VOL. IX, NO. 121.
at 11111k>
n u U in nn(hf
b. fl. Vv'I L u tjU The Annual Game is a Thing oil A Speaker on This Subj~ect Hard Proces That Standard Works on
the Paat. to Secure. Phijsiologtj Are Wrong.
Wil tatwehav DW orwNas received f'rsn Chicago Ward was receivesd yesterday by Dr. C . Carl Ilubter, assistant pro-
1 announce t ~ ~late last night that Stagg had ir- Prlesident AngellfrllSntrre, fsoo ant(nyndhtloghs
received our Spring and Suinnier r-anged ai game w iithi Brown for next of Delaweare, who has heeii in vitedl recenitly madise anl iportan t physi-
Wosleiss. Oar1 stock tsfr the incoiii- Thanksgivinagyii. As this is an- to speak here uiider the auspices of ological dliseseeri' npon seltick he Iti,
in"( seassii is the 1lrgest sse hive eversioaiiced ofhtcialhy Is St'agg it is the Athiletic. Ass01ciaition. Mr.(Gics heelldoing <5i grlit (leai of originial
e- xclusr ivandlconisnedln vry vcint itthait Michiiin awill snot expressedl a swillinigness to) tcone heire rese-irel eri s'slettehit
sliowis mIleet Chicao s isuail.I lie nessa-ntl(eliver'a spechclibut ion accoutilithItesdisovervyii ies et l~clii tcase
bosthi for5' -iiandi i~mstic goosiland whenlieuitcised heire iiiiiiidi itily ittthe press oft litliok ait I risi agslt betornoiit thile -standardl
is csosisposesl ifithe best f-do-ics' III iiised igre-at exciteiiesst and iailtetet-vte illaits cooldlnot arrae de letsos iusukI~ 0 l yP tt 11111 0give-
es-ery linetht eait rlbeiiobtaiisneil We saiigNlicli cointinusit 1uttu iatse Iast ite hits. At thepireseiittimae -ill tist' 1,1I>Ii piit -ilt(sol hs l-s isloIcad
caires the 1-rgest lhue ot WoiilenstOininightiwas il t PrIof. knoss ttuss cotigressmtent are irtshiesliitith sswort t-Iledil itroc--lsoll Iii siigliol
the~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Fl cie aeii iess t cilsi -rtictul-iis iofthe -ictitisiofttthistindl Mr.ey i'occupyig the nilnRIM' thei\culd
ioettiii''aniil oftthe caoses los Clii-lposlitiinofitt ng iothe only seniatoui 'Il( I;si' u-ya-lis to (lo Nutllthsle
iiislect the s"ilit'cag'sait itii stll iill l utliedI in 110111 his staite, is itspecially itver- relatit -sei-iti'in t iii ciithe blloti
tonorow i ).IIS lii iiii eseveri tos"(eeed A's it is ude-ireu toii haie vesselsioi the cbidis aiiithse lies-cs.
al reasI ) liiiOr iii sea-crus (t h 1is 'ant Istiieriatistit seiker iiliiii itlyl oI ra Iliii' Isle i it as li-c ii liii.iii-
G I LD C., e cl Lutu ie to t-i as a-es-i stillsngit is proliaileiti thatseodIsis Iw.sill (diliabilo Isli-ssli ''ittcalifi tthai
toi ' llii St, iip1la is i s ii tist (C ic-towis -is ble sni-ioita-tedil tlt. ( lhut ii I erv s sosltli(1ti ii11(',bl tod essi-is of,
10 E. vsiii hoi t ritaslt ill Iher iiia-tl. Ctt te' -a -isa -bi s l so ittbleito stilelieure tot lith bod lt) ii.tillelit,i phy-siluogists
ANN A [ i~t. ffteiredltelris hut therec is etc not siictt iinalist I siteeecii 5eiollts i liii's ii in as iii ircas iisttit ~lihi (i's s lice
i-got ia ti s h benssgoills )n t it l lg is tissticexi~t-i tt iiit i siis solsutel -' vsse-ls oiiti el li iii IX s ( tll
thislisst twoiths ands istthe- result is intcessiiry. liii Iailurto sicur iltiy anI phiyssilogsy'tlilosi-
w * citlit I , i ro thtese Itwo atrtri ows si'ivls ltley tth 1ld i to tits o il n
A lI, ; It asilee bteten S tagal I al itielt ii htsotfiava~ilaleiment Ii thoseiliiihichast-tedtiitthsti'tiht
CairdCthat these negtiatilnshoui ld iii tiolttuhotw i exte tt it "ibelsshl i- stl l iiiiigid i
I I his i tushle u th it-s-' tutli siltd tueest st ithissiillli 5 ilw ic hae statedl tht ithuss i Z1su
Cioc l tee ket stcetv stusagg idt-l dost' ieIssac ti tfil I eit15111ngoispotibl itt itacodtin(I
!ctis'bu te III sdit a t ieIusultul s_ h tlti o r u th r n t isw th asut stoilt , tl i ng s li. is is Io
tomiedt h i istulie sainthenes-toibe seballucheul-seslbe ttues ptItem t st-ot-c ist Iteesit
it1 Pa hiss.we w re, g e tIt clty ith u ite. i t t I lie- In-s avt -coiifss liei thuesill thirl it il ii asit nits risl een I s il ol l-11i
Litvisofiithe Ciat le si lt i hX~iiilsit s'lsss tssltl isit I sthu 'lasilt suutruDr.lucsit te utu i ttk
he 'attonitsissued tat hei c1wuas t tl tssi t hoorsB suitbal l ed le s t is 1 im t t tuse it u tilt 111
S III [),ui bound byIIt si his a grteemh t sutntlestht t ics l~s l ltitslit) ue :fosthl ss t -1 - suuuelu t(1al.atislsutut i su itslt ppa
xiii sesit igisittitt he shnild deny te.1.d11-1sr huae sttbeen tug itnIatsifftersulynt sts,' o'iii liii liii I s l t lut nit wi i chuii
silis. Sil lii ii tits.tili~. sit t a c tto hea Trinnw asub iselwi u t i siven i s ttcf u tl t s tsope su inlivestl tch nisu urlits }fib is.
