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March 09, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-09

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Of 4 * P Turn out every one and see the plansl
O f perfected that are to help your class
Osiy ~oauy eccpt~) cu og in its dual-meet Saturday, by back-

rario: The ilandtesos, Henig Block.
Both Phone 147.
F. EGLAeRDao, '51 L.
o. II. HA, 'so L.
Athletic Editor, T. R. WooDoos, '0 L.
P. W. JONES, ii), A. I, McoUeAL, '015.,
F.D. EArAN, '00, C.t. LUND, 'WM,
G.t.IlaNr.'1E. J. B3. Wooc. '00.
Th sbscrptionopticeof tho DALY Ist.0 fo
the coltego your, with a regtor delierybetorc
noo sch day. Notices, cotmunictions, sd
other rotter itendd for publlictiorost e
handed io at the AstY oic tefore 8 p. mo
moailed to the editor efor 5 p.sm. of the dy
perists to that o which they ar expcted ts
PSubscriptinsmay e left a1 the DA IY office,
Myer's, or tsofle's ocstad, or with Bsioes
Moage. Sushcrierwillofer aftavoy
rrprslg prosspt ly at this ofice any failusre of
carriers to dlier paer.
All eages io adetisig omttr mstsbe io
the office lby 4p. ms. on tic c(ay pevosto 11ha1
oo which they or to asectr.
IN CoARof cTottA''s 1SSUE.
The DAILY ihas recived a cor-
municationl 011tie subject sf debat
inig by ote ''l-tssticuss. 'l'ie nat-
ter, iowever, is so poorly arraiged
thtat we hiesitate to print it as it
stattds. If the writer sill call at
the office anth rearrantge his subject
matter, so thiat his ieas may be set
forth tos btter avatage, we will
gladly putblisht it for itm.
It is expected that the Soplotmore
class will select a yell at todays class
meetinig atid apropos ti the occassion
we itight Imake a fesw remlarks re
gardinig cia so spirit at Michigan Uini-
versity. There is little or none.
For example, the very case to which
we refer above. Al class has been
in tile University for over a year and
a half, hs etered it o class contests
in athletics, rushinilg, and hair cutting
and durinlg all this tints has had nit
class yell, io orgaiationl,110 siirit
of individuality. There have been a
fewe perhaps wo thiave striven to
mtake thic class a usit aitilwo iave
worked hard for fie advancemelt of
her interests as a ciass. Bult as
cimnptred! with themtt there hatve beeno
11101y sellsexhibit absot ltely noi
interest in class affairs. Thaey nevr
attend class rieetings, tnor class cost.
' tests, notr do they care muchellswheter
their repreentatives twillsr loose.
The same thilngs mtigt wech be stid
of other classes in the Utivesity,
the case itttiediately at hand beig
taken as all exatmple mterely. Ote of
the great avatages of at clleg
edttcation is founld ill the fiendships
and aqalitnlces a 111111ftrtis dutr-
lug his Collegecociurse. Atdiwhree
else cttnle formthtiese, thantha oil the
othter amiea of his ca.s twhiima le
meets every say. But the clss.
room doeis ot cary hitms far eogi.
Hle shtossidfirn out to maeetisgs
where cslomol purposes atd itterests
briitg a closer acquainiltanceiwithi these
sae perons.Ald ill knowing thems
antd joining ith them in the promco
tion of cottimon interests, tose of
the class, he lit only greatly bene-
fits himstef, but has tie satisfactioll
of knowing that he is a member of a
unified class and that he has helped
sake it so.
A parting word to those wio are
concerned inl today's class meeting

For An Appropriation.
Last nigiht at Lansing tise Univer-
sity comnmittees of the legislature
gave a hlearin~g 011tile question of
the appropriation of $180,000 for a
new ltotmeopatihic hospital aind for a
new scieiitific laboratory to those whso
represented tite Uiiiversity. Just
whlat the ouitcoime was or will be we
have not yet learned.
It was expected that President
An_ eli, Secretary Wade, Dr. Hins-
dale, aind the full board of regents
wouild be oii hand to set forth the
argumnlts for tile appropriationi.
Thse man who has been considered
the bitterest opponent of thte inter-
eats of the University, Dr. Mac-
Laclaii, has been quieted and little
opent oppossition to the prosposed meas-
ure is expected.
It is to be hoped thtat thse legisla-
tuire can see its way clear to vote tile
ieeded moniey.
In the Sophomore Class.
Thtesmeeting of the Sophotmore
class thast is called for tis afterntoon
it one to whichamunch importance will
be attachted. Thte office of vice-presi-
dent will be filled, a yell adopted,
sonie organization it regaril to tiae
Fresh-Soph meet will be imade atnd
tite adivisibility of givinsg a Sopho-
tmore Hop discussed. Thte class tao
already arraiiged fur a class social to
be given. a week frost tosmorrow
evesainag illtiae Gym, but it is desired
by soomte of tite mtembers of the class
to give later in the year a full-dress
diaitciing party whicha will corresonid
to the Freshmlanl Baitquet in thte first
year in its exclusiveness, it beiitg tise
inteiitioni of thtelromnoters to make it
for Soplis only.
Freshman Class Meets.
The freshamant mass mteeting yes-
terday, to stir up entihusiasm for the
coittest with the sophtomaores next
Saturdaly inl the gymnitasiumta was
poorly atteinded. 'Tha fear preseilt
divideil amng theamselves thte taskc
of leadintg the yelincg fosr '02; anad
Stevens, Ilrootinalai, and Lee were
maade yelimasters. Cards bearinsg the
'02 yell haye beeni passesh atng the
freshaal, attd all are expectedl to
tornsocst Saturday. Thlere twill be
110 adtission fee chaurged. The class
coloirs ale tiaionui ad whlife, and it
is hioped they still be ini evisience.
floe '02 ieadquarters twill be
arounl~d the iparallel b~ars.
Iliporttoit 1901 mteetinsg this after.
11o1111 at 4:15, iii Rfoom t,'.
W.T L. ?sfuLAUCl A., P lres.

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First-casos music dealersothewold oertell Wshharsoristraumentsmayhbe
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