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Oaring the rest of the colege year we
will erve luachet at att heart, day or
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R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
I Open I
Scored a Success.
Brooke's Marine Band, appearing
in the Students' Lecture Course at
University Hall, scored a big success,
last night. The audience was large
and appreciative.
The descriptive Fantasia, entitled:
"Village Life in the Olden Times,'
won the most applause and was en-
cored twice. The march conposed
by Conductor Brooke and dedicated
to the National Guard of the United
States was equally good. It devel-
oped quite a surprise in Miss Helen
Carlton Marsh, controlto, appearing
in the middle of the piece to slng.
The program was as follows: Fan-
fare Militaire, Brooke; Overture,
Wagner; Romanza, Tobani; Encore,
Miss McCloud; Cornet Solo, Wel-
don, played by Jas. D. Llewellyn;
Descriptive Fantasia, Le Thiere;
melodies from Bohemian Girl, Balfe;
contralto solo from Faust, sung by
Miss Marsh; Cuban Dance, Tyers;
Caprice for Piccolo, playedby Anton
Pederson; Serenade, Macbeth; Our
Nation's Guard, Brooke; and Scenes
from the Opera, by Herbert, intro-
ducing the Angelus chime-bell effects.
Among the encores played were "Be-
cause," "Charlotte Corday," "Mid-
way Plaisance." and responces by
Messrs. Llewellyn and Pederson and
Miss Marsh.
Whist Club to Hold a Tournament.
The annual tournament of the
University Whist Club begins at the
club rooms next Tuesday night. The
winning four will have their entries
paid in the state tournament at De-
troit, which comes off in April The
following committee is in charge of
the local tournament: Larned, chair-
man; Allyn, Paul, Babcock and
A good crowd was in attendance
at the regular weekly meeting Tues-
day night and some good play was
had. The score:
Oversmith and Beistle.........239+15
Phillipou and Marshall........236+12
Prentis and P. W. Jones......229+ 5
Babcock and Robinson........226+ 2
Larned and Beardsley.........224
Smith and Mandelbaum......224
Niles and Robertson...........222- 2
Coon and Paddock............221- 3
Clayton and Stanton..........203-21
Average, ~224.
Paul and Kelsey..............256+12
Flansburg and Lowe........ 256+12
Ellsworth and Russell.........251+ 7
Hawxhurst and Verdier..... 245+ 1
Raver and Bartlett............243- 1
Murrill and Fisher.........243- 1
Trible and Allyn...............235- 9
Huston and Fite.. 232-12
Churchman and Mayhug...231-13
Average, 244.
A provisional agreement has been
made between the Wisconsin and
Northwestern football managements
to play their annual game at Madi-
son on Oct. 14. This is but a week
before Wisconsin's game with Yale.
Prof. Wenley has so far recovered
from his prolonged sickness as to ex-
pect to meet his classes in about a
The I. A. A. A. A.
The Intercollegiate Association of
Amateur Athletes of America re-e
cently held their annual meeting in
New York and the following import-1
ant amendments relative to amateur.
ism were adopted:t
"A student shall be allowed toI
compete at the intercollegiate meet-..
ing four times, and no more. This
applies to all departments, medical8
school, law school, academic, etc. IfI
a student has represented a college in 1
any intercollegiate track meeting in
which three or more colleges partici-
pate, and has won a first or secondl
place in any event, he shall not beI
eligible to represent any other college
he may hereafter attend in the inter-
collegiate meeting until he has at-.
tended such college two full calendar
years. This amendment is not to bet
retroactive, but affects only thosec
who enter college after the date oft
the adoption of this amendment.
"No one shall represent any col-t
lege or university as a competitor at
the annual field meeting who has
ever won a first, second or third place
in any open field or track event until
he shall have resided one callendar
year at the college or university he
represents, and has passed an annual
examination on a full year's work.
"No one shall represent any col-
lege or university as a competitor at
the annual field meeting unless hej
shall be a student for a degree, or
taking a special or partial course that,
requires an amount of work regarded1
by the college or university he repre-
sents as equivalent to the work re-
quired by a student for a degree.
