p r
VOL. IX, No. 51.
x T 4J MASS MEETING. The Author of "Our Country."
1Great Enthusiasm Dispiaced bi the One of the lectures which wil
_Students Last Night. be mot interesting and of
T T ~~~~~~~Last night a big mass meeting wasgraetvle ootdno f
H FINE FALL SUITINGS. H held in Rosin C for the purpose of any that wiii be given ilin the
H arousing the studento in regarxi to -wUiversity this winter i that by
E E the Chicago game ad~ to heip raise Dr. Josiah Stron, of New York,
money to pay the band's expenes pyat !Neberry 13xl, this evening.
for the trip. The clii xas arely Dr. Strng letureson015te "S-
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T responded to ad le rooxxi xas illed. i preue Peril of Modern Cilvii-
STOCKA Enthusismi rais high. President ation,'' aixitoxse wrliskiisx
A Weinsteini called the mxeting txx orer the mnai or his books reaiz
IN THE CITY. ( ithm a brief speech statiig the pur hth ilhvesxxeiigt
poxxse for whiicli the ieeting had beensaofnco opleort-
Scalled, tox ear seeches by te vani- 5 fmcxxxoxlc rxn
/4 ots players and iniagers. Before tixmely character. lHe is inow
0 0hle finishexd speakiiig Capt. Beniett j iviig ila xwixle tme tx the work
108 E. WASHINGTON ST. was called for anidthe resionded in fa of the Leaue fxr Scial ter-
H B ~~~~~very happy mnner. lie did sut vco vxcxlei xeet
xishs to promiise a victxry "for" levieofwch eispsdnt
sa, "xe all knoxxxChicago's teamxix, ' hie arosinig of a wider cd
their strong line andl fast backs, but r. ix2 oe itelliget atixtsii, and
walokinow Michilgan's trans xxxni the effective use of riglteous
ixan for mixix they are the equalsxriatoireilprxxyobcs
-. the superixrs of Chicagox s imeix
tHe stated that the bet teanm will wiiioh raivtoi
SCHEST PROTECTORS for "Michigan xvxn't lay uoxi" ad
t ANDI Chicago isn't given txxdhing so. sbcriptions ce ilwxell today the ( Varsity's Last Practice Toda.
CHM I VSSMcLeans next spoke, repeatixng takingxf the banid is asured. All the 'Vxriy players xere out
+ CHAMOIS VESTS icwat Capt. Bennett had said iii re. Bill A lieu reslxvnxexl that in theafrioxixdxnetften
ilfxxx 1sd fyeterxay fects adnoeofte
iv is te tmeori tlixyar :gard to the cxonditioniofthe xxxvi. Northiwestern ginexethere xas xioxii oe1lxluxphelxr- aii
idrire viii xiiidxrtwx wlrsdbbeger hort frm tie side lhnes aixd that t x'itlx iBeloit Sattrday. Thle prctice
as , Aeecoeoftebeetxi 'x roi ftegaxx ii iiosdta xxio lyxsxviiihu iy xas light. It cxnsisted etirely of
pveetetive ovcldan by iiamiing the imen of our teamu "all lxxiking as it caxnx iit. it slignal prctice ilaxhlcb peial at-
740 NTS wrn t ll in e a refxv tars," anx iniithis lils rexmxrks iere After theimetixg it was aannoinced tnix iOgvx i etn h e
+uws voeexediyiiliiux. sxllxxetd$} h rovl cxcxthat returnsofromixthe guimexiil e to play fat till asixtox start off
WLDER'S PHARMACY * chose to amxe limxi as vne, lie als receiveil at the Operxi tHouse at tie qaickly. F'or ax short wiile at the
asessuthx state stxet. spoke of the support the teaxm, any expexse of tie Athletic Asociiation., close of the practice the 'Varsity
+++N++. +400.. teame, mimust have froxm the ttidemnt Adlmissionmm will le free. patcd arigback the Scrub's
__________ iotrder to xiiiand urged every lie kickoffs. BthlM xcheax xndlStreet
Ov n ®au a n iuht. Writh couldtemgok that le haxd a-col go Athletic Association Subscriptions, art' excellent at this kixd of work,
i~ve mxee x h exg vewxays played xiiia ainning team, T1he foloiinmg have paid iii their ibithm of tiexm succeedinginmmrettirninmg
will serveerestixvtholege earlee, wesmex. hnbl t iemxdhi htehl
wxn ~i l xtseiv, ig~,edo in etrsoddadsi e ubscritionseto th xAthldticAssoea-thhalotemideftefed
nli ixeeFe. la' Widimiaat nxtlreoprsimihdeaomiPipxs, clivatt, timereeatdy, aidel by goo bocking
Tobxxacco. does not care tix have thiat record than since the last list sas pubiised. omi the part of tie other players.
