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March 02, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-02

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f k . ' 1*t M - JCoettinued Frnoe Page 1.]
Publihhd Daily (Sundaysexcepoed) during the
College yer.a of the goodo produedr by oor loomes
THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN, and onr machine shops.
THEUNIERSTY F MCHIAN. Tile last great war has been fought.
1)rvE'eee The inad Press, .etitntg Bloech. The commnerce of the world is draw-
Beth Pente 47,ing nations together, andi any inter-
MANAGING ECDITORC. ference with the coemnerce of one
F.ENsGEeLeAee, '01 L. ntion is felt by all the others. So
BUSINESS :+>ANAG>ER. war nitst trase beanse it interferes
0. It. HeAt, 'hOL. settlecomertetir'. Notw a ceemnertill
DIOtSeNatr is one,teed Amterica is ie tlee leati
AthlieticE tditor, T. R tO.'einw, '00 L. aene is foteciteg1t1eighetieeg. Whet
P. W. JOESn, '99, A. 11. McDet see., '01Ee n
F. D. EsAMAN, 00: C. It. ecet, '00 Me, shlelicry a healt leetis war. Fromee
G. D. IleDNene. C01tE. J. B.lWot), 1en. 70) eilliotes twill reomte thteettmenee,
F<1 oreyard, elouelle quicik, ecegel
The "W illiams Fund."
--- - - - Sette little stir haes ibeeeneeased by
The scipeetionetprce ofeteI Y t e .50 afeoee eee erticle wiseleald n h
ehe eollege teer, withi a regeulte dltveey hetotee i pae e h
noenechdade. Notice, ettitnnict attie. e nd Detroit .Etaleeg Neeee, Teeesday
otheeremaeteintended fteepebticjatien mt te
handed inea tthes'etLeof Cieeet8 ep.tm., er eveneieg ine regared teo tienregent'sues
mailed Ce theeeditoeforete 3 p. , the tteeey tf then 'Williamns eeued." Tisseas
prneotot heeatenhich theye exected ee
appeare. ein a t t eei ee'et a feued raised nearly 25 yeaers age
Meyer's, ne 5tetle'etinesed, eor leth eesiness tleat tlee ineeteeemeiglet be devoted te
Manager. Stebeeries ileticon e'e f ho y eeeekiee tcferber telstfwdays
rprigpoplatiofie ayfiueo aneeesCeodeiveer tepee. of Prof. Williaems, swleo lad been a
Atllechanges en edveeteetneeeateemust he i
hh fieb In.en thCeLy previees te hat geneereel favorite wieh then studenets.
onwihteeny aet eee rle. eTo esure thet safe-keepieeg f then
tee CHEeofenTeDAY'e thSUE.faed then alnteni aescieation, lee 1897,
Cy. o. H nunaTT. teurned it over to lien beard of regenets
swithetite reqetest tieat thte board ese
Brookee's Band Cominq. theiee eetete fromn it tte estabelisle a
Brooke is tcoting, and people wvho preofessorsheip of etihnology, to be
kenos sehat tiseanntouneeniet really filleed by Prof. J. B. Steere, welose
means eill he eelighetedl. Itmen eletheeas imepeaired atedl sheo sas
tieat the moiest brillihant antientertaein- swithoteea tnand suelpeort after lee
eteg toncerts ever givetely a mtilitesry lee) his positien n tethie fatelty. 'The
hated are soont to be heearel.is aluieeeiwatted to hlep Dr. Steere,
fameous Cicagoe eearitee baeeelis tee eaedisomeadle tis request swhente
lontger ate irgeetizatioti for thte tori- meeeeey wees givenetoter regetets.
ens otly, feer its retetet inevasione of Shortly efterseard the iboard ap.
the Eeeht breenghet Breoeke ieeteo co- poeinted a coeemeittee tee arreetge for the
pariseoteateel coeepetitieene sithe tieresteeblisheent of the Iprfessorshipe.
nest feeeoees leeteers lee the swerl aned Attinegteresidettcthinoseeeaseleair-
demeoeeestrated leipositio~eno a reeeeark-eeeeen. As yet teo teetice of actiote
able aneelCunitleeonecteoeer, welose teeseered this esteeblisheneetheas been
meetleedeianate eeievetnetts ere en- giveteneend the Neers leiets at baee
titled tee the very ligleest cotesiedera - feithe ometier part of the heard of
tion. It could met be expeeted tieat rrgenets. Hoeever, swhentenkeowen
the dignifiedi critits of Nesw York, antagoneism of tiet Newte oswaredthet
Brooklynmand IBoston would acknowe- University, at Annt Arbeor, is eon-
ledge superiorty in a nesw bated frome sielered thimeet lenses forte.
tien West unlmess snulesleonld be -________
elemonteratnd as a fart in the strong- Prof. Hutchins Will Speak.
est possible manner. Beet everyswhere, The lectuere in time Unity Clnb
almost witihout exception, it leanbhen c onrse Motedayynigiht, by Prof. H.
declared tleat Brooke leads ail Ameri- B. Hutleinsso "A New Era lee
en in the popeular aced inspiring muosit AmericneStatesmannship," wiii give
whtiche beleengs ho the missione of a time Atti Arbor public an opportunity
military band. His suctess, both to hear frsm a juditial stanedpoinmt a
artistic and fineancinl, thrsugh time ealm and dispassionate diseussone of
East last sprineg was very great, busi- those qnestions whih confront the
ness everywhiere being excellecnt, and Amnericacn people as ts thmeir national
the voice of time press generally of poicy for the near fnture, aced per-
the lhighest echaratter of praise. haps for all timce. .
Manual Training Association Oif- Four Entertainments Left.
hicers. Time Stuents Lettuce Assotiation
Time Maenual Traning Assosiatioene wiii sell tickets for time reenainineg
had ancieterestineg meetieeg Tuesday four nnbers, Breoeke's Bacnd, Iann
night. Timechiet addressewas by Mlatlarecn, Orateorical Coctest aned
Dr. Laertes Ceennors of Detroit, oen Riele feer $1.25. 'ihiis offer io a

