)A~intieret only and at a conferenco
ft. f f theL lbFolloing (lay all the colleges,
PublishedDaily (Sunidaysexepte)dur ~ing theinluding Chicago, was representedt
Collegsya. at0(1 the basehall schedule arran gedl,
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, fiohll ~tvrbin adaot
'OFeofs :ThesItfinldPrss,iKenniuig nlock. Aid lst ly, the writer of the arti-
BiohPhne 147. cle statedl that the (dithiulty owas ini
1tLAN(.IN1 EDTOR. Staug's taping the greater part of
l'Ncxh EIO.F. EtosLHIioto. OiL. the receipIts, and givingx to) Michiganii
7u3NII sO\I MO:VN t_1x[.IR Ia golarinitee only . Tis ;tateilielltit
oi. 11. 1A,100,L. utterly on founded.'i lie termsinsonoj
EDIITORS. whicll Michigan100eas played Chicsalo
Aih letcEitors. . IR. Wolotw, '0 1. inthe last 1111lod o wiich she will
I'. W. folis, 'sil, A. 1.55011 01L, '01 E, (lily themlineixlt fill 1s all equal dials-
F. D.lEAVAN, W;11 C. i.11. ',100 Al, 111n (f the Iproceeds.l It 1ishnot the
G. 01I11511 0. '01 E. J. BI (11,'00. (Case that Mcili (i 11eeied (1o(lly a
guarantiee last till, rnotthere 5is1n0
Iiistlilel'stlnill wholatever existingl
'I~l-1(-S1111111111 5ofIls-lil bletwt eln Manaes IardadStagg
000414 inIat he1IL Off 10ice beore 5 p. tn., or statedlthat the Chicngo gattme is a
prev1io1sIto that on1which s h010 areIexpected to Oist411' and twill ronlll l to be one
Meyer',, IIor Stloltlet'sttswllll, or wtithuinesls11 p1015ts othe clllt11(l'.
Manaoger. Subscribers w till011111511t1fav1r 1y
C[Tn'inI 1 Tf111111.1 111>31t. 1111110 1112r1n111111 51 That Pennsolcania Game
We are Noble Special
Top Coats,
N eckwear.
]F'cr *Eprinig .
Int introductintg ts o you1o1rnewhx Ierby,
wfiicii conmes ion allthe best 1(aker0s'
blocks(, also uall the itew shades, Ww xxi
to Iientiloltthat xx are giving, oU a
I Iii for S.Othalt wIithlouit dtiois th te
best(15f ht thalt can11Joe manufauedo to
seI}li t tihat price.
9 ^ ~r
1th115 5 I.Il otl llhll011 l IilrhraIlt Ileetin~g of the Fat-* *
0to ll hich t1re tolappear. ulty Athlletie Advisory Cotoimittee
It HAG ilisisi. As'rooSSUE,15-0wa110held1, The hasehall scliedulle (eas__________________________
1'. ItJONEIS. subiittedl tolthle commlliittee aiidteas
ralltied, twithi the excepltionlof (1110 R
WTO TFOUNDATION Igamlle, aliut llcl vlilthe conlliittee ilO l~Oli't1110AND M0
undllecidled. Whlen tis Ilas inally CHEM~ICAL and(1PHtY
Is the Statement That Michigan Will been tixed the sclledule xwill he }pih- MICIZOSCOI0IC FIND)INGS.
Not Platt Chicago, fishedl in full. tory Supplies
Yesterdlay's IFree JPress onlltaiinedl As thlings stalnd(1010there is a
aleiigthiy article written bly its short- pro1111ilty that the teamo in conjuc-
ing editor, the suihstance Iftwtitch tin(1withlit11.((ther games trill go TRY HOT CHOCOLATE,
w111 that Manlager Ba~ird lad refused twest, 1(11 in extendiedl trill, playing N(10 osne l etleher. '
to airranlge ia fooItbl(1l date 111111Cli MTIchigan alnllC(icago. CQES AHNTNSRE
cago n(ext fillowingtogI]MainiagerIfttxwis lnlt expected or thoped for 20ES AHNTNSRE,
Stagg's unwillingness to coilie to thiat 11011 gailles oif foothall wouldl he 316 SOUTH STATE STREET,
stiitaible termso regardling thlefinaocial arrauiged twithi Michigan University Thlar1gestassotet of candies inth1e eity,
part (If the galmie. It also stated that on1 1Franklin Fiel, biut stichi tas the mae (orl, ytesterved i1110y tyle
Manager Ba~irdi lallheldl a confei-ence agreement as ratitieod hy the Advisory-
in Chiicago weithli Wiscoiisin and Ill- Coinaitte yesterdlay. -Peainsylel-BO S ! S 0P
iiois officials, to wthich Stagg xeaoslist (myt. AT THE
invitedl and~ that the prevaiiliiig [he agreemienit welich Michigan
op(iionIiw(s that it w~as the itentioni has withi Peninsylvania, is that there KINDLRGAT1IIM
oIf these inistitultionsO to(1''accoatplish twill he ttto gamges of foothall played
the thirowe-downi of the maroon ill hetweeen the twos universities, oiie at FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS.
