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November 19, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-19

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T SIMONS WINS FIRST so we should be prepared. Though LAST HOME GAME.
_____ our colnies are fewer thani those of __
Knse SeodSagrTidin England still ina war with England 'ast to Line up Against Beoit's
T ''h ftil atr-epritet ebteas hers to protect one little island. 'The last homee"game of tlesao
The ilil iner epatmen deate Charles Shos closed for the nega- will be played this afternoon at 2:3
H FINE FALL SUITINGS. H in the (Central Debating League se- ive.tHe declared that te atiria. o'clock, o Regets' fil d, when
rie toos place night. The judges tie ust show that sar with soue Michigan's 'Varsity will line up
E E a warded Charles Simons, of Michi- of the other greati power s possile. against the strong eleven from Beloit
gan fist lac, Gorg Kigseyof e ten rgud tatwarwit eihercole'eIis game wl bea most
Kansas, second place, andI Sigisniund England or France is improbable i interesting one to the sectators as it
Snger, of Ohio, third place. Th'le not impossible. We are not afrait will give them a chaice to see the
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST. T decision of the judges means tt (f either Russia or Germany or Italy. results of the past week of secret
ASTOCK A these men sill constitute the team Our navy in point of numbers and in practice. It iill also be the last op.
whaich will it-t Northwsestern n D- point o efficiency is fortidabie, so portunity that the student body will
IN THE CITY. eenber in debate on tie question: we do not need a avy much gretter have to see the 'Varsity play, except
"Admittng it to be constitutional, than at present. otl Thnkgvng day ii Chicago, as
LB esolved, That an inicome tax is ude- -Mr. Rtheinfrank than had fiv it is most probable that tie prctice
' sirable." miutes rebumttal to close the debtte iext seek sill be secret.
0 0 President Busers called the asseiii for te affirmative. He ptt tp a Thle gamie siltle a godl hard one.
105 E. WASHINGTON ST .1 bhiy to orter and atoniice introtducetd strong rebutttl ndl siiuied improve 'T'he Belotplaltyers iare hetvier than
HHthe presiding ofdicer of the evenig, iieit over his first speech- our iieii tondIcan put up a very fast
Cii. Heiry M. IDutfield.. Mr. Dmi- 'he swork of Mr. Simioiis was per- gaie. It sill be remetmibermd that
field Inmade a feet aplropriaite aid ei- laps the most unifirimioftaty. tieBeoit defeateu I lliiiiis a fei ieeks
________ j~ couraging remark titer wichelidliniot have so iiaty specific torg- agii by the scinre of 11 to 0. 'h'ley
tniotnced F. E. Riheimnfrankl as the mietit as his colleagoes, ut le de- iwill proibtbly give or lieiiin plenty
itst speaker eoi the tffirmiattive of the veloped cletily aitd orcibly the est of hardlpractice asth iey make tmost
..........................qustio ir debtte. '"Resolvedr, T'tithe ii advtince, swhicliesiietly toll of their giiins by ltys triiigltthe
CHS R TCO S~ time iited Stttessotld libuil anidlsithitie juilges. hine.
S HS RTCOS miti ui iiich greitrtitiy thttiti Mr. Kingley hatiansimpilressive 'l'he Aicigani tiei tre in spletdid
AND: it hits atotpresett." Mr. Rhins'tfrtnk delivery. te is a miore' ielibertte sae. Yesterdaiy' prct eas the
SCHAMOIS VESTS interpreteid the qoesoini as thec tdter- speaker tati either Mr. Sitiotsir hest f the yer At the close sit the
CH M I ET mtatve proposeid to consider it. lie Mr. Stitger, but his argmietts whenet prietice 'riir Fitzpatrik said that
l s lstuoftis e artheti trgutedin ttthe mithattfitcAtier- recivsedicarry sithi theistthe iii sitit as thehest iiosiltthe 1to01i ad
tisf fro~iuseiordyaw inds.ic ehiing milonger anisolttedl nmatioti sommmsltes'mimdlae iell 1ut. idinei'this setisoiniadltat tiey were
4 chsipotctrior han- ut ia colitonialominiott ha ltitbIetiuse Mi. Sainger is perhatp tie most just beginnintoigiipitty'retlfoitbal.
si i t iofthe hst :ess hfome .,i
mmmc, isi . te cl n o ast efeses reinadequ t e- typical iidebaeftheitee.,H i e pimay wa s ias. 111 seeltie
*rNT eewaan tns b ee eas or.ornneennd turfey imi r~ i nh mmmiitaks h coaches hivm ben dillingti.fat lay
Z PAR eiismssisssiisutpyisyiicis. icvy shoiuml e immoeh inicreaised. subjc ith vmloimrHi-sir" mmiemtitomthle msei itoh at 1asi hte efects
WILDER'S PHARMACr+Y : Gteoirge Kinigsley- soke first fomr theisearIs manii tellimg. He is epeciaily of it are somswigmip.mmi this'menogt
ssss so utse sstmeative. Ite hedh thamt sor colonmieetism"gini rebtuttalh,-miiotheir itrmflmremci stter thami
.+..+d storP i0wre fes, thatmou tr commmmerce ws Thit.e tssimols re: First hotor, they- have limits.yst this yem.
-mailiy protectedsby htie Enmglishiflimig, $7it) scondislhonoir, $0; thimdhonoir, All of thei mii mritoit fitphysial
DON'T FORGET thatosweehsmithutmos far beenimmgo-st $30 Thi us etrm' Judge Gerge esondition.,Irmmmi his ialmos emtirey
tie OLDtsRELIABLE ad omm w sserful mationsit sthoust ci great SliHosimermDtroit; iProf. F. A. tBtr- reeveredhfrommiihis lameiiikee tid
htose. tHot andeold luneseenacvy timd m-cese shim mut mieel miw our psmim.lahiti;Ilion.Chasm. A. Blair, sill plasy guarlist'a'itternionsi.
at ll otrs. Chioeolotes and Ice timimlohmonthmitaitah tnavy semuchJcscon;imRlos. WiiiiamiA. G'ardasmmsStekles ecrihassheed mli icely.
