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January 10, 1899 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-01-10

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Pubished Daialy (Sundays ecepted) durinlg the
Cllge yeaa
e'E: ^R;The Ilad Pes, flening Block.
Bth Phonews 147.
F. hEeceetice, '01 L.
o. I. I A s, '00L.
Athletic Edit, T. R. Womtow, 't L.
P. W. Jese'9, A. I. MDeeae,LLE,
F. D. EAeiAe,'tt C. II. LtsE,'00 M,
G. D. Ileeseeex. '11E.
Theehbscritin pieeefelthe DA~wLYeisth.50lee
he clc-, yea, witih a reglr deliey beoee
non c eh (iy. Ntce cmuicticns, tnd
otheecmate intened for Iceliccioneerooteh
heeded itatthe DALY ie eee8 pnweeo
medet ccthe ediorebhfore3tit-of tthe dy
peviustotattnwhiceh theyace exected t
aeltlltl"nse my be lcft at the DAtLerOeie,
Meyes, te Steflete eewtea, cr with IBusies
Aegce. bcreibers will ce a ory
rpr ing promptly a thtise ofie ay failree ef
caries coeli ec e r.
All cantges i avtceiing mttle muttIt in
tthehefie by 4 p. I. ttnt e y peviousto ecthat
onwhicheltdy aetper
G. D. BtI)NTlT.
The Year 1898.
No cre aplprprate timle tan te
presnt cu~il e Iihedt for review-
inlg tie year (f 188 anld Inoticeig
te vaioius lall geati'llpjrcvemelt-
titat have bett tmadle aou tie Unic-
versity bulildinfgs sincec it yercg.
Tihe remltinlg lof tie Llw Bilild-
inlg with tihe large addilitio , matkig
it practiclly a lIe' bulildig, is iot
nolticeabile. Tfils was doe at it cIst
of abouct $5,000. Tieitier larger
imlproivemlentsarc tie iannle totie
Librarly, cstilg olle $18100, anil
tile new rolof and domite 011 IUniverity
Hail, tie expeutditure oi wiicil lii
be $t5,000. liepairs have beel
Bade in tile Cielical Labratry
aml~oun~tin~g to aboutt $,500 anld tiose
mlade inltile Engileeritg Laboratr
amout to~ sometinig lover $1,500.
Ml\inolr buildinlgs adl repiirs haIv
1111 111011for theHmolleopahic Hs.
tile Universiy Hosiita.
The aipripriationls for ali tiese
were secured during tie admilistra-
tionll if Acting Presidet Harry 1.
Hultchints, it briiiat rerid ior 0111
year lald one of wvhici il may wii
feel prould.
Prof. Adams' Buty Vaation.
Dulrinlg tie holiday selso Prf.
Henry C. Atdams read ai paper 011
"Till'Federal Taxctionllof Ral-
roads,'leirthe TwenltithilCeltry
Club f Bostonl, land lat tie Un~iver-
sity of' Penns) aid. He a1011 gave
a paper on1 "Johnt Stuart Mii," at
Mt. Holyolke.
011 tile sameltrip litiattenldeditie
mneetinigs of tie Almericanl Ecoomic
atid Historical Asociltionu ewiicl
were lcihact Newe Haven, Cnnll.
Here ie toiok part ill tie discssin
011 tile twelfithi cenOsu, tieipaticlar
sutbject cnlsideredi by himil being
'"fie Scuring oi Satisfactory Sta-
tistics in Regard to Manufactures.''
Prof. Audrewe C. MLaughin, as
chlairmlan ofthliltcommI 11111coil tie
studiy occiilstory ill secccttcary siool,
readitile repirIof that comtlitee
befere tie Ameerical Ecottmic ad
Histcriai Assoitionllt at its recet
meetitig in New Haven.