wxesterii college athletics" Peiinsylvania this fall and the secondl Huron St. East of F. and M. Bank.
The article continiies as folloiws: soinewehere hn the west one year from
"Stagg is desirous of making all this noext fall.
the inonecy, or the greater part ot it, --____________________
tlhat is tol he ob~tainiedlthironghi the ATH-jENS THEATRE
mleetinig of the college teams.IHisI
pllanlis 111 lay Michiganlla111(1thier TO NIGHT
teams a certlinli amIotunt of moneyi0 to
p~lay 011 Marshll hiField, sinng th1 Waite uom icOpa
gurne uha figure (s tol(illureOpr
Chlicagol aboullt three timles (asimiuih COMPANY I Tis spaice belonlgs tol thle Ste
finaial bl eiiefit froiiitie game las -"-
(lie visitois oderive. M\anaiger IBaird Fjr I V lIvolon
and the othier mnaigers of rollege
teamls d ema nl di(I a ll equal division of P r ('is: 10, 2 0 , i .0 n 1,5 0c.
receiplts, 1and(1if Stagg h1 (greed to Mainee esda11( WedneIsdayo hiii of
isridaydol atel sat'oslay Ofter1ooas00Gr0a1
tha~t prIopositionthr(iIniout 1 IbeBllFia Eeig
thit the aniital foothball gamn e Notlll Reis~ervd 5as ( on c 0le I 0111a ll s. i t
havehbe'enisatistactorily larranlgedl
lontg Ibeflore this tine.''
\loonager Ba~irdl ((as seent ty a -_--__ _ _-
D~xA i v hrepestattive hast oeening 1 r s e t
ando stateod thath there tois ablsolutely -v
nthing in it a(nd(1that it was tewituj $35.00
foiiidatioii.lit this irst thace thie Shirta for full dreaa are of fault- Cresceiit Bevel Gear Chiaiii-
tls o ~os elii xit eton less fit-they have non-bulging les - - - $101
Mic-higant andl Chicaigo (lilt-Manaiger1 Juveniles, - - - 25.00
Baird expressed(t Its hits positive boaom-nothing finer tin be Al feIfiDoaDtahbeTr.
helief that the1 annual Thanksgiving IAlftewihDnaDtcabeTrs
gable tetifeeti the tteo collegeoseold produced and they cat lest this GRANGERS SOHO
be playeed this year its iusulh on M~ar- custom made.$.00o per Termt
s-hall Field. Although the conltract
has no(t yet beeui signedl, yet the- PROGRAMME PARTY EAC
terns have practically heeln agreed At YostFamoniher orClh~ Private Letsons hy Appointment.
uonlIbetsween the ttwo manaligers. U AI . .
In the second place the coniferenice- A N ~E Wvv T HiIN
spoken of in the article teas held the CLUETT, PEABODY 6 CO. In Patent Leather She
day hefore Manager Baird reached
Chicago anld Stagg teas present al- (Successors to Clolit, Coon 6 Cot) Last. We have them
though Baird teas not, The latter's es to he successful, looks
attention teas devoted to hasehall ________ tlFiILL'eS
He.laolno teror10 .allaora.-
112 S.MainStreet.Ann Arborth
fAot ArborMist
Lieeits' Lectuire Association.
Cycle Emporium,
i ot 12 Weeks.
Bell 'Phone 246.
ies for Spring, is the English Flat
in Button and Lace. If you want
successful and wcear our shoes.
CF~E Washington 5t.
f'119 nn Arbor.