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November 29, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-29

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VOL. IX, No. 54.


D~AY, NOVEMBER 29, 1898.

F. K. Stearns Complete Collection President Harper oif the Chicago
- oif Musical Instruments Given to University Congratulates Presi-
TT the Universityj. dent; Angell.
Hl FINE FALL SUITINGS. H .'rhe UivesCity of Michigan has riday evening President Angell
Et E the isost valuable gifts in its history. President Harper ont the 'Thanks-
Frederick K. Sitearno of Detroit has giving day ganie:
given to it his entire collection of ''Chicago, Ill., Nov. 25. To James
mscal intruments, from all lands B. Angell, President University of
T WE CARY THE LARGEST T and from modern and prehistoric Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Con-
A STOCK Aages. This collection is probably the gratnlate you on Michigan's victory.
A most complete illustration o h You will conoent to convocationm ad-
IN THE CITY, three great classes of mscal mestro, dress in Janu1ary.
meits, percussion, string' and wiimd, "WILLIAMI R. HARPER."
WL that calm be found in Amsiea today. Time latter sentence has reference
L It contains about 1,000 different to Chicago's graduation exercises.
0 0 pieces and represents 15 years con- '1Tle itnstitution holds four of these
108 E. WASHINGTON ST. tinnous effort on the part of Mir. each year and one occurs in January.
RR Stearns, besides the expenditure of It shoes the true college, sportsman-
thousands of dollars. like spirit in Presidemt Harper, after
Time gift seas conssidered at tihe last time Maroons' colors had beets lowered
meeting of the Board of liegents, but by time Fellow and Blue, to invite
nothing rViis divulged concerning it the head of the institutiois, whose
-__ --_-_- until yesterdaiy. 'The board agreed representatives had come ont victori-
+*44****+*4* ++*+++**+*4 to set aplairt one half of tie entire outs, to becomte the great feature of
f third floor of the tauseumn for time eel. the occasiont. President Angell
4CHEST PROTECTORS 4lection. Mr. Stearins has exaitined showed the telegrams to ia company lie
ANDIf the museuiu building and expresses was entertainitig at his lhotai Fridasy
CHAMOIS VESTS liiiiselt as fully satisfied that it is fire night,'it is uiiderstood that lie has
t+it spstctt proof and a proper place for the col- nut yet givens his answer as to whether
chis is tue timieof the year ectio.''esoko itgnihe or not lhe wiii accept the invitation.
tha wemam eed protecu in,. rootll betegwkno atne andthis
fro thtclCongratulations.ebeunatone nditi
oisa vestismasse cf tic beai stated that tdiscoullectioii will uii-
c reantin catiecodand d csa btinac bfreChis- Maniager Charles Baird received
CNS worin l ihms. Theyace mas. the following telegramts of congrata-
U ARD rcommendedi-by physiciansi. .Stanhscopldndwl latioii over the Michigan football
f ,,WILDER'S PHARMACY: r.Sershsctipldad vi victory oi'I'hammksgmvmng eveniiig:
pie Ssouth tn ate tret have printed a descriptive catalogue Anin Arbor, Mich.-Anna Arbor
1++++*+*++++++ of the collection which of itself willabze Students filled cvili sy
b____ e a valuable additioti to muisical alz.jy
litratre Itvii b lavihl lie.Big tiassameeitng. Hearty congrata-
(('' ny n li h ltrte. Ilatilsbemsvtetammi, -Fizarcatduaie.
Opcn DaU and NRIW rte"lainstam. izTuuASiDOOLINd
Durting tsentist ftiheaclege yea e tish. itiipsii t simt A HN
wiil serve uncsnat alml housiday ar this value if tme collection as manyC..Ilanmoiu
rTmubacc. tcs i c las n of time pieces sire priceless atid caninot
R. E. JOLLY & CO.. be duplicated atywhiere itt the svorld. Notre Damie, Inid-Notre Daame
308 So. State Street. Mr. Stearmns receattly tmade a tour of conigratulates Michmigatioti her victory
the world atnd picked tip instrumments over Chicago. FRmEn SCHILO,
in out of time way pltaces where no Mngr
1 - onee bitt ouch an enthusiast swouldiMngr
OLthintk of loskitig. Time other twro Brick Chuirclh, N. J.-Consgratula-
Drinks. coalectieams ini this counttry wyhich caim tiomns from New Yosrk alumnii. Do it
at till coaip are awith it are time ones iihm .S~CET
Zth accy utchm cmhCocoate mmdc, C initime Metropomlitant Museum, New Wa. S. STERRETT,
BefWithloni~ with asaromtat an- . 5 ork, andthtie Steinlimrt collectiomn ut Pt. WAGNER.
nct tbn produed with comamnmexs Nesw Hamveti. Neitimer of them are,
tracts..................... C hosvever, as ceomplete as timesite to Dtot il-uzbfrtm
altecd Mimitsuothmeastaddrfink.mSceriaih-uzano h
nut Cofsees Nob, a uickm tnch.....rc be placed ini our mumsum. team. Congratumations to the gal.
wafers with ualofthitm. This collectionm will be of ittestin- thunt manager. HATCH,
able vtaltue to the smussical depairtment, TURNER,
G M 'F M intimeCaiversity amid to time schmool MuOTTER,
Galkof Fmuslic.J Eespeciallyintime course EMR :
______given by Prof. Stanl~ey oam the lila. PNGREE.
tory of municieslli this collection be
To L wfound of great practicmal value. Ann Arbor, Mich-Congratula-
ttis toiyoutrself. the teamt. time trainmer

