PENNSYLVANIA TEAM arament has entered the field of EASTERN TRIP.
___ practical politics.
Chosen at Last Nlight's Inter-De- L. A. Wflso, secoisilfor le ]egi- Impossible to Arrane a Baseball
partment Debate. tive m aintained that a oard of ari-+ Schedule.
T T Te fial dbateto select the team tation could not enforce its decrees, The Eastern asehall trip thi year
T I he loatileatethat nations could not agree on wit1lae to bs giveotip. Diretor
H 6G. H. WI LD CO. H tosimeet Pennsylvania took placee lst aritrary poit that war wo001(1re- ardwshx-eoeayonrin
night etweesn the representatives of suit as the etfect of ulsareemoct sd with apt ais of the tesoss and eties
E THE TAILORS E the Literary and if the Law P~epart. that the 01(1 standing army plan weoll prominent in athdties here in college.
ments and s its result Mess s. Wilson, agaiss e resorted to. The Tuarks After cosidi~ering tse matter thor-
OS . ASHNGONST.sid Euuss wil ouihiat would nmake trosbleini iEurope if ogly it wsidiecided tiat ue tripi
18EWAHNTNS. Carmsody adEmnwl osiuedissrisussust were iattempilted. was ineu o~osilility. As stated yes-
TT the teaissthat will endeavor to downs W . . tHarrisoni closed fo iie terday Mr. Iairil viicul ill of le
pHive lust receiveid a lsarge the Easterss ollege. atisisative. Aritrstion h1as1site- Easstern collees durin Iis srip last
H hine of Fanscsy Vesti ogo forA Only a few were preseit, hit they ceededl heretofore oisly ise ase iiit wek. IHaurard, Priicetouiu; n taI-
Spring sasdlSiuimmse. Iheard one of tle best and closest ie- of over forty is the hstory f te vasis, Lehigh sausioters oerdsis
They are Iimportationss b ates whlich Iss ever oceusrredin I5usitedl States hiaviig fsiles. Wsr dtes his play teii in the Est. This
Ldirect from Liindson. Plesase University )-all. The qus~etiois was: caessisolie uiiscitei betweens oratins oosly triiuble iwiti these dates was
call ssid tsessihe. L ''Jlesostuc, Thit (snder exiting cu-uwichs hiave no standig urisies asotast they wee so far aprt tat iU
0Q ditions theshiolitois hy all civilizeul was evinced in or reeeit swsreuiths wass ispossile to jplay them sll iif
iationso of leir armsies ssndulnavies Spai whensothi Spaisnianisithe iiie trip. Tho cllegeo trei to, ut
R R other thansthose reqiriedl fr thse Uiteil Sates were eomspratively cui-could nouuis dt es whitu chtleiwolui
is feasile" Thu sffinitive tas F. I). Eaanai closed thiiegative. The terimssuoffrei ly sll th
S supported hy the literarsy tesaii, Eniglsassiwisild iever sbhiiit to have Eassteris coileges iwere quelierloal
N ILT _ Messrs. (Carmisidy, Yooing ssndslHlsrri - her nasvy, whlih ciiitiols fle eass, adu they evideutishies to teast i
--______ sonl, whiile1V. lE. Ryualels, L A. reduciedilto itapuice fotiig piglsislto wieli a ssibleli. lUsier these
W ilsons and F. D. Esasman, the Lusaw ad Amueless cosuli st agree to aibI hersl trin the telipiwouliae'
Depsartmieit represehntatives, toislthesasritrastison treaty two-iivearsiago, lib-isnisade at cmsiderssle tiosneissi
In n-jj(Iegative sude of the quiestion. The which wasssit good1 argumsient Cii su- loss. Lviii f ll the gumes eulul
six ospekers isusve slhash consisderasble 1)000 thistithey ecouldl sot ii the fu- hasve ben rrangedh us ai sompapcte
t aj 5 triuisng ini uebatig ad us bl uhic tare. Armisihavsue donse unoschs toishesh se. ihuieses- it isas nsuitihis-
speakinigsanu l sll adhworkedshahsrd ini civilizehbarhsaric counstries such s fiuanisiuldsitiusitiu, ut thei- lil-
