,rt Speaker for Washington's Birth- Mut'sic Studio Students' Laundry Association
4 f& I . tiVdata' Piano, Pipe 0rgarp and Composition Wn OGT i.R Oiaet o
The committee appointed for the Wo.NbGTWo t 0~ael o
Published 0ai1y (Sandays tetted) doting the purpose of selecting ao:-zpsok r for nE..1jf. I.1K .NI ]Fb THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DETROIT
College year.0atthe Washington's Brhdycelebra- The beet high grade lootedryin tteStato. Tbe
T tol5Frooo Stuttgart 0Coervoatory, Germnoy. only. anchino domestie finoist in tloe West.
tion, which is tot ho helod in t1idiver- Glovefnish aloo given. All nork proptly,
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. sity Hall, has heronloardl at work 1121.- Diision St. Goncert Piano Tenirog neatly and carefully donoe.
1 has metInlndPrss Hnnitlook.anOfiee 102 S. Stote et. Residenced610 Lawrence et.
aeon h noo e-o ltntgOok ln asOlltwih Ivan reverses. Now State Phoone. 441.
Blothe Phonoey 107. Thoe first person whloino tile eommeittee THlE RENOWNED MANDOLIN VJIRTUOSO-
I0LAAGJN EDIOR. sooughot after to give thooeltddress wasO MR. WV. EUGENE PAGE, M ILkA RD
IYINAG~rxEDIOR. ex-Secretaory of State Day. Beut
aFDOOOt.O~i, '01 .-a:xZ L. twotrd was receiveel fromooo11m11u0o0001 Will goves lessons on the mandolin anti THE
aa;tsLNRO,5 IOANAGE11* his returie frono Paris tlhotoil account 1t guitar at the University SelIOul Of PRZINTER
0). 1.11 00000 L, of ill heloeth he wouldo be csopelledl Music every Friday. For Terons and
EDIoTORS. too got to a warmoer climte,~t anti there- hours apply to the Secretary. Ann Arbor , Moico
AtlelticEdloitoor, T. It. Wooointe, '05 L. fore wouldl lave too oecline the offer. _______________________
P. W. JONES, '99, A. I. MeDooeoooor., '01 E,As001Stiifatotsklootte
F. D. MAN, '00. C. 01. LeNio, '00 31, A ona hsfc a nw h
G.1D. IIlee~oloE.'1 comm~ittee set toor00k too secture anty b r 3 a
one of tli' followeinog loen: Senator Microscopical Su pies 0 ta sJ a aa
F oraker, Speaker Reedi or Judonko
Hlaron, hot as Sentatoor Foraoker and -on OEADO(JAOOTIRS
_ = - - Speaker Reedi are unab~ole to leave
TOheesbsitivloo price ofthlee AI eLt ;.50foe Washoingto for ao fete lays thoey, Dissecting Instruments. For LAMPS of all kinds, I'OiCE-
toe collegeyeeor, wt egoolaoroteliveryheforoe
noon eoeh daye. Notices, eommunoooiatittons, and cold notthe securled. Mo'. HaornionANollMEtES DNE
ote atritne o ulcto utb vrtigo edfrLbr-handed in tat thte DAoILY Olee Obeoren810. in.. or t dciedte fe'0 con f toywork youtwill fid hore. St. aidFACCIN. apn
nailed to the eoditor or otee3 p, i. of0.et oday pressinlg oosioless engaogementols. At SIiadFNC HN.Jpn
preevo ohton 00whtich Ohey ar0e eeted too eetterU011iAtReiRco'reooil
appear. prO ootb ll o io Dn tesent~ il J.e J. QIJARRYorepon- ese Goods and novelties.
Mecit. o stootte lettd,00wth DALofielidl withSelltor' I~av iled Carl J .Myrs rSole esad rwt uies
.aoagee. Subscrierite ell conflerito fvoteb h u rlorz 00101 fool ojoile ronfident Itoat CAPLUS DROUG SOREO. '115 S.VMAI N ST.
rprigp oly tthisolootlee any foiluroft t tos o lo tt0 01 o m lid
Aliltotooges ooi -l etising matteremutto e ti n______
the offies ty 010p. Il. on thtetday previ~osto thaot_________________
on which 01000 eiae to appear. Harcard's Center Dead. - - _-_- _- ___ - --
__Percy M. Jal~raty, 1)9, cretter oni
JeContF Ottlee.the Haorv'ardl football teamlothfis fall, ...
A. I1.,tOclOtOIG 1.0. died in Cambiditge 0011 Dec. 22, frooiej
An nstnceOarng ici Wa. }Mood poisloniag. J tll'ray wa s 21 W~e till for thoe nest 30 daoye, cme'nltiticinlg Neov.
