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November 29, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-29

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uf)f . A ocel Experience. AreYou u0 '
A ePisheds Daily (Sundays excepted) duting the ILaw Depatmte alts had an expert- 'f 'o i g Aa
Callege yeae, at ence0 ijtolitics which fatlls to tite lot durintg Tltanksgivitng Vacation? If s0 you'll neeid a
THE NIVRSIY MCHIAN. of few politiciatis. Hie was elected
THEUNVERIT OFMIHIGN. sttrvey or forth ii couty without'
leetec:The IlandtetPresex teotto(lck. evenI tknoinlg thewitas aCantdidate.
Btolh Phones t47.Ile ottw in the papero titat somtettte Lr
T ANAGIN(G EDIITOIR. by tite namlte of Hoppe teas onthtie
I. t cENGLHAR, '01 T. ticket btath e Christian name We have a large variety at popular prices.
BUSINES llMANAGxER. there given twas tiot Dorsey, lite0111-
0) . .ANS, 'es L. Iposedl ttaltitheeowas lanothier Hopp~le Cuttinrg, Reyer k Co.
lE )IT't01. in Iteeouty~t, (lit of htis acclainlmlce, Ann tArbor'. 201-203 South Alauin Street.
Athletic.Etorc, T. ft. waoeioc','1)0 L. twhto twats tftoet the pos-itiotn.Ile dtc1
P. W. domt.s, 'D1, A. IIi DOcoAct, 101 F., (loll gohometelo vole. LEte 0111elec- ro. -= r ~_ - arr rr r , r r rvi
F.r. ta.tL+A3A, 'ett. .II.1.0001, '00 M, tlot ie lasIto Ill illtelloft110ie t The Most Delicious of all 4fc .D fnNT,'1E
zit to lae fo hi totlo nytingillMolasses Candies.
the(waoo f ma~ckin~g a ('tillst'll-0 Jis IfD, 15 Inod 25- ((lt Ptuekges. ^
The c ecilit 11 ci11 r. f hcDItoL i .,0or0fCr~inds, howetvetr, inll Plt't, callg Ittf 011Uh1(1ie1atCaamptlsDrag 'Store.noLV1,
he cottyeeu, ci Ic afarcdoe liveefor iiiii111 111 e troired tliii tes 0110 (f21j j.QU R .
ntolotni£ti, ,cojumiceationandJ.J QiR
other icl !ii i 1w c o publ eictii on l most ibe reputblicanls tiltre. Ilii'. lllo l'ityt s r - ",ee _- . 00
(tandid 't 110",ietaleefretoci. in., or 6. ItwasaclossavandHop_
ae d ctt to . w c i ol o 113, na. oit ho dotay tto IcO leuie 11)o~ll
prvius ttt NI tic ob t ey r c ed to ct is ntur a lly eligrtllaltii l~g Iinslelt
Atetes, or Octtille c . cd, of with 11 (to-t eaaco 0 ""
ilaaocee. Subiersccwilconfte00a101111 bey i
rpr i ccprompi ty it ticscifficee 010y (cia ileo
alret dl c c iver paper.t catecii- ' The Edldtvin Lectures. W'e will for tile next 30 d olys, commtlencing Nov.
the office bOi p . i. 00 lhe clay prevcliustothiat 111e letures 0111 thle Bltdwrinl Fo11(1- 18til111101'f111(1t-111111'o 13.50 1Iltaet Box (alft'ral
ont teit 1010ii icili I~~l 111 h oicco (Ify tilt tt orlil Calf,Oclll oeadCtfPc 1' $3 00
(awiaic10 co' r.llfltt uidtittegvo fi W;t1R & MILLER. Ifle Sfoe Men.
1'.O0. 1100.yeiar fly the 1Rev. AWillilatlIJell, 1).
Schoobusobters Club. - D., 111. D., rectolr of St. Johnl's
chutrcth, Detrolit. Ile genlerall sob- ° $
''lie sfellinlg eotl(f tite thirty- jcct of thte lec~tures is '"Tile S~tte atid ~ s.
fitrot mletin~g if thirl Ote holteh 1hrch. Th011011dal ub- illoADltitI T'tIS
rtec~Ors' ciub1111 5 1 d l riilay after- jerts ancid dts are as follotws: For LAMPS of all ktids.
1111111inlI te auditoriuti (f the SPhlt ll 1.''The iBadis of the Ptate,'" Sun1- I)INT Li AId P1AMtY (bISITS.
of Music, toitht abiout 75 teasihers ill (ay, Dec. 4. 15DIN Nan I apu t IhoEa d FAoveliCtIes
attendlane. Prof. 1E. C. W'arrbner 2."'The Atcititate,'' I , ,u 1 1 SutyMiS. _apnse_ odsan____ltis
of PSaginalw, prescidlentof til'eclu~b, Dec. I6. - --_-- -_-_-- _
prescled, (11111Prof. I), . P priniger 3. "The Moldernt Stale,'' 511111- MQO \EY LO AINJED MA KE A STRIKE
of Auu Arblor read a1 1111r 011 "Cons-I cay, iDec. 8. o((atcesiamOticod, Whtlior th0111.1Per--A 1
Itercialicoiurcses iligch cloolso." 4. 'T'eItae51 tead hOCct onacl Pretyiil.-e 1-
Cal '.Attdhtlh(I Otti(rd edPudty, 1)ec. 11. Officeateresideice,331 E.(Libceitc Si ti An10S.1Aar-
thte I~ctlcilll.Ptc,'ltctie O. 'The Lattoof thte PMate''Inles- lbcie, It oh. All bliesscncenitil. itloo1rsPrpritor
Muskegconl ttasoiltthepro gratifora 113a b' ilcOi . ccicaldl to 3 adtdlo 9l.(.1 T. M AHO NEY, -Prpitr
litter oIn -"ManullItrin~in~g inthight . Tetch s eph cWatt. n(ty i ilt
scitools,''bcut oitop110 railO~riroad .1 '105. olc''iltsll -l-. celtiiOeadlcti Suct d
conntectinida (ilot reachithe11city. Thce Sunday' hectutreosttihlltte givent --l - r -r - -r
«~. C. Pkinttcr, Supelcritntendetltof int Pt. Andlrewt's chturcht at 7:30 p. m
te Tohedolanhtual 'roittitig school, atid thetecekhda(ll ectttrEo in lHarris C LL GE STUDENJT1~I-1S
to owas tot ihate ledthec'discsion, Hll iat P p. tm. These lcue r
read it shtort paeonl 11tte subject. free to tltc 1public. ioa r
At 1110 evening 0session Prof. 1B. A.cpph
insudale dlivered itnIladdlress t Hmati osplGul 'ILNl'
''Tlte0111 of edlucattionl; is it (1110(- Tileopat. of pta Gil. OUERY
hedge, deolpmnlt or- social. aata-T het . 1. Homteoitathic lbs. VE
tion?"Thte sptetaker oplenled wtth a plitall Gutild hto elected tite followtitng SMOKE
discuotnlotof Ite qtuestion tfrottia oficers: cPresidcent, Mrs, Hatrrionl
psychlogicl stattdpoitit, statin~g thait Sole; vice-Ipresidlent, Mrs. A . Bt
at fbt it wasble ~on ottotdistittct 1ltllll' tesuer Ms i.GalowUn ~lSG6PtP
t~heories, of honow ledge' acquiredI and( assistat treasurler, Mrs. Josephl Blall; L
discilhinte(If minitd. Lacter thete 1111. corresponldintg sectetary, Mrs. Fc. J.
tariant or Ite sociatll tdaptation vietwAvcery. r
was addeld,iandclthethreeitr 00ae now,- --- _______________- DYou Want Or Bindingg ar tlU~ig, ratnsything in our line, ua matter
regardedl 110 ittolved, ote in thte ihow utnalerthow Iarge,
athier asthe entdlof ttll edcactio.lAthunns iTheatre _ aiJob of W A O I
Education waotsodetfiedas a growtth ! -'WE CAN'DO I

