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December 03, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-03

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Pubished Daily (Sndays ecepted dring the
Coleg ya, at
'reta: 'Te ielad Pree, Heaing Blck.
Bth Phaea 147.
. H. eans, 'to L.
Athletic Editr, T. It. Wcanaan, '0 L.
P. W. JaNa, '9, A. H. MDaliAL, '01 F,
F.D. Nenrea '1 L; C. H. LN, '0M,
Theahbcripticntprice an ae DItY i .11 Ir
he calee year. with a reglar deiery beore
cccliac day. Ballces, cwwnicton, and
ther mater intended Ice pbilcain mat hr
handed in atthe DAILY officeeore 8 p..,r
mated cc the editr eor 3 p. m. of the day
pevias cc that n which theyaten epectd to
ape a.
I tahcriptine may e lntl a the DAILY oaice
Meyrs, or Itolet e tcand, or with Bainea
Hanage. Suhscieen will canfea faet y
reprting powptly at ti fi ce any faiare at
carrier tdelier pater.
Alt change ic adeceling Imatte wat e in
the officey . n te ay preiuat that
an which they artoc apeear.
The Yale Wigwam.
Miclhigan has tnumerous societies
in the interests of debatig aol ex
teinporancious spekig and the u-
ture of their orgnization is quttc
varied. However the following arti.
cle relative tc the "Yale Wgwamc"
precents still anther method of or-
gatizatiotn which sill undocbtely
be of interest to tny here.
The Wigwami meetings are bi-
weekly. The twos camps (of 20 meti
each) occoiy diferet sides of the
hall, sittitig in grops arondtismnall
tables. Light ref resmeint is proviied
anad the icetbers are permitted to
smoke. The permiaent officers are
a first anid second cairman, who
alternately presiie atd alternately
debate, a secretry-treasrer atd two
captaitis of camlps. The last namaed
have ill their hiaids the selection cf
questions, the eletioi of sides and
thce aipointmtent for each meetitg f
a leader to citdct the debate fot' his
camp. The presiding cairta, im-~
tmediately 1111011te ispcsing of the
111011's bsiiies selects ote mtemtber
froiitach lcmpi, evic, ewith a guest
especially invited to this end, cotsti-
tcte it biiard of three jcdge for the
detiate. The questiont is tlenae n t-
noiniceil cd the leader for te camcp
supportintg the aliricative otlites
the position whiich the camcp inteds
to malintain, the leader for tele lg-
tive replyintg itt kiud. After this
formilal openting, miettber of the two
camips vlunte'lterately unitil te
liiiit of an hicr is reched whlet die.
cussionc oudo ttitilthe twoesleders
clise thle debate sucmingliu p andc
ref utintg.
With the exception of te leaders,
who coedetct for dily cne iteetig,
n1o mnemb~ers are required to debte.
Thte speaking is etirel a mtatter of
inclinaltion, ttiughi a leader will
uscally cotfer eitht several memetters
of his canp atd assign certain points
that he wouild like tietu to bring cet
in the debate. Otherwise the speak.
iug is for the nost part 011 the spur
of thte tmament one of the chief aims
of the Wigeami being the selection of
subjects of such broad interest that
no preparation is needed, that extet-
pore speakintg itay best be developed.
At the end of the debate the laeet-
ings becotme informal, tle iembers

singing together tintil eleven, when
the club adjourns.
The Wigwvam itn its first year of utti ng, eye o
trial succeeded so well that it wvas
unanimously decided to make it a- Have a large and comiplete line of
permatient atad self-perpetuatinig or-
gantization. :Moreover, after the
froni the present sophomore class, U NE E R
the demtand for admuission becatne so Snch as H EAVYV BALBRfIGGAN,
great that a second body of forty is AUSTRALIAN WOOL,
to be organized on a similar basis,-
a fact ewhich in itself best attests its FLEECE LINE I) (both wool aitd cotton fleeced),
increasing popularity. This year all niade to keep yotu warm.
three memtbers of the Junior Wig-
evata were selected foi' the fitial 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST.
Princeton debate-a practical illustra-
tion of tlhe valate of extempore speak- o~.~~wter, i~ wreo
inkg and continual practice whih the The Most Deliciouso l
Wigwam with its restricted member-/ Molasses Candies.
ship aimts to supply--The Yale News. 151 10,1,and 5.tp1'z,-'no-P- 1

Count Villa's Project.

