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November 17, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-11-17

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Pahlicehed Daity (Sunayexcetpted) ducing the
Coltege year, at
'recE: The Inand Preast, Hening Btatk.
Bath Phones tat
F. EaaeLIIAae, '01 L.
a). 11. ttANS, 00 L.
AthleticE tditoe, T. 11. WOWa00tOL.
P. W. JaNaS, '99, Alt. MeDOenAcLc, 'tt E,
F. D. E AM A, 0tL; X..LUNDa200tM,
G. D.tteexcee,t01.
The estescription teicetfte~e ILtise2.5t tee
he coalte year. witt a aregutte detiveey betore
eoon ahday. Nticee, commuaaicatiae, ad
other eatter inteaded tee pubticattenet etetbe
haaded ia at te DeAY oeefe e85p .,o
maatted ta the editetoeoe 3itn ofat theeday
previousattathatoatwhch theyareexpeeted to
ap pete.
suateeitetonstematy tbt tefttat tetmthehe fie,
Meyee's, te Stettlieteneweteat, ee wttt Btsies
Manage. Subsceeibeesetttltcotea faeotcy
reporettingptromptty at ethiscatttee ay tattare at
At)lataag~ee ta adverettaig acatteeramuat be ta
the offie bya4 p.aIn. cantae cay preeoto tahtat
act wthcteyatea t applear.

No Game at Detroit. A r"
r'lie Ann Arbor High School foot. r o o g A g
ball teame did not play the Detroit e ou o ng i w y
High School teann yestearday after-duigTakgigVctinIfsyo'leda
nooas atsea expected, because of theelcigTiakiiaVctoaIsoyt'lnda
accideantwhlich teetered iu san the
electric line, cnsquantly team wao
unoable to rettch Detroit. TE'L E6'G E ORHm SUIT C .
J. 11I. Q als\6,isacnddt'e have a ltirge varity ett poputlar. prices.
foar thte Untited States Senate freom
Wisconsin, act e eems at presenct to Cutting, Reyer & Co.
havaoochncofelctin. Asin Arbor. 201-203 Somithlainm Street.
There cxiii: 7< be a Z °'rPupils' RecitalaY i «F1 ' ISs
givenc in Frieze Mleiiorial Hall oil The MOSt Deliciosfal
Monday, Nov. 21, at 4:30 p. in. Molasses Candies.
Students in the War. 10, 15 an(I 25 cent P.ackages.
'5 ,, .O Sale at Canmpius Drug Store.
1.1e Alutmcni Asociation deesires to ,J.. J. Q (UARRY.
cocllect tll the edacha possible cecicerct-
ictg the picrtieeitiu O1ittst.gri adu-ew.aeeaw
ates attdlsttciettts, pesct ciii Itte(ent, tt
the late wvacr witht Spain. I Te Uncic
verasity is very dsru htic c $ 3 7 a scoacac0cicg0ov
ortis'he s nearii tie tlce ciposst
lile, evecn alitecito tlae uti cicite wk. tla, tfar threcancest$30 avy cm eaxinaln, Nov
scap icf iccforcattlc. 18th, ofer-our.me s $3.50 eacyBox a, 1an



SxtormCic actf, Doul t ote aoPUact Sty lices air $3,00
- I~n.i C.llI tYill IIC lTn; n l)l . 11111