v Friaay, Dec.-z,3i-'rinung ator yea. otetianct get cquit
Athletic Hall. ***Thte Inlhand Press,
Thae Atilti hoAssocitiotn will give The vrisoner Hensing Bisck.
a ball ill the gymnasium oil1 011 Ftidtoy,
Dec. 91. Thte dactrtilbe alth ta .1 Ite[GOl1efJldtC Bureau ofl ~aceniicCostume.
reception to the victorious ofcootbatll of' £Ze11UU.GOTRELL & LEONARD,
players. All thte fact-ylyadieostoillA~a'e .
he asked t>Iclhperonel. Ihte 1U. oftotat J Cops, Gowtio, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Clas
NI. Bautd tIill furnilsh thiot tuitic foir il e i tt ao raepo Canes,(ClastHats and Caps, Class (allege tins. Address
thte occasicon.it-'icketfor the dtnce' W. C.KCIIN,Wstern Mngr,
s'thh heoed1011tt 1.00. The dalet'_________ --__ -Hatellu sutm, OUns-. ofChicago
promtises to be otte of thte hmost pope- UNIVERSITY -____
.rscthf11101 fteya. School of Dancing '[) N DALL, QAL. EM:. kTXEBLER,
J. G. Hlalaplhian ttwOatt attn Ar- 3---- ' 119 Weal Washington Street
bor visitor last Wedneooday. lHe htos Granger's Academy. K iState Phone 144 . Both Phones, No. 1083. Ann Arbor.
given 0(1p hisolutioes aSssuperinttendent t ]lt Phone 2 46. ____ _________ _____
of thle navl acaemly ttt Toledo tti andS t i ~~s P CSS
twitthin thte((ext toetreeks will sail 1 ne Man W'ho Sel I U cF c-4~
for Itis old hooenetear Atitensc-here I With the ceming asd gosng et the seasotnt are the fashioes
its expects tho rematin f or some )yea0(5 Peanatesad Pepcoat the Athletic i te.TeSye tyaedysete egte sledse e
in stttoy. Mr. H'alailian seas wollaed that of to-moeeow. See o windows toe the host up-to-date liseofa
kttotwn in college to a torestler of W. S. P ARK ERthe styles tee to-morrow.
csusidetrable ability. 315 S. State, Call in and see him. RPRILL'sSfHO[ STORE, An rorgtnSt.,

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