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9 " f l. { +' q llU. _i Cettaed Foaa Page 1.]
Islands of the Blet, and about wlich,
Pabliahed Daily (Saadaysexecepted) daig the evena aow, many of thema have aotiona
Clege yea, at very little more definite than is their
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. knowleige of Swat oa Timbctoo.
Oseam: The laned Press, eing Bleck. A few, indeei, there aro among tie
Bth aPhone 17 that ot long ago, cnsidering the
multiplying dificulties of itdstrial
MANAING EDITOtR. and economic problemts, were gravely
. ENaELaRts, '01 L. dtitbtful of the ability of udetocrati
1IUSINESS MANAGER. itstittlions to maiaiitaina themelves
o. 1.Ias$, '00 L. 011 this contianent, bit who now, led
5.DJT1tis. by whlit resoing atd justified by
Athletic hEditor, . I11,d'eatatsa, '00 L. iwhat cosistetcy IL ktowvot, are
P. . esasA, 'o09 . I.L Me,0etaaM'S eager to complicate at already des
.0. IIeues. T'OlE. J . ItWSts, '05. perate situation with a whole lhemis
phere of novel perils.
An Americais senate that slematnly
declared less tian a year sitce that
_____our occupation of Cuba, the very
The eahscepten pic af the DAILY it1250 fee territory which was the subject ad
I he enlee yea,,wit a retmlar deiey eore the ievitabe theatre of war, should
nasen mci day. Ntices, cemtmnicatina, ad
thereisattee iteedd lerptlcaionmeuast e be Confed to the pacification of the
handed in at the DALofie btieforeee8 panmeo
matted is the editeoe es31p. is. ef the 'day island, refucsed, a fewv days ago, to
apeisetthtawtiitieneepstdi give its assent to a straightforaard
0oarsciptioac eay he tell at the DAne easfie, resolutioan discaiminiag aaay intention
Meye', ee Stfietsaewsad, ce wittt Bstessaae
Maager. Suhscribes will contfer a ance y to exercisa ipernanent sovereignty in
reportiag pottptly at thieofieay ailsree ttetiiipnswihweeif
c aetes tdeltt'e paaetePiipnswihwr.nn
All ntangee itt adtimttmuthbein ayassociatedwihtecueote
thesofficehby 4ap..ontheday previuststhatwa itstecneote
en which tey sree is appear. ar and oly icidentlly iivolved
____________ _______ in its lprsection.
Freshman Lam Banquet. An Amtericati Prsidett who in
OiD Friuday night the freshman aitateApri, 1898, wtrnt reluctatly to war
elmis wiiilgivea buiqiet ttt the Cook for te liberrtationcf otieeple, ie limitronar 89,te uj-
House. Elaboitesrran e'itgemnts thavc'aio b cnust faohrpo
beenn tlile, tniltile baniquet promtiassalioa'div oatqim est"ofbuttserpro
~ h%2~ i'~'~2Ji~y .tgieii,~latud i forinig the stuthoriy of this
60 ers' ons hveta1lre1 tieagirt govertittiau pon il it iolrisi vt
pldf atthie ndti andli uiyte amertrare srgglig to le free tad vintly
ofherii llepablh l go2 liketsiterposling etw ell their tiked
thivttbeen fpledilat 2 ft lto Any lodiesmini out' tortcuesgtits tie
htelthutildihanditihei th msatoneties of tieDectartioni of hateheni-t
Itoloe o. the muturiciu of cii tehte mcerepctdm-aslit
'Vte. ite 111111tistiu excellrt ete.
stirmiiie 1iiiit'l il I ll.All wliattt fall is here, toy rentry-
at cat. year to have til'ed iclfroim the motral
New York Cout. leaidershtip of maitnkincditto conmton
Celery, Queen Olives. rgnlg fte obrntoso
Basked "White-fish a is 'tMcinatc. rgadgeo h oaerlaimoo
Pomenane dT'errre, Sartoga. the eord.
