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December 10, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-10

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" if _ f _.. e. ! h _ _ . _ .. . ..__

V i J ~~~The final society contest of the C t i g ~e
Publsahed Daily (Suna s ~eee pted) duiteele pi il take place tonight. The
College year. a speakers will hie: Afthrmative, B. B.
Johnson, 1'. B. Harrison, andI H. J. Have a large and complete line of
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. McCreary ; negative, C. B. Hurrey,
'vi=The inland Pre, Henning Block. Lafayette Young, Jr., and Dw~iight
Deola Phones 144. E. Watkinis. The subject foir dis-' N LR
MANAGING EDITOR. cession will he the samie as was ile-
F. ENGLLAeeRD,'1. hated in the first preliinory contest. Such as- hEAVY4 BALBRLIGGAN,
>ISINESS MANAGER. IA S IA I Philological Societei, 1A SR L O L
EIaTORtS. Last night the Phiilolotgictal Society FLE CE INEde hotiowoleett
Athletic Editore, r.ii. weosane, '00L. held a special uteetin g in mnemory of allmcos ep you wiarli.
I".W.JOES, '99, A. 11,MocoAL, '01iE, Prof. E. L. Walter, it) Tappan Hall 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST.
Jr.D. EAMAN, '01 L: c1. Lutev,'00 Mt, lectuire room. Proef. M. L. D'Ooge-
0. . itcelec, 01 t. spoke uiponi the Literary Work of
Prstf. Walter, arid Dr. B. P. Boer- A MNAE X . adra nupbihdpprb a $i
Prof. Walter entitled, 'VietoirlHugo W eeptfrtekgt
The subseeetoneprc ofthe DAILY to'02.50 foe oe eicftfrpclgst
he coee eare,wthl a regular deliver bf N 1 i 5W it
noon each lay. Notices, eoremtctione, aed -- -- go by express andI take. care of thEADIQUAII
other natrtee for to,tttltOtioee ot be Entertain Pharmuacs. thuem foer vyou. Alsoe ssue Aiii.
handed in atetheDAImYyollk~e hefoee 8 p. mn., or
mailed to the etitteebhforeea31p. a. ef the day Dr. and Mrsi. A. B. Prescott enter- x oe res h etm- FrLMSo l
preiousItoiat an ewhichi they are expected to do* h oney 't irelIbet t ie Ior AMsP 'o)Y,
ap e, ti t ie oletamned the iptharmacy.studtents at their ein orsnlug rLAttee y I iN I'll A i E3hll
nb elti ary be left a teDrItie m sarll
Anage.Sehret, cwtttd wti nettechionme last eein.They were is-
Mieyee'n, ar Stolts ete c Itrith Basiesh~sieted evimg. ~Teetr ro on~ SETIS andh FANCY C
reportig peon tl tat tisoollice any faiture of oyPf.~iMrA.. lhletdi
aimehstg eeliterer.igatt mio oanado Mrs. Schiotterberk. Special for this hart cf tie cite. ese Uoods amid Novelti,
the offieelt 4ip. tt. on lhee dty ptevious Io that emusic Was giveem amtd lighet refresh.- X~rt~
-on whiehthley aee to apearete.memntsswore served. J. J. aQ UtflIX 115 5. MAI
DAILY--$2.00 ii advaniee for rest of '9Rcpio oTerTeay
college year. No special adler swill The chasiof '99 met yestra
he made after this omte umntil this aftermnomn and voted to give a damnce
Sptrinmg. Semndlntmie anth ammount ticamid reception to thteir' vichtritusmlasschtner
Busiess anagr.heamironimSatturday Dec. 17. Thme I
BsnsMmmgr.danmee till be of amm imnformal clar- ie etill forl. te text 10 Iees, omectc eini
Pharmacty Department Will Proba- acter ammd will prcbahly he held immlt, tifer oulr itm's $3.30 letuveBox Cal
bltl Be Increased. the Barhoumr Gymnumasiumt. Si 'lDeul eh tt ii he
A ruleheas jest gotie itnto effect - ILE.T
whlichn will probalely mmeamm consider. Maj. Vanghuan reports that hisW ifR&MLE.I
able tim the Paharmiacy Depoartmemnt of gouvermnmtswrk wiltiubte ecomi- _______ __________________
time LUniversity. Hleretofore a lone pleted ummtil after NetvYe'ar's:.Ihi
standard hiss teenmmadte for the state commisionm is makimmg extemsive ox00
,exminmationms imi pharmiacy. TIhe re- pterimemts as to what is the best eammm.-
suht as beein thmat commsidrable trouble tatiomn feormmilitary camup. The -
las resumlted froim the incmiceietence wuorthmy doctor believes ini thue Uniterd rcsfom$5lp
of some of thme mmem whmo iave beemi States hioldmng omm to thee Jhiipimm ice rm$5U. m'
given diplomas. After January 1 Islands. lie is serry tee see the' u"
all applicanmts will have to pass time Democratic party imcined to drama the' a d . - M
Mte examniation above 75 per cent,.ieoi lisam ppetetmi uuet
Theresmh s-llemiehemmtehlyle thattion. If the demmctrttic ptrty imsisto
Tham utv wi lepectdoutely etm t harton thir oppsloitionm, hue says hue wsill /
acin drug stores anmd other places not he withnhis party but stamud by . .a
will Beta'attend the schmosl here. thePresident. ___
Sohoor Lt letin. In additiontito is colhectienrof rmn-u _.
Sh omrei Eeto. sical iustrumnmts Fredlerick Stearns a
The'01iit eectd te ohiseiighas decided tee donmate his collection
officers yesterday afternoon: Presm-o ok eatmgt maei otm
dehnt, WI., L. McLauchilan, Chicage; University.
wise -preidenut Miss Editm Seekell y ai d hehosae OLD men everywhere are invted ha send tar the WabuarnS
2very' rare acid simme are al moest out of I tncontains narlya0aprtraitmtofattnnd clleinatbmsidesgivi
Grahnd Rapids; secretary, I.IV. jprintt. Theeecllerti m tuleises over C OrLEEmarnma rWthr narmnnndnmteeln
' t brsl, Emge Ns-Meio 100 volumes if great value. First-class manin dealers the world over seil Washbarns, nr Insti
treasnrer, Miss Aninie WI. Lanugley, - obtained from the makers
Cleveland; basebatll mtanager, Gede. Prof. Trulodeu gave ami address LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO.
D. Ilttenutt, Soumthi Bemnd; traek befeere thie Shuukeesee ire Cltmb last ______________________
teatammamager, A. ). Brooekfieldl, nighmt. Aliimptuulertdtuu preegratul tas r
Englewooid. A. 25 'emt tax was also givent by t-e ltre t'ou
votedh to pry fier tue sweaters for the - -____ --- _-C L FG-TU E T
chass football teame.L E E T DE T

