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February 28, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-02-28

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VOL. Ix, NO. 109.


*11 it
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Wi~ll announce that we, have now
received our Sprinog and Summer,
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-~
in" seasons is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both1 foreign and domestic goodls, andii
is comlposed of the hoot fahrics in
every line that can 1)0 ohtaned. We'
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Wutshiogtomi St,
Fresh Today.
Ow6nDau ad dNigIh.
Duinjg hesothe onellee ernw
willsere lunochesnatnal lhouorsdoeor
nighot. Fnii lio of Pipes, Cigars,anod
R. E. JQLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
To the
Nobody ever leaves
a glass of our Soda Water
1111lillisl~l. Whetheor he
huys a fire cenot or tell cent
drionk, lie rinks it all-and~t
Galkins' rharmdau.j
Law Books
For the Second Semester
Text Books
For all the departments.
B~oughl nd Exchoanged.
Blest Lisnen Paper, lon, 2 nd o 25c perln.

Vigorous Eforts Made to Present
This Side oif the Question.
Thle frienodl of expaonl hlO ae at
lst lbeeoo arotosolby te tlreant-
expansoisonlspekers wo hailve feel
lere receontly. They1e noiwti(lose in<lo
thoeir hest tio bring here sooooe promlil-
nent mnho lloosu oldioilPresidetleh
Mc\ienoley'sodnislitrationo 10101a01o
prent the imperiolitic side ofIle.
clse. 1The Athletit Asociationo owit
coloneldlllle eergy Ihas eonbarkedll
intol tloelectore fieldl 00011 sill atteioipt
to stopply thiese oants. Yeterdy IMr.
Willlllm Doay waos selt to Washolio-
too, D. C., for the puotros of secur-
lg at pealer to deliver ano adures
here next weelk. It is hlope0d that he
owill hc able to seccore tie servics of
Hton. Cushomoan K. Davis wowas01
lis fathers colleogueon01 the Peaco
Commllission. If Air. Davis can 11111
le secureul perhaps Admiiol Schley
or Governor Itoosevelt sill omeoin1
his0 pla~ce. 'T111recisnoo bt, thoat
owitlotile aid of the aimlinistrationoo at
Washington, tlhe Athletic Asociationl
sill he ahle to lldce aoo excellent
11100 to comle to Atol Aror.
Senior Oratorical Contest.
Tlhe oratorical contest of the seior
literary claosovws held last night in
tile lawv lecture rooml. The coltest
1011 spirited one 11111 reulted in F.
Eugenoe Rhleinfranlk, of Perrysbulrg,
0) , heiog oawardedl first place 000101 I.
11. Carmody soccooodlplace The
former spoke onl "Sectioniallim"laond
tile lotter o "Patrick Ucory." After
the contest, th i nno~er of all toe
contests drewt for plaes ins tle final
cotet. The result of tie draooiog
1w00 thle folowing order: Hlarrisoo,
Motgomery, Tnner, Carmodbhy,
Rieinfrank, Wiser, Van Keoreoo
and Eallal.
Whist Club.
'The Whiost Clubh which reorgnized
at ito bot beeing will tils eO'Cllllg
hold its irt lmeeOtig under tie 11e5
regimel. 'rie regular tioe of med.
ilg 10010 )0011 changedl from 'Ihrsdns
to Tuesolay evenig. It is hoped
thlat all 0w1h ottedel tie meetig
last week, silllmakie soome efort to
brinlg 0up ohers interested illtie
gamle. All wisit layer re ivited
to) attiendotlhis mleeing00110 if tey so
udesire, iden tify temelbvies 000111tie
club. 'rie mleetingsill e lat 7:1
P.0t, I in tile Masonic Cutil 101.
Maty Meet Yale.
Yale hbas decided to enter tree
tealol,ooth ioo echeven00t, at Pnnlsy-
0v011a's relay races tos te held at
Franoklion Field, 011 April 29. It is
expected tliat Yale, Penlsylvaia,
Cioicaogo an~d Michiganl sill e repre.
sented. Ao yet swebae lot formaolly
acceted tile invitationo extendoed, ut
tile prospoect are favorable for at
leat one teamo to rnolfsr Micigan.
A few chlanges lre bo5gbade at
tile lltsen thaiot thoe Chioese exibiit
may besh01010 to better advaoontge.
The alterations sill proobaly entail
an expenditure of soe $200.

