had to extend herself to the full,
" f . using some of the tricks prohahly
Pablished Doily (Sandays excepted) duinig the storePd for Harvard. In all-round
Ciillege we.ra foothall Chicago seas a hetter-drilled
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. eleven. Besides, it was more re-
-'anIew Thu Inlaned Press, ning lagock. 5sourCefUl. University of Pennoyl-
Boath Phans 147. vania clung Is the "guards-hack"
MANAGING EDITOR. play, was poor oii kicking and on
F. ENGsELH~cAR, 101L . handling pents, and her one style of
13UStNESS MANAGER. play wras far froni perfectly executed.
Oi. iH. hIIs'00 L. Chicago's hack field was much the
EDIaTORtS. stronger, hut her line was the wecaker,
Athletic Editoe, T. R. WOassas, '00 L. especially at the ends; in the hand-
P. W. JONS, '99, A. H. MeDoecAsa, '01 E, lhug of the hall, Chicago's quarter,
F. D. EAA,,'01L; C5.iH.tLuxe, '00M,
G.u. n UTeec '1E. . Kennedy, outtlassed Gardiner.
'"It looks very nmuch nose as if
Hersrcherger weould also close the
i tO year nuiher one onl the full-hack
The sahacriptioa price at the DAtLYis2 te0fo list. Certainly his puntinig thus far
he eollege yaae, withliarecguarsedeliv'ey hefore leasshtof utr ak
noneach day. Natices, ecuaios, ad t~SSta fanti bck
otheremtaier intended tee pahlicatians te awhile gasfroni the 40, 45, aiid
haded is at the DILY ofaltceaeoe 85p.m, ogal
mailed ta the editar hefare 3 p. ic. af the day even 50Q-yard hunes sowis lapassihili-
previaae to that aa which they aee expec ted tia s
uahcriptiaonstmay he left at thte DAIttYoffice, "He kicks wt ihrfoadi
Meyer'e,orSetotfiet'csnewstaned, orwith Businss i' ettrfot tdi
aage. Suhscriheea will confee a taste hy said to he a strtong atid fast manlll sithi
repoetingopetiverytly atti ie tc ay failue of hltiog i etciclsiltl
cresehetaltathdehlie we ulettoiite.
All chattea is adeeetisise smatter meet he isnswithi the hall in the Uiiiversity ctf
the affice bey4 p. itt. as the aay preeviaasta that gii s gv
as whichlteyeoate eares. Pennlsylvanlia gm sto i s tic
oniportuniitv to judge of his stork ini
Are You. Going Away
elurinig Thanksgiving Vacation? If so you'll need a
W~e aave a large vairiety at popular prices.
Cutting, Reyer & Co.
201-203 South Maim Street.
Ann Arbor.
Thfotleiiuso l
Molasses Candies. y
10, 15 and 25 cent Packages.N
i , 9 On Sale at Campas Drug Stare. p
. --J. J. QUARRY
Wet still fot the tiext 30 days, commencing Nov.
18th, ofei otiiminne $3.50 Heavy Box Calf, Tan
Tomorrosw the DI)ALY still issue a that direction."i-StormiiCaut, lDtubile Sole aiid Call Shoes tsr $3,00
yellowe antI sine saiuvenlir otf eight 11 T1
pages,canilall llthie songsoalldyells A. L.Dania Re-elected. WIII&ML[R fo ~ .
to he aused it the gamte. All article of lilaAnmericanl League if Hepuls.-_____________________________________________
special illterest is iby Keeiie Fitz-lcnCleeCuscoe t eet $
patrick, sehio sill dliscuass ill detail the aiinual session at Inldiainapollis h'ri.
relative aierit if tie East attd West day In vie of tihe fact that thie IEADGQUARTIElS
iii foothbsll. Other articles hy Le- aylil w sould behe ldi ~enilily For LAMPS of all ktinds.
Roy, Chasi. Baird, W einsleil atid ierealteircind thait the next cue PORCELA IN CHIAMBERI SETS.
othes. pinonsby mmbes o , INNER SETS slnd FA\NCY CHINA.
oats.opachesasnhyoats.itiao sold hall sitar the IPresidentaial cauli- 115 SauthfMale SI. Japanese Goods and Novelities.
facublttimit.CoisillesoEdi aai iigl i ii191)0, it 5tit hotuaghat hest toa_____,__
esc rine aait ceCntssilheslcaaxtendthae termis of thae aresenat iii-
eah rii t . aiit.ctuiabentosiuntil after 1900. Ihie fol- i hONEY LOANED MAAKE A STRIKE
loseiag officer's swere elected:' lPresi_ Ern Watches, uiaaaaasd, WIeelear te haele- - T, TE
tierach"ifor All-American Eleven. icatTlili .avsCilere; afsnael oeil."
aSstra'v cn i Hr e t, MichiiauI1. DvicersiitIerit of WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED BOW ~IN G ALLEY.
eely has the folloassing tois ayCranie, Syracuse uiv eisity; sacre- cslsii.Anaesidess Cll fienilltIStAsA 10S ai t a -s t 330an ito9 . . T.MVA H ONlEY, - Proprietor.
