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March 13, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-13

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FRESHMEN WIN. Pole Vault-Banker, '01, first NOTRE DAME WINS.
.Sophomores BdyDfae in The third; blight, 9 feet, 6 iches. Chicao Second and Illinois Third
MetSaturday Aternoon. '(2 vs. '01 Relay Race-Won by in the N1otre Damn Meet.
Thet.ciss of 1902 was victorious in 02; time, :57 15. '02's teat: Bar
Witanonc ha e aero ett, Fisleih, Gardner, Utley. Notre. D)ame ott Satray at their
X'sil 'utttitie tatse hae tttethe aninal freshmantst-Stophomtore 00 L. v. '021M. IRelay Rac--invitation idtootr set cttinsit e-
received orStir ing atnt Sutmmer set held in Watermnan gymnasiu orn tt by '02 ;tti,:0 thingof asuo rprise as Chicao was
Woolens. Our stock for the inesit- last Satttrdaiytaftertntot by the de. 0 s 99IetyIac:W56yexs.tt o ur i iti otr
isig seassin is the largest se have ever cisive scorm of 36 is 27 poinits It 00v'9ReaRc-onby
nhtti 9iaieadetfle, sa'u sotscesulFeltit.00; time, :57. Theslieiou f ptoitts wst: Nre
shonisexluiv ad onind isthesos btsfl Frshmn 01 L. vs. '99 L.iBeay Race- Dasie lb6;Chicago, 28; Illinosis, 2.
(btil foreignt ansd domestic goods, tnd Sohoo t ee,bot as egass tie WNoti by '01 L;tme :58 25. All the eventsere cosely csontested
sgosd work sote by te csntestants Tb shefils of the mseet were: astifatsigt sittp tt the fitisi,
is comsposesd of the best fabrics tin intl also the crswd its attendsanuce atd Starter, itizpatrick rc ugsIinoitts put u eyceial
every line that etats be obtained. We eithuissiasmsistowvi, tuaticigani has EfnerCr e ko; trickd jdges, sowngpshtgit anot i habieĀ£
etarry the largest lute tof Woolenssin ever held,stnd bespoke greast things Beistet, Lehr; timtertshetist'se seotitt iplace. Powess, castitsof
tuecit. W itvit ysn i cal sudfor her fututre in trtck athletics.' 'tetiril
th iy W nie o ocaladAbout 800 uectatr witnessedth ue Gsesbeck; clerk of cousse, MLean;th esiteDae trck tes shittsede
isect the samte. e 1tssiuissiu srg uine faniouncer, Emmuons. utitntsspendidst I ttuittnnuuutittur of
P cntstsinlndng lagenumerofthecevets: thuhitthisjuitpsbtroat
the yotug ladies of the tswo classes MlakeSsre he ih" so u n oevut et
G H.W L CO ,representetd, the gallerytush runining MlaheRsrse he ih.itgtot sii Pt tututileCvicagt, tt
track lhaving beets reservesd specially qan Men. tug telat. 11c rs shedoCtcae
6. HfILour them. A dispattch frottMilwauke tothe reesrdin u the hrodjump making
LO WLu shuigton St , Teme eeoe h fc ht0totTiu a h olwn 1 fet6;ichesChictoswutthe
ANN IARBtORt. the Iresentrst mncas otiscocerinigtthree U. sf M.1.met: relay ate erliteain siusititng of
____ ____________some very prttmuising csasdidlttes for Manager Mck is ntt etirely sat Maloneyi WhiteIPettit anit Fair.
the track tetasm. Barret, tf Chiago, isfied with the 49 ipltyers le ao Thle tusumare
sas sectsftr the first tisse its couupe. Pacetiott the Milwaukee club's list IForty yar sut ,intuule- o-
s p titiou, andut ii up a pretty race in tutd has sent ord ts Presitdent John-usdest Ilinois, st ; usSt Cai h(licgo,
____ tt the sixfourteetnths of a sile ruts sons of the Westerns letgugets atd uusl secnDuu unIllu itnois tiirdi
which teswott by sore thtu half a the tntmes of Outtihielers MGinnits tisse 0445. li
ChIoco l tes lip, ini 1:47, excellent tme for in-uandhDuvis tutd Pitcher Lehr to the Mle rustsSmuitChiicgo first;
soots. Aoter promuisinui.cntdiae Milwauuukees' cimsus list. 'Thic trio of Rsusel, Chuteagot sectnd; tisse, 4:37.
s Od, shos esti the wealk. Thisisbaull tssers are cohlegians auth mein- 1Hiisjutmpiut:Poters Notre Dumie,
7 was the most excitingevent of thciers sof te University sof Michiganu first, o eel 0 iches Smtiths huts.
wFresh 'Today. day. Odle got us ead t the start teamu, andu the coupj executed by the isse ccndt 5 feet 9 studes Byre,
wehiehihe kept throughout, althosughu mnager (f tie Brewers places a de Chicatot thirds, 5 feet 7 ices
Blrookfield wass bit uit e yarul behinditud chrim init Presidentian uit er it stur hundrdmusi rstyuyIardcsirust
WIDEia thus finish. ishuiight is antother beck of thin Detrsits, who aoseems Mahloney Chicfis lttHerrick,
1 TTA Fl 1IAPV freshmainus of wciich mtiusch is expected soicitous of the welfure of McGi-Ilinoit, seotnd; White C hicg,
flI. li1 nui tis sprei hernoflimc iis, Daies auth Lehr, hbut thought third;ltitum 6li, ls:57.r ssr
__________members__ofthe__class__ofthey seesafe frosm Co'unie Macios hPutting 1 b ht'oes or
j'-ilLi h 1902 suisotmadefle 'Vrsity eevens grasp at Amis Arbor. Datsu, first, 41 feet finstuhes IEge-
011611 LdU aIIU ill U b. is the fll, Snow aimslAvery bothsIt11smsthrougismtemnediusm ofmau,NAttre Dauntsutuond 4 feet';
Raring tie rest ofthuueesuolee yeurwe slushcreshitabls etork. Smo utytmpiled Graduate iMasager Bairdlof Michu-minimr; Suttr, Ilinotis thirul7 feet
wisee lsncuts atin us dy or5fect6 nheuitot snlegnwo elimrdatte lRepuiblican 1 mci.