EwaOLY&c 'tsuccwig ess afItoI la htdae. il bale filledti s isaItoitheaeialAwthlucll
- _________l ~ ii tghe dd te ngdlsoheigsssneihoegamees.suW tttus eaAsisrAntits lss'I'll(yditslilyprvsswiy hut tit ste'~
wislsserv lueessesPetallehitssiay iss--e-t t os e A sitI huornel aethCts onlpaigi es- Ihuve 5151 ism uiotntucie'lus easuinit
ii -li. (i ieo Pps ias n T e r ackusiuTea ri n q. w i aeereainsit th'oth rt is andsitedwisthusesmaitsorsthret uitsill-
R. E. OLLY &CO.: ie -essugessulf heuxmegtrlastiSat-tare ('1ibiitis gilittoChile-isais
weemr lnoltevessosrthn Te pint)rdeitsiconisi f: at sislts o hisenslt hesachens-
A r-I, -r fiomisthis tiuntitil the smeet they 20, ~Wiscoinsins at Maihson.s isn' see'attissue to us titlet tdotctosr.
ILectures ANa
Soda Water
Calkins' Pharmacys
Law Books
Ftr the Seesnd Semesuer
Text Books
iFor ali the departnments.
Bought and Exchanged.
Best Linen Paper,t15, 20and 25c perils.
still receive spiecitil coachisig. 'There
is ahlso a hlarge numbher out tryisng for
the bsoxig contlests. 'These eveists
still he siusisally hiterestisug this
year. Aisother mseants b htysich it is
exptectedl ti give the meet tii added
interest is the psroject to have a issisi-
her of reltay races. It is proposed to
hsave at least fasir races, ar as isansy
as were rut off at the Fresh-Saph smeet.
Th'le swinners of thse races at this mseet
still rin far the 'Varsity clhamini-
ship. The lsers still race saoig
themsselves ilsemaselves tos decide
wthichi is sat the sloswest teani isosl
lege. Tfle tennis Py this isethsod still
he stare evensly mastched than they
were last Saturday and the races
though perhsps stat so fast, will he
store excitiing.
.Maj. V. C. Vaughan left yester-
day afternoon for Washington, I).
C., iwhere he will remain for a week
or ten days on husiness connected
with the commission appointed to ini-
vestigate the conditions in the armsy
Buoe Gros, '98 L., is apending a
few days in Ann Arbor.
<< 21, <
22, Nat re Damiue at Notre Lasst evensing" Ir.IDock seliveredl
Damse. a lecture oailiaria befture the Med-
The other gaumes tire: icalh Jearetmsentinu the loster lecture
Apsril 211, Illinissaut Annu Arbsor. roomus is the msedical bsuildings'. 1This
Masyhi, alien. hectuesis the fhr't tills'itt a series out
ill, Clhicagot st Annu Arhbor. this subhject, whichs ~pasit of the
13, Haimuiltoni CliP at Annuscosurse of special lectsure s givens by
Arbor. thse various msembsluosfitthe tacuilta'
20, Chicago at Chicagot. durig the yeas.
s<27, Clhicagos at Annu Arhor. 'This lecture a illustratedl Py
30, Wisctinsins st Detroit. charts, dlrawinugs acid atereoplticonu
Junse 1, Beloit at Ann Arhar. slides sit the malid-ral srgansismus ini
443, Corunell at Itluica. the various staiges oat their shevelop-
5, Lafayette at Eastoin, Pa. usent. 'I'lis lecture swas in a way as
6, Pennusylvasnia at Phuilailel- introdsuctoury oust and wsill he tol-
phlia. lowsed by othuers wicuhs sill discuss ini
Jaune 10, Notre Daume at Annu Ar-ihetail the relastions tf the osrganismus
Par, to the ditferenst states and tise entire
June 16, Cornuell at Anus Arhor. course of thme disease. They still
17, Cornell at Grand Rapids. present all the msost recently discov-
Memorial Committee. ered facts concerning th, disease and
'The niemorial commuittee of the its cause and still he, to a large ex-
class of '99 wtill meet 'Tuesday after- tent, hased on original wvork which
noon at 4 o'clock, in Room 9. Dr. Dock hinmself has carried out.
A. H. MCM[LLAN, Chairman. Prof. Cooley will deliver a lecture
Charles Wright, ea-'99, "Joe"' this week hefore the Engineering
Pingree, ex-1900, and Shirley Sym- Society. The subject will he an-
ons, ex-1900, are visiting in town. nouuced later.
Up Town
State St.
Down Town
Opp. Court House
lain St