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March 16, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-16

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EXPRESSIONS OF OPINION. track team, said: "The action taken The 'Varsitry Meet.
by the Board of Control was entirely Entries far the 'Varsity meet, next
Men Prominent in Athletic Circles justified and has my hearty approval. Saturday are coring in unusally
Present Their Views. For some time past Stagg has actedfat Itiexedchttwllb
the dictator, anal we have been coml at ti xet, hti ilb
The whole college world of the ple to do almost as he wished the largest meet ever held here, all
Midadle West is full at present of the With the coming Chaley Baird, the events will be hotly contested
all-absorbing topic of the "Chicago Stagg has found his miatl. Ma-i especially the 40-yard dash, 40-yard
Boycott.'' The latest reports have ager Baird acted justly andl I think hurdles, high jump, and one-half
it that Northwestern, Minnesota and i ie mile run With such men as Capt.
Purue ~ c hstnedto oi usi~that i unChicago will regret M~a
Purue avehasene tojoi usinvery much the stand she has taken Mcea, latch, Adams, Hay, John-
ousting Chicago. The matter is 01 for some tme past.''son, Gardner, Fishleigh, Elbel anrd
such vital interest here that thi HHEeios bsbl Leiblee erteredlidieheldases it awill
to t.memmd nslbesBoard manager, le ardiopcktewnnrlh
DAILYc proposes topublish teopir-id:"T Bor of Cantrl didiipc th ainr.''e
ions of those who are the moulderswia nrgnan h il lii men in the 40-yardl hu rdles arc all
of Michigan's athletic policy. In fast but tL is su that the iiieiics
possible under the circumstances aiid
iaursnrce of this piurpose are givei ias iiy eiitiraproval."' have at''dark hose'' that is laeing
here in nuimber of interviews which ii nielad ad Ia played for irt. McLean Am-
aill he folloawed by others later: qiei yptywt h tn strong Tryonnd.nilAolaiis aein iigs5
Prof. A. H. Pattengill, chairmani takeri by Mihigani aid the othir anchires ailnte (h tieiiiulmp,
of the Bonrd of Control and Miclul colleges but I am sorry rot to Ihiave adhv o e xre hmevs
gan 's represetative at the recent the anualiiigaiiieawitliChicao.- But Thle relay acs in the eveniiig will
meeting, sait:"The situratiorr is very far the sake oil athletics in the~future Ibn the uiost intetin oi l nl. All
regretauble. I awert to Clicagii chiefly the staiil'taken by Michigan, Wis. the teams ni-i' aariikng hard, aiiid
for the parpoase of bringing abouaicairsira anal Illiiiois is the right one." laagieiictrowdy atch theaminevaery after-
pacrefulardjaustrnrt of affairs. After oo la he ractice.
arriving there I sawe that such a Dr PattensVirenws on the Michigan A special featir othia.iiiet this
couarse was hplesanala a rpturrDebate. year willha. tihaaboxiiigiadawrestirg.
with Crheitcagcouec'li Te miaageaiitcails al-aiecidtagive
Clannio catralrio beavaid D r. Simon L. Pattera whaoi accaami- silver- Iiealls ta the wineiiri sf eac
our fault;we eisdri i o hna hi vrityb Do1 Mbau a e~iclass. Such ameni as Ficks, Martin,
thhbsr emarndsaof Ctiao. sytaMichigan, retarind 110o110yestr. lPorter Yae,(ax, O aianna Frazer aiii
C dlcgaay. XWhleu seen yesterday, 1r. aia nknonawil uns ieysot
These awere so ilrtierable that neither Patten expressead hiiislf ai veiy far thine m llliixinvtsin hiaelyait
aw, norary aother self.-respectinigtal- iachlpeasead with thin maark of thaeoirgavntithn fer
lege, ciaulal submit tia them. Micli- the on Capa. Stek a olthe foothal
gum alaayshas bhenri and is mon teamnn, aiialsal that inlisiniorisn, taa, lasa s 'quad iiolasretlers ndiehr
reuihytoeniing i atletc lootsthey awer fully'eqalnito thin tena m iniamd homises sonc livey ouats.
withiather peopleoin sifair anadl honnor tinat noepresentedl Pennsylvania aguaint Tie entries for thin meet chose to-
nun errns.Cininiga'spshly i rnr r P atten said that there lauoday, Th'umrsaay, at 6 o'cock.
