___U _ f_9li_
N~ ORTH RECOGNIZED. to isolate them. Patrol their islandI Michigan Recommended to Southern
____with gunoats to keep them away Students.
Prof. Wriorcester Will Go to te from other parts if the group and 141 1Ina recent issue of the Southern
Philippines. ~ ~ ~ cr ttnnieis Trade Rcord, an editorial writer
T asP1 Prof. Worcester left for the eastponsuti an intereting way the
- hsmrig o-For sev ealnay ninee wanas idi.tinnosi.He will nmake ashort ilewhc ha rcnty om
FINE INTE S N S Hueahle talk that Prof. Dean C. Wr- visit to relatives in Vermont Iefore tse a ob ett h hlp aigtphsdte ntePii-aoti h ot nmteso
cner. wa o t hee Ph o asofiilp aigy phsdtisi hePiieducation. III rmer year, he says,
Ine.Ta esilg a fiilypines, it wan the customi of Southern
himn to Mlanila as geographical and their sons to orhiern universities
TTWE CARRY THE LARGEST ethnological expert, to act as adviser Perhaps tie most interesting phaso and( to Etnope for higher education..
to tie military authorities, of the study of lawe in thin Quiver- Tlie nar, byimpnnjoerising the
STOCK A Po.\ocne copne rl sit in tie Practice Court. lime fathers, put am ndi to tant cutonm
IA HECIYPtroe tlo theserislan eerfear every membner of tie senior cnnss for a time. Non,Ionever, nhen th-
IN HECIY. Seag o ndnheextennis sve res ears.mut, (liring tie year, take part in south has recovereitsIi formner pros-
agoS n taetim enhserensererconducting caes. lie in required to jerity, "tlhe son jist entering man-
Sine tat imebehasbee a ritrerve in tie vnrios calincites of hood, hnnving bleenn r dann frn
eogmnWiled teenosfritydnnmtniyesattoney, nitness and juror. Every iighn schonol and localnlcolleges, are
1 oaE. ASHNGTO aT 0 ion Whie tner li nufere mnnnysembhlnnnce of realism in givenn to tiedeirouns(f nttninig lht winer cul-
io E ASInTNnn hrdhips from typhniid and mnalarina, cases whlicin are tried, one nithtie ture nwhiciness denind their fnthers,
oand(1knonws rlnnt(angers to exlect. iembers of tie facunlty presiding noshit which teir earlier ntecedenns
B II ~~~Tie opportunity, honever, to giniina.judge. Thereinnlso an full ennch of piossessed, and nhinchn mnnie tlennfin
positions to learn facnsnwhichn Spannnslnjndges, whoinSit asItSuprenne Ciurt, neanrly at centiry the cntrller of
rle prevennted, nand to helii along tie a clerk, slerif miii te nceessnry tie etinie f tena itin." Tie
Wfor mnation of tie governnmnent is en- eueswrtrgsonosathtehsr-
_te inn kTie-comti mpyprvde i tin ceivedi nnany communinicationsn fromn
.++,N+++++++++ Tejakof present infiorimatiiin ronnnnaniell as nwititie acconnnlin Sotherners inuiring an to tie U~ni-
mksProf. Worceter (ilike ti tkn n a hra.Te or ot esf hihgvstebs n
V \iolin, o:n teoPiilipinnes, for fenirlie Inmny iyi innlnlennin.Tecon°o1nnvriy encngi ntb etai
4 i tine is tttedi iithn iii tie neccesnnry broaiet ediucntiin, nid closes sium
le classed witin sonne nwriters nndrituet o h ra fjr ti infcn a tra
St 1 Guitar, sp~eakers vio are nowv imaking tie fnbtrec frtn rnio jr hsngntcnntpnngai
mo11l inst riiiiculouns hlnnder. cases, nnd jury roonninannnnl erk's "It is oe d sire tii stnte tiitos
Ban j0, There re details in tie situation office ire prnovideu for. nwitin nwhomnnwenhiae een in co-
~v~afl(Ilill. A are ~izzlinngTie studient receives practicnni inn. rspnidence al ti others who niny
un do ninintne.xrein. trutlon inn pleading aniiniprnciee ointerestedth, th ere is, inn our
We inn~iii~nn iii i According to tinscrnespnonients tie bsth t lai ndmmiiinjiuity nndtis ioinniin , asiiiinnn inre acquint
godqait.Punih. f h ctinnl experience in connnencnng mce sntinuninvierity red mom trniinn
t ~~~~Prof. Worceter nwns tieectieceinannd tying caes troughailhirii iunsiuinnouiest
WA E' PHARMACY inndd eyeru ienoril of itseeinig, exdtnges. Stnatementof fnct re re whihin oiniines general exelenmce
:te 5 ornint i ie sae si. Icpared anil nssignei y intniiiaclty andnrlsocinni rquiremen-nts ns des tie
+ tennieid iownn as a cnihle. lie tine aiii iithn thinsnanainbasis tiestidents University of Michignnmespecialy
+4+++++*+++++444++++++* requirend tingin frii nnniin place to ann nnsigeil to tie cae fraennni their for Soithern students. ]'lie -hnis
schoar-otinen-is givenn nnnmucnhinlss thnnnpendingsandnlwihenthe cnse anteentic sinninniarniWocstr isdit adheispzzedcodcif tine lilghnesi,] n i tc ell ia Scai ad f wi-ilts alr astusdesa
o~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t know whetherIthe corresponin ent mdstdo mnneiisrcl-
Dingie iiistcifithiiescll-ge yneiar nong rwneehertem on mmrdinpoedof an unotmestninniflaupon innhoeiof anurinyntellectual ndnon
w~lsere nciihsla or, a r SNr n nnni ietrtere as. or A ills fnnts amniited. Agan lnctunni nabstrse rden, liii high lpsition,-
night. Fnii llt5in, stennners n etrra i
robnscescontroversiesi rc rrni-nged nd nilreachedi livits ,,i nuhmnes linneepnaned
