicago would next year. $50 for professional services rendered E th That's New
We have not contested with them for to Mr. Sawyer, of last year's base- veryi ng
so long that now there isn't mcuch ball team, therefore
rivalry. in two >r three years it will Resolved, That the Athletic Board, -
no dabt be zas fierce as that which in behalf of the student body, ex-..
as now shown at the Thanksgiving tend to him their hearty thanks. IMPORTERS AND MA
day game. If the date of the Wis- JuNius B. Woon, Secretary. CHEMICAL and PHY
cocsin game is changed it will MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS.
lighten our schedule and in this re- Lyon & Healy, Chicago, have just tory Supplies
spect the change will be a good pubished a song entitled, "The girl
thing. Again, if we do not play I love I cannot call my own'' by the
Chicago, the championship of the well known writer of popular songs, TRY HOT CHOCOLATE,
West next year in football will be Harry S. Miller. It is refined in None like it elsewhere.
an unsettled matter. seatinment, and the melody is one 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET,
H. I. Weinstein, President Athl- that haunts you, a genuine heart 316 SOUTH STATE STREET.
letic Association, said: "Chicago's song, in fact one of the best songs
position is untenable. We have to of recent years. mad eioulyoistraerend any style.
fight the thing out. It means Michi-
gan's independence in the West. A C. F. Kelley, '98 L., who was
game bet ween Michigan and Wiscon- elected to the Montana legislature BOYS ! STOP
sic will draw as large a crowd as the last fall has been appointed chief AT THE
game between Chicago and Michigan. deputy county attorney for Butte I |W T
We deny that we are in this fight to county. _ Rf LIUI II
nake Michigan supreme, but we ic-
sist upon the recognition of the just The sophomore social to be given FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS-
principle which all the large colleges tonight promises to out-do all previ- Huron St. East of F. and M. Bank.
of the East have adopted. ous class socials in the point of numi-
J. A. Leroy, '96, formerly captain hers and arrangements. Be a sopho-
of the track team, was in Ann Arbor more and go. ' Le a
last iaihat ad was seen hy a DAiLY-
represeatative. He said "I rsgard
all of Stagg's actions as being domin. ATHENS THEATRE
ated by but one thing-the dollar TO NIGHT I A N M A (
sign. He appears to me to be mcotW .
narrow-minded in his position and
he will certaicaly find it unteuahle. Wat o i prad y E e ig
The matter of games is getting to be COMPANY
too muacch of a husincess pruapositima In Iti aola ula ani Tito
with Stagg-too much for the good "H. M. S. Pinafore. and
of amateur athletics." "Cavaleira Rusicana."
Prices: 10, 20, 30 ancd 50c. Tickets, 75 cents.
An Unprecedented Gift. matinee-: iP. a-- Course Tik
What is perhaps an unprecedented ''Pirates of Pezance."
gift in the history of the University Mainee Priaes-1o and 20 ets.
has been by the Good Government Mat _neePrices-10_and_20_cts._I
Club. It undertook this year for Subject: ''Some Traits
the first time in its history to give a
complete course of lectures and the ti-
outcome haos been so successful that
it has found itself with a considerablev
balance. The last lecturer, William $35.00
Jennings Bryan donated from the Shirts for full dress are of fault- Crescent Bevel Gear Chain-
proceeds of his lecture $250 to the less fit-they have non-bulging less, - - - $60.00
University, to be invested and the Juveniles, - - - 25.00
interest given in prizes for the best bosoms-nothing finer can be Au fitted with Dunlap Detachable Tires.
essay each year on the science of
good government. The club believed produced and they cost less than GRANGER'S SCH 0
it would be well to make the prize custom made. $5.00 per Tenmn
even greater so has given $250 rPROGRAMME PARTY EAC
to he put with that donated hy Mr.P ART E
Bryan. This is probably the first At Your Furnisher or Clothier Private Lessons y Appointment
time that any college organizationAN
has given any such amount of money - A NE W TFH I
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decide how the money shall be in- a t ,Con 6 C.L to be successful, look s
vested and also the details of the Makers thsuefl, sa
prizes will be made known later. ___ _ILL '
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