t TH
Microscopical Suplies TH
Dissecting Instruments. ANABO
EverythingProu eedsfoDinuersa
tery work you11willOfid lhere.
4. elN I-G eBLOeK
/- T T - -.T C" rr TT-1 - T 4-

(..WLLbkh S51 UL)LIN 15S




Sllriwu's Goideil SGcDtrG

Prices from $15 Up. ,'
-7f Best
-e z_ _ World
OLLEGE meteerywhere are invited Iaoesend ot the Wasehburn Soueniret Catalng.
It oa~ins enearly 300portraits ofeartistsnand colegiaen,besidesegivian somecoant
afthdecnsatutinfas nhurnteetrueantsand ea complete littoftnet peices.
Firstclass msi dealesthe world over selltWasbro nsheeeeetrueantt may b
obcained feromethe maees

This space belongs to time Studento' Lecture Association.

"Manual 'Tra iing ice the pubic
schools. After thce pregramo thenfel-
lotwing officec'swee elected: Presi-
dent, Primncipal IR. G. Boon of the
Normal; vice presidents, Prof. E. F.
Johnso, Judge Cheever, Judge WV.
D. Harriemame, Dr. Mary Wood-Allen,
Prof. B. M. 'le'sccmpsoe, anti Supt.
Slanson of the city schools. Coen-
nmittees ste Investigation and pro-
gram see appoineted. The next
meeting of thce association swill be
iceld icc Ypsilaneti duerineg theesonsione
of tie cs holemelaster's Club, on
Marcht l0.
Pupils' Recital.
A pupils' recital will be given in
Frieze Memorial Hall, Friday after-
noon, March 3, at 4 o'clock.

splenedid opportunity to theose whe'o __________________________________________
did not purchase oeaoon tiekets. 1899 Crescents M SA B E '
SIX O'CLOCK DINNER, 549 E.. $35.00 M A BE '
University ave. $2.50 per week. 6I Cresecent Bevel Gear Chain- $00 Cycle Emporium,
SdjJuveneiles, - - - 25.00 cia WEST WASHINGTON ST.,
AllAetitted with Dunlap Detachcable Tires. ANN ARBOR.
-ATHE~ $5.00 per Tercm of 12 Weeks.
E~ Privats Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246.
I*7 U ~ Ettee defferenee is that the eolde
m~t ~ UE.A ~ ~ it e gts theemone eel oureamne
~ HEl Z'IEEHUEyou want.
NI P r 0 Iy IUII1I Bntt Ptisne,.tS6; State, can.ST


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