night. Full tne o ipe, Cigars, and iiesihuit ussc~ set eitr
l~e hs stye Ihouseo, yesterday, that lie Milwatuktee Rluning listsd jumup-1Posers
tobiacco. uimss. H a ohl teint ecu inaeawr ftee-Nor aefrt 2 et6 nhs
R. E. JOLLY & CO., bar whichi is peculiarly bushisn std litwmssaleusreo tmec-NteDumnut21fl ssue;
308 So. State Stree. differs naterially frustm time fust of celence of the three Wolverines ettor, second 20 feet 4fstuces;
tun average high jumper r. Bairdl came to Mihuaukee yster. Glynnu, third, 19( feel 911uincies.
Tie relay races wee excitng but uy to secure dates for swo exhibitions 'Tso hudune audltwenuty yrd
seoveral of the bet runnmues seneun-gsmssih ~eMimakecibnx dasht-Duan, Noute Damet, first;
O p~en fortunsate is geting a bad stashtr moth, and fun inciuentay stunts O'Brien, Ntr Dame seond;shFair
*sumbing md cosequntly someun of ioued that McGinnuis ath Davies (Chicago, thirdh
th esturnedotienlyas etece ern a brace of fleet-footed, hard- Poe vault-Poweers Nttre Dameu,
AFTER ALL tnraesu hnts eoted.feenl a hoitimng outufiders amd capable of first, 11 fee; Ilerschiherger Chicgos,
C r t s ~ ~ relay race don ni g th in spangls hum professio mn al secon d mm l S iith, h m u m
I Se'S hph tohnme oc numore onupamny after luy are graduatues Forty yard hurdls---Hoover, Ill-
ANa were scumsas fohows: lBjork, '018 ronsthi nuiversity. lHe did nt say inoismofbst Boyd Ilinmos seod;
Lectures~ poinusBkr 'h usts; Barrett anything about the quaificaitiostf (altoutu Chicaguo thirdltuue 4 4 5.
' 02, 6points; Fishleighs'02 6 LEr itCmun a erhsft i Ight hudtredshnsmith ty yardh
FOR THE saLE OF pomins, Odi,'02 6poins;utAvey, youngster, swho is a big, strapping r usts-Mloneuy Chutagus hurtHer-
' y 02, 5 points; Snose '02 5 points six-footer amd geaedto1 throwe tbe herNtse Datesunecod, Cusrcorani,
*o a '02 arne , 5 points ball wills thinshied of a Rlusie andtulNtre D~amue tird;htise,221
flue sumumary of events s as fol- acuracy of mu Mercer, southe asos itehay race usone mithe Chicg
lows:jttted his amse downem and ust hus finsh (Maonety White Pettit auth
Calkins' Phamacy i Fortyyard Dash-Gardnerr'02 claimu to thin presidemnt of the eagus.air); Fite Damescondih(Cr-
first; Bretenbach, 'O, seconud; Bar s a smater of forumstoIprvmu 1wcurams Ilerbert XVenie ntlOBrien)
L.avv BookCs ret, '02, third;tm, (4 45 Detroit iiignate fromtstealimg __a
Fssrly-yuuru Hurdle- -Pulhegi,'l "'muarhs out him. Lelhr iusad to be the Handball Doubles.
aend eSe 55mess first; Bjork'01, secttnd; Bege'0, onbes mterp'cur t hiThei nd '~e result of Saturday's gameus its
+ i thirc; tinme :0 2.5.smmui ability Michian expects o scum thelIitter depjartment tournment is
Tfext Books High Jumup-Snosw, '02, first; the intercollegiat hpennatiths yatr. as follos-o:Wuash ath FNoordesier
Fr ait the dspartmcas. height, 5 fet, 6 inches. Armnstrong,---sputumnrotmi Case inamd Powell, two
'01, auth Bjork, 'O, tied for sceondu Pennusylvania's fotbahlnshule atices out of three; Asdamus amd M-
SECOND-HAND BOOKS lace,; height, 5 feet, 5 inches form mexyear inciudes gamesithsii eah cu rnt(iltaidGrle
Bouaght amd Exchanged. Sht Put-Avery '02 firs;l Bork Harvard, Curnel, Carlisle, Chicagosgie tagh;Flsat Forward
urst Linesn Paper, 1ta2anod 25c per lb. '01, second>; Baker, '01, third; dis University, and University sf Mich-ga strih;Niean'wout frost Dachler auth Donaldson,
hA W asten 35 fet, 9inches. gait, lieugasues straight.
Six-fourteenths Mile Run--Bar- 'fle Cornell "fans" are greatly 'The drasinss for next Saturday's
rett, '02, first; Emuerson, '02, second; pleased amd encouraged by the as- games are as follows: Walsh and
Od, '02, third; time, 1:47. nouncement that their Coach, Hughey Noordewier play Jordan and Ryan,
ANN ARBOR Half-mile Walk-Odle, '02, first; Jennings, thin crack baseball phyn, at 9:30 a. m., Adams and Mc~eal
uip Fown Down Town Brookfield, '01, second; Felker, '01, will probably enter the Cornell lain play iles and Forward, at 10:00
Stats Ststp orXo third; time, 3.50. school for a three years course. a. m.

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