cotton fleeced),
kintds, SlICE-
1,tI 'A . J apan"-
g Nocv.
If, 'I'mu
16 Shloe Men.
aonir Catnag.
lang nameacoant
)fnet prics.
traments may hae

Lcctnre to Pharmacs. I
Dr. Ahbert B. Lyons, somteimul
professemri(OatinCollege, Hose umlum,
will give a eeteire before the stul-
dents ante[ facuty of thue Setdool of
Pharmacy, uponttt ''Ocr First tInsuar
Trehritory," thur Itawtaiiant Islantds,
Momday eveninig, Dec. 12, uat 7:30,
in Roddmt A of flue chiemiictal buildinig.
This is one of a series of eveming
lectures to be given ini the Schuotl of
Pharmacy, by mtenm selknowa'n to
pharmacists everyswhere.
Alpha No Societq. J
Tihe Alpha Noutrill hold ihsefinsh
-society comtest tonight at S o'clock
in Alpha Nu hall. Those swho twill
-speak are: affirmiative. Messrs. Mayo,
Wistrand, aind Carimiody; negative,
Messrs. Kiteley, Wbiuger, andiRmein-
frank. Thme suibject for debate will
le the disarnmamenmt question.

Athens Iheatre, lHEthjfC
DEC. 12-- 1i OVII i
Mr. Ilerheert Kelcey and tiMOKE,
"TIue McthbandrtheeFlname." Oo {{iin SG Dtpp 3
DEC. 13--_ ___ _
t~RoeRobe. in"UnderI QA.-vrykid
------ It119WeaktWashington Street
UNIVERSITY jState Phone 144. KBoth Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor.
School of Dancing-
Granger's Academy. In Close Pcca~MNMa
Reli Phoneaaar4n. With the cominug amnd goint of the sasonis ae the fashinis
~ X'SC A~hihi ~ ~in Shoes. 'rho Stles ef yesteeday ace soom torgotten ie the desire toe
YE A OH L E , unetil De. ii, ihat oatot-amorrow. See ear windowsaoteiehest np-ta-date line at
EJ.LAa'Lbhtthe Pa it, wiull e h tlsfrt-orw
mainmia Ann Arham, 320 Sane Liberty tesye a omca'
St. Behas heea very haty. Hoarai lRI' JICAIhs Walahmgton Sb
1W ta12ts aa, Itoa6adl tea p.in,. I iLL. SCSHOEISTLORE L~jA nn Ahr.

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