AnIsac uigCvlSa.1yeaers told, oweighedti2,")0thoundt~s iand 18th, offer oroutoes $3.50 lHtey lim Ctalf, Tano
Presienit Anogell, ioi a recettlIe- teas over 6 fort tll. Hto playedlStoriti Calf, lDoubole Stoic anodCal f Slhces for $3.00
tire one interoatioonal lao, stiil chat righet giaine' lhlis freshmoeno year.
while lee was serving ties tiliteol againist Prinoceton.e lie woes a eo ine- W f- & MILLER. The Shoe Men
:satsgovernmoenit as commission~er ber sf thtetIstitete of 177(1, the D. ; hnteesre i h an . . n Lt s rtriis
fle sin itihmamnhg nte governenet service, whlotail- 'lTersevill toot"A Midwoint er Ssong
Initted, witile inl Pekine, tloat lie hadi Service'' at floe UnoitarianlochutrchitV
varriedl fle secret dispatclhes passed nest Soundtay eveninog.
boetwteenl Leod Lytots, thecBritish p rko S 15 l~Up.
toobaossadttor tt Waslhingtoni, ItndolJsfft oooare e -eroaL-e*1
Daevis, at lbseopenoigof ties civil 4 .
-,ear. Presidenot Aiigell lad said olt ili )S O 4
lis fellow o mmeoioissioner'thiat lhe
f'oundeeit lhatie1tooblieve thaot Eng. -~
land hiadi 01s001ter amlassy tt Waisi- sr0.1 f Bs
"Well, y~1ooiglit as wellItelievet I ~ T I. i 0 1;~~ the
it," saidl his comopaneoioniewhose neteto 0SJ i
Piresidcent Anogell odiodtot give, only -j _
-ayiug that lie is now dteadiolndetis - -.- r-
at tihat titme first tassistattsecreeti-, OT.LEGIT00meneeeroase invoeted -atsend for the Woshbur'n oSouvenierCataog.
of state, "or I Carriedi the diispatrheet _ It contann rto otitoy at'vt','and cotte ians, besdes giving some .ceount
oeyssl.' 0of'the o : >io a ho.n ncr::t s andt aocompiete list ofnet po-ices.
Presenlit A ngell etoolasizdesol floe s sc cae s eoorld over-evit Wooheoteoo, 0r instroomenots woybe
fact thatt Jell' l)aivis nleformoedl of 0 -THE . .. obtaiefomhee m''oorO
the oeseotialons t ai r. Sewearod, orneCan yStre 0 & ILV VC ICAGO.
t i r. Sewatrel tris kept inthseiark Co nerCa dytor -
Nitli regardi to ltsetnegotiatilonso titho (Ntorto lth of(et teos Ito 1to e
Jeff Davs. oods t aot-I loose 0000ites.otito tootitd all COLLEGE ~r STDENIST t n
Prof. Coolced to Return.
Porof., Moon itter RC'ooole'r,chiel'
01giiieo'lof Ithe \tOseuite-, has Wrt~llenl
'iiends (boatlielhs bet to placredolilt
'tatoy 5<toord1101ibotha to'e i ' olt0100,11 t
thle Clniveo'n oitoland'e'sotte lis (pitie's
010n olei ater tin the ojelioti)y of Itle
secoinolsometetr ioin o-borototi to lil
returtitl ol lee lomed1101boy It'ecol-
gineineog f atulty, I itoir iol'r-j
croot tti thi0weork tile'too lis tbsetoes.C
It is likely that 0011tht(late at large
recelotieot twill toe tenderedtito the
faculty tietmblers tohlo serveelii inte
Dr. V. C. Vetugheane, of thec Medi-
calV Deptartenlt, wsill deliver a lec-
ture at Harris Hall on "Thele Santi-
ago Camepaigne" Friday evening, Jane.
13, at 8 o'clock. Thlis will he thee
first public expressione that Dr.
Vaughan lean givene of his viess
since his return.
totMttotffeol oosoaloo 0 Oltto al,
W. . I I I K 1WS, :31'.i'S. St eSt.
School of Dancing
Granger's Academy.
Blell Phee~on e 4.
a A beatifu~tl
- . oth a simuoolting Birthdday
0 Str.', ntted Ott Belcero
s ettinog, also to exquiitetTifs-
,i11 send yo 12 piackogeseofIsterishle
'islet hachet Peefumtot stell ioe ut, i-
ocoon, ot 10 ceonts each. Wheno tld
,anduouroeytanod we willtsed
00 FREE hoth prizes. (Ts ech onbetb in
dleated a peceiouss s00ne. Antyonoe wearing
0to oeofthibithl-montthoinsuetothew
reao tod unfailinog lotod luc.Thoese Bio-thday
ifns urpsstn bu ety anyFRbEElpremeiun ever
dered. Send Addressnon PotCord. Nomooney
tared. Peelaneeeetoeeabifloot nld. Men-
, 48, 60OW. Larned S., DETROIT. Meea
A D L , Q L.Everyhlkind.EBE
StatePho I L oth k.Wet Waooingon Sre
Stat Phne 14. othPhones, No. 108. Ann Arbor.
In Close Pace,,havn
With the eominog and going of the seasoins arc the fashions
On Shoes. 'The Styles of yesterday ace noon forgotten in the deniro toe
that of to-mnorrow. See 000 windows~for the hest up-to-date line of
the styles toe to-morrow.
WIiILL,'S SHlOElST.OIRIYbA19an Arbor. tnS.