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March 17, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-17

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r vr
94k PaLl

VOL. IX, No. 124.
Will announnee that we have now'
received our Spring and Sunmier
Wolens. Our stock for the incomt-
tng seasoin is the largest we have ever
sliowin, is exclusive and csnfined, in
both foreign andd (omestic goods, andi
is comoposedi of the best fabrics in
every hine tha t canl be obtained. We
carry the largest line(if Woolens in
the city. We invite you to ral a(d
inspect the same.
108 L. Washiington St,
We have juaf received a
fine line of High Girade
Razors and Knives, folly
warranted, and we sell them
rigist too. Sce or window.
O006n DdU dud NO&ht
Durinsg theo rest of ithe eoliege yearw
wleelces l oi r, l.dayeor
neghlt. Fulliilino of tPipsu, (Cigassand
R. E. JOLLY & GO.,.
308 So. State Street.

STRUGGLE OF ORALTORS. Carnmody is froiiiGrniiRapsisDuir- TO PLAY WISCONSIN
leitg his etntire course its the Unotr-____
Annual Contest Tonight For The sity hl 111 beents proinssiieist de~bater An Opposition Garne at Chicago
ini the Alphla Ni Soiety. lis.,yeari on '1hanksgiving.
Chicago ]Medals. lie stwsn secontisiplaice nitthe I 111105 -. su ss is sli 1 111Ci.
Tilse anssual oratosrical cositest wiii vansia tesansesscosntrisbutesi viiy iia-siegoyesterdai y sialnd heprts somsse
he heldl toiiiglshteilee'the auspices uif terially to ichteligasi victsiry aa'insit stttrtling' cha'ngemsoinifootbalill andl
thle Stutdents' Lecture Assoiistion, its the fsormser. 'I'lbis is. his firt a pear .1>l'a eli'll slieslimles 's '1riessuIt if Isis
University Hall. The conitest pros- asuce its a Univetsisty sitrtati. ~icalco- ciiiferenice ith i Xsscosiiass d 'is lii
ises tos le very close atid iinterestiiig. test, liutIsis wssrk silebaitigg inos. Illn su enceii t of. iMu. Stagg's
Nearly ali if the speaekers have hail great firsomise intshfits linie. asitudies.as regs'"'ri gte rec~eipits,
a widle experietlce oii the plistforis '. E.IRhseinufrai ktssitomPeirs Nic lii" its s sissss ii Ii ii s g ily
tecd several lhmve beensosltpireviossburg, 0. lie wseusssveraii scontetosumitChR(iscagowill isot take
finiss contetsl.'The tuiner receives itt thastsiischo. lie hIs uselis n in-litre. Inistad Wisnsini aisOMichi-
$75 andilthe Chiicaigo Aluimiti Medasl, terestedi sorker tinsmattes oraii tticalt(an wsill isecst sitsl tit sayihe gasise
atnd the secondtsiset msass gets $50 . since lie eniteredl the Uivetrsty.1Last toi be flasyed its Chicato. Michsigane
ix iRegettLevi L. Bamrbotur, if yeiarlie trots it lssonistsest andstill isisestfIllinois ott . 14, tt
DetrositstillIsseside. Thle judsges high ranik itsthe fina~l. X Wit tsa- Cli'sisp'igts ssl Nortliwcesterns ls
ste, Honuesi .vs Baesbissr iii De-sither'yearsoexiserietice siucs sisse.is 'sktsI liiir'a game for Noiv. 14, lint
trust, 1Rev. HeeiiiStut, ofsi Detroistexpeetedl of lhint. sintiotsisishasbectsyiecidledlasyet its
antds Hon. I. N. Hurtsbergesr, ofTlo- Fratnk D. lkatiats,'00, svas hbtrn in re'gardi toithait gusmy. Illinio iad
ledo, si ts'hoiughlt andil (ompotisition;t Livitngtstn essoutty. tie sifttiendedWiosinti will play at Milwauskee
Presisdesnt J.L.Stnysder, Agreicultuiral the publlic schoosa~t Detrosit, grasut No.14
Coilleg'e, Hunts I lins E. Birkicortli ttisg fruitsthe ihight schsssso itit '. iIssiasell the(ginises whiichi were
Jacst n 1 It si ndPrf.IEslin tsA.tie lidsomisie s.ebatfisg swork its the tio Isveelien pliayedl withiChiceago
Sttog sigYpsilastitMics.,sts Delievery. Detroit high scisoiss. Hli elienissha've bIeess cancelledl aiiitheir siases
'he li eretfithe speakers setlequsite prominieet ilis sratosricaieles ~ fillseiily isrisaigitig giatmestwiths Illi-
thsett subjsestsia as tfsilos:s AV.B. itsthe University. Last yeiar leintissanls1 tieIHamsiltonuu b shof Cii
Harson sts lssialism;" J.A.representedi Iis elaess itstheOrator s 'icascao. lie latcesisre:
Moistgomsiesy, AssIsieal Latsyer;" conttest securisig thsirdi plaee. IThis Masy1, Hamtiltoni Clots at Annt
H. S.'1Tanntes, "'ire IFosrtietlh Stir; year lee sucoceosfully scent through .iArisois

4 'r os r
e "T'L's~a. s" "

i( 'II
>0 '--u--
* ;" , j -' ,

L Con(
S oda W
Calkins' Phar
Law Book:
FithVie Seet
Text Book
Fo'r alt thed
Bot slfandEct
Btet LinenPPtpe~r, 15, in
Up Town
State St.

