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December 12, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-12

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f m t,+ ~~~~~probably have a strong team Managr ArAe., s 4._ + a~ a r sr. rw g
Baird is contexopixiting an Eastrn _WE ARE ...
WltxeOst ustoxxxet') trip. Thxe Athletic Aosociation is not EXLSE
otthdDal (udseepte) urngtheinsh oefnncally to bear the hea'xv
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ~ aiessego otxtte vi O
'(Fx-x li ttsd xxx, ixxxx'xgnlxx p ractically cover thb expenses an14
Btoxth Pixxxe'i47. 'astern trilp twill certainly ragdboi rl ille ar-ld ANN a; 4ANSTR
MANAGiING EM~iTOII. iii o xtxi~ i exx x tx4FINE
.UriESSIIAAi'.i. sx xxrlxittoixwtatte--F.ssxxaxx, 1t.(leot hotly for it will tafford thx West * ' . i'SHOES
xxxxxxx. Eastern colleges' niseix-vaxxxxtexl "xx- !RE « MINSTEE
AxhixticEdLitor r, . it. ORWxxxxxxxs.xthatxthe. e sxx t can atll tie.. C O xxix
p.W. JONSx, '99, A. It i.isxxex.xL , 015 I xittie Wetexx-xxxllxx-eslxc
=P. D. itxgxxN,'xx x . . xLUNIxx,'00aM, ibetter teaxxxxs tatix hie East. _Noxli-E
C. iD. ttcxxxxx.' . il g dxitxe is yet kxxoxcxx nor twiltxe Cx I F YOU H AVE A
forx' sxnxxx'timxe yet, buxtiit xiiil xot he
surprisixxg it' Mixxii; xx's c le te xcix' xx e
xxext sprixxg inxcludes'x oxxxe of fthe beT hixN
ote atr neddfr ulctonms GeCex. W. 'ixgix'yx Cxx~taixxof tixe WANT SATISFY IT HEER
nailttx dtoxx bexotiixx 3xx)xxx nt. of xxtxxxx'days U.ofhM. IRifles last yexxr, waxs xxar-
pxxixxx x tx.xx xixxxx xx txxx ixx ed WexIlxxosxia , Dec. , ni lxx 1 M x ,loxx Bcx1 xxit 'e'y d'c-'pioi
Zxbs0crfit~xxxxi xxma xb xftatthexDAInY office, Corax Hlohhxrd xxf Sxxxdcsky, (Oxi. Kx xcxt 't'x'lxxR'x) 'x' t''ty li l~ a
Mexyxe'x, o x ofiesnesxx xxxxxxtdxorwixxhOxxsines, xxxx ' t'l zl, b(1l Cl, e c a r 3C lC
Aaxxxgxx.Susxxxrxixersx wixxlxxxnferxax ixxoxxbyxx Ixbxoxw'elxixxg toxok xlace xt tixe hlxexxxx
repotingpromtly t ths ofice ny fiieixxxxx xi 2 c o 1{}
carrier to de ir xxix xxaxpxertx.t of thxe bride's pxarents. 'T'lxcg rxxxxxx Woo,frn 'ts$ .0
Atlhane inxxxxx axx verx~tiximt texx tbeixeogexote ls f?0 n a
tth xxce ) 4 xxn. osixhxxxx l previxuxx to xxxt xexh gdaxti 'ixso Il xdsa
on~ whictyaetoxx x xpearxxxx.a member oxf thxe SigxxaxClxi fr'trnty
INx CxARsxorxxTxxxxYxsxUIE lxxCx ieAxxxixxPf xxe xxtx
terx,'aoNas. Th nu berof on.n-i-th vai- x ai