R. E. JOLLY & CO~~ broken and dotes mit believe it xiii E. E. tCalkins....... ...........$10.00 Ioi iepmyr ax h oaie
30 So. State Street be this seasomn, at least. White amd W. 'i. Tuttle.........10.00 areh feeh plagecom ndt thtcMichms
-- _ Weeks foloxwed by mrging everyxne S. W. Brhfield.............. 50
________________-to go amd yell. Model Barber shp, Fred &Harry 5.00 sioing om Thumrsdiay xwilxv most
H "'Buckie" Hall, our head coach, Rosys Biliard Hall .............00s crexitable. The mvin are paying a
OL etsok n oqit egh Chas. F. trothers ................5.00iyhdfxst game ammxltexmxmm xork is tie
H ex poeamx t uiea egthxCt. L Niles .........................00 et that hashein seems foreas. All
Drn sHe expressed himselcf as being nable . IH. Chaney ..............20y
D i k .to understand the scare about tie U. of Ml. DAILY...............10001the payere are iii perfect physical
' uhhTevowr ese teCcltev....axe ~, Chicago game amd that le beieves it Fl. W. Coleiy............ 1.. 000 ~xxlxxm mx r i hx etfsiis
wiuhlcream....s ..... imipossible for Michiganm to lxoose. If v. Theili 0 1lasI t practice of the year xiii
Beef Bouilon wihs in aromaxxhatxcan-in°Deta Sigma Delta .........2500 hi. thuat thisxfternuooxm. It xiii be
noe produedxith commn ex-sc Heraciher tries any pice kicks or F. L. Bruwn ................ 25
tiavs.. . ..... 5a he xiii brexak through sixfxst that IvticIerY ................. 250secretmxnx spetatorsheig alliexxxx
Maltexd Milk leshboh Imeem nSdrk. s 5e Mr. L. A. I1udutt .....10..... ,othy iiil'lThe meniixviie giviml
neot xxCoff ee og, aeuik li luc ,....lo it xwilh tahe loe iitf 'lierach's" sieed tG.D. ii iudntt.............. 000 xxinl ci x tice ly xand ximlxxt inhe
tox get his kicks off iii had formi, F. It. Bhxair.30u1..
a lv ers viwithaliofxthem.x heav""ho"xe""x"i"L. 3.lkr0x ummix They xiii as h ave ix little
Ph j pp (( arabe said lxv is cxxnfient thaut D.I" sternu.................250sgo pacietmrwevng
i ill xiiiandushenhxuChaurlix Baid B. ......rdn ....r...... xii feral lixx iug (hiag.uiii The fiot.
fxxhxxcex xeiii xx tirimu li dxe Gl x Wrxi.'iX W xxdwxrthi....xxx...... vi.0 alx hi nxi li xiiilehex n oxthecfirst
folloed wih a tring appeal or . .Baes .....11......... 30lxraxe at 4xo'cl(xxltomoxrxxrxxw.
do' e tb ad a icn m A .Meyer ................ .0 etrdal ya tie oiu)xwiv asiiifollxws:
To Law ~outdidl on in loyalty. Our team, le 1'eha
exissierstx.betim het Ret iles .................100 tmil ixunxehuxx.. ..u..... ...rwn
Stude ts cosider to b the est hysiclly Fre hx rry.....................10.00ran.. rg..... Krmuor
Std nsthatw vrha. H adfrthe xW. tiradle ...................... ..hi.iIBkr......0. lv
,studtexnts to go themxsolves an take Fetonx & Lehlaron .................001 Steklr.t ihxoxd
iv ie iin'ee sveThxdf. A.Nlller ..................... 10.0 Wie........,. t....Howel
epie thUergixamud. e 'flie"hs. toviixg..................... 10.00 Snow ............ .e. li.Ganshow
viUndergraduate Manxxger Pxtter B. WadronJr.................0 eoett........ e..........icks
Huf'cutt &Woodriih's Amercamn ias next called fr anxxh ias just C,.L. Peggxti...................... 1.0 Street........ . Txalctt
Caes ona Contract, abot to respond whe the "Csloxnel" Psi Upsilon .. ..................01.650 Mehexn....r. Ix. .......eetl
became anxious to hear the band amdIalph Paxge..................... 10.0 Widmiaux. . t.Sch .... rbs
CohBnigfor $ 2.75. Charles Baird.................... 2.00 Caley...........f...........Weks
ChtiBwdixgiterrtxptexi in favor of a 'S[lt Tinny," L. J. Kee.. ............. ... 5.00___ ____
Price Nea, Dluring tie paying a subscriptioxn Prof. A. 1I. Pxtteghh..........etra frm terhcg
Cloth Binding ................$3.nO as saxde to rxise money fr the - . -I
Ful Law Sheep.............. 4.00 amd. The Chicago Alumnui Ass- ITe Mrqette Cuntxy Techers' game will be received by long
Finev wiiegeper fov xac, 2si ndae25Cxper m. eation has aredy promised to pay Institut as filvdat Marquette last distance telephone at the Opera
apiart and the students xiii try amd eek. At lexst tio-thirds of tie na-Turd --at
inise the rest. Not quite enuxghxhighx schlx teachers of the cuty Hue Tumdy atroon,
W ahr's Booksto e as secured for the purpose, but if aryU. of M. gradates. Free to everybody.