The State Teachers' Asaociation.
Preslient Angell, glee aitaiddrs WE ARE..
11n911 ''The Eurcopean Etcsler ues EUSV
111c,"at thce frty-eighlthiannul11111GENT
meeting softe MlcigattSate 'Ieach-P0
ers' Associatioct, held It LeninltgI
week befcre last. Several othler Utli n 4 'HNKt fBN~TR
versity intstruttoers tocck part ill the 0AA n BNSE
citvetion. Profci, I. A. HidlceeFINE
ewas it membher of thce execultive e c-S OE.
tmittee. Mr. E. C. Goddailrdi Iresenlt-'
llitlcSe"in thle mieetinlg Ill till' iltathit BEALS S ES TORE Oen. etcTSHOUE
icuicical sectiotn, anci lIrof'. J. L . e" es ' "."" _ _ %s=E r 3- r a +
Mailrkley,i tice sameitsecltingtve t --
palper o "Prepcaration octhie Teachier *
ofi Maticcticis.'' Ir. ElzM.osewachirman cf theIPlysical
Cutureiertciir.ctc ci(the oilci 1tI
lice pro'lgramccinlthisci etiocnc wert Mi.. ~ ~ e w e
Culte tirezpatrl. cick g thoireaaAser Ill
Keecc Fitpaire'k.int1re ,I :,I"\\SpecialHoliday Novelties-All the
ocn ""h "llRelactio t'l eweell G3yci l
slum1Vok ati Otdor Ahletc,- °:New Wneaves--N~ew Coloritoeps-New
Ill 'V a1111Otcec'Ai i
Miss Helen BIend~cer, assistantllthe Shopes. If you want to ho teal Swell
omten's gylilllisilclc, wcon ctsideredc ybety onhe of out' Do Jonv-illes. No two
Pulic; Schools,''cciiiProfc. TIil alike.
C'. 'ruiebilcodl, wh1cc rteaidIalpaper F lln
''ftymnastc~ic '('raitig 15 as 'I~ctec t F ll ress rotectoifrs
llcuitioni." Miss ary L. Hins-
ele, a graduat~ce stuenelt oithie (Ti-
versify, red"l lter onIth i ie ''t0ljecti It Plaitn Black Silk ()r Satitn. Two
Sicughit in 'Teachlilcg Literaticre." dtistict styles. You fitid hot'e pletnty
utsefutl gifts fco' genttlementt, stuch as Col-
Presidenct Anlgelilotas cotisetited tci lot's, Ciiffs, Gloves, K ittents, Canes, Urn.-
ieliver the commcenecemcenttcadres btrelltas, Fattcy Hotsiet'y, Sutspenders, Golf Hose and
ci hecuctvcilicc cerise it tle Sweatet's. Openh Evetnings this week.
Untiversity of Chiicacgoi ill Ap~ril.

Julio C. Palmer, ex. '99, of Big
Rapc~ids has been tendicecie c acpositionI
ill licecffices ofcithe State Sc'cretatry
icf Slate, wiithla sala~ry oi $1,010.
'There oili be ac maskedcrniv'al
It Weinberg's skttt incgii ,k 'Thur.citty
ttgitt. Everybocdy isinttvttecd t cone~l
anid britcg is cask expectitng a it
Pricf. Paid C. Freer',eill ciinsicder
tite subject, Beet Scugar attt the
Sttgtar Beet, at tiePttrmcers' Instlitutle
to be iceld at Mt. Clemens dctritng
itis week.
School of Dancing
Granger's Academy.
-earc',A beautifli
"REE! j~So~lid G(onId
Sh'Ilell RING
with a simeulatig Birthday
* . Sian", ceounted in Belcher
nsettingialsoein ecxqciitle Till-
any style Opal Stick Pin.
rill sect yocu i2 packages ef Imperihbe
'ielet latheterue tco esell teertis, if
oncnamUctentcs each. Whet sold
andenus or mneyand we will send
eu FREEbhcc izees. (Toeach month in
adicuted a precicessetone. Ayoeearcing
tste of their hbih-onth insures tham
retaulefilieg gind hich.) These Berthday
inessurpass i eautay cFREEpreemicee even
feed. Send Addresse~not Card. No mcney
suited, Peruelieteurnable if not sold. Men'
in this papen. NATIONAL SUPPLY CO.
i, 48. 6a W. Larnced St.. DETROIT. MIen

MICROSCOP5IC FINDINGS. Headquarters for alt Labora-
tony Suepplies

Nctetliketit eleelc
The Icirgestacstent ofl lCanes in'ttche city,
maddce hledcy. osers servd ~ineystyle.

:,d-- .
L,,, /

Of You Want Or Binding, or Ruling, or anythieg in onr line, no matter
how smali or how large,
a Job of WE CAN DO IT
Printing for ,you. Call and get acquainted.
Tine Inland Press,
®*®*S*Hennning lck.
Peninsular Engraving Co.,
L ~ ~~~~~~Detroit, Mich[A D L , K Ls Eeykn . '
State Phone 144K Moth Phones, No. 108.. Ann Arbor.
Ire Close Pacessss
With the cowiteg and going of the eaeues are the fashione
in Shoes. The Styles cf yesterday ae sototforgotten in the desire ler
that oetlo-morrew. See tue winidows due the hes1 ep-to-date tite uf
thtsstylesfortot-emtrrew. I
J1PR1II12. 4~40E CTORF _l19l"as""igton st.,


Ili I IILLD Ve3 i IIL tV hj11 JAnni Arltne.

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