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January 10, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-01-10

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- 4

VOL. lX, PNO.75.

ANN A1131, Ml zIUI,'UESDAY, J (NUAIIY 10, 18199.


IUNIVXERSITY BIALL Sigma Phi Conceatien.
'I'le So.igma Pj~ ill r 1'elity 11114
At Last Has Its New Roolf and thi' Colvetioll ntills city 11101Fri
Dome. 11(10. tile l 0 (jjlpr'('1 blout .501,
I 841011111'11111011 ing to colloou delegates1of other(
HFINE WINTER 1SUITINGS. H i .10.11011 1re gllflle(011 t ' te toilr-t'- ).In, v111 toll or101 11Mr.
lugg4do11 of tile, Wa Itolit 11,111 Ilino Ilnl, s1.1entry orthle electr01c'
Ed appltl'arl'iltof helwoin11 e1( e1011 w1ithits n-, hold atIthe1110 ( 1 11 evenc-
J WE CARRY THE LARGEST T (milgXlll- eende rci)ilirs, ctlns10t11g L: Ki.Stevens, Chlto01,((11n1t.U
IN THE CITY. j 1ta1e0the lae11( (f 111011111111101011111 l 's haing,(I'1'1wlon, Xl ;John lI).
111ritlwl: wa aboi omthso l ateEe 111 Dt~ulb'CIIII 11 1lthillPIr,(111111
In11 til11 sared el 111111 he 11(0 l Il lsN111Y11 .S110 011M , 1111 11)11
1111 (rI of111 he11011110 111 1 llt'11 111 1 X11), 1 tr Ill (T.1- I I 11111 ('1111111)e-o
0 0 .W SI NGTON ST. thu10111 s ex end111101to h to II 10 1111 11J .'11 I ). ort1e1r1, 11 ( C 11ic 1 ); I i I~
~~~~~~~. ~ ~ ptos .*+4*+**.*4*4 01111lThe1b1 t wi110 t1h111111 11tile 11110 V we, lto t11 1101 ) XX' poii S
- I ln ile 1(1111 wasI letot 1111 duler 1t0wo , 1 I)e 1 o11g, 1Detrit;111 1 1110 57
1\'iondoi e*f1111110eoohtll .11proper0, btit 111111 IethIlehem, Pa.;JR. XX. Jaitte1011on,
+4 +toultbstoxtenthreisJ.I.atlin, 011t0wa, Ill.; J. F, .
Wet~ hoveaoompeteI ass l~or~lltmn ad 11001erth etie 0110bu~ildintg. Spiter111X a 1n0d ,(1111 i X.Rily
* got+l~ll. oe. i~t Rol)~ls (If Detrial te tile ariO~Itets iverid0le, 111.; -G(eollB. 1101110101,
* WI LDER'S PHIARMACY e* C lpoyelI. 11hecoot will ailltt11o etro(it; IH. 11.XWalkoer, lDetroit;
1111so501011te5toeet. oIlethilin 1tile neixllboi'llIod of JalckoVano Ardll, Boffolo.
_________ ff___________________ The i1n1eri0r of the hall 111s0 beeno Death of a Student.
00n-Oan I calgollby th i 11011111011'1110 (f till' It 1s tile 01111mision111o(f 1110 DAOI.Y
ol latrceilinlg withl tile consltanlt iltoichronicle te thl 1111(f 11110of
0110100 til esct of 1110college 1-coowe(dflolger of its falling, 1as(1i1l1its 0(t111d51,1ielgIIls untdergraduaotes, w111
will 1servelunches 0at1111hours. C0ay ordoo114Ceiling a11110 1001i11111 w1l11 '1 lee0e I or vflla-C-tiil 1011
night1. Fuline 11of Pi1es, Cigarsoad il. 0101
'tobacbo. ' Oni (le oiitoide tielel1h1a1110been apparntly01 Vinl exc~ellthth11i. 1Bu11
R. E . JOLLY & CO., mladeli t oe 1111 100iimp11oi11glin ip-ll) ldy , ''91)F.,(and 1a residen1t (If oAnn
308 So. State Street. Ipeairance by tilereplaiitng (Ifithe Arbolr, (1101d11tilhe University fl~ospi+
__________________________ do1me1, 01oilng absent , 1a1111thle raisinig ttllve1001' eek gob ilg t oly after 111
F-jof the roof several inces. operat11in f11,0 li((litus. The11

A Srious Accident
11)1111 the1v111 ation1 ( 1has.i111T.1
end1 1his ('llege1 work1 for111111110yeair.
Mr. Tryon 101111tll)11er110n('1ing11Sa11ta
1111111 t si llt or ctton(1at111(11