aboasut tha c t igaeaahilasyls'IIiasgaile Ilas'y, I+. IH. Wsiiztir, Notreie l; Joseph C. watts.
frlalulthephisf salaer Whitiiey : ti'asurer I"hI. H.agenat, Ullivausltru ctdDs c ity )t tttNn
a (hit'aa oUuiversity's pla against of Sosuthi Daka~. Fread B. Wh Iitles'
delphi a sini a revellutionl to the seas el('ciedhnaltioinal epuicaln exe-
Eat. erhp PiII1this sectioni miiy' lacutive comituluiteeanl. Thei'nex)t (CO~L.LEE ~iS"1TL1EN"T iS
:further eulightelledhbIy'tle Statemlenlt maeetiglag ehcheld inu Phliladelphiia'
thaut thert' lre htsosothier footthll iho1900.
ts i tihaig=ladla est Uiaivei of737{
tecish heihsth'Ws-t '' tiae Wocien's Lelagrueinvites 1iCOts'1hr
siyo ihgnadUest of. lmemb~ers und friendls t ini ua infrmal COVER1t
Wisconlsiaa-inl hatcls witilClii- soial at thie Barbholur (GyIInasim ntillE
sago. Moreover, ai full hlsf-dhozeliI'lhiiay lfteri'loonll, Nov. 25, fr'tom SMOKE
not a grelat dealilferi to thlese 3t .Dnigan-ae ilb
larger unliversity'elevens lperfotrininua .in.ta.older...oi Ct.1s
the slit'eiieigihborhoode. Not far ____________ ___________-UU .t( UU d UJIi
aSCII)' is Oherlia,wsa ate recetut sltoig
sh1115i11 ginllst (Itr~ell (0-6) is il ATHE NS THEATRE, _________-__ ___________ -
dicative tif the Eai s re'lcad shohrT-NiHT
football patsess. Cortdsll, it may 'bie
fa'aetal''lpo, 's. lls ellal )Pbimae- Itettttr ttteatoitres, IfYOU W1VantOrtin tdingiii Ruling, os anythtingatnstar latte, eta atter
tona (tl-(0) in October. I 1 1 lhow small or tow larg;e,
"thle 1m1st grltifyillg fealtureo tf KIti v't 11. 5 rang1 er a Job of WE CAN DO IT
M ia le b e st e rnly itt ct i e s sr c in t h e liii et i l t
i htlleWiiosli-ei adekill ft hlte In New J~ York. DuPrindting. foryou. ('all anad get acquainted.
elevenas that icametI'fteel'the dnai llui sThe llittl. dPress,
co' that Setlla i'tttt'l51lhlin 4lllssai Paeentattehr tala1 the rseey, ec., iatalel0tt ,
fiourishieti a less- ytears too. 'Ihcie iteNti e stor tiand ttke c si.Fok'I a,
factory. Ins tt ttt iretiosI _____________________GOTRELL & LEONARD,
to see 10 1111 ttt'l'I~lI'IlI and iltk1 - - LAs. NYN.
lilt tile Iltter fally)' i ttlIe later.n .-. - CGows,-ndHoosmdtood erulch tate. Addess
For inetinc beingthE )Id~ll «et M t 1W 1 o el lJ ICaneas, Class tlats adCape, Cl'sttlhegePisAdrs
Is lall i ht eE1t'Yttltg e YItI ho 1 oiCpeiHotes C.IadE t oresiern lree. lo ls
the 'rsals tof its senid effoh rts ifor t ec itiettteCtie sitia s
wehitoesolute spotrt. I ptarticullar!}' coa- W. S . PARKER, --
gratltle ut ieeily tat Wiscon~sina til - NDA LAL. Every kind.~IE
ler fiiail recogna itinaolthe .aosl' 1111111315_S. Stale. Gal i oad sea him. NIWet.Wsiet Sre
uponl shichi permailllelt prosperity ill ia.Ji lPh the ltiuown attes -teState Phone 144. Both Phones, Na. t08. Ann Arbor..
alilatc'T S(t m1'Ibeur attt- B lotite! al itiit, nstate is a nnu altt
s1ttrt tit'fi'outrileha t3EastIll Itlte eta t. stitil Suas-
Chelaiicle-S. Sll(llr. ay. Nit CC; hours 10a.tas.taeo p. in.; - _--__-_ ._
"(omprill;; Chcagoand______-!_Lesapitude_____d.In .Tose Pace,1""",,
s~titt fPennlhvaniahllas thiey ptlayed - ___________________
ita PhilaelhatIhesre cast ha oa U NI VE RS IT Y Wth that conniangad gointg oatIheteasaoas ace te fashioss
qluestiisiulithtli ~lICritICphysical S h o fD n ig in Shoes. The Slyles of yesteday c arssnfogotten is the desie foa
str'eigtls iid list salacittor ftoothllh sf an tat fto-morrowl. Sceasr iandowsfasrIahessesilupt-daeliste o
gav Ulielslysi Pil~s r-lli tle the stylestftatol-morreots. 8BE IO L 9att-itt
gav UivrstyofPtensyvaiath ! Granger'S Academy
victory. AldI h Ilealt-hllliulelt Seaiels Phointe 246. j !AnArt.