Published Daily (Sunays excepted) during the
College year, 0t
'HeroF: The Inland Presce,Henning Bloch.
Both Photes 147.
F. ENocNAIoAet, '01 L.
tO. H. FIlAt, 100 L.
Athletic Editor, T. It. Wooa~iow, '110 L.
P. W. JoESo, '990, A. 11. MeDoteocA., '01 tE,
F.DfltAXN, '00: C. H. Lco, '00M,
G. D. tlcececo. '01 EI.
The scriptltion price otfthe DAILY it1:.50for
he collegeyearc, witht a regtilar telivecy befoe
caoc a ech clay. Notices, communetications, anti
,othter ootter inteodedi for publictio toct ibe
ihaudedtia attte DAILtoffcet tbefcee 8 It in., cr
maited to the etitor heforee3 t, tn. of te day
pcevious to thtonccwhichithieyaec exptectedto t
clopinsmy Ite left at thte DAIott ice,
Meyee', 0r tofltoconewetand1, ,oerwitthltttiness
Aaocgee. Substceibtees will confer a faon by
reptortitng prompgtly at tieofficttty failute of
earrerseto delivee paper.
Alt lthages ittadveertieintgmatter coot beitn t
the office hy 4t, i.on00the day prevous e tt that
onawhiect theye etttooppea.
Prof., Worcester's Boob. 1Music Studio Stu(
Tite Reviett of Reeietvs for Jlanuary Piano, Pipe Orgap and Co~positio W
gives Prof. Deant Worcetero Tohi 4 H
en "The PhiliptitteIslam'is a d TheirI?. Ii iii N P tTE
People' the followtittg nolticec: From Slottg~art Conservatocy,Germany. oThe h
Prof. XWorcester hias lbeettperhaps 11001sa t onetPao algOse t
the mtoot prolifictwrter ill tte pro-a1c.aiiiottlCnet inTnn
icals on the special sutbjects of the
Philiptpineo cince they caettoitito such THE RENOWNED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO
ltimpotanlt prioportionts for Atterican MR. W'. EUGENE PAGE, M 1
iterest. He accomantied Dr. Steere
to the Philippines itt at extensive Will give lesocns on thce mandolin and
trip with ltocitgical aim in1857-88. Guitar at the University School of
Againl in 189() Prof. Wocrcester re- Mitsic evevy Friday. For 'Tertno and
turiied to the islainds to remiaint oi hours alpply to the Secretary.
yeatrs, an~d wotrked ini a score of the - - -- --__
mo(st imptlortlant lprovintces duirinlg his
stay witht futll a-ld effective official
authtlorizationl frotttSpaltnishi officers. Microescopical Su pies
Ao thetexeditiontwals setti-officiacl,
there was-excepltiolsopphlort unity foer-AD
observattion, tatntihorattle inOtoutch
withi all clatses, fromthtie highest Dissecting Instruments. Ft
Saih ofcasto the wlet Itoecythitig yott aced for Laora- LAc
savages. The author an10 his corn- torty work'yc will fiod hit. ET
ltanionsttookntinterouts phlotolgraphcls
an11( man~y careftil noles, andctidte nwlustYUA RY eeT
pucblislies this accoutnt of lois personlal Qee
oblservtiint, prefacetd by ai resuime oh CAMPUS DISUO STORE.
the mtore ittpol a toi ots iticidetitot~
thce ar'clli oo'llIi. is tmethoitstore1'
dents' Laundry Association
to. FOX, agents foe
cast high grade laundry in the State. The
amachine deomestic fiih ia the Weal.
s fiih alsc given. All woch promtaly,
y antdcacefully done.
: 000S. State at. Residence 010 Lawrence at.
New State Pttone. 441.
Ann Arhoc, Rich
~Tams 3l"a3aav
ir LAMPS of all kitnda, PORCE-
'S anld FANCY CHINA. Japan-
Goods and Novelties.
115 S. MAIN ST.
o0 Heaivy Biox Calf, Tatt
atnd Ctalf Shoes for $3.00
&MILLER. Tihe Shloe Men.
,d fre :0Wasthburn Slouir oCatalog.
collegiact, hesides givieg tome acounot
s.--).lcompelete list ofnet poiaeo.
Washc rno intuetsmayhbe
Curnc leir. Miss Hatlltl'e, andt his voluil ir
At thte annltlllmteetintg of thte strottget' illtil e trllllilt iof toe
Amterican Econlomtic Associtotion hielticrate, defaileel facts, twhlile Miss
in D~ecetrtber, 1897, it %tis vetted to Hatiin's book has the adivatatge off
appoitnt a comtitee of five 1o coti- sotltilat broader ttnol freer stroke
eiderr atid reposrt tipont the subject of As t replort onIItile phlysicail chiaracter
rurrencey reforto illtile Unitedl Stattes. istirs eofflh' islantd, especially of tli
1Te estltlitteS tappolinitedl cottsists etf flotitand0101faoulna, Priof. Wotroester's
Prof. Tlaylor if tite tiniveroity of wrn is, of coutrse, unutlsually vtalt
Michigato, chatirtmatt, Protf. 'Iatssig able.
