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December 03, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-03

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V V JjX ยง T J FRESHMAN SPREAD. Final Class Game Toda. Another Prize Secured For Debat-
In spie of the snow and wintry ing Winners.
Annual Sophomore Pary Held Last weather, the Senior lawn andlseniorIO) ii aditionl to the testinonials
7Eening. ]its will line oip against eah oiler wiceh have been reglarly given by
T1t T h'le annual dance given b the this afterniooni for the pups of (e- the Oratorical Asociation, and the
H FINE FALL SWiTINGS. H sophomore girls in entertainment of tiding the clasehanmpionship. the ne recently given by D. N. Ferry
evenigi oni osteeiesartieflst keeniaid each is oiifident of coming received. Mr. A. C. B3atet of Ci-
114Eveigi 10ootepetetprieool victor. Despite the slippery on- age has generously ofered a teth
41o teyear. Every rsna girl i ditioin of the field a close aid hard rionial of $l150 in hoior o his wife
college reieved aii invitation, and fuh aemyb xetdi h r.kbeHthokBrlt h
the upper class girls acted as esorts.fogtgiinabeepceifteMs bieHeioiclitetwo
J WE CARRY THE LARGEST T About 500) daiicers were present be. game played twoi weeks ao is any iii is a graduato of tie U. of M,, Miss
siesa oolynube o secatrsdietioi. Twi) (((re losely iiathed \ bbie, lmss of 85. Mrs. IBartlett
STUCK Asdsagoinubrispcarsteaius would be hard to fid and the hs been gemtly iiterestei in deat
INTECT ie dcrainqwrutsy andqlity of footall pt np is far iig siiiee de left college and is an
IN TE ,CITY Ty theoratiinswere bootybeng excess of the average class teauui- A enthusistic adoate of it
draed it th Aerian la bengwi lubg criiid of rooters for biitli team Mi. Hlioi Pan, '90, has oferd to
L rae witdi iirauflgetllci be out an~d a lively time is antici- give $30 annuanlly to te Oratorical
a eierous idternnngliiig of yellowe ated. Asociatioii to be usei as is deemed
0Dle iitiiQibss Do- Bth sides have beeii praticing best
o.sp E. WASHINGTON ST. sWays iid( pillars were,,sslularily- this week. 'le lans have beeii do Mi. JI. Beal of thin city has
R R' decorated. Tie great round table, lug secret practice iii the gymiiiasini giveii $25 tuwaruis a testiiomial.
nine feet in diaiieter, wsa very and it is riiiiored that several newsTlis mak de amuit $1,000) that in
momtaidciiiaxd wihchrgearc mlai fixy plays isill be sprng by otterediitii the stdent of the Un-
glass.aBy smlax, iflefwre neim te iu in today's gime. They ha ve vesity in the wsay if testimoni~ias fr
___________anmi cake were seeved beeii coached by ex-apt. Jimmnic debating____________
S At 9 o'clock the graid-iiarch opet-iigg wholhoslion ie wineires in huing At the Museum.
~~~ ~ed withliS8is (ylliug, vie-presidei'itlg tleiim iisaipei lluisglithe Grat peparations siceleiig iiade
CHEST PROTECTORS of the siphoomre class, aid Miss majority of the niemiunae seniioiii it the.Mascaeotofr receiving thin
AND ~SmIyn smtrctor in thec Womans ir less fiiotbmll. Freckni Stiai i.-cletiouiiof
+C HAMO IS VESTS ym. lcadung. Thel i.oh M . aud .1mm meille h iii t'i iilit ii~~iel intrmiis mhiciii ma tie-
funisiicdlthismmode for 20 numiibers, -iva2t uicloek. rTimedums iwilie seiuicntedto the lUniverite a fei-s days
em' i t , tism imic 5h5year laying iiiih iiidiight. h c1 n mmi liego.emois " ii Tie mmiiiti. siihio htle third
l~tNe edposton '1e le lowiminguu'niuimed cmmiottecstie tiio teamis fiir the ups e iimiiiiicofl hs beei n i ciid oh tsinses of
A ch emmicre-emtomiiwohmdemgmurittiweaters . bgrodis nex- i ih1,l mmii
meiicrpro pr:: at-iadcharigesofthis irrmgemst, be- A him"is, n tee etr mr
I1Vci onortem mbe ugitli ,,ic, i'I forlimethire is nomiico uter it ' ispt mp ms~ tm
pins ini hiofs simmndinnmsleiiiisisted byieheewornlii '' s l gvnrpt isli r fl
sexes ;, ui imc.insm ~ ,i itSisti 5g i(ii .moI ciem ,, i n . tlime es l ~ a+cN s wr ta af a r <rp n is(11T h s imviie1 oiii i i 0olino(isemi-c, iii isim ralt Mr.i
UPADrcomn(db himia.m pemms ntf0wlssienwasn cl m f r f i floh eu illprba ltmmnhig liii cii tomminall hlandih.
