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January 31, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-01-31

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"Oft to 411 A Watford Opinion on the Hockoey
Oft up 4 4 3. (Game.
a Diaiyc Saty exceptted)ainstg the The following is a extract front
ca oeryar.at I Mite Wattord Guitde A dvocte:
''ie gamte, played here Fo'Iidtay
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. evening, hetvecen tte I'. of M(.
o th onta17t Hoc ettemandi Watfortd teatmac-1
osutlin~ t a victory for tite latter by a
MAiN~a(IN(5 l)itiOjO. 1 scortettf 7 tt 5.
F . taENOx~aRooo'to L. Tihe attettdiacee tastolarge, over 50O
11UtinNESS 5MA'NAGERB~. 'stectatorso otlee'o ite gatme. A:
to1. toat, 0ito ..tttmistketros tototlc ittsup~ptosing ite
i!:1Iai1'ro. Ut~i f Mt. ltttm couldlnottpIlaty te
itti(itotr .Ito. Wootomott't0t.L . <aoote Tltcy gooftit la ottift gamtto
r7 :t,t 9, S. A. n tOtcttot trot,, 't02',ttntl toadeo tte otals ctttest eve ry
N, VI t'Ct . . ttIt.r'ttt, 't0t M, fottltttgrountod.
-, t too'tt.Ott.The laote utttt
tlaodoli ..... giol...... Irwin
Shtoanon . tt....oi tt O..lc~lattera'
-hK . -tor o truce of t te DAILt'.5 0 fct Iot robee htvcc lint...reatce
c rt,'t t wioth atrs totacrotetotery btoe ...
to,,t It o. Notices, cotootootetattttttt, aTttid taverty,Cf'ttt itua tpf apt.
taoraoiot t ito Ototttputtt at iotatauOt aheto Bradley Cls
iti tit'oor eore 3:t)o. tof.1theodttttSulltoa tt tiaan itllhh
cc ttttoit Otto.0 ctlte aretpcted to Honing iAlexaorder
402 c -::; ( ca h AL of c tt the etdofthi fir t thall thlo
0 .} tt c ot~ti, oo tor ihB isot rellsvood ioo o5 c 1oto. Brtodleyindoc
t riot oi ti t ottit toffice Ot.nyttttilutttotatSuttll tntfieate r time0ruyse t
0t'tt o diverotiti petoao'cpekort.Otsi o o t i t
ir le r oa1l~r edl hce ytedatwr f! Debes Lectnres Telonighot. Prtentice atdolcWltes
'7Toight itt Newerrty Haoll trill t Fo e sectoondihtatf toettowitfoost
'toy Ite fotilt letlireilot hoc (tood orotr Ot hoc1101ttf bolhItleamos, flhe
I ,; Terootocoot Ut ctutre ( Ctore. Euogenoe loocatlsscoorilig 2 4101-lot inOtapitd otoc
i~ th ie f<ottottatbor teatter toill cessioot. A fter fhithoe slar woirk ofI
p<tok Oon 1100.Iooriong Motoc loh tio'th[. of 51. giolkeepter oassistedby
.re l ltthG 1ood 'o'ooooets'. lBoaraobeo,:;Lootttoootnland thornintg poc-
W*to'mttnttyearstcIto'. 1Deb-os as'o'en vo'otethelotloctaols fromoscortintg, Dnr-
tioot t otte of tIt; fioreosot lbort)(toghe lter100001of ftis hllf, Sotili-
leeira ofint'e coutry.Iletoots tfor tvant toos struck ilothoe eve by thoc
'poiorteoutidreidlentof thocAmeori- putck, boot plnckily on ootinmdorl to play
V'.A-1 alitlotoox' [Titt tllotJhs boeeo ttoil lbsercloseo'tf the gameto. Captillo
a toyinoterestedllotseveraol othoer II terfy'elotaowere bltatteolby,
i>,tO}°oertoganiztiotts. Ilurinog fts'eloe local feoaom after floe gaono. A
-f to" I, elit itt Chticoagot Mo'. Debs votle of thantoks tros cextendoieotoo W.
wa'peohaptione000 of ther otmot IJo. Miookooatollol Watford olioy,
O rnios'oifigoures tootobecame tesple- whots 'oointtrumenootaol tbritogitog te
ca vk.oti tolor lis resisantce too U. of'M. booys titoortrtwn.
:ooo erttfby foojontiono. Alsoi - __
lAritog othe cosaltoiloters strike itoAWest Otoitng for Pebruoarc conoltinos00
Virgitolo, Mr. IDebs trotas ne of fts'eodelighotulaosortoetof staloles of
t~hief advislersofottheos tworkotentanod a sportt, aodventuroeantoofravel. Thte
lireotor ofthoeomovemnti. Willotficfiono is a tale ceotitledlI'Ma .Blondse,"
'osotalthIe lecitore itonighottoill be a eoithpllete stotre by'N17. Gertrudse!
io ontesrrsfinogotntolintrcteive sote. Cundhllill. A treothlofsobeautifuol
~ittgl oadmoissio tickets, 2f5 cents, illustratiotos andtholeususali poetts
<kots foor doe retoaioointg lectsures in- etobellisho a most satisfyinogorumoboer.
'" ilitg, Debts, Dickinosono, tntdlBryan, ieedcoitorial stoolrecoordl repartontts
F0oot.Por satle by anoy mteomber hoaveteceivedl fle cstomooary saretoolj
th fleercuoiive botatodofthfle soosd attetonotby ieaditng tvriters in iloeir
tort ,VroolttoolCloblo tr oti iteaoox office variotos filds.
o.at h o'ltutre. --