Flest do Beef, Paique so Champignons. The cotest out of hichi it is
Young 'Turkey, Crnberry Sauce. clamsed there comes to us this Chris-
Jersey Ss'eets. Greent Peas. ta it fsagtradsbua
Smlt Patties of ('hicken, a ha Rein. ta it fsagtraihobua
line Apple Sherbet. ton, began aobly. Not sie the
Shrimp, an Mayonnaise. mdevted manhaomd of Europe iaihoy
Cheese. Water Csckers. eathusiasmn vowed to rdeetilite tomsb
Parker Htouse itolls. of thae Savior fruin that polutioan of
Vanilla lce Cream. Assorted Cake. teIfdl a itr stesds
Mixed Nuts. Cheter raisins. chivalrous atd ataselfisha a war as that
Coffee. whichs was coaciaenced by the pesple
The list of toasts is given belsw, of the United States to free the Is.
and inltlcdes several faculty mtember, and of Cuba froan the tyranny of
All of thse moasts wiii be interesting Spait. Ittas nt to be a tar of
and thoase twhos go will take part itt etmquest. Orators in and out of
one f the msost enjoyable social Congress pictured in glowing colors
functios of the year. the disinteretness of our actiot. The
TOAS'Saewpapers vied witha sae another in
Dean Hutchins, 'The Lawyer and strengthening the doctrine f inter-
Society." national law justifying intervention
H. I. Weinstein, "Athletics.' on grountda of humanity. The pli-
C. G. Ferris, "The Lawyer in Politics" pit added its fervid sanctin to the
o aphePosn. W. Ml. Shauman, "~The Dignity high resolves of the Net Crusade.
L. W. MCandless, "Art and Science In the resolutisns that practically
in Law." constituted a declaration of tar, the
C. H. Widaman, "The Freshman in purpose of this government was
Athletic."ceryepesdtob h xuso
M. Thomas, "Our Alma Mater and theclayexrsdtobthepuin
Wet " of all Spatish authority froan Cuba
L. V Newcomb, "Our Profeaor." and the achievement of the freedom
Prof. Knowlton, "The Frehman." and itdependence of the Island ad
Convl_'_Liberality the fataous fourth resolution tas as
Conaehl' Lieraltg. follows:
Last year Actitng President Huttch-.."That the United State hereby dis-
hs received a letter from Russell H. 'chinas ay disposition or iateatinais
Conelel stating that he ad received exercise cata5'. C urtdi' tiati ar
control over said 'standl . \ceelul r tle
$25 more for one of lis lecture than le paiicstion theref, and asenrts is d-
ever allowed himself ts keep. Re termination when 'hat s ac.lnmtlithd
asked President Huteiins to natoe to leave the govrnmaent and anletol of
the island tom t eplep.'
smome terthy studetnt at Anto Arbor The brae ds ie our5Csldiers and
to whom ie might send that anaount. "sailors that oltavl tais decaratini
Thisreqest as ompled ith nd hne with a peia glory bcaue of it.
Thisrequst tas ompled wtla tadFor It Is the het 'of a war tat lat-
the lucky student received his check acterizes t. :ciist war are otver
for $25. Thisa little incidentat di- glrious. VWhe it sc true teat the h-
tory of warfare ontiane )an.I records few
Catea the type of man Conteell is. finer exibihit is cCta r 5at3Ba bravery
Microscopical Su pp' ies TH
Dissecting Instruments.AN AR R
Evrti c o eedfrLaisra. Pr1'
tor wrkyo wllfid er. PinterIs, Dinulers,j
Prices from $15 Uip. d
OLLEGEmen eveywhere are initedto med forthe WashuSoveCatcailog.
C II cnainls nearly 3oo portraits ofastsanad cllegias, hesides giving some saccut
cc the costtectaon ci Washhurs instrumeetsand a cmplete lieu cf net prices.
First-class musicdales t heworldaover sell Wahburnsontruntes may be
ohtnined frcm the mahers
Students' Lecture Association.
Admissiona, 50 Cents.
Watch the Bulletins and DAtLY.
1899 Crescents m. sTAEBLER-9S
" $35.00
Crescent Bevel Gear Chain -Cycle Emporium,
less, - . - - $60.00
Juveanilea, - - - 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST.,
All fittd with Dunlap Detachable Tires. ANN ARBOR.
$5.00 per Term of 12 Weeks.
Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246.
So it seuramtus teeOCrea, hat
the difference is that the colder
it getm the mere of eur cream
yes wan.
It's rettyCold MAC WHITE,
tty C0 1 110S. MAIN ST.
Bell Phone, lest Stale, 194.