VOL. Ix, NO. 109. o *11 it it 'I at ANN ARIBORt, 3MCH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1899. THREE CENTS I Wi~ll announce that we, have now received our Sprinog and Summer, Woolens. Our stock for the incom-~ in" seasons is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both1 foreign and domestic goodls, andii is comlposed of the hoot fahrics in every line that can 1)0 ohtaned. We' carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you to call and inspect the same. 108 E. Wutshiogtomi St, ANN ARBOR. Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. Ow6nDau ad dNigIh. Duinjg hesothe onellee ernw willsere lunochesnatnal lhouorsdoeor nighot. Fnii lio of Pipes, Cigars,anod Tobacco. R. E. JQLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. To the Dregs Nobody ever leaves a glass of our Soda Water 1111lillisl~l. Whetheor he huys a fire cenot or tell cent drionk, lie rinks it all-and~t Galkins' rharmdau.j Law Books For the Second Semester and Text Books For all the departments. SECOND-HAND BOOKS B~oughl nd Exchoanged. Blest Lisnen Paper, lon, 2 nd o 25c perln. WAHR'5, IMPERIALISM. Vigorous Eforts Made to Present This Side oif the Question. Thle frienodl of expaonl hlO ae at lst lbeeoo arotosolby te tlreant- expansoisonlspekers wo hailve feel lere receontly. They1e noiwti(lose in