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December 16, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-16

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+Lo ~ 1 Dr. Hills Will Lecture.
Pblished Da iy (Sunays cepe) ainog the Dwighit llllis, pastor of th. eerll
Collegeya. tcucW fUlcoNill lecture ini
the Mlethoist churich. It will be
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. the thirle cture of the year uon
r: Theinland Press, eit:: locks. lihenrI1y iartIa LI liiifindaitioii
Bth sI'hooeo 147. (if tie \eslevaeo Guild. Dr. Hillis
lIL SNAGONOilvxli}l. is oiii of. the lost lecturers in tale
F. vEENLARDi"01L. West today. He wasoiily 36 years
P u~N E SS-31AN~G L Z. old whein he becam~e the s ceecor of
0.11. MANS, '00 L.. DaividlSwing - lsipnsor of Clentral
lI)ITOiRi. Chiurch. B e graduatedl at Lake
Athletic Editor, ".. .wooowo, 'o0t.. Foeot University ini 1887, andI-re-
P. sW. Oos, ii, A. 1t. icDOese e, 'etiE, ceived the degree oif 1.D.I. fromi the
F. D. Em~xo, "00.' c. 11. Leo::, '00 -t, Nerihestern boniveroiteIII 1894.1
0.1). tt:sor. '010E. His series oif sermuons on ''Great
Autliore anil Bookseeas lteliaioles,
rI'ae 0''lias :attractedl unuosual
Tesusr ptipieof I lie DoAeLY is 1i.5t foo
he coiiigcyear, with a o cgi ie livery bhoroeo heroeiwill lie da licIist~oas 8Sogec . oie, omnctos n
other zniovit hioinivd for publicion muosst :be1s: 5 lie next 8Sunda~y eveninug,1Dec. s
hanodiniot the IY ofi r :i'ceorehtoo8 p 18'i.temiiiiiaocr ic. th
maiied io the eiiio o re 3 p, in, c.ofthedyiS: he ittia liicl" h
previous teio hat0onwhich: theyia0e1expocted to choir twill be 'tosisted by soeme of the
iusritos a b ett c thoxe ALYofficestedmtie~vitailen t inittis city, both
Met'er's o Soflic'ioio'.stad sorithi:ness
sicagose. 5Subscriril ciionfr aorir by-ooi huVocal ndiisti'iiiiv tal.
repor ingp optii tthisoffices anii faiaof
carriers to del ier pape.3 T y.
All ohanogs. in : coiini'ntier ii:::itbcin ,pie Phi la ppa tPsi gave a danle.
the office by 45p.i. onth clay pre1viou0s0to that :glsryleli lt.A no Ii
Ic tiico::c o Toer' ssuelh::e is reperteid.
IN C .RG 0.f noA tA ISSAnUenEtoth'in.

WE AREi...
< Special IHoliday Novelties-All the
5Noer Weaves--New Col orins-Now
i J.Sq;sha~pes. If you want to be teal Swell
6 buy one of our Do Jotivillos. No two