Editlor U. of Hl. lDaily :
Vooor olitosriall ill refzeoce too tse
piropsitionl losdoasway swith tile West-
erno intec'olle'giate rchamipiooiiptroack
andoo fildl meet000011ge't 0010004witho
0111011 meetos10s101n iterestoing express
i001 of oundoergr'oute 0001onona
111010r0o 0000000imortaoonceojstnowos.
Itloinok it fairly reelosents theos 00011
moeotot othoe Ilsiveroity. I-toosvver,
I. iso" leose to sublmooit a foot consoider-
'tioons 'ronot1a"graduat~oe poinot of views,
inopsiintoo Tlielcooore-eoiterioog
lose Woester0n1 Int'eolle'giate Atle tic
Association. Inodoinog sos, 1 0100mere.
l' expresooongoaipersonaol op~inoioonoond
'111 carryinogout 11 holiof'bthatoparici-
pilon otf"oradouotesoinotheo lmanaige-
moent of onoroahleticssolnllehorather
Ion theefhootiplnce, yooor sttemeonot
otoat a ho"igoin'teollegioate meet isplre-
lerolole ifroootsle stoandpoinot oftcom-
poetitiono, wslo dobolodydoobits is Itboo
primlary reaosoofor the existeence ot
atlo e'tic,''lidicotes tlio reon for

tlhoan of troockoatholetics iio colleges is
thie fnct thant theoy ore teoomngatooes,
wthile troock atholetios oare inooiidual
chsoests. 'I'lere is onot tloe feelioog
thoat eoach oooooan crifices lis owntoih-
terestslo too e ointoerests of thoe thole
unovorosity'. Douolb1mee0ts oake track
thletirsomoore otf00teoaoolga01e. I
thinkoloeveryonoe ronost have nooticed
thoe pasot tooDecora'tiono lays at De-
troitI soot thoeiparaount quoestion
Witos WoXillIMichoigonogot moore psoionts
111010 Chicoogo?' onot 'Will Bloaok win
tlhso r thaot eveint?' I haoove atteondec
thoroe eosteron interollegialte ooeete
andoo thoe shal ooeets otere to 110eomucho
floe ooore enjooyablle aondiprofitoohie
It mily be ao goos hlioog to costider
tloe ioterests of thoe osmall colleges,
boot certainly onot oat cost too ouorselvres,
'in0jbury toohoolotloy,stwooleoome oport.
Beosides, wousoldn't the smal~oler colleges
beo botteroffinioo toe associatiosoof
thoeir owno, comopIedtoogswithocolloges
oftheir ownlocloss, ino ooeets tooswliclo
thley canoosendol20 ot'srnooreoomeno in-
0; ,eo sf' ens two o h e ,,crack