M.I I. Carinsody, "Patriek Heury;"
E. F.' hissfs'ssk, Sectionsalismn;"
k.LL C.V. Wisnier, '''he Corisoratioss
Agalist thse Mas;" C. VaniKeurent,
ures given blw
I Osnly ftwccistestasnts esntered frostn
OF flutesesntor hateyecsass, and 15 the class
is etitledflu teodspsieakers thtere seas
pater nosotest. 'Tle represetntatives froitm
qthe sclass are Hlessy S. 'i'annter ansi
rmacyin. Cash V.XXisneir. Mr. 'iasnner is
froin Paysons, Utesh. tHe sad cost-
siderable expserienice it sopeaiking he-
fore lie esnteresdltfle University. Sisnce
) eetrtihat thnimehlihssdshesomse swork
suetise debastinig its thee litertery
societies. 'ius is time first contest isn
wchiche ewillI hurlicipatse.
irpaneseenfe. Carl V. XVissmur is frorn'1'ecumsehs.
Since his esitramece into thte Univer-
?BOOKS ity he essas sen cinsidleredh one of
Iged. tiemerost efiecdive spseakers its thee
o and 2ite perthb. Webster Siurife, alfthough lehehss
nver bseen its thee dehatisng finals.
Last year huewssonse of flee cosntest-
R i~ antstfromn Iis clasos, and succeeded in
ORwinning secondusplace.
Thse two ri eesetatives of the
Dawn Town senior literaery class are H. H. Car-.
Op.Cuta nous ssdy and F. E Rhleitnfrantk. H. H.

thee Pennssylvansia phrelitminairies aitu- IMaey 20, H~amsiltons Club at Clii.
dish excellettwo~rk listhtie teams sies- cago.
nsinugfrosts Pennssylvansia. Maily 17, tliseiis at AnnssArbor.
J. A. NHostgoutiery, '00 IL., s " m 22, mm< e" Chamsupaign.
horn ins Huskies ortsCs., 0.Ile A.- regaruds track athletics onlfy tor-
attenedhthehight schoulleen Plilse. moil andulcosnfusionm citesbe seens
ulheila, Pae., 'esd tosik iscousrse mnaeedu. PIresidlent Clatusens ands See-
Biryanet& Strattone Busineess Cullegere stary Willistoni if timeXV. I. A. A.
ini thee saemee city. IFor the past five A. atre seuchin scenused uiver Stagg"s
years hue less teensusccessfuelly en- acstiuonmandeshamve givensliies onue seek
gaegedh letbusineess lee HacosnsCo.,IIl.iuchich toumke Isis pea2e wstflethe
Hr. Monttgomtery last year repuresenited three' state suiversities.
flue '00 IL. class antd woestime samse If' le shes enot conic to flume they
place this year. still call a meeetisng of the d~irectours
W. B. Harrisons,'0h L., entereud uf the WA. I. A. A. A. and lendieavor
theUtivrsis'frstsIsly Cty 'tuu hasve Cheicstgououssteulfrumtflu
theUnvesit fomIly it. le assiciaetions. If Chmicasgot is selowed
hiss figuredin tsfour ulebaetineg finasm touremissesits the associatfionm thetefe
swhile le sas intshie literary diepuari--.universities uf if chidgan, Illinoiis andu
wenest. This year he entereul thc late Xisconesine sill seitihdrate 'itsdhh0da
departenst and scontthie place ofsmeet sf their ownu, leavinug flue W. I.
alterneate ontthie Chicago debating A. A.A. to die a nastuoral death or to
team an ha reentl wo Irs cassstruggle site 's best if can.
csntest,.IMassager Baird received hearty ex-
Chess. Vsae Keuren, '01, is fruit pressiuons of approvalfrof rnsent
Tsiedo, 0. He wottsa sesusier sf Chsicagoi siuemni, sucit as Rsger
contfests while there. Whetsle encu- Sheermuans, Ward Hughes, J. 'T. Jarne-
tered thw University he ws, at onece sonm, H. Mi. Bstes andu others anul all
recognized by being elected freshsmans foeuiuad on Cereal.
class rator. Outside of isis swurk in
the literary societies ith ess beets is Indoor Meet Saturday. Boxing and
no conttests. He won Isis shess dust- u Wrestling, 3 p. in., other events in
test this year by a nlose mtargin. the evening. Admission to hoth, 50c.

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