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March 14, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-14

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f'. Certifield Athletes. +4+ ++6 44 6.++ +~
PbihdDil(Sundas ecepted dring te ivig to everymailIwFoYOUs FAIL THE
College yaa at awarded a 'Varsity "C" ant engraved ILN RS
THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. certificate o"sigle esiyigt
9FF^.: Te nlad res, enn~gBle;.this fact. This "°slingle" is soiie- To find it anywhereAN ARO
BtIO'honta 147, thinlg which the athlete will posCses
MAAIGEnT~. long after the sweater which accoc- es, rIs
F. Ennatitatt, ' L. panies it is discarded. Being a sort
BUnINEnS MANAGER. adillomta fiat exellenice, they are Prinjters,~ Binders, ;
o..n,TI-,'0. smtetlhinagwhich any laau may be J. J1uarry,-ANt-
EDIiTQOS. lpi'oltl to lhive lhaging inihis 1room, +LAN-BOKQAKES
Aili dia,''itWaaa,0 event after his collage days re over. fCcAN-BOKMAER
. w. Ja s,.'i9, A . a. aeuAr.a, 'iu E. Their formi is as follows: apa rg ur.IINNN(; aLCKa
F. D. EtAMAN, '00 LX .Lan, '00M, COuaNl~,u., AwuuTuoc ASSOCIATION.+
0_1. ii. lianean. '01 IL. J. Bii. O'aa 05. ___N i
Thscriista..... ....was awarded tbs Cornell 'Varsity C, in T fobl)sao f(878
(football)n rieOfehe AI-Siioonr EA.of....... 8.... OL EG STUDE N TSS
tie clla'aa }ca, nithl agalard ivry I beren.
noon eah da. Natice, aaaanncartiona, analy Presy
ote ati t a iin a ~altend fr pabliaton ma 't bn - - - -----______
manial "eito bfe 3ptl.ofrtae jay~ Dr. Eliza Msher has an artile in (' IHE
riu ashati n whiichtheareaexneatied linthe Marchatiitrnbet of the New Ca-i- 'OU'N'l'il
jOaalaaiaio a l'. 'alay belareu the Ala sOm aicas, ade o otnuug Pstire as it C ase 1FI
Maeyaa'aor 5lallelas'n aa'na<l, anrnwit a n 1Ot
Managar SaiaritiL '. nill cnfa fa vora by o~ f ltlysical Defets. l b ll
repoating p aaaapaly at tis ieltnaany talra a,__of_
aaaarr t aa aolaeliraa p-aala
Alt caaaaesaia aadriicaiai~ra mamal bain 1. B. Skilltanaui,'08 L., atleti
the oflie etat4ie ofotheheauly preaiges tothtile Naitre
on nwhiaaha tanayaetoapartlileditor of the DAILY ]lst year. was ~ SPPU uun G~ P
AL NtL B WO. Damtie tiiet.
Thielroleets of a vety sucesesfl --
year itt rtuck athletics ate exceeedig-I ATHjENS THEATRE 10~ L~n
ly briglt fai r th le Ftesl-Sojalt TO NIGHT 1' tf
tina'at lastSaSaturaay, aemonatedit ateal TO NIGHT 00
that thle'ilacoalinlg lasasm ataIie Prices from $15 Up. +t '
v aryapromiilg athlete's. Phe pr-WateComic Opera
atic wtal sis 4 4_5 sec., estab hao t e- I :
teas trecardh lirlFrieshi 5111111eets. ,a T heTwo Vagabonds." l-
Barretawaotithia'6Iilap acte hadily ttIiin s 0 ( 3 i ,i.Best
1t.t6 1-511 uiile' l ses Il tiia etttng "hme ofN rad.
3 4-o ar. fatster thiatta'\arity ttne ChmsoNrany.te
last year'lThe tamy mteet ext MtnePicen-i111and 20 ts.
excitiag averahl. Jauaglig frot World..2""~ .. _____
the Ia t o reriaraissillie e briken, Ieal r ca ato .. LLEGE nimenvrywhere aacolvted in nend fCa iSeWaihra aaaveaia Ctalg.
iatI m ewthr~ rie s 1G Itt cntain an iarl opartainn afartitsnad clegian, bidsaivala m e aaa acn
at this meel, thtat t nte t ad atseconrctiontaafaWabun inrmnsannda comptalofntpie.
motofo rlstyar ea aitdht Fint-caauic daeractennldaer elWahb inaorintruents'ay e
cilthtge ue eliiilng that others are of- Obained faann the makarn
a praomisinag ht of new ea n teieiiet fering' special inducements to TLYON & HEALY. CHICAGO.
sill be ally hotly conitestea. our customers we wish to say -
A special feattira'f thin year's
toeet iii be li'heaxig aitd wresting. We Will Not Be Undersold.
Somae of the bsttiettit the college
have already etteredand talstatutery
htot canttests art' expaeted.Thfle man-~ That is we will meet any spelal
agemtent has decideal taa have the price they may oter you. f'ele-
iuals of ett leltd0111 off iintie cact- phone, or send your child for any
lg. 'Thtey sill andoutedly rove thing' you may need and you will
swy ltersin.get tevr et odbnte lhasaeloeangs ito theStuets' Lettre Associationu.
The0 many friendsmaof Chita.'1. world at a guaranteed low price.
Tyon, '09, mwiii regret toa hearthiat We wvarrant every 'looth,
hte sillsosonle oaeciallege. r. alO ar)rll o ose
l'ryatm's systemt receivedl a severe'Ni rHi rs o ose
.hckhmleu heas burnted at lihe the rstles.
Clirisiam tree accialen tuing the Hlot W ater B7ttles,
hotliaday vmlacainandthlefindtaishiattit AZ pi~e n
is itmpssible. for himuat contalailane l Syingsis
camllege swork analtt tie satmae timeltat ter rubber goods
aa'cmver in health. lHe miii go toia are warranited for ___
mai hoeiBayia'mfrest afoal m e- y. Ar. 1899 Crescents RM. STAEBLER'S
auheamtioa. 'lhte Varitaltrack.Ito$35.00
aill lase atticof its best taci by' Imit We ilave Both Telephones. (rescenttBeiel (Geat Caiii- Cycle Em pori umn,
''y'aa's usithdurawcal fromiacollege. css, &- 1311.(11
______-W e deliver geods Jcuanies, - - 25.001)0it WEST WASHINGTON ST.
I311'orota . Greeuaing, 1900, hast more promptly than any other AllritetwatI Dunlap Detahable Thre. ANN ARBOR.
returned tai college. He sas lom_.--._--.-.. _-
durng the first hart of theima seIO firm and would refer you to GRAN ER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING.
on accoaut of the ilness of his any Doctor or Nurse in!
father. Ann Arbor as to ihe quality of $.00 per' Terlll 1.1 Weeks.
Beul aite,'2 asrcvrddrugs, Woe have 3 Gradu- PROGRAMME PARTY EACH :SATURDAY EVENING.
BeneGade, 0,ha eovrdPivate Lesons by Appointment. Bell 'hone 246.
from halo sickutess and retunued to ates and Registered -..-_
mork in ttie pr icipte the Drgit fllyuii carn- cinr.sa inateuraoasIaneCanaa, St
aatcpt Dugss t jeyour pre-EIt'stea diffarnea ithniatnaha ode
ing utinstrel performance. scriptions. I 1 itestemreo u ra
_ _ _ lau want.
-Fred S. Colhurn 1900, is out of iioaiiBiellPJUora 16 MAC WHITE,
school on account of the death of THE GOODYEAR DRUG C~O. 11 6;EU . State.I14.ST

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