<ot Hfarvard Uttiversity, Prof. Jeniks
etf Cornell Utniversity, Prof. Slier- There tile illfte pesenlt Miehiga:
1n0o(1 of Johnst5 Hopkhis Utilversity, legislatutre 37 college gr'adutes. 0
:lod Preif'.Kinlhy of the University tilese 2(0 have teen giradnlttttfeo rot:
,of Illinois. 'Te repor~tt of thae the Univertiity' of Michliganl.
commttiittee ewas presetntedh at tte =
!meeltng of the Assoocilationlitt Newavn De.2. I iiy be
briefly summar1lized its followes':Thte
sierd ottoetarl~y and01bantkittg reform
itt tileInitedlStates arises echiefly
frofn (I) Teinttsecrity of the stattd- 1' A tye H- 4''-
nyud of valute, (2) theltactk of elastic-
ity ill the circulalting nlote systemt,
:anti ()theasneoldgut : bn g ftctiesifin hettileros ano d l
more baelcward districts. To insureS
stablility tte 1 i tled IMhoeshoutlod
frankaly recoogntize thtat thte ictotal
-stattdatd hos gold, the onliy tiitettia- -{_____
tiv-e, iter'naltionatll lbilletaltslt~, boitig T -A =r
f'or the litme ouotf theitetion. lilt . . . THE...
task of mitiinhlg tile stanatltrd ol t r
shoutldd(ev-olve tuponi thelbanottks.Co ie Ca d SoE
Elalstichiyilit'bhocetied byl ls'nak- ,.(N otrtof Quarey's Du tore)1.,00
Ina flithbnk 'il'0illatiol prtofitale lt 'o eners a kind: 00:1 .a0 o tl ltoislhtn fteh
tile banlks nd b10y'hotojrovittg tile eats, frsh op orn~, l'Pettntut:11101Cattdy.
taritinety eof i-stltan1101redemlpton.o tofl'tt''to ~tl an Ni.'l:,:1
tie o oo'ttthenthe'r 10:11rtooiltte U NIV I TY
coetitry a systeinl of brtmo Itbaningtt
sltotihlotbe toi~ieti. Itn contclso,II School og I 01 I oati n g
i-l'11to, silikttit' difftereInces ttan
t11Iltsuon woklm t-lilroiltst Grangert's Academy.
"It tisift totslay thtof tilefuve or , ht 4i
six cu~rrenicy'bills I th ti'ring thte ~ ___
hoot 12 11n1itlthsIve Sbetnil l tt' c..\ \Itj' 'F ° A baFtfu
set'iouos selIst befoe ftecounltory, theito' IN
pa sage of atny ote awool hatve . ttta:simulatig Birthet y
meaotsurably satisftedl thetematniltds of - - 'setting,..also an.eqistoo Tiff -
anstye 'O0atlSkick Pie.
refolrilers." __ WOUPAY NTN. YORYNAMEt
The Yale Glee attdlBatijo Cilbs ril send you1 ackageof peishabl%
'ialet Saoctet P0e111cc to cell toerat, if
have giveni to thte treasutrer at Yale ou canta 10o ctts 0e011. Whlen told
Uttiversity thte StIliotf $860taketi end us ourcmoey,.and we wil senld
ott FREE hotht peizes. fTc eachont oh is
front the receipts of their concerto °dicted a prcios s10n0, Anyone oearing
C~i~othe seasottot '97-98,t b oc stoe oft'their itth-monttinsurecs thcn
dortt}o o eateeand tuetailittg coodtucak.) These Eirthday
used in assistinig needy and deserving iocsacurass int heautyany FREE premiumave
students. The total receipts of thte ttuired. Peruelaeeretbe if notsold. Men-
clubs for thte last year were $30- nthis Wt NATIONAL SUPPLYRIT CO.
335.90. 4, LaadS, TOIto
cl- . z WAill ftthit next 31)
e. j 18t, offer ottr 1men's $3.5
r-StormllCttlf, Doutble Sole
-z WfRR
lou t . cfromtothe,"oO'-e
E l Suriwuu's Goldi
611 Sceptre
ANDALL, QAL. + Every kind.ELE
Phone144. 119 Weot Washington Street
State Poe14 Both Phones, No. 108f. Ann Arbor.
Close Pacsn4Ae
With the coming and goitng of the oeasons are the fashions
is Shoes. The Styles of yesterday are soo forgotten in the desire fcr
that of to-morrow. See our windows :fo the host up-bo-dale line of
tho styles for Is-morrow.-(
MI LUSSHOE TORE,1A9nWArboiagton 8t.,