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December 08, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-08

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+r~~~t ~ Tn Tom Cox Here.
t+O sP tt oiCox, Iast year's trainer, ar
rvdill townin st Monday and ieft C LItti n x wrer o
Published Dnity (Snntays cexcepted)tiduring the TCllg'ea.a lsd' e<tniso for Ne«wYork,
ctthereito ccill enter the six-slay "go Dave tilarigoetandcmpluete line of
THE UNIVERSITY OFMICHIGAN. ts )yoit iuiaetirce, wiiticitnoiimett- N
)-reE 'eiaccciPress, Hit g Block.c cei ssChlristmias evettiig at mi il it.
Bthones i 147c'xc.lth wtts ill tite best of hteathi having
beeni Ira ittiticsonictiiie for the i B .
MAAIGIleaa. event cxiii cat s s a Sho o wn-t0c tchas 1E IT
it. Six sor sevei ears ao USIAAI O L
It~sN~is iSNAGIII ii co hee ics sore ii ~isiiiii, LEE(': IL iNE s ) (biothicool ana cottos llolecedi),
55 ii It c , s- ' Cx for severai yeats held tte'chin-
asauaroit-. iioxishipl. 'Te iiltec if thle taco allxmaide to keep Yicit iarte).
P. it. toc' t)3. A.tII. DIcic'ccc., 41cis>year swill receive a i$2>00l) piize. 2 2 3S U H M I T
F.. .inti.X, '1Iiii. C. it.. icc, '00 Sbi, # --2 1 2 ® O T T
cc. D. iii siz'cc . ijcProft. Spalding 1in California. __
iir.ccfV. 1M. Saciixi, who iiii W4Ii5The IM~ost Delicious of all,
tilOligedc i liiaccut o f ill lica<ltl Iito
----take s leave if itoenie' from leach- Molasses Candies.
Th itic ici c scIr cti cxic c cr c cs, seilii oec lci' tA li ',.
hi'-'ii. col cc~a, cw h 'Itc". cctic cct'i cticciforer, ' ' to,15 l a ndiisi 25,a tititu t'kirges.
noe ach c'ci tc tctcc ttittsc ' ~i tci sc~tiieits, Sexy M ec, iclic(ire the; y-u it(icco eo Soe
ohercc ccc ccc ciinc iclcc tci ' icica itt c xyxic-'he ccl lii' itixxicttlxiceic c eiicecl iii ' '.
hal ccci1Il c t.OAIi o cxhcfi x 1 eMxp cx licrltig, acil , ccciii
aid o i li editor i icciici, i cc it cc ccche cday c t 'ililait ic ll icic1'.l'.'icA RcYi
cccito t t o) hchcc. a e o p ci d f r p e r cc c cc Iii iii I l ii - lic aic- c l cc
cc ccccc ittccc'c roa ic -ccl'ftccsccc'c cc c ' cciccli cxxt tl xitc'als '' iii 'c c ccs i ic ,cccic ,' cs
sic trr o t~l(!. t i tno wilc ccciilccc i ccc Ipa id isyc itrs. cci ccit- I il ii 'liei 5 haci.'

