U 3 REGENTS MEETING. glory of the university if we can be Stagg Ma Get Tm Eastern Games.
____enabled to do our fol part in this The Univerity of Chicago may
President Angell Makes His Annual honorable work. We shall certainly play games ith two estern football
Report sffer in rmptation, usefuness and teams next year, instead of one. Be-
T Boardinfluence if we are unable to (10so." sides the game already scheduled sith
TT Yesterday's session of theBor The board onfirmedl the degree the University of Pennsylvania, the
H FINE FALL SIINOS. of Itegents oas occmpiedi mainly swith of B.3L. oni H. L. Wilkinson; B. S. mnaroons may be matched swith Dart-
fl a cosideration of President Angel' in chemistry on Chs. J. Iice and moth, Broswn or Weseya Univer-
rannual report. The president started Carl R. Stevens; B. S. on A. Van st' e nln olgsshc
E ut cit a ribte t tie eecuiveZxaluwvenbrg; Mi. S. on A. M. C. rank next to he big four etastern uni-
bead of the University during his Bryan anti LL. B. on John Cayswood. v rsities. The anageent at Ci-
absence. He sid: The oard mad the following ap cag has received assurances froum
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T ''First of all, I swish to express mly propriations: $250 to defray tie these institutions that a gaime in Ci-
TCKAhearty appreciation of the industry, expenses of the faculty ii the dei agsiext year is reatl desired,
A nryadnidr hc cigcation of the Ease building, 262 and the matter has been takeni under
IN THE CITY President Hutchins brought to his vards of matting -to e pt oni the advisement iy the Chicago board.
Iexecutive duties. At your earnest floor of the law library, 300 newIthsbepr'iiydedelit
reus i otrluttml ne.asis for old seats, caret for regets' to sigii a cotact witl Wisconsimn for
Ltook them, but students, faculties room, $300J for a refrigerator for Uniii.iext year, and with the heavy gamei
00 anaid the public most cordially agree verity hospital, $210 ldditional p.mgainst the badgers off tie list Stagg
108 E. WASHINGTON ST. swithi tiewarm commendations of his porain tim chemical departumemt wiii e iitio to tmke oi another
work shichm you have formerly ut for desks, $300 to e used iii repair-. easternm temt~i
teredminm your resolutmoms o hatmmnks to ing tie ice hoimse at tie hmospital.
'imimTe superimntenmdemt of hildings irs Fa Speak Beore te Good Govern-
He themeuisgized Profs. dmitr, instructed tim tke bids oni tie wood ngent Club.
~? 7 II1 4 Cooley mn igmu , iv otiud uud ork iecessary to cmmplete tie Tie Good1 Govermmnt Cmb imay
'lie ieeks of this last suimmer Wommam's buldimg. smcceed ii gettimg Teodore Itticse-
-- - - vacationi iave beenm freighted withi Secretary Wae imstrmmcted tie vet timletemmh ere mni it curse
++++4+++++++++++++N ievy persomnal losses to tie Univer- professors ts hmmnd all commmnnicaticns some tiime durimg tie year, anmc the
C ETPROTECTORS c ity. I amn paimfuly reminded of tie to tie Presidemnt temmdmys before tie students will ihaye am opportunity to
AND rapiiity of ciiange mm our facmlties as Ineetinmg of tie IRegents. liear tie niwly elected gvermnor of
I reflect thmmitsonce tie deathm of Prof. A vote of thmmaks wasi extenmdei to Newe York. He has sigified is
+CHAMOIS VESTS C(oioley amd Prof. Water, of tie . A. Ferry, of Detroit, for liberal iilingnes to spek before tie clib
Thi s isoe imeacosliminsyeas more thami200 teschers noseonoiiuronmations. oi subjects cinnectel sithm civilseec-
that weneed motecto curlls, nlnou eremmbers o mimy 'ou oto onn ieUi vice refommainduhams promised tic
Afcmosihescodrwo ids otasotolunigteUi h t~reo oiam f our faculties iheim I assimmed tie versityduringthspastyear.$51t,471.72 ccime tic Ann Arbor if lefnme tps flails itfcl pddteoosh reiec i 8!1. Rciedfo tae..... 2 463 ibet orsws t ted h n
o rung tromblemsd.nbes jQ'In attenmdmance last ear sas the Received from earnings...213,2e5.8]iuim ihl i Cii acoe n e
CENSw, wa n ataltms a b olMcianCusaqe n eaeUWR omimneid STymphysicatns. largestinth ie history of tie sniver- Received froin students' fees. 77,7362 tot iiIosvi etrdhr
WILDER'S PHARMACY sty, tie tomtal ummmber of stundenmts ex- three years ago mnitiestudets'
3, otstatoiesee. elusive f thmoe in tie snnier school Back From Klondike. lecture asoiations course, hit his
++++++ +++++++ eimg 3,114, an imcrease over that iof Henry M. Wmallace, '96 L., c- caeer since that tinmmeil mae his
___-tie precedinig year f 236. This gain turned frommitie Eloradoi of tie reappearance mors melcone thau
DON'T FORGET walrgliteaDpatmn,_orhModangt.Hesasheevr
REIBEamd it is apparent that tie public sas left tie Anni Arhrprtwmell aimdDrBaeLhrr.