Final Wind-Up to Thursdat's Game
Took Place Last Night.
A big crowd cutllected omi the cam-
pus aear the gytmnmasiumm last aght
amd sith tie accoimipaimmentuof a
hinge bonfire fittingly celebated the
victory whichi our nmagnificent teatm
wrestedl fromn Chisgoslast Thurday.
Nothimng of tie kimd limi occurred
siamce '94, after tie Cormel game,
althoumgh maty victories have been
won sirce thmenmswiicih might well
have beeam celebrated.
Tie seather sas unfavrabe last
ight, hut in site of tie faling
snosw 600 studemnts gmtheredl and
datmced ariuttd the mammmothm bn
ire which Secretary Wade atd
assistamts mmd beeat busy preparing
all day. Tlhe busimes mmmciiof tie
city hadtiani cottribuetedl initie shape
of boxes, barrels, sood, etc., and
tie rusut sas a pls of swod as high
as a house.
After the fire hamd Ibured down
soimeswhat, speakers were called for
amd Hal, Ferbert atd Baird re-
sounded. This players sere rather
relumctanttabutt speaking but Ben.
nett, Sunw, Widmaim amd McLean
mers intuorn huntd ott atd made
to say sometling.
Ote feature of the occasion sas
the generous praise accorded thisCii-
cagom teamwshichm shmiawvthisgenerl
goul feelimg felt here tomiard our
nteighbor inmtituttiomn. T1he crowdds-
itersed shortly after inue after ote of
tie mmot fittimg emionstrmationms evem-
accordled a Michigan athletic teata.
The Growth oil Football.
We clip the fumloinemg from tie
College Atlete. It is inaicative of
the great groswtim of imterest in the
game simmce it satis inaugurateud in this
''A areftl estimat made ini 1897,
at tie cose of tie foot-bali seamson,
returmed 2,200 elevemms playing the
gimmme ini this counmtry. In other
"Ids, tiers arcIetweeum 25,000l and
30)000 phmayers of thisgiamme in the
CUitedl States. Ti'ms tital, utex-
ptectedly large, gives rise to a num-
hter of specumlations. It is mu protf of
the universal imterest ium a ioble
game. It shtosws that football is not
conilaed to comege and schuaoi circles,
but is becommmig a gamme of tie pe-
jihe. Amd it is an unasserabe argum.
ment fur those o refute, wits are
continually decrying tie gridiron as
a scene of physical injuries"
S. P. Grace, E. Eng., tf the class
of 1890, mstsemgimieer of the Detroit
Teleplhonme Co., is in New Orleans
engimeerimig a mamnmothm plant there,
withi the prospect of comnnectingswith
other large cities of this state of
Louisanma. His stay swil e a pro.
tracted one.
Through tie kimdness of Mr. E.
G. Miller, a Miciigama alumnmus of
tie class of '90 several members of
tie 'Varsity tsarin were extended all
tie privileges of tieEIglesod
Men's Club, which is rapidly growing
hts prominence in Engewood

We avnnafewgdsaecnd-had
uffeutt & Woodruff's American
Cases ons Contracts,
Cloth Binding for $2.75.
Price New,
Cloth Binding ................$3 50
Full Law Sheep............... 4.00
Finn Witing Pupefor its, 20c and 25cnper 5.
Wahr's Bookstore

More From the~lbates' Estate. and the ceaclies.
'lie medical library of Dr. Eliza
beth H. Blates, svho has recently will- Detroit" Mich.-W~ith you in spirits.
ed $1400001tamtime Meudical Depart. Congrmatulationms.
mmemt, had just beets received by Prof. DETROmT ALUMIt tASSOCIATION.
Davis. '[Iis library centaiuns ov-er_
200 volnumes, and anmomng these are Grand Haven, Mich.-Congratu-
several rare andf valuable treatises. lations over your splemndid victory.
Time library officials are somewhat GEO. A. FARR.
surprised at the arrival of time books,__
as no menutioan-as made of themahum Anti Arbor publications go all over
time will of Dr. Bates. All basoks itt the world. George Waahr Momday
this collection that are duplsicates of received an order ft-en Milani, Italy,
these already in the library swill be for time work on "Electro-Therapen-
exchanged with other libraries, ties," by Drs,.IHerdmnan and Nagler.

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