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January 31, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-01-31

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uo Oi94 aillut
FRESH-SOPH MEET. Students Ought to Hear Debs To- "The Commonwealth and the Uni-
-night. ersiti."
Will Be Held Unusualy Early This The DALY has rcivedthe~t fol- Rie. J. I. (Crooer, of the LoT i-
Year. lowing telegram tfront a former nin-toariatt (lhurch, Sundy night ehlij-
T Onl account of the early (ate on aging editor: Fred all(4OIOeloqet sron lo T he,
n j (1 whichthe track team will have to be To~t-lhis. It10 3, 19. (omsuttottoikalthi the 13Jtivertt'o
H G . . WILD CO., H in shape this year for the Notre Editor U. ojitl. Daily, Ann Arbor, of etlee l iivorsit oti the rtaeati
Danme meet, both of the usual indoor 'jMi theljttvetstaytoelfh. Miotuigntt tw
E H AI~O E meets will have to be0 heldI earlier teUnvrivisl.Mcia wa
titan usutalt. lTe Notre D~amte tneet I wish yott twoul permit11 jit ti l pa e t first stte to ltijitirp atgreat
toe E. WASHINGTON ST. lakes pinces ottMarchlt1. The ate to11rg' te stdets wholare pre- Mt e ttttrer-ie t i tiler tt-eeWratS-
^ for the 'Varsity indtoor imtet wil aring for profesionstto wich i llt IIb ict iIbot' to liii' East ant ti t ..-5
1 T hae o e etfo te atrdy re dawteinit to pbtlic life, 0especally s I tt- wat- tnslibeatdIfrtttti;t
A lute jtstFancy ei ge for cedintg this, March 4, adtlthe Fresh-toeith awDprmnad prju(bylchfascesad
H in f anyVetig fr Sopit meet will be hedA ottFeb. 25. st-Io exiedt tsettle itt oti1ntitttte s lown ttth t geet tiii ale titee tre
Spring atttl i1tttet. This etrly dales tllowssatvery soatntwhetre tmtnufatuIritg itntd other - dtee(lpedl it t e gonllntI 5111 tut151t
Thtev are Imtporttist tm fr prtin ofw icsteteet-gahr oete1ure nu Iers (1 ttcru e ttndl uncivilied.For tiet-
oct~~~~~~ ~~~ frIt Wesdot.tet ittuefudirdt ttihe, Isetigreaetereo tto trit ierIt("'of11
dietfo odn lae C new men especially neoei tolarge tf working mea01, I)to ettr'lttigt't ' Xnit ll tl -rttVtltt
(ca Stll 50)'ee tiletr. tui. t Dt11 els w enslitt'spealks at the 1'111 ~ s tit' tlt the ter of sttet'u iter-
an T et ho se titted iatl to ei i verit. IHe is the fo stl o rator is te- t and tf iluenct'ig til e tcolr
p soul ititiedtitly ttlttt~iOO ftr tase s'that is gaintitg !10ps110 dlIstte- o tO ljt h a, s stel. It iso
w sork ite gmn simadtI te-
61tly u til afterth le examniationts. -s It it 110- -tIt 11 liill t tt~ i t o
__this__ _a__d__othtrtcut llttl5. Miy twor. cured And -gret, nt he it stricty
Securities Should Not Be Taxed, oit ll newspapetr tf gnteral ciculttint Ne hllan hlsleg01111' 0 (15iit s siew'
J1I Ptro. ITausig, of Hatrvtrd l.tt 1111 rson fi 1105m ttsttnd twtg 0e111101s itenii ott ttI ledl t he It) oaderIttI ert- - 5
t-el-itG - ot tigtt etatCltu b o r e t l l id tett inalrre~o i dsdotined -toer tI-1111tits Nctllgtl
-subject, - - 'lhes 'Ttxationt f Sot-it-i It 0-stcllegte0 0betd 1101me 11n ltha t i ttlttlitaitt itit o t he fu t ure110wilf
ties." tIn openingl hiltur fu n toure l - k fo -ina ebrnad ra.,d wihnr~tmla
In k1 10 la ico n te popsoihttheis derhi it pbli elais 11(1-it( o Cicago" " t a e rii. d-
T~flflT~htI I fl i rt'igs te ntax r omis the 111111)' es o o-at pr-tueit is l i t'comes lob- tltat itheutttl sst it tiss.1i-
flGII II~d U dlll.II~IICobrTrat is e t- Atxe nxtitfthe i t 1110 tinlt'os ro esinisnoftt0a t ei i o tl igfrt hesil o ney ofit il tn-
to o.atse estt-c+ets., apl ande s echs urlhtilitiesa lo te,-pu ici-ntatureI com slttttr t tiu t u Iytoton-ottttwtire , fh int11 govl rnlilly tst-
Cl 'I 111015 1 o not b iing thttal ttup 111 to from 4 osilerith e preistentitl~uOt and lrtbabe'-,lttetcroato.