1Ilioi t 110 ritr1'i111 1ree 1 the 1(co t
Ollllitl('i 011 1110 111)1110n 15'f1110e1110a (I
1p1etely loeo ped 1111n111(1am(e1. As
(1ic1 l 11111 1 p111ss1101le 1 tilse preililsen
aprsn.TheRegistratio. etl
0111(11'01111of11010 11ng1er. In alroolore
olht ilto 11pill' 1som11out(If ,0fora
Mr.ol11 tl foinbcn lc is hotndsiatiall.'Y
Mr. Tryou3,110a((wllkownii(1 in0 or
111110,1h 1(1i 1100 1itlalroin'l ell011t ileh
ll~iilgof e ttil(g 1(1101c(111)00 thet
110 1c0011111011itte retly ls1h11 oi1(110
hearl eodis. alO 11(0 11111110 0
oeookslin the rilbistherds ficeil
1nte1 aiusdp0tetsti year
Mr. 1in te0folowin k s.:tearnsrove
418;loica sctt;rentl, 230; Ph11111
macylg 111011 ilooo0(11110. 'lt'ghips
totl hsofweverllm'uite reduc(ve.
'Ialbout 011(111 mikesal110o1acee1for
Mr.in Ioforillege00110110. wh
en(11list'2-04. 11004 (Iftile seed
Iiicd Ilili ftill'Nllwlliobablyeinltie t
seod Agmseilr,bdingingXXtaheinumo-
De ote ylea1(10 elly0up0tolhat by
Mdra . eers (If theass 1(1 'e4

Candies FOR HER.
Leaesorca('00 andt1110111address
wihu n e woill 1100k1scurely
and(1ex1press. SOniltemaybyeI
ma0001m o0nor(1(h(icago to
01a1e00110(ss. No 1e100a011a1ge1fo
Gaikiis' rharmaou.
With a U. of M. Soit-
venir taleodor for 18419,
Desigined by Miss Lovell.
The nleatest and 01001
artistic Caleindar (If thle
season.lt. 11171'50(c.
Some 'Chooce Books
and faacy booklets 110w
ready for your inspection
at our two stores.
UJp hWn Down Town
State 5t. Opp. Cour otluie
'lain St..

Judges For the N~orthmestern De-
Tile followinog juldges for te de-
bate ibetwe en ll S oigilli an111NIorth-
woesternl 1Universities lvlicl is10toItalke
1111. 13, liae beeniicho~seil:1 31(1-e
F~raink nloielte of Co1lnliih111(11an
(Ot. lThe presidling (1f10c0rowil1l be
Mlayor SWilliam lC. Alybury (of De-
Thle debate is to be the fiost of tile
Centall Debating Lealgue cotlests.
winnlers of thte Chicgo-Mtinnesotal
debatte in tile'Aiditoriumin 11Clicago
1o1 Aplrit 7. Northwtestern 11110 (1(
affhimative' andI will be reptresenitedi
toy Andrew Cooke, E. It. Perry a11(
Charles Ledlerer while-tie 11en1 1111(
1w111 speak for Alcligani are Chat-leo
Simtns, Geoo. Kingsltey an~dSig.
Caspoar Whitiney is goiing to dis-
0u00 Mr. Siaggos teamiland lCllicago's
foball elt's in1 (1110weekos c issuef
Hlarper's Weekly. A gotod 001101
maly be exipected jutdginig frolnt Sir.
Wbitney's lprevious articeas.

101 t aill Allily exi k ll. is (t. aly
ttti111 touteort 1111i ht le0 o veryliil
taking studen~lt.
-Alberto Jonas at Boston.
Prof'. A 11 001 otons ipeformiedia1
it onerigve tdrin~g tie pa (ee-t
at1 Bootn. 110he es criticises0111
111011ity 110sitnartist 011(01favorably
11110 welomes hir 1 there11011foirfuiltre
1t1rimhsil. It is 1n0aly year5110sinc(e
Blostoll Symph1ionly O(hsI i0tra'l 1(1
haliledi as at fiutre tPltderelI'oli anin 1
itis 1at1101' formanceslltl00 iids fair (tI
bin~lgretlizat~tlin(tI theselprtedictionsO.
lic eport)l0th(1at1$1,000 (damalige
Organilby 11110 11111d11101durling thte
rirll oil (11University 11allit t ~ire-
(01( commltlenedllon tte 1101 '(((f, (th-
organ was110car'efuly5'enlolsedt a(1(
pro~tecedl. Itits1at hpresenlt(1nd11r-
goinlg r1genlerl l verilltliilg stuclt at
it receives three (ilhes it yearO.

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