ens dxepxirtmxxents orfxxxe xxxvxr xciy


A Correction, last year, accordixxg to pLresixxti' '. i
Ai erxr ~Angell's repxxrt,xwas 673. xTxhesxe xx texts(i
inaxeror eas ladeinyestexrday's were distributex inxxthe scexal do- 1 (Gloxbse t mx
tisue ne the accoxxxt of thxe sxxpxxxoxxxreiatxex'ofte xirsyasxx- st.
electixn. Geo. D. lunxnt wastows: Literary, 589;exxginxeinlg, fotal aagrfo nx _, 10v.iuw SAIl ;.
.mng rex. rdxxxlbxcsxlhomeoipathxic, 8; deixtal, 3. .
Baseball Season. Director Keens Fitzpatrick of thxe
'Tow thxxt thxe football season1 has gymnxxasiumxx is inx thxe xosiial coexxal
closed, Manager Bxird is begixxning escing fromxxthxe effets oxf anx opera.
to turxx his attextxon toxward thxebxse- lion for an abcess, Dr. Nxxxcxedx
'ball season. Prxospects for a good perfxxrmixng the xperatioxn. Mr. Fitz-
team were nsever better. Behxind thxe patrick is reported as loxprovixxg rapx- -
bat we have thxe old mainstay x"Sal- idly and will probably bxe sexn at thxe
lie" Lunni, ixow captain, whxo put np gymx in a foxw days.
1anehialx article of ball last sprinxg Several cases oxf dipxtheria hxxve
that he hxad to refuse several flatter-aperdtth Unvsiy optl
igoffers from professioxxxl teams apprd as et the plxiehxty bexos xHlal
to play duxing the past sxumxxxer. In quarantined. No onxe is allxxwed to
the box there is Guy Miller, whlo hias enter or leave the wards. Thxe inedi- ICLiOSCOPI
been Michxigan's standfby for thxree cal stuidens still recoive lectures, but tory sixl
years now, who is one of the best 110 practical work is exxgxged xxx.
Pitchers Michigan over hxad, coolan- ___
' steady axnd who does not kixow whxat Oxxt of 451 colleges ixx the United TRY HOT OH
a case of "rattles" is. "King" Lebi', States 41 are clxxsedh to woxxein. Howe- hxilxx
wixomad suh a exxixxle ec-ever, thxere are 143 schools of high20 EAST WASHINGi
Orxlaixst spring, is inx college ansd learxninxg xpen to xxomexxonoxly, whxichs20
will ixlay. Letxr had aix effer for a hxxve 30,0100 stxxxexnts.Thxus 143 ini- 316 SOUl
try from thxo xaxager of thxe Colxxxo- stituonsx.axe i'losexd to mxenixanxd 41 The artx axixxsorxxtmn
bus, O., Wesherxx League teaxxln last to xwoxxxex. Mdeixor. (oysxerxxer
summer, but refused oxl thxe grouxxd __.-.._ __--
that it woixld endanger his axnatexxr The Wxxaxxox's Lexxgxxe will ixold a If You WVant
stanxdinsg. He bears the prxoxxxl xis- receixtioni axt tie ltxrtxxxxr gymxxxasxiun
tinclixxxof hax'ixxg woxn thxeex Waxr- oxx lirixhay ex'einxgDec. 16. at 7:3, ' a Job of
ily -G'M's" duxrixxg is college coxxrse, tsoxxwhichx the Schoxxxxiof:Mxxsic pupils
having bxeenixt mxexxxer of tihxxbso- are especixxlly ixxvitexd,xal'sxx all xxxexx- Printin
.ball, footbaill xand trxxchktexmsxxxs 't beexsxidx friexnxs if the Lexaguxe.
year. Sipecial xxxxxxsx'xxexxt xor thxe exvenxinxg. 000
,On this'bhises ' 'sxxxik'C' ndon fxr _-...
first is aboxiithxl lxoxy xxx'mxer of last yerstem lf. o-" of
who playexd thirxd, is inx collegx', lxxitT e r ,~ Athens ,ash ilntpa hsya i e l s
'coxxxt of college wxrk. Mxtteon ECx I-
clxxxsdid osxchsgooxi sork xxixshxxrt thxe 1D C!1 i
latter pxrt ofxlix yeaxr,xiii dsox is Mxr. Herbxexrt eleex' xxxd
xi agxxixnxexdylxor hxxsixxess. Of' Mixs Elio Shxanxxxxxxin - -
txe o tfx ied , D a v ies a n il M cG in n is " 'Th o M s h axx d th e F lxx xx e"ar h e e nd b t wi l p y .RN A
Of nowte xclixere is a host. For DEC. 13--D N A
whthe ixsfieldi Neil Sxxoxw, xwhox has IplayedI
itthhe D. A. C. anxd Detrsit High Robtert Morris inx "Unsder Sho emadFehr fls h e Rb.
year's Dixon College iine, are promx-.* "
ising caxxdidates. Scoxeteix, forxxxrly - ___-___ - In C ose .P
of Cornell, is anothxer good man. U N IV ER S IT Y wit
'T he outfield candidates are uusmerouxs in ~a o "~II~? 'Sthoes. T'e
and no trouxxble still be fouxxd in fill- School a Da cing 1 tha of to-morr
ing thxe vacanxt places thxere. Granger's Academy.sylliifstytAcadtar
I-n viesw of the fact thsat we shxall e11 Pirone 246.

ixax1 odxxs, " at' lix ntso), 4£1
x colox'). Capxs aid. -
iaxkx goodxxl itas pr es- Ex'B1x
IC FIND)INGS. Hleadquaxrters for all Laboras-
xx2S5. Maxn Steet, Anx Argoo, Mich.

xxi tCxandies in xxxxxxy,
rved int any sitl.

K Ir

Or Binding, or Rling, or anything tn our line, no matter
how small or'xow large,
for youx. t'xll and get acquainted.
'rho Iilxxitt Press,
Ken'inlxg Mock.
ular Enhgraving Co.,
Detroit, Mich.~
LLQ L . Ever kn.BR
555 West Waxshington Street
iState Phone 144. Both Phones, No.5108. Ann Arbor,
it xlii coming and goxixng ef asxxxxxxace xliefashiosit
iStyles xot yxsterdxxy aie sasn forgoxten in the desire toc
'rw. lice oar wxndows foratheliesxtxup-xo-datexline at
to-morraoWw. ~~xun lix
jlRIL f (_VS x Aab(xr

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