"No one shall represent any col-
lege or university at the annual field,
meeting who has been dropped from
his class into a lower class, or from a
first year class out of his college or
university, or who, not being in good
standing in one department, has been
transferred to another, until he shall
have completed one calendar year's
work and passed satisfactory exami-
nations thereon, or has been per-
mitted by his college or university
to regain the class or department
from which he was dropped or was
An Alumnus Goes to Ypsi.
B. L. DOoge, who has been pro-
fessor of Latin and Greek at thes
Ypsilanti Normal school for several
years, has been granted a leave of
absence for 12 months, dating from
the end of the present school year,
and his place will be taken by Duane
Reed Stuart, '96. Prof. D'Ooge will
spend the year abroad.
Mr. Stuart is a young man to hold
such an important position, being
but 26 years old. Since he has re-
ceived his degree here he has beene
pursuing his studies in Europe. At
present he is at Athens, in the
American school, under a scholarship
obtained at Ann Arbor. He spent a
year in Berlin, has been for some
time at Athens, ivil go to Rome in
April, where he will study for two
months. From there he will go to
Leipsic, and after a short course
there, will return home in August.
- A Victoru fior the Homeops.
Dr. MeLachlan, who has been the
chief factor in trying to get the
homeopathic department removed to
Detroit, has called off Ithis dogs of
war. But it has been a case of "have
to." Recently Gov. Pingree ap-
pointed him as a member of the
State Board of Health and the
homeopathic faculty of the Univer-
sity proceeded to hang an axe over
his head. His enmity to Ann Ar-
bor was shown and the consequence
was that he never would have been
confirmed if he had not come off his
high horse. He quickly saw just
how matters stood and commenced
overtures for peace. The homeops
in this city told him in very plain
language that there was only one
way in which that could be had, and
that was for him to withdraw all
opposition to tes University and to
fight any proposition looking to any
disetegration or dismemberment of
the institution. He was forced to
consent. In order to cinch matters,
Drs. Copeland and Dewey went to
Lansing Tuesday and got Dr. Mc-
Lachlan to sign a statement to the
above effect. Then they appeared
before the executive committee and
announced that they would withdraw
all opposition to him as a member of
the State Board of Health. The
committee has, in consequence, de-
cided to recommend that he be con-
The homeopathic faculty has done
a great service for Ann Arbor by
thus closing the mouth of one of its
most industrious enemies.-Times.
Medical Societs Meets Toniqht.
This evening the University Medi-
cal Society will hold its regular
monthly meeting. This meeting will
be given over to a discussion of
original work which is being carried
on here by some af the members of
the faculty. The following subjects
will be discussed: "Observations of
Pathological Changes in the Pacinian
Corpuscle," Dr. Warthin: "Report
of a case of tetanus, a case of te-
tany and a case of pharyngeal abess
resembling tetanus," Dr: Arneill;
"X rays and the development of
their usefulness," Dr. Spitzley; "Ac-
tion of the suprarenal extract on
the mammalian heart and circula-
tion," Dr. Wallace; "Sensory nerve-
endings in the extrinsic eye muscles
of the rabbit," Dr. Huber.
The meeting will be held in the
lower lecture room of the medical
building at 7:30 p. me. Every one
is cordially invited.
Judqes for the Meet.
The list of officials for the Fresh-
Soph meet to be held Saturday after-
noon has been made out and is as
follows: Starter, Keene Fitzpatrick;
timers, Dr. Rabethge, Sid Millard, A.
B. Groesbeck; judges of track events,
Dr. Effinger, Win. Caley, J. Boyd
Wood; judges of field events, Thos.
Flournoy, H. E. Lehr, J. W. F.
Bennett; judge of walking, Dr.
Rabethge; clerk of course, J. F.
McLean; assistants, C. T. Teetzel,
H. W. Hayes, C. C. Adams; an-
nouncer, L. D. Verdier; scorer, Chas.
Lectures AND
Soda Water
Calkins' Pharmacy
Law Books
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