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December 10, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-10

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VOL. IX, No. 614.

A. h

o r lu


____ Editor U. of AL Dily.
First Athletic Social Exceeds Ex I sim one of a "few" who have
pectaton. bsen very muich interested in the
T T The Athletic Association lat night ioltroven-v which lias eel caried on
FINEFALLSWTIGS. gave a soiail and dance in the Water. sinriing the past week lbewen a su-
t1 1 FLtwentyi g iln es lli llg hiinelfas"DeadilBroke"
E E atni extras were on the program. Thle andi claiming to represent a cosidera-
affair was entirely informal aiiiail he niiniler of other, and Mr. J. B.
great sicces ini every wiy. Sprioklted Wod s10 the spksmaniil for the Att-
aiilslg the ancers a half dzeiiline ttili Association. The queiistionl
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T dress sis could lbe spied, whose seniio i have econme a cinmest in a
STOCK Aownies were evideitly iitent oma. tea-p. UHiwever, though iiit Ir-
Aing their preseiice knowon. suialy invovedt, I siiiiilikeI to eix.
IN THE CITY. 'rThe Gymnasium was prettily dee- iress my opinioin o I le mter, if
Uorated with the cuolege colors andi Your vatliale slace wil Ilirwiit.
liflags. The receptio booth at the( Air 1.tBruke siuld c e-ainliy
isL west eiiil sas draped wilhl)arligc ,sgh his theiiir 11a11111 iis1ir' 11111 i-
0 0 l~~~atioal flug. A flag wash unfriiii icat~i, 0 tis we iwoulitallliei lcvery
forn v. no 'G-ON 5T. the balcoiny w1ith yllsr anid bii.ill, leuh t o 151no5 tie aiianiii11111ciisiiiih.
BBstreaiers. Potted planiit, hrlan 1111(1 litiilin pax the eii xpne
thiere liithe iBarboir (Gymnallslisiumoftie hm.i .t il m.ci rd, ll
were an iifv(ite adcditiion5 to ti(,di l oii 510, ti idit Sy laiy 'lie-
1'od li ii d Kinwltoanil t <it h r 1)1i 11ir,''at eacilii li sconulwici
+44*444*44*44444444 *At 8:30 tien. l iB1111au -ta11dtocoi tribute Isoitbeir support, antis
7 playing aw za nd the(111 dV.i w i oems to in, tiegrandtandl play lie is
alt , tin on hoittuna I 1 illd ilc 111 let,1,1177 usiiiiiki l n elhti.
* S iii Vlar, w s it idv at us' lto ills the tiiie aw is', sibi
I iih 'J(), ' h a e1,0'r or cis i i ('liuse theicans ,deirii t is a.i17Ie, i
+ X t IVi te e leren work of thon, h 11 dal.O-)ehps11.t h
P nI us i'1 I Ir ;. tn IiIn i0 111alo!t B rt1r1 p illts .ot~c ils
1 1 1 11,111 1,1 ti" I Ii 1 "i "131, o 1 iO
4 o , 1ls ._o.s . u( 1 0i o i,,allmai, 11 7.l:C
4455s54 t4n- sonnes ^- >i3,s seAs (a11111e 11B1Lclac at tiile sisoot,(ui 1111
Ah ' oi 21101 11111ar 11)0y 11pe0 t'In 1is iP Joels' holii
ililist 111(1' 11;tin 1111ha 111'he 105'illii 1111 1
t t ' i s f drt Searns ( nls-tion iot eadtj for i lhu lfile ho ol cisi, 1111un1il1the
1)r1ngsin. un, r m u,=c y5 11115' Exhibition. (Chieuagoss 1711111 iiougt niolsiiiy enottgh
1111i1 Flltartlne ore ti 5'sllas ani tU h itrsi n t pu hItltcA scaino t
