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January 25, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-01-25

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4 il.!

VOL. IX, NO. 88.
XV 1 1F,4




Onefinegoods are ottn
neglecte ece t-.of not
the. o We hvi soe
thintg tt tilcomtplete ly
rmovethemi anod not in-
jure the fooet fabrit. 10
Duringfte ofs of the college year ww
wlsev uc hes aocf t allfhoours tftty o
ngift. Fol infetof Ptpe(ff0ar0,attd
308 So. State Street.
When you don't wear your
Sweater you ought to wear
oce of theoe vests. It 1s
cheaper than taking cold.
We ccll the boat ones at
$1.50 to $2.01 Sonme for
balins' PrhflldGU
Pa anew Sweater or
Gymnasium Su~it.
We have a large variety and at
Special Prices. We always
carry the heat grade.
Of every description.
Up Town Down Town
State St. Opp. Court House
main t.

WORCESTER LEAVES 011 work in a specialli iic, or to do'
work that will1 cunt ltow rd a degree,
To Begin Hils Work on the Philip.wllff11id a large titttnb of cores
pine Commission. fromtawicht to choe.i
Library a .W retrlf e-Advatage-i he geteral
Ptrof.sDealtiC. Woeteleft yes-library, cotiitg 98,22? volme,
tedy01 lso aslnnotlePtlp 16,952 tunbondl pataijlttan01111,-i
pinecs. acompjanlied by hils secretary, 299 mtapts,twil be oenl to rltudntasot
Dr. Shiermani. He goes direct to of the Smminer Scottl fro 01 8 a.t.
Montreal, wihere hie will mteet Presi- till 5 p.ua. each day drittg te
dent Shafrmanat. Frott there the sesioc. Durintg te hours wenth ie
cotmpany protceedls in a pecial traint library ia closed regtlar stdets of
to Vanicoiuver, B.- C., whiere they toe scool will, sublject ti certaitt
will lake a Britisht litte steamer to rles, be allowed to take ooks tt
Honig Kong. At thils point they their rooms.
wiii maake their preparaticosilltie Five htutntretl ad fifty prioicals
111011r of cothittg, e., for life 1111- are taken.
tuer to be spot ilthie islatndh. They Tie Laboratories-Itt the several
will be taketn front Hong Kottg to laborattries of te Utfiversity opo-
Manila ott a special warship detailed ttties are provied for practicaltinill.
by Admiral Dewey, nakittg tree srcctiott ittpyitac, ctottitry, zool-
slops onthie say illChitnta adt Japanti. , s~cooy oan egneig
Po.W retrsae thtteycomsinwould be gone at lest and histolsgy.
cixtmots ndfrtertantht The Museutml-Te University
declitted ittomake any statement, liveum oftainrallti, ilteicdstra
Prof. tWorceser. in his part of the ,ietofnttt istttoryatheieduicalai
cork will cttttioittlocontact tmore aot, emsrclyol, aelltttttogy, tile
with tetnative attd Spantishl popula- afine arattl hiby, aranolged itt
ion generl~tly Ittn Iis collagutes.fieatndhsoy arngdn
He saulidtat itt his work 110 would schtwiy as to rottder tlett accessible
contanly xpoed o yll tofe bo tulcdns atttivisitors.
hod comatlya.TeposerIsgellwteer Te ttusumtbtilding cnttais athe
trel itauria.the av feriometper- stcollectioatsttain nattral listtry,tleie-ltt
lur duitt th sly o tie oimms- ustrialars arcitwilogy atd ethto
s1011 wilte betweett 89 and 95 at lgy, tie Chinese exibit, and te
tight, sti what it wiiiho it t he day fite otllectitn of tmusical itsrumenltls
time 0canllbe readily ittagined. The recttly presented tte Utiversity
cotmmissi is totake a cttttplete by Mr. Fredeick Searts of Detritt
reltot ett he ineletttasocialbiat andThe collectiots of torks f art, in-
thitca isladattdso fiau era ltdinghistsorical ttedallits attd
iln- anthe alu of nduttrca- coitts, are in teartd galley.
ditionsandtevlufcmmril Tie regular antottcemeint of the
products. Withithlis relort scggs- Sutttter School wilIte isute shortly
Lionts as to the governtontal jolicy atttl till cottaitt fill prticulars il
to be pursued are to be made, to- regard to tlio courses to be offered
gether with reommendationls regard- dtrittg the comitg sin.
lag maelthtls of conductitg edtcatiotn__________
and cotatnerce. Fromthils it will An Alliance Wth Princeton.
apitear thaft te conmmissioni has quitie Ttefloigdsac hsbet
a long task beforo it.Th folwn depth asbn
snt tthe t press frtttt Prittceton.
Unioersity oif Michigan Summer PutteCErON, N. J. Jan. 23-AtlIt
School. 1eticMntager Ciarles Baird of te
TJhe Rfegentsl, ave flly adotediUtivrsity f Michigan has beet at
Pritcettt during thte last two cays
thte Snimmter -chot, thereby ttttkitig tryinig to itdcuce Princett's ntun-
it att integral part of tile Utiversiy. agers t foritin ati anttce with bott
'Te atitital sessiota wiii begitt his hbtseball atidifoottall teatts for
Wednestday, Jotte 28, atd icllciiclose ltwoyars. No eitite actiont was
Thursday, Autg. 10. taket, athough it wafs forcibly lre-
Thte coucrses offered mtiay e briefly settet to Priticetoni whtt allavttt-
clacsifled as followed: tag-e it wouldh be fr the Tigers t
Preptaratory Curses-A nttmber hitve aticther big gamte ott their foot-t
sf cocrses have beetn artratigedh for bal schedule. If the prposed liar
the purpitse f aiditig tltsse swhocs may vard-Yale-Pritncetoniantiittce shoulitd
for arty reassn wish to review their faltihlroucglh it is tmore thati likely
preparasry stctdies befire etteritig that Pritcetoti wocd take nut the
upon the regtular University work. offer as far as focttal is cotcerted,
Cottrses wihl be givetactverinag the athotight it woud te ioissile ti
grouand required for admission t at oslce formlfat alaliatce uctht as Mr.
te Unilversity atic for a state teach-irdpopsd
ra certificate.BarIroted
Special Courses for Teachers-Itt Hutchins to Take High's Work.
tittltst all lines of work special DetottH. B. Huttchitns will give the
courses are offered whicit are d- lectures stt "Injunctions ad Re-
signed to aid tltsse whio teaci, or ceivrs" ftrmerly delivered by the
wsh Iso prepare to teach, itt secotic- ae Dr. Jas L. Iighiht cotttectiott
ary schools. A number of special withisil course t the setiors itt
lectures hearing onthie history and ",Equity Jurisprudettce." As sotn
teaching sf several brattohes twiii as att available mnt catt Itosecured
probably be givet, as heretofiore, by he wil be added to the faculty.
tuettbers of the faculty. Thse lec -________
tures wiii be free to all tettbers of IDr. E. 1. Bttoks has fttttd it
the sunnier schtool. necessary ott accoutt of ittcrease of
Advattced Courses- University Attt Arbor busitess to discntitite
students and others whto wish to carry for a ltieiis Ypsilati office.