fin ood ssiarcoftu prepar ig for the costst.As us e- Africa. A oardl uf ritrautionsitiy Ciigt gmuies isiscertsai ssses
nektdbcueoio sut ass extremsely lively ansds interest- wouuulhe injracticabile. twhichi isaude te trillipraceicaese
koighu w tos r - i rhbehourersed ussnulthis-uuiuhes
thou,.iigwe h te o uiissgs1 b E ail sphekler trussallusiet fhoughu this guserauhl . setip il
thig tisasi iltCl us nns >" ha-dcoussides-ushle rdifficulty usll pcig miniuste fori-rebuttslansh shiese 1rvewillnsut hibeiteni several gamue sil
jumeJus itsss-ieis. iii the wininsg thu le.e. Thiie sheta~rsthe jost spesecheu sf hes-eveliuig. Ahi, uusuabls Il'leduiswiiths this 1,sr
cc usaiasco°"wre ili iti excellent uvoice ussndlfue weiss uunxiouu to gu t uschancse asit Ihiir s-silegss. A -ris-s sf thure gus-s us
1Y -ndsieasy iun theiuelleivervandsisih iissppoueuts aundh ugutuueul iswsre hbetiee-ns('ornei lladush hi-tgsi%0sil
~1b~h~ib HI ~ suehell-adduced Iausgumuuents til hehussibate susish ightun e fuusist. Bits osiot: ube-plluyst so e-pa-its .he Weiistsi
iitt l 1 s rfiront(011tileimonoustony sos"sfr e ie lhinugdin iwteres kenly enjyeciifTe il (litprssaibly b ledutulse it
_______questi nthjsuuussto suit conutsts. Ihis ysthe us-duiece. Detroteus aist Aiuo Arbrs, andsusiI
p ., thu re insisihici ws oti hsses, huh- le secision o f thiss jullgelusts onoust.ue ii -spjlce ntst ydeIs-
0OpuI Dd U adUNight. jgatustsIudets may esi otsuisuie ht Hih ss laulc, tCarmodssy ses-omletissles1 uihusul.hisse-ugni55, swutlIin
Dai;t,11,o roc.teeya ejthey sill he cll ripies euted gitst ausuusi siisusthirl ysalhu ets uselos e h s ue e-isi, t l uantes sa-si:Ifor
witari uet sl huris osss1s lelisyhsaii u d uutiIht thus Iseamsis fourthi jlacee andssiill thereforesut Cles srs 1Jue 16,1 andst. , It
nigt-. 5Full5 is'. ofrsp(.sci-. ssandf ulyui to tesandardset usnjue-aso adernasts. Theieusssuudoits isrus ts'u-sutrac~t otseic sitsvisbeus siguneds
R. E. JOLLY &CO.. vious5 years. $75, 8iS uit nd 30, swrsedstso thosesiby Mr. Rused andshOhe, otielisnuau-
308 So. Sute Street- I.H. II-Casrmodyucosjeneidi the st.isisiiussIi fit , s-seond coli tirs t uer uses-risi iedI by thes tissuesoI
h-..u- - bt s thle isrsteasisr foulihe- sit r-plus5 siseuvuy. (Contissiat tes-e twi 5liiitulols 55 ,
__________________________-uitie.Ilie sdwelt almousst uxcusively -se s sill his -s urti h-ssuu
sanosoulthus-enorinuissbsuisdeus enledu l 2s~eJasle's Wahx Wors Toruiguu h us s iiiti itot thIs se 5 t;
7oe uewihtonl tiMystarutling sruuss, tush with ituslist,-es etetaimn asbe tt-
Vests . rassngesdl-t5- siis-tusubyulip 1tpthss buieeity o itlI- Puotitisuis il iten islig vid:,
Whsens oihosto uu yuu ulusi tss susisni-aul iihasnis (udih istI-pvei uuusstus ti u isu-It ii 51ssihHtisutt-st :t
iStueatrursosught to weslus nuensasre takein frouodu ssctitesil -tsernsi-' ulasnsd, ~iCIthus is uuus; s- is erieshs itswl e
one or thse suo ei ssese iiocaytts-ts.isssuIt itiuiss orthu ile h., isho sicap- i-s-li s tyitosi ss suehitsitI
cheaper t rtsuiting ol tnd suussi htedliv act iessna si tunIpa i'pr fMs.alyhmbe lyda hldlhaimsit
We sellthteusbest ues at slj1usstsiproveudss-ssby') ler gsfilrat1 -nug Iss, 1 j pusiI ithe o shrhll gaesoii tatsli
1.ii t lto t iSme sfor- t hise pte sitof thisse usutissiu'.t who attndetoy ehues gu- at i -- r i t ;tencl Is (us l t 0111} ne tri ,llayr i
lens. numberuhsureprseseunts thise tot i niostslihdje-et-uuiuisu iii li ttii5ei5 uetis1j
theEiuuropeain stulssilg a(sisy whletsn ssesty lbs=hithrs- yseis-sga Ilteii )gue.