RuaedO LLY . e, ot 1i the1110 iri ickIs ti sunc ol- if'et1ad lave arsuiail icedsit balneCR .JLY i eto flmill usrteeyta ihwiht tr ie pig s s'c,
f)4 So1. tlt5Street. sos t et 15 1111'it f iltpsi'iLrae Aliuiigii lopiig that11the (Chicagou
______________run}_____-- 51no ut bie 1111105.gae iousl sulsae ccilrtitsthei
AX 10(1ent coifecewsithsltheoor boasi darcd lit ri :k" tooel f uin lti
FA K d k for scm cnis the sllituticishtthlt rlii''tCcsupil of huisredis sollrs isse o
Ano 11oopet o ts suer Cncslto he Clic xp stthe bad.Crs m spbiealrthn1'.1,ndatll TeAltcasoiion werei
'siysi ~nsusiln sio00Cscarrangemenst. the exieiss of Che teassitCii Chcago,
0011 15 (0111555ic ~eie I.evur year.00 s- -i. l. Stearins is biisdig every oier- whiichs niant that three sr fsurinisis
usei,[ ~ss01 n '~~ y in the diectio of properly ipack iuust sign a oe asmithuCs 5 beoess
gsoso os aisolioa0adenles.isibo 0It for shipmentsit, ut a wosrk(f prsonally repon~sibsle fir thieamiut.
t.I[' ls fesochdeilicucy and maiitule f(I i- Would IDeak Broke ak thiemsits fsr.
cesity reqjuires tiime. ther ivove themselves for tsheie-
IIC~s Phi a; The contractors for the couistrue- it of hic bsaid? Oc wosuidhille, hash
1t1VU ionoftheia ouscet esscaess i e bsen in itheiriple, have 0111-
-which it is to e dspiljayed are alsol scribed hisnacrile lto uch a hiller, I
(-riishimng their part of Ccth srk. Tatie ask? Ii hoe not, for ifle haud hbeeii
Rernember Your DAILY. will at the earliest possible "'Desd Broke,'' it might pssibly
s at nne tois radaers Cle date have liiirt his hoored stninlmg in
'friends of op~enig. 1.1E. SAnnoxBN, college, hath le reult benitdsifferent.
'Wt .o .ssiCuratsr Mnoi5( huseum Hwhi cn rate the travelimg x-
Witha U of_. in -nse of a bamd or this cost f its
venir Calendar for 18991) Sumner Society.lismua egtlas"tltc
Designedl hy Mss Lovell.uiom slgtiae"tltc
IThe ueatest alid nusst The foloswing is thus prosgrams for expenses, which soght to be borme
artistic ('alenidar of CleCle Suuler Society tonigt. In. by the association, is beysndmitny
season. PItCCE50c. pruauptil sebae, Messrs. Wlsdemn 5111 comprehension. Andsticiy le soludi
Some Choice Bosks Mi'.leesyola'teRcn bett tcatbiggvnt oe
smd fancy booklets 1150 Kicy sayoi 'he tcli~sbettotIart y bilggh eiocoe
ready for your inspections'Joinit 'luaftic Decisi,'''V. J. Cle ltter expemses is alsia question
t our two stores. M1eyers; debate, Reslvedc, lTat a too deep for me. Certainly it saves
gradumatesdiheritance tax be adopted hii fromii comntributimng o oe of the
A -g'-'~,~ ' inchs stats tax systen;saffirmative, "tin 11511' collectionls which hae finids
'\ A".t4II A lessrs. Arbeiz, Bramars, amd Slith; ss oboxios. ButtI suppose in his
K 'eative, Alessrs. Brownm, Dean, and generoius nature, he attended tie
UTon ANN ARBORDonTw Canalee. party, simplyfoth sake of helping
UowDoeow __________------___ __ ____ ___
Stale a.OocorloSets aerrhoesioer-le 4AIY.05 o0 in OurhakgivigOtieme-rhe DAILY42.055is
Ilau~. dsoeto~sayearadance for rt of yar.