tribuet to ccvicetoryfitr Michciga ilc itfSrit tooe, 1 AIT RS
Thatnkshgivinig ariy shioullld et t 3 XF 1or LAMPcS of all kinds.
fortic. It it iot icly the dutytxofilthe 1....dseYs VYWife, a PORtCELAIN CIIAMIIERO SETS.
paeste dolice liest)iiex arecap- ieretCi c al 1 et ae~.DIN-EtR SET-,acid FANCY CHINA.
plie ofdl h t lysol A rs-lir ix", ih 15SuhMi tapacineehoods and Novetitiet
atteccelsocfc a sostsile tit c iwxhit is(
aiora 'eicliortaiit, ehiiiulilatled lit 2 ( 1 A ~t tit 11of ll i. ,c) f9I .E #Y 1 ..C N ED MVA K E A STRIKE
body, readiy tii suhpport thce pltyers Nf'c- j alk(c, Sonags, Mati'ic 0(l inWteheDamod, atel o ther Pci- -a a
ofitprodttiigcaet.n cei h teci ~ ex WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED.E BOWLING ALLEY.
of1,zjmm -N pr e lcett and tiic th ict1 uliOicet, resice ail atD. Libtytte ,AnnccAe-310 5. Main St.
log of1 he lacdand tt cicl Iuicyit h. -Mitth. Atl) t e sc- acittectizii ostai
tob ckc i iiag.>ic i1 i tea cd c~ta~c ic T. M/AHO NEY, - Proprietor.
becacise thceyare cieaxcig ofit, bt --Oarciaics in t S ecild iccehi ai ~aaamtndsccOccnDacy anad Night.
beeatcse they areiineededi at tile giiii--.-
Thse bancd last lee layed it all the r r'Krrr- r
ganias fe fiat iargettiiilreciedd i
practiecllx' ctiiiicg for all the oticecr
plain tey 111,'l eyleve l-I aLL sE STUDENTS
xvays showaxtt tillicigica vs i to hicy iion-t~ j
atny iimpitanit oiccan ithotraei- It[A.1HE'
caivicig eithier thia remunccerttion of COUNTR
glory ocia fit su cbstaiitialotit Asa 13 CIJG°!IIOV1R
This xtear the Athletic A.tocii f , 1K Vn
ashonoredIiiothitself canal ta vnil tcnti
by picividing tunifocti.Btct ist I i7i~l
yet itertaini xxlthearcit wtil l ae
the bacndili tilihicagot,Sati thcevalue
cal the hiacedloncic ihat occasioncti eci
iierdhy be overtitet acateid. 'a e havJ/jifr_
recetthabd severcil insan ces of thie
impanci atotachiegtota titthewrko f yo UW tntOr tindiang, ocRuling, or anythiiig i005lane, 00oniatter
hans a fotbal gine. Wthoextw saill orihoitaxge ,
atey requiestiiioii tho pare of lie a Job of W A O I
haii, he stctici biilyec thcitsl MR. W.EUGENE PAGE,
vaniti asked I hei tic aCiiitlc)iii1lrthe Fritiit iiiadng f
tac0tcduleii aheccii.lciceiieieaitit- iiL o at.tciand get acquainted.
ocripiticic sufiicit ti coser theirrail - city Siclofluet itictixeel tridat. Pitrtciaa cit I l ceacaiL t Pre'tss,
road expenstes. ad hisaptply to tcutrettry"dEecacccg lBlckn.
XWtsecnicsethelir bacndiltoCbii
cago furhice gcimte ast tSclido1 t, accndNVE SIYIntoIegiatC BuMI]u01 I1Ga~Gui G OtUue.
tie Cileago cicaiccctc1 eecl,1 cit ectrlacce . &LEONARD
to allots WionsiniStichlead llthe School of uancinglQ""TRALLAYN& Y
enthusisin deartmeAtees one htr.
ecetioelacic iejitrttiiitl ci icea ired.ae" tiits, towvns, and ?Hocods tmade to orader ancelrented. Ahso 'las
the First Eliegiiecit Bacncc, a es i aeCls t ndCpCas olg in.:drs
oxvn xvscts ccetc ichcrko-icnize.And Granger's Academy. Gna oaHt n ao ls olg eas drs
a_ W. C. KIitN, Westeran.xlcgc-.,
theca cii e ciio liiht :ticat211 cut- cccxci1 1,11l'Phnce 246.cHaskell iLltcaaliccUic.ofCicacgo.
band contcribuctedl va-c-laer iaclly___ ____________to__________
increase the cacixcil it Detaoit hist he Man \Ahci S'.'
Satturday. rice il(,,god cxfcy tic get IM.ua l JiT.)CA . icere1knd
th tuetUtgtiebANDALLPattsadocrna heAhetc19 etWashington Street
whlere tihey ctay lee tsed fur sste-.iel i State Phone 144. KBicic Pioes, 'No. 10ls. Ann Arbor.
catatiecceerincg-,isicy- hecvicig ci btnd.c . w . s PA HK ER'
Thce ItbalisI atilling tic gc ticChii
cagot acid plauy if it ctaninccihaccve a 315 S. Staha. (all in cod see clom. In c"Lose Pace,1s'"
guctiaciee f heixicg Is rciiaaty x- ___-With the comincgad going at the seasonsatrae the eastieccs
penses 1pai1. Steps shouldh~ be tcakenc COPYING and IlILSIS WORKI(inc Shoee. The Styles of yestedapate seen dorgoenicnathce desice tee
at oncee toi raise in same iacicer teAltilac of to-neoraot. See aer winedowsftee 0st tp-ta-di aeie ccf
focis cccessrv t eccbl he Ated inicds aS rypewritingecalteiy. Picaes the styles farto-materow.
funs ncesaryto nabe te bndteasabtle. A Franklinc Typcewitee orRest.
Stto go. tt1) N. Eccica; Opera Hacacece I leek Ai IL'S SHO[ S:TORL 'A191 'aArlccac". g 1



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