hVIl LDE R'S PHAFdivmACY 4 chrum mma' isthis i sile. i .5utiiiin:fis ii ital~ lyh is mmiii rpties
15:55 Southmstale Str-. Ina . i in minnn~ars~eh l rmiuimih re tim le ivi'ma 'mmmiii isi huung hbefosee
Sh4A i4 o ... isRogers Mss Sctt, Mm- Yeage, coeic, . .I, ..hmanbingm" m lceml mmmiexshmibiinin itie
AiSn umcsciT'etoiii ..h1 'ml ..ittenemymr hfouths hloor i haiiwy ym nil (say tie
hi iian Inane C't(Ihmimirm, Silos e al..m ..t. mi. R ns i Slmck ern ml Simk"tim'iethiritim
U ncl ldu 5 usai',dths umumnt 511,on.es . m.g.. Andersoomn iss lmm tlsie -muifm
0 's"ipe .t....xo dbo~
Duringmtheiirist ommmhe ins 'irc~trs(ola n ls ena.d e1es .. .... e. I ha(lretisenbedici sithslye nod a siter, and
wlsevches atiiaiem hoursy oI emitimmi- (.hmirma,Ki Field ih ......... .. ,.. tmumoarhal wheuu they next mumies htmir apear-
nih. Fn inoof Apes((in s,ndShisItommechi, iloss 'Semmhhum I Shin'.ehs um.... ... .... Nod .nAdesn ncmu meeit wil mm withm bmigt, ceanm
R. E. JOLLY &CO. tForbems, 'isl-n Mlmmme, Shis Irumtshmmim sil. .. .. . .h. . .i. ShemnBra .. ....le slendmmiiseis
08 Io. Stamte Street. Ilet rcsiumet -- Chamirmanm, Sist'iicrh...........Ah-
Fros, Mss eicolsMis BrwnAthletic Association Dance.
- ---_________________Fon;Sis'eiiUr~hn iocm eam to eceie a Testimonial. lrisiden~ut Ieumtlmresle elv
MicllmmsSis, mInm Sisi' ut. hmrcongiutiof thus excellentmit itintly sunderstouod. thamt tieAth-
A Kusk ri ofhthis'fhootball teaumithis sea-mi hicAsnocitin mrty tim becgiveun
for To Elect Football Captain miii thi"honor they have hrugtto 'mD~c.'9,ino l iireuntirely minformal
(Sum{ OnuSturdauy, 'Sc,. 3, mt 7 pm. hm in iimugumuby inn uinuumg thu W esten uafar Nousiviatinis re tc be
Christm as( tie ''rop~hy tBoomum of the (Gy mmiimsimmn chammpioship, stps mae beiug tamuesnmmin'1 damd eemry stuuiet i tie cmi-
there sol beheld m eilmieetion foriithis.to hrs'et the umuimle"ithm soiree itthuh tesmy- sito Conisier iimmet tis in-
ihnt I n~o h s n 'Varsity Foouitbull 'Cmitms it f199. tkeni s a iI :inmmuiami sittheumprm-mimmcvtiu 'This maaigementumicsire ts
oci,, aie nin so e esvesthy Thu-phfolowig menm are ientitled tou iatiiimiof themsiuenmt bdingyemm m kesid e oi f thus'evments of thissea-
nscitobis s50frafn n.Vr vot ude tie Constitutionm f tie ral Ithus not 't bI'' dtendsnad ol ri ithtevryi
w Id tr s og us $ mdvn ls.'W meitebo htdscies Athiletic Association: A very, Baker,ms tim what fmrmmthe gft mwiii tke, t y timhe pusnct. 'lie fotbal
I~sciBr bIemmet,(iiy, Cmn utmtiea i'suumtumgicumi~ m is mimtimbe presnt anditie afair
diki ~ rlia Pl~~tI Hinghmon z, Hmck idsSMcI~onal,hemu reumminermitthuem guimmus'ndulscl lsnlbi h e s ue ofm)a rmceptimmn
MVcLe um lDramier, Day, Dye, Alen, miiidoubhtIbe ihighly prizedh hy hum to thus mlvenmshihi trmught tie
Baldw_____________________ ~ inm, Bence, Keena, Stecklch, team.S'sesternm Champnuuumsipiitim s this
S_ n, Street, SWhitcoumbmi, WSillman, 1mlii'he attit i n miiniu nummicustmnuuiseason. 'lie muusic uillhe furnised
Whit, SWeeks, 'Teetzel, 'Talicott, tim present timre"mmiiitchmosme littli' by tie 'Varihsityudmiomit31 pieces.
To aw, oo, c Rchrd'nmrmiideriii tie siaiiemit a smartmpin ilckes are $1 manii sre sumsale at thin
To Law W~~~~Tsust m i basontie rule thtinmitmenthguard, ring o smeemething 5hni- bokhstsres ouseyhay umenuermit tie
Std nsany sn who has imlaed n thin'Vune- lar, andm these are highy pizedi by athletic board.
city teauuin twno of tie October or tie "te. Our chamuioun '95 fooit-
sne Noveimber garne shahl be entitedl bal learui revivedi mm nouvenir munlie ilitar Rule for the Philippines.
cssini of ti
Htftcitt & Woodrml's Awrcx rule has been emitted the manage- graved mii his swi, amd o tie lidi of tward themsuu aim recetly:
Cuses om Cotracts, ent will be pleased to sake tie each ma nimlid a yelsowandubne "'f thtie Unitemi States udertakes
Cloth Binding for $2.75. correctionm md give thin player whose flag maing a very net andu useful tloonrtie Phiippine what Eng
ame buns een oinitted, the right to souvenir.'Ihere in at genermal sentihalamd his done for her colonies, it will
P rice New, vote. CsAnuES BAmRD, ient thamt thin meum su this year's reuire a cange min thes Amnerican
Cloth Bimding...........$..i3 [50 Graduate Director. teamm ought to receive ssmetinig. cnstitutin, tor good, substantial
Full Law Sheep.............. 4.00 - ---- Tie tundis for tie purpose may e government cmii be mnaitained ony
Fins Witing Paper Io ia, onaid (inulc i. Tie Phli Delta Phi fraternity gave raised by a houmluaar subcriptiun or thrmughim iitay rule. This would
a anquet last evenig in honor of by seie emtertainumnemt. Au Athletic emly lie possibe by vastly increasing
ah'W oosoetheir alumnni memners who are also Board cmmittee is nw wovrkigsn the constitutionuah ipowernsf thin
W a rsB o so emembers of the faculty. thin prject. president."

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