R. E JOLY & O~. patch says natives hnnve kerosened
R. Ene.nu itJOnLLY &ci cenCO~lolt-ansignel for trial is issues of fct. it amusng tiefist f theunsititton-
308 So. State Street- nse n lilw iceelittledotbterTliesinvolvesthe sie o troier of linirminlg inn tieworl.'
ful, asthinhouses aeltlebteproweih, tilium otleadiiigs, tie -___________
-thannn tinduer tin egin wnith. souicnnihng of muitue s. teimi- To Lecture to Engineers.
nunekepigs,stil'pa i neof. W innupnelilng fnn uny, tin e xminatinnnThriough tin eforts f Deltm
Ch it aeten- lst ight, "pzzeme n ndnicross-nexmna~tionn olof tnesso, (Irun' dunestudentuson n1mgneenlrimg
I' kepngstl bcaseI onttie nmgnnents tin enurnt fidjimy ant nnd Ciemnstry will ann' tie nipnr-
ch ant17to talk nonsensc. lowevero itn i
e~n o, oher ncientsof aconeste tnny f lstenng clu eres of lc
te~ac yu, ttdan, he ade~ alreptaton pona ubjet f gre-t
waiiuhad nst lin tc5 "so ii h mire gea toube.mhmntiescomnmium hePnaeeciCortanntchnca nipertamnil eenotace
an ht<SSimnt ev r ikem. Atmnus time thenymiii be 111. s-
eiii tre. i they nareleft to tihnmseolvesnte et g An.leun.Sin., Aine. c
(iftis, man i eae thetin liii n mitmg Dr. Vaughan to iLecture. feniih. ii n., .\sosnc..tAmu.in-h
mmmii i-mov tue nuumm. Ilmutinll gino dunc etii luen nitie
mini' methumP that if ine give it ])r-. itom' C. Vnnmgbngh ill de- ut jct ' 'rci-i'avnni Cotinmigs finn
scegi tlnnouglnttc l n'r o£niftineSanmtiagon"nuttinarris IB[nll mmxl unr n i ne Ihueuugimumnnnml
MWlnat 1 \ people.nmnifno' yoi eeniiin mmat Soctedy h e-b e tihmstifstowimtmie fosthem
T Wa ol hpe fw w e tr wl nobedyL otY U R E D . not to take control mmmiiitins ilns in terstig one as theno lncto inill I protetionnon lrcu te n
mmon undnnuer all conditionms nit servic
more tin iae their frenndonm?" talk fronmnhis ownipiesonal xr- adeose.foteeirtonfot
With a U. of t. Son- 'Thuats inmssile. ennes as surgegon inthat c men.n inic srufostneeineniumf-um
nenir Calendnarfor 899, "lPmt uppose thutse?" It il beneembreutht lm.nstannul teeihnmmilnhaimnges.
Designid hy Mss Lovell. tcsI vi n emenheohtmi n y They wiii be gixen innh'appan HI all
The neatet and miost ''There woul e onennation in tie arnong those at tierot in every on Thurnsiay it 1li5 . nun and em
artistic Calendar of tien orth and ianntier in tie center. imprtant bttle dining thant Cmm- iriday- nt 4:15 anni t i pnn., and.m
seasoni. PRICE 50e. lihey nwold eat each other mnj untiil puign sach his oppomrtunitie finn- al- eisueisiseeti n hs nb
Somne Choice Books tn oroprae oni p os ie lug bseratolsstueodenettser x iii erstedo n tenesb
anifancy ookets nownv or irtscm p rmtergobevtoscocrigi e ts
readly fort your inspection Mindaniao, amd ate ip nil htie rest, of tie imost favorable, hleicture ____willbewelcome
at our two stores. Tie Morros are one of tiefiercest xiii be for tie eneit of tie Ladies fie address oni Econmics omnt
races in tienord. Thiey are pirates Library Associationi nnd annlimissiouuJrispirudence, given by Prof. Henry
ad fight as desperately as tie fee of 25 cents will be ciarged. C. Adams, before tie Americans
W A H W4jjj~~ 5 'FnzzyWuzzy' of the Sudan. Hone. Economic Association at the meeting
cnwe civilize themn? Well, they Tie seating capacity of tie lane held imo ebruary, 1897, when he
UTon ANN ARBOR have Mfolamedan civilizationsnw, library lis been increased so that was president of the Association, has
Upt Sow. OD o wtnon but that teaches them to pre on now 224 students cans be acconm non- recently been translated into GFermans
lin 3t. Christians. I think tie best plan in dated at a tinme at tie tables, amd published.