1"wll,i h oert-it , 01 o ur eiilcth tton ax ta fougis- ttue rlti n, 1 beh ltwtn Ittpitttllot tttand okitta its t.
thse.eu' ytaotight t o 6sear eti nstt ofttul t'issdauhetttnletbo'incom''eu',iic 1tf i oc i--i e i no- c hass geux oti't mtit a htstt i-.
toe ohatheocnd setaIui
t'et. t ge ia ints'oot. colettte ho' thxe dogo inlgtIv rtut rivaIteis to licllo e a- tii ht ttis e mt it I rt r t hatdld t itt oo-'
tle o~ te bet on s a gt o tittxis ow till it-tt eiaugea tt)110p~ra cr ihatever-Iton ItI tiiy ttwholttoitd u st i to tiyt e ll o d -i
L D R J ilt o 1111 ttou to $90 ttIto 10 it lt) ithe , giva utio.i t hisklo f h uags i tt ltls t ec 'lltI'O As t jyuvotfr o i th. St-liti rslips tand ttri110
less. Ph ~~it- itstbtettrttaux htorprti o neft ttt i f)'c t i ttti i t 'Iti ltuait eiset -ight'o t oheti to titis bketuth. Th sre
IHul e crittt fi tes as o itficu lt c erty ill'011 iud t r g a i es . sitym Ither.Ilt l se rn 111i o'upa soel
(3al irs' Pha( ila oi ar its fot thatseit hihta ttrestS ciai ( tli l imt IjjlaetI opul''sm. tite oiul uittilt-usigt euglil oisi'
Oa 1U N 1. iht i h nqa aaino t ha mae, ideiliuadon intheofthui ser ity euctilonuand nrlyO
Depo ath tPonsb t . Cdffrunsh e . iDe ort pains .Itt-t-t a s rep t i to lti- ouhix 0t, hd o lto tt va hllow-
Duai ER hS Y o WI tll-Eireof .A.(oro f Ytear uoutitttl" hoiweptdttt ttIu y tt t-or-uu-i tt iih
v theht. ,1 tuttior: ofsp'iIs etitr itahy a (il t Ilto U tuv-uof the ttftill'bi igais will
Tobacio. e te o sotaitnrutinceg),litandi lti trylitti. Tio wouldo tlt ti o rn staid nut l~tttily b oiteI tios--
R.E GJ LYrn &a CO., Suit. onveryds atiffjn t tasnthetof the citltbotrtui o ill hot'w, 1tit ittit it O11111)) u'. ilut dlit. t itlntds tt
We08 S. utState trety s a e:. i i l tIltod ut) d bte2o11.iii ' inuie p tutD e bsr s-otd w th e gtenustoh i m. Heult mtatuu tt M cgi
n --it -trhe. -e t11-I'- tc lebypigt e1tw11f (Ittoi t tttknuh itthsittt f ut t ol stfew iu thieet- mo r ies Im tsney Otis- 1, lbut.oe thago
griudeof th e inc m e tax inihe e t t i t. Iast e ec io' touur b e s h alo endoo ii)theuolepototili oi o t eted rartt'ith to o t e h stittinlysa h u et ith us nd op ar E urope.rc ee eu _
Ic-h a th o st I3 tt r 'h i-ld g le nre adjusc .ofli.lt ScueI , - - - f ' -l cialolie jye.
V S O T I G DS year i io ttura tes andu- 'tittl 11)10liedgoverti1ttit 0It ofte stoIths) iAhnivers(it chofrope to, Motul-.e
Attts agrubstiute lfotrth e t 110fyse. olt s O a th er otlt tod iltx-linsejtot riletsctotars nto Sra te.-
Wiw ) ,ondn' etasc yde or11thtu esthe inore ax assugt h 0-itnen,"ani~ ttts u iltt-to is heiro1tis utttia setli te ect itoka artiusthe. il
weaei"youough towea ed. Thi ta sh01d e attfsd hitad sitt-' tisto"tessiceafa etuthfol-j rill Ito thu othich s andtu thut-sc iolar
oneofthee ess. t s coletedbyth geerl o uks. c t ut t ite wotitl i e tstupltyoiehae u st Sla t be cttio e. t le tiudtu oot.i-
Wesl tebs oe t i fit s ould sto hae initruel airtt). ts Ie tfttfsIcieaolis itDe; etutit-ti. uchte s titd hingu s -to asto hvis itustfwt
:'l.l] t $200 Sme or iso139,000 f yornui-t haseltottiingive sn otiiof ssugeatit ort anceh iiu it tinvgotgtirtito olsi-g. be
ANNe. ARBOR ur. Jae taxhioudibofNoefYr.tt t h ou indtientcot i esestabl. ihedatothsend'., Thuerineito-
Up rwn Down To n troelhasfagret t ie" st213ift cbeittuoti ltsareattuso Iiughsity f11ofrititelp ut se insprs,
GaOis PPm. ;amiitiyearsed wsipp0 ith'.IucesiinsOyRor B . l Y-oud19 . ltsup)on ttedannit).uger

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