ain to hinfrrtrrah ehiag f fllow lien a sliht misndmerstanding con- Athletic Board Meeting
ship amntrg the urniversities and conrmamg hnladgaficsino.ti
lia amd ymnpahncicreltins nnulei n.Tlie commiroan meitod,inn At thin meneting lattight rooutine
athetic pursuits. It is unnfortunrate anal is thaat than afir-native must buisiness waii transacted. It wamsae-
timidtinhe matter of gate receipts seansestabhaml its case, that iftie negative idoed to give thin menmbehrs of tie
to cut such a figure. We are cain- retfates any part of tieavhole argu- All freshmniar teami, blae swauter
tending far asate recilts airly iii n smnt oflie affirmative, thin latter Ins uponm whiich inn yellowarearcthanletters
far as thin divisioan of themr is arm ex-ailt establisheda its cuse, amd loses. A. F. in a cic. Leslie J.1. ehft,
viewsnssii o f afuair nminddnenss. k'thu is meuthodl has beantnalsedin all '01 , was electedl ton thin Boiard to fill a
viewsoftug are unsplortsmralike Pennnsylivanria's debautes witha Cornll, vucancy'- t wans decideda toi aod tie
arnd rot far-siglted. His attitudne anal it was awith thins ilea that pm.-oxing events of thin Inmoaor meet inn
cantfi oijr olegatveri sparuationmfar tin ichiganm debate maas tieafternaooan. Mhuls awill he given
riot onlyhvin Iis ownur nivriybtmade. TIhen decisions inn this contest, tan tiewinners inn oothnhboxig ard
alo n heWet.as, hoeverinauenoin urt by pont- wrestling. Orchrard Lke ais ni-
Praof. Ansdrewr C. McLaughlin said thta is rte victory wasm giversto that nutted to thin Michigan Intrscholuastic
that if tine facts were as they have side wriichr esablished tie greater Associationm. 'They miii send a teamr
bee rpote, icignasenirlypart of uts argunarrts. Oar this basks, toa tie meet whicl mill he haed here
jnstified lam taking thre standl sieis. Dr. Pattenm sara, tie debate was fairly this summrrer. After -ajuninnrnrt
has believe,''ev,"i e said, ''that Stagg awardedl to Michigan, althrough, in tie oard oii theinIrvitathion Lemonrard
has a ss position purehy on iis opinin, Pennsylvania had su- . Verdier, tie recently electedl foot-
financial grounids, neverthreless he ceededlin refuting hrt of Michigan's ball mannager, enrjoyedahtie ''Bau-
cannot he justified in rying to deal aruet-inGr"a h har hr
wit oterunieritis n ohI Dr. Patten pal a high tribute tir sectiounnlanaIbhenr reserved for therm.
grounmds than those implying0 equal- Michigan's skhihlin oratory. He saint
ity.' With regard tar a possible that tire Peninsylvanians Inaving thin Notre Dame With Us.
coumpromise, Prof. McLaughlin said. negnative, hadfrot trained much inn rm ahonrg lpadfonrti
prois ardly a thinger hwile agon- oratory, paying inre attentinm to Detroit Journal, is idicatve of the
pofromise noan hoclint s thingsegn facts, nn account of their idea of sand tie lesser colleges oflie West
so fr, ut orrilmo thse tingwrat tie bashsaof tire decision awould awill take in tie matter of bocotting
blouw over and it is likely that in a be. Dr. Pattern praised especially Ciao Crngastds jut a
yearor to Mihign an Chiagotire oratory of Mr. L. A. Wilson, of ineahenoe .rIn er e
awill he ois friendly terums again. I teMcia em-enyvnalain
do nod think that in the mneantimre ti ihngmrtnai-enolamnalharnul it amontomms to n othing more
athletics wiii suffer any here." College Honors for Michiganenian.nor less than tlit Notre Bame chooses
L. . Verdier, football manager, Snorlierryarid eieein to stand with Micihiganm e o.:
sad: "Stagg Ins put himself e- students shoaula hand their nmes , "At a meeting of thin Notre Darne
yourd the pale art Westenr athletics. 'faculty board yesterday afternoaon.
Look at Iis scimh , and yusedges ua iarse nu college Mamnager Eggenanm of thin athletic
that he has no gamres with tire larger hrostMer.Obareaymnrrassociation, securedl permission to
X~eter uivesites ard h crirocor McMillanr at one for thei rdivid- arage far a meet betwneenm Notre
get airy. And thre timre aill come ual record f thin Mihiganienni n. BDarne analthe U. of M. at tie formrer
whnine b e cant get ary Eastern Mr. Berthnonl Husting, pitcher ons institutiomn about April 1. Another
ganmes. Then he ill have to turn last year's Wsisconsini 'VarsityIns athletic mnee wil e held at Notre
hack to tire West. Baird has out- heenm chrosen by tie Board of Direct- Darme May 5, the Universities partici-
generaled Stagg.'' ars at Madisomn tar coacha their base- aing heing Michigan, Wisconsin,
C. F. Mehlhop, manager of the all teaumthins spring. Purdue ard Notre Danme."



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