0001 differinog opionionos. I shouoldb say athledtes.'
thato the porimairy' reaosonofor athlefocs Very truly,
io in its heioog heneficiall phoyoicaolly, A sA.L'o,96
omenotally aood omorolly to thoe paorici- Jio .Loo,'6
poooot; second, 0ts heioog ho'neficial Open to the Public.
fromo a socilolpooiot of vieso,whteor Thoe collocionoo of musooicoal instru-
coontests are betwceeno 1m01 of tlhe samoe olen o naoooted by Mr. Frederick
college or moeoo of differenot collegeos. Steaornos too the University was first
If thoe laotor is tloe staondopoiot fromooou sieloltoo the lotoblic yesterdoay.
wohicho too loook ouponooaothletics boo a 'Illoolgh there ar'e still some test
hoealthoy moanoner, thoeto youroor ogu- pie~cesthaot haove obot been arraotged
ooooodt oot ouro oothletes oought tooomeet the lbajor portiono of thoe collectiono
a0 gosodl maony others for the puorpoose boos foundoolaices inothoe elognt oak
of getdting coohhbstiool fools totoode cases ftorishoed hy Mr. Stearnos for
groundo. It 0111deendsll pon ooothe thepo oe . The arranogemlent has
waoy yoo uook at it. If youoov0000 beeno aroioticily madooe uder the
adtletics simoply 000 a omoanso of wino- supervisionl (f Cuorator Soorgenot, ably
bolog victoories, If "beaoting thoe otloor assistedi hy Mbr. Poonl Nordstrom of
fellos,'' it maooy reaodily he conocoodeolobe Detrooit Art Musoeumo.
dtooo dlhe big iotercollegioote ooeet is Michigan Barredt From the Mott
preferable. If adtleticss is foir tedaenGaes
hoot deelopmoenothtle atholotes 0101aconams
thoe futhleraooce of frienooly relatioons 'fle lootercollogloote Association of
bietweeno the ccuibges, ooasoell as for:amaotoeuor Atholetes of Amoerica lone
afordioug gratificatiooo of dthe bnatural formaully expelleoltloo Michoigan Unoi-
(lesire for triuomp~ho, theono lll thoe ox- versidy from obmemberslhip becaotse of
Iloriolicoof ix years bacis a o giosi non-po.ayoot t of odueo. 1'tat is onoe
floe prootionoof o recognooizedVest-ovay ofstaotinog it; anothoer would 1e
eroo Ibtsrlollo'gilof Asslociatdionl. dto say dho Unoversity clothaIos not
Th'iere haooobeenotroubloandosiflor piditsdtoos hecauoso it booInger de-
bave heeto oquabbles every year- sires moembolerslhip 10 in e oassociation.
unoder o010e 11001 govrenot, unoder -N. Y. Worrld.
undooerg'raoduate naaenet ad Pennstllcania Wins.
uooodeorgraduaote omaoooogmnt. Whabot
guoaraotee 10sdtero thoat it woouldl be Ino thotorecontodoebate ot Philadel-
oaly hotter ths year. Noo ooatter 101110betsveen PennsoylvanoiaoandolCo.
wthat looerubes ooigt tbooformeoolthe ooe'bregoorodiog thoe aonnexaotioooof tloe
tunoderg radua~tes oaod gradulaotes of ouor Pholipiioooes, the oleciohoon swns given
insittutiooos loove still too moouchlOrto to P'enonsylvanoiao. ntoote otoinionb of
dtoe pooliician's feoeliog alboutf thoeroo lot floeijuoogoes, thoe tidhe of debate load
too toke sidesoanod sosrk for their ownoorisenoanoob:fallen wsthlothoe opeakers.
institutionoo before thsey wtorko for thoe Inooitoof o preosonenot of thoe sub-
gtood of ol. It noay be unfortuooate jtcd t ohe toounivrsitieo were de-
thatthisis o, hod f lo00. clarood equoal,hot thoe teighod of the
Ioo favor of a dotal omeet or twooaorgumoentdws nsihl Pensylvania.
duoa leets for our track team it noay j.AIorlo iio\V iogtnI.
he saoil thatdtoey oare moore spoorts- C 'attendingaCiPinainlcn
mooaolkoe affairs. Thoere hosooore of a -voeaCbl t ntina cn
feelioog ot frieoodship, toot enomity, be- vodoo
dtweenothoe lpartichiants thoan ioo a big Owinsg to the great demotand for
moeet. Foordoerooore, thoe primbary tihe special edition of the Daily
qioestionboino a dutal meoet is 'Whoicho which conains Hone. Choas. A.
college io gooing to woio?' Ito a big 'r owne's loiltress on rnopetioctison
moeet it is, 'Whoat mno is goioog do ant extra 300 cop~ies will be tprint-
oito tis or thoat particular eventl' ed aond ploced on sale tomorrow.
Thoe priocipal reaoson ofor thoe greater They oromy be haid at thoe news
popularity of football and baseball stands and inL the Mina Hall.

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