the bandut; andtheChcphlesure oterwise
Cs, he hilt frosn such a funlctionm, was
wsoted tallhinstohle wsoit there
for pleasure.
I dos 111t 1me'anito idisprlage the
services of ths' hamnd in the slgtest
degree. No tne doubts thiaC its wtrk
was vey valulie otill och icaions,
espsecially- i Chiicago whire it u1n0
doubstedly gave Che Michiganl dele
gationllaphrtstige' whichi couldtill 11
othlerwsie havet'been tenjoyed, Ctohaven
taid oulr o0n11andtimi h 'sits 1, Ipipeinilg
amnd playimig as it sit. Butt that is
all the miosre rea~sonm why Mrii. Dead
Broke amd ever'yonei else shoond have
heel) glls1 fon' hnt op~ptuntoity to on.
tributt'voslntariy Cs itssuport
A wosrdh furthier. Weohavse lit
bsemi asked oconsmtiulte anmyth ing as
vet tlsiuy 5lsovenir fsrItat vuetori-
osl team and1111thus u'uuticeseemusito in-
dicaite'thut us wil liot be cllesd up
hn ut if Clue thance' presetd itself'
t giieomthingutoiShitwtsourtm'tal-
pseciautionsf thin'srvicelsit'lfs ient
'Kiul tism eun, Cali, Stu'ekl, Sutoss,
\'ishuai, C(in~iglluuland1(alliithis
rest, 1 ht(1oe11notsione o' s-woudutind ius
hiinsl hui futel '"Dead hhoks ''tuu givet
snii l_, lur hutfnetilt5i lu tat Ii
th s1' k o0hs' s ''icluiguiasp -iit"h'and
Ii, fuur lu ll iathiltic'", I hople Cloat
11 .r a'r' not' louan),ususs<-u'is hrii'1l15111
1.110herst01uiuenits, Ias our1friend
American Economic Asociationm.
A't a111ill(As tn,ilsjuthe. l nric -
lussish it I t" 'ii Iiis',a rcommituee'of
five' (ills- l~it i.lii (Ills re i st i this
subjct ofi' uisusiul eo r ins aisthe
CUnied S.tu'oProf.1"C 1I.hTaysor,
ofi Ainun aboit s Icliri us andiuhet
the or mbrs of hus Il'stuecomiitte's are
Plf:.F %V..I" 'I'ansig, f ci hlsari,
Sydneusy'Slutrwom-slsof Jhu Huop.sh
koins,J.1. XX.Je,hu tof ii (u , t
DavsidsinlCvitifu Illuoiss t. 'hit
u'uiuuisiit tee wllsuit it tsot repori'tt'ti
thue nest ei inluof i teascair
at New Hisi, Dec.28. Theueour
of 9,000t) woruusowi'lnotin es ent'5i't,5
spec(1iticrouject of m'efsru,ut sill
affiruuuthus need (f mrefsrm autitdit-
elte thitsgenecrahllins alig whicho
s1uc11reforiiishiotuldh irocehd.
Railroad Jch Cominq.
Raiilrsoad Jack, Cle hammolitc ri-
11117 tramplhsohahus svsraluimhles
visited this ctot, hos writtni ttsat his
is comuing tssAnni Arbor. het'Sys:
'Althouighi Istihl enjoy li fe,libesry
slid thetusshrsuit iof happiines, tit'e-
Incest railay rates,'hby liussfllsisflsy
old omitd reliablsehutmuock suvulig
undiser passenger1'l'amd fright rinis, I
iimust admliit that the uddenhidlstop1)ill
climuatic csimisitiomns has somewha111t h's.
semdt'hCle amounslt of trite cmfort
perilous berth.''
President An~gell hiss ieclinedite
inivitationlof PreisdtleuHI arpr, of
Chicago Univirsity, to' selicr te
fanuoary conlvocatiiostshdr,--;,bll sll
deliver this April grashuaingaddurss.
Or Thaoksgiviog Offr-The DAILY 1. 00Iu
advanct tr resrt oh yar

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