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February 23, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-02-23

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LESTWET FORGET.',, sport of it."1 adopt this course te
ij~i~ ~ fJ J~jJmore freely today inasruh as the
main question has not yet become a
partisan issue and thus rendered, as
T I A Powterful Address on Imperial- oestnyeirandunapochptle of
g G. H. WILD CO., H anprejudiced consideration; albeit,
as I have observed with infinite re-
E THE TAILORS E ism by Charles A. Toivne. gret, a very-greatnrrrer of people
have already jumped at conclusions
108 E. WASHINGTON ST. in this important matter actuated
T EXPANSION NOT IN ACCORD WITH THE solely by what seemed to be from
day to day the tendency of their
Have just received a large A TEACHINGS OF WASHINGTON. party leadershp.
of Fancy Vestings for Anotherreason that impells me is
Spring and Summer.-_ that I am to address today young
They are Importations men ard worn representing every
direct from London. Please L Largest Crotd o the Year W elcomes the section of tie curtryrrrd all sades
call and see them, of political opinion, enthusiastically
0 0 Distinguished Alumnus. devoted to the welfare of the nation,
generrtusly ramitious of servinrg it
R Awl'- R The annual "law celebration" of at this great seat of learning, where- disciplined in faculty and controlled
Washington's birthday was made the by, under the general auspices of the oly tpuresti mpulses. If they shall
occasion yesterday of an address by students of the Law Department, the shally mut iprove their opportunities,
X V I 114the Hon. Chas. A. Towne, a Michi- University pays her tribute to the the educated yourr nteanipood and
gan alumnus of the class of '81. His character of Washingston. I recall womanhood of America can and will
subject, "Lest We Forget," treated with fond and lively interest the rescue the imperilled institutions
the question of Imperialism in a per celebration of this anniversary in my transmitted to us by our fathers.
A le retti s tinent manner and offered the third own college days, and I cannot suffi- I am quite aware, my friends, that
opportunity Michigan students have ciently express to you my apprecia- by a considerable proportion of the
enjoyed this month to hear a masterly tion of the honor done me by the public press the language of distrust
C hocolates treatment of the subject. invitation of my alma mater to speak of present tendencies is ridiculed as a
That the major portion of his audi- for her, however unworthily, upon form of hysteria or denounced as an
ence was heartily in sympathy with this occasion. attack on the government, and that
his attitude on the subject was evi- This day 167 years ago George a man who ventures to raise a cry of
Fresh Today. denced by the frequent and hearty Washington was born, and ere this warning is either charitably char
applause that interrupted the speaker year be passed time will have acterized as a fitcand idateforlunatic
in the course of his speech and the marched a century from his grave. asylum or violently assailed as an
cheers at its close. The law classes It is my humble but firm oprinon enemy of his country. It has been
W'l n17 Pl&IIIA I are to be congratulated upon the that not since his death has the ad- long, however, since such opposition
choice of a lecturer whose pleasing vent of his birthday been marked by lost its terrors for one; and I shall
presence and powerful address suc- circumstances so novel, so interesting, bear with cheerful resignation my
a . ceeded so well in attracting and re- so momentous and sinister no new. share of whatever opprobriun shall
0 I1 DaU ndD Night. aining the attention of his audience. Not in all that time has there arisen continue to be heaped upon those
Daring the ret of the college year we The exercises were opened and closed a crisis in the history of this country who on this subject are outspoken
will serve lunches at a ahocr, day or by selections on the Columbian organ so needful of his wisdom, so apt to and resolute.
ngs F.Funtt rn of Pipes, Cigars, and by Llewellyn L. Renwick, and the his counsel, and so menacing to his is rsuly diffictnt to estimate
R. E. JOLLY & CO.. Glee Club sang the time-honored glory, as that which today confronts the drift and fnrce of the currents of
308 So. State Street. "Ann Arbor,'' responding to the the Republic that was founded by social and political change. Their
hearty applause with "The Yellow his valor and that has touched the ordinary flow is so still and regular
and Blue. heights of greatness through obei- s not to attract the attention of any
To the W'e print Mr. Towne's adress ence to iispreceptts but the closest observer, so that his
0infc.ll: Tihe civil war was a war to pre- accounts of the results of his obser-
DregsLades an Gentlemen: serve the Union, to prevent the vations are met with general apathy
Not so much by formal provision secession of a number of states and or incredulity. But now and then
Nobody ever leaves of law as by the grateful and rever- their erection into a separate con- events occur that so accelerate tine
a glass of our Soda Water ent affection of the American people, federacy. Even if the rebellion had speed of tendencies ms to make them
unfinished. Whether he this anniversary is consecrated to the succeeded there would still have re- obvious to comnmon scrutiny. Wars,
bys a live cent or tern cent memory of Wasington. Through- mained, however deplorable the separ- for example, are such events, It is
riak, ie deinks it all-and out the United States today the votive ation, a northern republic dedicated as if suddely the restraint of banks
cones again. fires are burning upon imnnumerable to liberty and faithful to the prin- and counter-currents became a tor.
attars. In the old world lovers of ciples of the ancient Constitution. rent. At such a time there is need
liberty everywhere pause awhile in But unless I an fatally mistaken tine of cool heads. The general disposi-
Galkins P alni~IIaw their seemingly hopeless combat danger that threatens ustoday is tion is to go with the streamn, ad
6I S I I against reactionism, despotism and nothing short of -a reconstruction of those who before drifted unconscious
social oppression, to find in the con - the very theory of the government of direction now madly abandon
Law Bo10o1ks tempatin of te character and deeds itself, a subtle but radical change in themselves to the course, calling it
of the First American an antidote the spirit of ourinstitutions, not Providence and themselves the chil-
ro the second semester against despair. Nor is his name an- merely an alteration in methods of dren of destiny.
adeknown or unadored in the world that administration but in its objects, a Edmund Burke once said that no
Te - Books is even older yet, though it make substitution of the ideals of the re- wareverleaves anationwhereitfound
X1 our newest problems for us; for out public by the ideals of the empire. it. This is true in many ways, but
For all the departments. of Asia comes today a cry, startling Profoundly convinced that as a in none more significantly than in re-
SECOND-HAND BOOKS the silence of abysmal centuries and democracy we have reached the part- spect of the dispositions and even the
echoing a prophecy of long ago when ing of the ways, and that upon the inherited instincts of men. A force-
Boughthin ad Exchanrged. our Aryan progenitors began their decision by the American people of fl illustration is the recent war with
Beat Linen Paper, 15, 20 and 25c perlb. restless progress round the globe, the problems now imminent depends the Spain. Thousands of humdrum citi-
A cry of a struggling people imploring future weal or woe of our country, zens to whom, one little year ago,
the freedom wherewith we ourselves and hence of the human race for even Porto Rico seemed far beyond
are free and invoking the venerated ages to come, I propose to speak out our natural sphere of influence, are
shade of Washington to witness be- plainly and emphatically as to what today clamoring for the annexation
ANN ARBOR tween us and them, in my judgment the present situation of the Philippines, whose geograph-
Up rown Dawn To It is a commendable and beautiful is and means and as to what it is in- ical whereabouts were then no better
sort custom that has been so long observed cumbent on the citizens to do in re- known to them than those of the

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