Tie Utilvereity neeids mesn if such' An Enemy to: the King'" the imost
socetis a te Mdicl epatmet ot:ewor~thiy of the many pla~ys in which
socieies s te Melica Depri i EitI. 1.1. sot cern ha appeared, wiii be the
will attemiilt toi orgaize itomorrowsv iext event o:f interest at the Athens
morninag. It ie encouraging to see 'Theatse tonight,
such ai healthy exlpressoni of college Ohe thrillingly romnotic drama will
Siitfromth(leideliartmieiit long beprsented by ai :ciimpany of aeknonl-
sI g'i edged ahility ait(lie head of wichbia
creditedl withi laviing a lack of tlhat John hriilith, then sthom there ore tow
desirable article, equally eaitent'el romaatic aeteis on the
Amcericani stage. No expense has been
We are in receipt of a leingtlhy spared in: the environment of the play
correctioii to our report a wneek ago and the otami::g issid to he hoth
ofthe >roceediiigs of the junior lasi pieturesque and historically correct.
cit Every detail whliich added ti the effee-
class. We have goine over-the cor- tiveneso of the originial psoduetion is
reetion carefully and feel that is is lookoed alter. The lavish adornment of
hardly of ah iatiire to Jitstify our uiv- the production is pronouneed equal to
ty paenees ',o4 t pbi that given sir Henry Irving's "King
ig tesaencsaytitpul-Arthni."
cationi. We feel ithat niiinutice The story of "An Ensemy to the King,"
was done by our report of that meet, which is familiar to m:ot theatre goers
ing throughoat the country, is laid in the
lug, _______________ time of (lie great religions wars in
Studies in the Legislation of Moses. France wrhen the Hunguenots were pus.
sued hy the tapal party, a time when a
Th olotg si~ioi h Lf mans safety frequently depended on his
aid 'Tintes of Moses" swill be givetn audacity and Lie skill as a swordsmoan.
in Newoberry lhall osn Saturday afler- A heatifiun young girl is coitpelled hy
noons at 4- o'clock. 'The folloswig press of circum stances to art as decoy
topicswill e disussedon oe date o ahing and much-wanted Hugue
topcs til bedisussd o th daesnot leader. In 1-ring, himu to ambush
given: shs falls desperutely in love with him.
D~ec. 17-' 'The Egyptian Plagues Her failure to coaiplete this mission
and the Journey of the Israelites mesns her father's shainefuoh death. Up.
on this story is built four acts of stirring
from Egypt to Sinai." aidventure, hold deeds and pasionate
Dec. 24-' This Moral Code ofI lore, which no one who admires the
Moses, andl Its Jutstifieation." beautiful in chiualry sod romnceno can
Dee. 31- 'bTe Civil Code and its afford to miss seeiug. If anyone is hesi-
Jasbamtuti.tating about going to see "An Enemy to
Jusificaion"the King" because the leading role is
Jtin. 8-I'T"he Religious Code and taken by an actor other than the one
its Jutstificationt." who originally appeaired in it, or sloe,
All these tliemtes still be studiedl should hanisho all fears, as the charm of
with refeencethe hpirrforuianceisor suecess of the play
scih rfertie ti teiritflaneejadoes not depend upon the vogue of a
training (ho Israelites for uational popular star.
life. These studies will be of ititer-
est to University stadenttoespecially
too laws tuidenits sod students of gen- A h n T e te
eral history atnd socio:logy. A hn7 mtc scaTivs ihaMi.
TheGoydrcsiRuberCoapaty MR rJO n gR Fit H
A Valuable Gift. E. n. Sohen,
Akron, Ohtio, has setit a collection of w5ilpresenvlStheiin's greatest play,
speelcti s showiing (lie different .A.n En'lem'y to
stages itt the mtantufacture of paroT elaic
rubber to the ceitical museutm ofTh Kig
(lie University.j TWO NIGHTS,
The "American Home School in Friday and Saturday, Dec. 15, 16,
Berlin offlers a scholarship, to a good IWith hs originaiicostuis scoevery, sic.
lady studeist in Gertian. Applica Prites, 25c ~, c 75 and $0.00.
tion nmust be itade before Feb. 1, to _________________
Mrs. B. B. Helimer, 1428 Michigan UNIVERSITY
avenue, Chicago, Ill. of i School of Dningtia
Thr ilb etn d-T dates for the Freshmian. Glee Club, Granger's Academy.
tonight at 7 o'clock in Room 24. BRAI Phone 146.

Full Dress Protectors,:p
In Plaimi Illaeok Silk or Satin. Two'
slistitriet styles. You -find hnere plenty
useafuml gifts fto' gentleimn, stool as (>1-
larts, ('tiff's, G-loves, Mittetos, ('nses, Unm-
hrill ms, Ilii('y IHosiery, Sutspensderos, Gslf hose ansi
MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headlqmarters for all Labora-
tory Supplies

Nose likei elswhire.
The lrt or ootientof Candies i heoity,
sade houiriy.Oyvstersrvd inany style.

112 S. Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.

if You Want Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in our line, no matter
bow' small or bow large,
aiJob of WE CAN DO IT
Printing for you. Call and get acquainted.
The Inlandh Press,

r, ,_ ,-

fPeninsular fEngraving Co.,


A L. Every kind.
119 'West Washington Street
=State Phone 144. Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor.
In Close Paccaao,
With the comiagad going sf the sessoss are the ashlenss
is Shoes. The Styles of yesterday are soos forgottea is the desire for
that of to-mosrow. See our wiadows for the hest up-to-date line sf
the styles for te'msrrow.
IIRtR9ILo'8SSHOE e)IJOib An rongSt. ,


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