To Form a Kindergarten Associa-
A. kindergarten 01111 tmanuttrtit-
intg associatiotn is aboct to e fortted
its soon as a dtate call e decied
ilpon. Short talks have heett prml-
isedl by Priof. Hlittscale, Patof. Adatas,
Pruof. Lloyd, Dr. Mosaher, tndSttd11.
Shawsou of the public sciotls
Gutests frotiYpsilati, eho cilalso
take hart itt the program, are Dr.
Bootie, priticipial f the Michigat
State Nortmal, Prof. Sherer, Miss
Schriver, Miss Stocw, itt charge of
the kititergartett deartttent, atd
Miss Wise.
This symtposiumt of five to ten
tintiate speeches will, it is x pecte,
aroutse interest 1111(1enthutsiasm atnd
start tite assoioatin in gosd coskitg
order. This assoittti is to tieet
otnce a etiontht, atertately itt Atil
Arbor atti Ypsianti. Dr. Boste
hats invitedl it tot tied the htast ceek
itt Marchi at the timie of the Schotol
Masters Clot. The first tetinitg in
Attt Arbotrciile sotte titme before
Feb. 10.
Judges for Chicago Debate.
Thte fooinetg hatve beett choset is
jttdges for the Chictgo tdebatae: Ex-
President BetnjatinttHltrrisii, of
Indianapois, Utited States Cirtit
Jutcge Wtm. H. Taft of Citinitutti
Chattcelir E. MLetani,f the Uti-
versity of Nebraska, aniiUtited
Slates Circuit Jtucge Jtiini I. Baker
of Gotsheni, Ii. Either Aexatder
IH. Revell or Ferdinanid W. Pck
will presidbe. 'These Itwogentltemtet
are the dcttnors of the prizes.
M. A. C. Students.
There wihi be as tmeetitig f the M.
A. C. stutw-us itt the Utiversity at
J. II. F. Mctllett's, 1312 Geddes
Ave., Thuorsday, Jat. 26, at 7 p. ii.,
for the purpoefocrgaizitg antM.
A. C. Club. The presence of all 9.
A. C. studetts is artesly desirei.
T1hie tntertainmtient tco e givent
tiext Friday eveniig ini tniversity
Hall is nt uitnttter the afusices iof tie
Hoispital Circle of the Kig's Daug-
ters, hutt is itt chatrge f the ladis of
the Hloumopiiathic Guild.
Cochran Will e Here.
sailed fr Ameirica fn ithtihull rrie itt
NewvYork this weekh. Arratigemietts
ate beng tratde fr hilt appeactrntce
ieree hoter ini the yeartttnd Marcht 3
ciii proably lefixedolnuct.
A Cake Walk.
A cake waotk wililibe givets ittcnt-
tuc-iti cih MIrs. Jitney's cwtx cworks
int Utniversity Hal, Saturtay eveu-
inig. Master Fredldie Daly is to lead
the cake walhk.
The Wasinguiutotn D. C. Utniversity
of Michuigan assoiciationt held its atn-
nua1ltteeitng last night. Stator
Cutshtitan K. Davis of Mitttesita is
president of the associatiott. Presi-
detut Atugell respuontdedl to a toast.
Robert S. Albee, '96 L., has
tipetied nit a lace office itt 315 Levy
Builtinug, Gatvestoin, Tex.

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