Cream Soda Water, .Pipes, Cigars and reter thiamisee ittve. Ypsittit. MLeani comntinu-eshii timng jlying
Toacadfl ieo mkn -plies. R. E. JOLLY &8r,,00 . 0ittiius Ohlihmger spouke secondh hDirimg thu imitervmmlbetiteemitie at hcficck timd it hissbeen(cmieeded
308 So. Stmte Street. sr the tfirmmative. He insistedl that cose sif tieodebate mmiiitlieirndser- to keehi hinti there as lie addis o great
coast deemses tre nstoil asfi~lh tinig ofthis-decisiounositthe jumdgsstlie eal sifstrethisto the bah iseisled.
1prev'entimng bocktades,'utoitnmmiy a audmiiece ws etintterttiinelby)'siceir''he followingsill le the lhne Lip:
IHiiinxvy is sficienit fou"mciipurorlses.Iby Etigmime Page t11mm' ndiomliist sfr aMItHIGANs . or.
Isolation ie maintied did mut helpi the Uniiversity Sesotol of Music. Sni,fI hels ...... e. P. ung
Iiusl (sit hei mwcr of the Itevmoutionm, the hite, Aery.. t... . .A. Rouige
star sit I512 or the 1s~ lietituloshi va Alpha Nu Will Dram for Debates. mrnertus... . E in
. I(titsmghamu, hdruen.e...........ISiater
Tites.rymmieiist nethuChss.ltin inists, 'iie (z'sntsaepop uiosiailice eciue, T'iere sill hbe iaspeciamlmeeigs",of tBtker.............1. g....Adkins
wihce......... ....s innomii indicative o(f a ten ihemnt i i, B~is. " Seekte............1.et. .. .tto.lebek
Beoit lo itwtsties :aii isronmste an mucs to . 5555emAlphaiNi mmsocey Monday i)even- Bennett ....... e..... .. hl..uck
mjtbeposcdisthssiieinmio n x- towadm eauo sice because veininhei'is this itgast 7:3i0 tim lrasefr laches in thi S teeftilcit....... qb.......... Chiids
AlaiLdsinik utis boihma nsisintmd sirint.. .'st'arhuohiig ia mclasrger nasvy. society sdeacte swhichlel eihheutlto lean he s'nitomb. r h,.bS . trimsters
Hoss OscoffNodn, a (trik rinch,.......ioc iglsismsh Sanmger followseedlfosethe choose mest for this Pennsylvania t arn so ehe.....1. . ....... .ieyers
negatie. Ie saidthto the mueess f dld. A Caritesitsei i .tey .1ai..... errll
Vistss smis sts o iieinin. Amierica ansi mit thio' ned'. of Esg.sired. 'Ile"uio tl eeuls i'iiii
- li 'P P~ ii mmiisr eisasysrt''umc asulh~t 2:0 mo dls tith s it is te last
s I I i ii~~ h emsiues' he siefittie nav. Thhsopomormmnii''elass f the insI mei ome "'iise of the seasn this manaiige-
IHolland _ odhalstsgreat posessons anutuyoutistiic Depasrtmsemt limst eventing t ninit sin"sishn'irusofsiain vistas e
alsmomtmimst )' v. Tie stunseis trite f td ie sso'iim.tlshiomtlihiig, ''thunuiicumnowtsih Ahiisim ul eus
To Law or vl toigiuh rs PrepasrtocmithirmIiahssumumegcin i htisuxl5S ts LeRoyt Pushed for Director.
pemoacefuondcsmitions, limt its the patmsus insmem of-m ithe laehss aot ihers situ Yesteushmy's C('isiesoim 'Ihimic Ierud
it hiss meast ar isef. suitinfomamsl m'o'ehism. All friendus constainedh ailarge sizedh ct suies
Wesavaeitio ecn-hn frth ffratv.itibt utici fues, sers'invited. theo'fact tatule mos'.a Vl'.y tromim-
Coievo o00.Harso-t syta~ ~ iesli~ ib:-ssht lieoutm'-net1?iandidat, fr hess positin. of
Huffleumtt &Wodu s mrcndi ay sifhis previoust-.efort ndi Attorney I3ILt.Herbst omintnIsdsiretor ofthlime Airicnt acihmrmseof
Cases o otat, jdigfrmteoiin fteAbor sill sdiscuss tIte "JutinySys thleicusuortsottheso'Paris expomsitionu.
Cloths Bining for u$2.75.lc. H mre inmsuinems-t Ninn. 20, imueiiac'ly sesrmlyms uppoiredhby manuy minttie
Price ewsmrked ini rebuittal alonmg sith is' 1
Clth13r>lig ..............*350costuciv rgument.Te ohecaredhdilciwselcoeumtiis exten-toi isthis'sli- thahisli chances fur receiving te
FlLa -Sep.........4(otatemi defictineo rn mresotssttie Ciivesity. apposinmsenem tero' strmng.
Fiem'Wrinaer fsor isis to aus tecpe s. sas nomt castimng amny reflectiomiuonit Gen. John B. Gordon in S. L. There will be a Mass Meeting
her mavy because other forces caused A. Course at M. E. Church to of Students Monday night, in
I, nr the dethume. War siths other grenat night on The Last Days of theI Room C, at 7:30. to complete
WanrsBooI~1UIUnatiomme is entirely possible sn itunemg Confederacy." Doors open at 7 arrangements for Chicago game.

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