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March 02, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-02

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VOL. IX, No. 111.


i3l I Ila



Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incoin-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every hne that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washington St,
Fresh Today.
Opon Dag and Night.
O D6injg the ret of the college year we
will servelInche at all hoar.dayr
night. Fall line of Pipes, Cigars, and
308 So. State Street.
To the
Dregs_ .
Nobody ever leaves
a glass of our Soda Water
unfinished. Whether he
buys a five cent or ten cent
drink, he drinks it all-and
comes again.
Galkns' harma6u.
Law Books
Forthe Second Semester
Text Books
For all the departments.
Bought and Exchanged.
Best Linen Paper, 15, 20 and 25o perh1b.
Up rown Down Town
Stat St. Opp. Court ouse
ibm St

Prof. B. M. Thompson Answers
Cochran, Bryan and Totne
Prof. Bradley M. Thompson lec-
tured last night in University Hall
on the subject, "What shall we do
with the Philippines. The hall was
well filled, the law students predomi-
nating and occupying the greater
part of the main floor. They made
Rome howl with their rival yells and
calls until Prof. Thompson was intro-
duced. At the opening of his ad-
dress the lecturer modestly put aside
all pretense to claim for oratory and
askedl t have his argnmentscerely
compared with those of his distin-
guished opponents. His address was
substantially as follows.
The actual question has not beeni
stated by the anti-expansionists but
must be considered in the light, the
situation and condition of the people
of the Philippines. The islands are
now a part of the United States and
the question of their disposition is an
internal one. This territory is 1000
miles long and 600 wide. One third
of this area is land, consisting of a
large number of islands inhabited by
more different races than all Europe.
The three largest of these are in-
habited by distinctly different races,
from the sluggish harmless Tagula to
the blood-thirsty Mohammedan Morro
pirates. These races are so divergent
that entirely different forms of
government would be necessary, re-
quiring at least three forms for the
largest islands alone leaving out of
consideration all the smaller ones.
The antis ask us to take up these
various infant governments and say
to them, go ahead rule yourselves
and we will defend you against
foreign aggression.
We must either govern them or
abandon them. There can be no
partnership. Either we must govern
them effectively or stay out. If we
don't throw them away we must keep
them. We are wed to them for
better or worse. Our right to keep
them is denied. The right to acquire
and govern territory is and always
has been incident to sovereignty and
the United States has it in common
with all other nations. The right to
the disposition of the "territories and
other property," is expressly givent
to congress by the constitution, and
congress has exercised it. It is
now exercising it in the District of
Columbia as the inhabitants have no
voice in the government. Arizona
was secured by conquest and has
been governed ever since. But it is
said it is done with the consent of
the governed. This was not so in the
case of Utah, because congress passed
laws not consented to by the people
of that territory. West Virginia,
carved out of Virginia without the
consent of the latter, was admitted as
a state because it was territory con-
quered from the confederates. Senator
Hear, who now denies the power of
the government to rule the Philip-
pines said in congress in 1870, that
Virginia "should not yet be repre.

Tomorrow evening Michigan meets Pennsylvania in inter-collegiate
debate in University Hall. Inasmuch as a Pennsylvania team defeated
Cornell in a like contest but a few days ago an increased interest in our
own debate is manifest. It is reported from Philadelphia that the team
which comes to Ann Arbor, and of which we show a cut, is superior to that
which downed Cornell. Vhether this be true or not Michigan's team will
have to work to svin and the students at Michigan must help by their presence.
sented in house or senate, but be kept we govern in the provitees we will
under military government." be under the eye of the whole world,
But the opponents of expansion and our work will be compared with
say that, taking it for granted that that of our peers. The people of
we have the right to govern these the United States will never permit
islands and have exercised it, we any president to cover America with
ought not to do so from a moral infamy by having boss rule in any
standpoint. The antis concede the colony. We should govern our
Filpinos cannot govern themselves. colonial possessions because it will
They cannot protect life or property enable us to govern ourselves. If
unassisted. But because they want New York or Pennsylvania now has
to, and don't want to be governed, a boss it is no concern of ours. But
they ought to be allowed to establish if he be sent to Porto Rico or Cuba
a governmment, say the anti expan- it is our business. 'he present war
sionists. "No people who have not criticism has demonstrated the ten-
the power to establish a government dency to demand honest government
that can protect life and property abroad. And the people will never
have the right to do so." Ite satisfied with a better government
We not only have the right to in the Phihippines or i Cuba than
govern our Pacific possessions, but they have at home.
it is our moral duty to do so. When Bourke Cockran declared we should
Jefferson said "governments derive not keep the Philippines because it
their justpowers from the consent of would bring their cheap laborers
the governed" he did not mean that into competition with our laborers.
we could not govern colonies justly I am in favor of their retention be-
without their consent. For he him- cause it will help the American lab-
self had slaves. He meant by that oring man. The Filipino does not
that no Anglo-Saxon had a right to compete with the American. No
govern any other Anglo-Saxon with- Philippine product is produced in
out his consent, for under the Eng- this country save sugar. But be-
lish constitution each English sub- cause of this cheap native labor our
ject is no better or worse than any manufacturer gets the raw tropical
other. The framers themselves product so much cheaper, expends
affirmed this position by putting into his labor on it and can then success-
the constitution a provision prohibit- fully compete with the finished prod-
ing interference with the slave trade. uct in the markets of the world.
We could not govern the Philippines Our economic trouble is not lack of
without their consent, but should power of production, but lack of
leave them to the mercy of the Morro power of consumption. So trusts
pirates? "I am in favor of cutting spring up to keep down the produc-
loose from them if they are harm. tion and raise the price. Now as a
ful." Why not? We are told be- result of this war all Spanish Amer-
cause we have vital questions at iea has become aware of our enter-
home. Bossism in America is the prise and energy, and immigration
greatest menace any government from those countries has already in-
ever had. creased 100 per cent. This immi-
Providence has interfered to help gration will fill up and revive the
us get rid of boss rule. The good old parts of the south and greatly
government men were losing ground, increase our power of consumption
but now the tables are turned. When lontinaed on Page 2.]

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