Microscopical Sup e INLAND PRESS
Dissecting Instruments. + ANN ARBOR
'. e' yu wllfo = ) '~a- IIPrnters, Binders,
+. ottNNtIttt'tOCK
___________________________ 4.
lW I N"' t
Surbruu's Goldeii SGGI4
'iesfro m. SO Up.
j ~Jthe
Q=Ooto E x r 0 " er are initet, o tend tofor the Watt' 'too.'-,'o -iCatalog.
tyt t o' oti'tttt"tt.t .0 .t.i'0.'t ". to
to .. 'it't' tO . =: 1 07 to :ott .to t atcot jto to. to''



f' t CE Wf P,, .Jp AcT V (" T-T foA -/--


Chicago Wins.
ThloIiolotor ClttpiotsliipfMeet ot
tftoo Cstr~al Associattiont oftthe Amaeri-
tart Alllelic LUniono oras heldIilot Mil-
waotkee, Stuaoy niglat. Chticagro
weat by a lat'ge sctore haovitng ooore
poits ttsota'yttot otfbeoppontentso.
Twto saoooersotco atoolsix athletic
tloobs were reporesented at thte tmeet.
The besi recorods ttere 40 teet 3
°nces. inth le lout prof anti 4.40 4-a
ortonrtet in floe toole runt. 'Tle Chi-
c ago mtento von0000places twere:
75-yaords ssla-C. L. Burrouoghs,
ai rd.
i75-yarsl hutrodle race:---C. 1i:.Mtt-
sogwtont; Kennoedy, secotod; lHerscha-
berger, third; titne 111-5 secconds.
Putintg 16 lb. slant: Gesrge
Middle ono; distance 40 feet 3-
Half mtile rnn:-W. A. Maloney,
'won, time, 2:05 3-5 minutes.
Mr. Claronody, after winning sec-
ond place and the testimonial of $50
in the inter-department debate, gave
.Sn oyster sapper to a few of his
friends who had encouraged him by
their presence and applause at the
nontest. Tattle was thte caterer.

Philosophical Societol. }
lPrsof.ses. A. (roe otNorthworesterno
Utaiversity trill atldressthoe Phtiltoso.
phl '1Stocietyc onthoe sutbjeci, ''A
Studty intohtet Dynaomtoics of Persootal
Wino. 1. Loacknoer, '95 L., isprc
ticing at Baker Ciiy, Ott.
Drugs and Optical Goods
Cook House Block, Huron St.

Stu et'Lecture Association.
Hon. W. Bourke Cockran
l:Idine f1,000) spellbounds.''
"'Thidners ofatopplause."
"C 'oeo lo' ine1O the chasirs anonotlwthir P-t.''
"Dormaont Power."'
"1 isan-like Head."
Sinogle Admisesioto, $1.00. Rteserveod 'Seats, 25o coots exta. Cottae
eTicketsatotw, $1.75. Reserveod Seats for wrhole cotorse, 50 sets exira.
Tnes, Iloachareaa, (easweul, and Others Still to Come.
1899 Crescents MSABE3
$35.00M.SA LES
Cresett Bevcb Gear Clhait-$00 Cycle Emporium,
less, - - - $00
Juvensiles, - - - 25.00 toe WEST WASHINGTON ST.,
All fitted with Dunlap Detachable Tires. ANN ARBOR.
Granger 's tniteraaaageeoa MRS. ROSS GRANGER.
Bteginners' Classes-Geatltemten, 10ata., Saturadayst Ladieo. 4toats. Saturdays,
Aesd m Ialteraaedtate tClass-Manday eveninags. Advanced Clas-Tutesday eventings
Aead~~ TGKProgramme Party Each Saturday Evaning.
TIKTa.$5.00. (ooadt12wecksfrom timof sttarting.
In Patent Leather Shoes for Spring, is thae English
Flat Last. We have theoo in Button and Lace. It
you want to be suiccessful, look successful and wear
our shoes.

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