On Sale at Campan Drug Store.
, .1.1_f7AIIARRYV

Befitre leaving Anti Arbor lass
week Counit Villa stated to the DAILYv
that lie intended to organlize upon
May, two football teams, oue of old S m
college players and attotlier of thteV
natives for a match game to I
ie played at Dawsoti City. "1Fatty"1
Smith, Michigai's old cenater, atid'
te 'Ciiuiit'' eill formiathe tiucleus
of tlhe all-csllege teaim. Villa eill
pick out elevent giants of the golu
fields and a daey of royeal sport ewiltl b m
lee afsordetd the little-ecitertinied it-
habitants. H IADltil
At thte meetintg of the Amictmman
Phttrmaaeeutical Asseiciatioti, held it 11 5 Soulh Male fit.
B~altimitre in Augeist, Prof. Juliuts 0.__________
Seblotterbeck, sf the phaermaceeutieal
of thce cotntittee on genteral prices.
It is the iluty of thtis cottttittee to
examcinte the papers presettted at thte prices from $15
last meeting end to ilecide upoti their
relative mcerits.
A. L. Brick, of Souith BendlIncd.,
a graduate of thte Uttiversity, ewes
elected this fatll to replresent thte 13th
district of Indiatna in Congress. t
Ex.Ptotttaster S. WV. Bleekes will
lead tlce discucssiotn of the Baisittess a'
Men's Clesso,it the Cottgt'egatiottal
church, imtmtediately cfter thce miornt-
intg service', tomorroew'.'Te subject -
under cotnsideratioti eill be "Shouild' DLIEOE wen
existicng civil set'vice regulactionls pre- 3 It cantaiann
vaeil ini tll brattchies ofte govern- of tthe cattt
mentt2" 'Mlle tiiversity stuienets it-lasstmwai
are cordiall' invitedl to attentd. aed1wtn

Ve eill for the tiext 30 days, comnmenicitg Nov.
[t8 th, lintetttrettns $3.50 Heavy Box Calf, 'ati
storm Calt, Double Sole atid Calf Slioes foir $3.00
5 1aa3aar
FoULMPRoTal itds

V 1.1141 .ice 1 ..

Japatiese (Goods and Novelities.

4 i
a eerywhere are inetted ta tend tar the Wwshbuen Soavenir Catalog.
nearly 300portraits cf artittstandcllegians,hbesiden givingsowe actant
rction of Washburn instrueawnts and a camplete listof net priten.
ai dealees the warld over ell Wanhburns, ne instruwents way he

__________LYON HLALU HICAGO'~.
Coacht Hell is to leave ADut Arbort - -- -
ltt t fewv ilays for Itis Ihoieo Butte, - ___7
Muntalua, to rese he ils last practice. r E E ey1DNT
Athens Theatre,TH
40 PIto l i llanntho hnai shni l h
"The Little 1Host."I r- - r
Priees, S50c' 75c, $1,'$1.50. J A DA L0AL. Ever knd.L
- ~' ,119 Weat Washington Street
UNIVERSITY State Phone 144. Both Phonen, No. 108. Ann Arbor.
School of Dancing
Granger's Academy. I ls aeea
Rain Phone 146. With the cowing and gaing of the seasnts are the fashions
______________________________ in Shorn. The Styles at yesterday are toon forgotten in the denirertoe
AD ALL T'HtS WEEK, . N. .LA SEER that of to-worrow. See oar windows for the beat op-to-date line of
the Palwist, on accont of the tarapect thestlsfro- row
edsceshe hac wet wth,will rewaiwnystfr owaew
in Ann Arhor, 20 Nail Liheety St. cl , Sc TORE, 1191 Waahington St,
Hoams 1to 12 asin. Ito 6nnd 7to 9p.w l[iIn r I ! LOIfljAan Aehar.


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