G Iil'those ofthu usrious istsusau-ux1 al~l j a vnl o e biiyt epi, uyvvi lovr niu
l i ll 4 hshlig-tuis. ilsleis ii 55cssIlsuttoiisui h avtis list cui sui sn i-u eus-eta..
- 1V,1E. itilaleh, the fist ipeakr{her bright rsmiarks uinstthurss se( i ie C ueIus1.uutses ut
oulthis uegaive sise, cuaie tiat the sciosusotleu- i-sx "igusses. 10_ -be helhuh1t Philadeluuithissin~i-ig
flERIIAPS YOU IL ED uheuu fu liusuusut esnu nea-ught prformauce, ualtousgh utuiser {l isi s the isis-t to wtiush isu-cit thu
r Sweater Or I he iss derusuuexisting cruussstusuee. thelshieetirelysdisfetisrsietifromdat.Piiisylvtuumaes ist ys-. a oeibl ss
a inew lhe suatiosuscoiulsut settle sdisisstes ilah efoeihiruh illreust rssuuura thueit hanuilast andiareuu veryrositaous lsrl
G'ymna11sium Suilt. iitluouut resortisug to itur. Stiouldh givs eoeauhtesu say prgs u its alius sndt leasisurelayte .
Cle Churisiaun uuatosusdisairm thenhus beenivrieud bythe intosductuin i isuu- uda es anhytus
Wve have a large varietyand at Mhsuuiudosfuosu tiual ssurstsvey novel isis1muuusig "r siteh le trunotwhicitheyoter are
eipeal Prices. te alwuaysn oarnda odswudpwStSatri emwl esn.A
earr Cle het guuuh. iorthi to econtinsue their invsioiiin t-sk. h uuuuuue fi sos aitotfyi elltil u uu. A
Ecaurpeyctihes iesstutgrader.byhuarty lsugi, tsgethe iths he fact preseutClehdeuations are thast on.
s P RTIG OOD Curpes Marcel. scu ili b tatCle prcesedsgus to support a free sie relay tearnuu subsix uueonswill gus
LsPOieteToIsiNfsrCleOuODrSii-best ini the luuomeopasthic hospl F5s ast tCus sisg.
Of ver decritio Ci-ufarrieYfunger thelii a- of-uglt hisbrisg out a large sit ci- IIIregsrd to footal allCle East-
Ofevrydscipin utiecaitehurdhtesiofiurofeasa- thisiastie sudience. ennsauiugers to whomsunthequjetisun
durng he urdns f Eropan ax-was roaclederosot oslyiwiling
W A H S pyr and shuowed low 1 of every Ntc.btdsru fpaiggmswt
iu eni in Prussia, 1 of 18 iii Or- Notci.htandesirus fala hyi gses tilly
many aind 1 of 13 in rance were ThIe aking of Cle piutr of the Michuan etfllhy i s-tse it ieivery
ANN ARBOR soldiers and supported hyy(le citizen i"Reser~ves," wshichi was o have eenshing heress tedNwitMihigan.
U5p rown -Dawn Town lass. The Czar's peace proclasia- oie today, hiss een pstpoedl until Harvar, Pennsylvania and Prisce-
State S. Opp. Court House tion shows Clat the question of di- after the examinations. jsas~ nPc .