tNica GEO,-.M% 1'i.t oasting Accident.
A. 1. l" o1'-cl. ilei t c'oct -i a ic ccl ec icc t f hi ec
'tttill 'cMeet at Dt>,roit ieacnc ciii rediii ''uI ccl~rii iii t c ili
'11w 11xt col tellci c heA cci h- dep t. IA p iicc ir fb b ll ic 5icc It aIciic
cill Ilciti c'clticc -i- Nciii IJoe ii cit icn cccith sicicits it- c' ciithe1111
si xi crti ccc cccs 117t rii; .escll ' icici list e bobsxilc iii' ull ic xic'iiig'
I) i ci' h=, i s ic'l ''rsict I lcithliii 1()ic icbic la le I te iczst'cli' a e tidays.
tc-(,1hil' 31 Oloci t cciato F
t ci gici' -scciit'cddlics'ice bits Yale ftinn Prom Princeton.
tic vvicei~l'e s ithatithe \5 cs ci ll liriiit ex i fI.thcc ilts acte atetic
okn '11 (' tt' ll n l ii I s ' it e sxc W lc'i icet onisi Ti e sdayii llii t- hlle
ani tefol ' ii t c' it ttloel tl ' I 'lcat thle Iited Sitites .vltltex ( tit.''
(exi-tisicicr e er.5 1)fc i IetI t I. Piccitont lilic'ethe elmiice ofc ide
itlol td Sitl ii el ciii irNts' ccitlT e iifi lhi'ix.tite.tc t o t 1slc
A.C. ield, (' cX, ii'. li; '' Iii tc' tiithc corlie lo-ic i ti'er toidia" a
Asalc''cicc 'ti ~, f(;ai(II-i d c hi I l i b t eel hutsc'e itis
The- i Ciii l f cetri I Be Honest at Northiwestern,
'hTctticca, G(ltisci, (X the icc' ? h'ii ccii Nortliii osteixi Univs'hiit ci cpo l-
Ags'cc'cc iir c(ct 111 'cc 'cc ic to ive recetly cadoptccl atic
l'iet'.tlict i lnlt ltI c c- iit 1 tit c ccii "llon o sieit'' cliic'li iss Seccehii ''.
foiccll ct 't i cs c s u d 111 t' e (Coll. IF 'i 'c'tediiccel"t't'liig thce sitdent it
St tltt i c'it1iit=,t iic'c c-c io ccl(ii iii ictc}be t'xpielledtl ficoxit the Tniciersilc,I
ticx sitciccii t, I c it0 ii l .D trocit, 't)Icti is Cetls ccctcc'cltle , .1to3 i t ,1ic
it 'ti.sc id'idclti c ccepcltthi iivit itpuilihedl i te lectlegs',papes, cop-
tutn. 'he e bso*te ti-ts'c cl l c' cii ie ( ifsiil c icic o b eliii cct tith-
thtn visit'ed ihe ililticti'it c ccxiii I fcciu c lclliso t-i'rcccllcciis.
potintis oti lti-stereA iitcii ile cit itpcit. 1)' t'.i I ldexc isto uiin e
U. cip M. Newspaper Men. ft isnitiele iiictiy li I sst, i= tcl
he ~ ilv( sit T,«° Lete ienttof I te botardofliealtht at Matn-
Tu Uile i'-ii c-n cois l('iicit
of ca. itc'it ccciii ci w o ae o
w ri i ctltt1seitor, pecal Athens Theatre,
writer or culi er's. "ile fat I
I.tit its iiiti citslitearsofit. E.1
,0 etitat cidegx'tc. c~'Mr. Her-bert Keley andc
2. (.c'i'ilitiohunx iid istitdentce itf ahis Efile Shixtottitttn
personsti levinthei iivers it .tli "Tilie Motth antdthe Flaite."
3. Anty additiiinal)'ats tha ill c i
be a) ittere-t E d rf
P. N. Scxtt, (1'SaC tiledto t ite Ini.. Robert Morris hia "Undteer
'versity editor, Anti Arboir, Mich.lthie Rb.

Sti ccc '-ri I) icicli %>5IIIii 1,WX ("Wc '.' t 30
StormColl f D1i bl &oo Mndt l ; C, 1B 0 ci

1l15 Scut cini Miiit. Japan

tee Ceoils andilNoveiies.

Prices from $15 Uip. =
1 r _ i J est
C OLG m .meveheeaeaxodviite oed ftr the- WaslhousnaSouenire Catalog.
Iticosntns nealya otritescofcrtitsoanddcolleiashesidsgivingstame account
of thee 'si'cx cc cC Washcburen insruesanascopetepisictotrictes.
First-casmnitc dealerscthceiordoeresell Washhurns, or insarumentsmayhb0
obandfo h esLY ]ON & HEALY, CHICAGO.


Subu' okku Sbcotrc


I LI6r=- - .

At the mexsetinsg of the Aniet bait
l'lnrntacetttiectl iN otci.ititt hlid ini
Baltimoare iii August , Pitif. Jtiliuis 0.
Sltlterbeek, of the piatrinaceeut cal
depatrment of the 'University, was
appointed eltairmaan of the eomittee
on general prizes. It is the dutty of
fhis committee to examinete pts~apers
,presented at the last meeting and to
ecide tuon their relative merits.

School of Dancing
Granger's Academy.
Eti Phonte 146.
YEr ANOSTHEiR WEEK, until Dlec, 11,
L. J. LA. SEit the Palaitia, willre
masintin Ann Arhar, 110 East Libertly
Si.. Hehaa s e erysyhcy. Hours 1
to 12 attm., tlanud1T tog p. as.

AN DALL, Q liver knd.E
Ph K 4. 119 Nest Washington Street
tState Poe14 Both Phones, No. 103. Ann Arbor.
In Close 'Paccvjeses
With the coaiag ad going o lbsseasonsare ths fashinst
is Shoes. 'The Styles io yesierday are soon forgotten ini the desire for
that oi Io-morrow. See ear windows for the hesl up-Io-dais line of

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