atalHous.CHote and d ce fully ready for tie extensions of tie enthhuiastic over tie caims of tie 'l Th eia iiiyi ~.Eia
Creal oasWateroPipes CigasIandcourse fromm twosto three years. 'lie conpany. Cocntrary to expectata- hMetimH.cateswlica hissfrecsih
Toaccoa andefoil iefsmoirngSup-mbmer of graduate stusdents changes tionms goldsh enfound in tie firstBvihied $1411000hotins ti eenlyDe
Tobacoandfulllin ofSmokng up-but little fromi year tim year. It is shovel of sirt amd tis continuedl in $10sjtth deR-
plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO00 corgig t.bsrv ta w, r partment, hsm ust beens received by
308 So. State Street. corgingtcshev htw r every every succeedingsie one He Prf Davis hslbaycnan
_______ ___________ahie to retainm andi attract sos mamy spent ight ays instie Komnike, svr- -fmshbmr omunn
s________________ tudents for graduate mwork whemamdsemigtieerrt eel200 vilummims, auiund mng these
t~m stomiernimiveoites adtoseetimengtetaty e ll frsituatdh are severi rae annulvauabe treaties.
Homost of tesrne uiestehretonh et tae o oens he lbayofcas esmwa
Ho tbe by enowsmmments ticosfer our orier to secure more mmmcmandma-'h iriy cbinsmccsmmmha
gautsfellownships anmi schoiihr- chimery son thamit tie caiums cnib upie tte ria h ok
grn srasis ing$00tummtes ee ore o lrelial.te a ncitiscnsmadmumo1 ifteiin
smrIp s yie l n own0thh$510 miwe veswsheliii ihne ni.timeiisof Dr. Bmte. Alihbmoks in
tins vemy aeentOuoimhihocoiamdeu, - mr.Iti-uel--isnmtmntm aethis colinmmthatitaredulmiiciamtes of
wilS cena.....s hut mie permanmmet fellownship. With The Philosophical Societm. smo ictl n h'hhr vi i
as notf oisionimh aniaroma asca.o ewexceputismgradusm us eantoe'led nte irr ilb
prlonmuod uc itOcommn nies- fwae ummtremiun TnnheiVut of Literttre andmiIts exchanged mith uther lihmries.
trsMikis...maaddrn. .as5 here, if mt all, mt their omen charges, Kernel' is tie subjct aunnncedvihfur
sum dMm Slm ieincd ean w~mhile tiey are sfferedi a coumfrtabe cmieaimi ittiePmlnspmntn Seats for tie Game.
HtcsCoinseNocaquikiallen......rcisad ~.torft h hlspia
suppsuort if they ginsto onus of fincur icr hrdyeeig hs Alsuet ta otmlt
was i th aell orcthemi i. fin' f tie stronger mmivesitie n m S mit, 'i irdiy eeiiig Ims A l smmeuo timn mms'milit t
ui.. r-~. smr cummtny.Csmmsiueriug tnisseesubject wiiilhi' introdmucedi mitim mutunding tie l'hanksmgiving gaume at
h ~ i r ipildGU ouiutrb.eCounsrming ythisfuetIa per icyMiss I irince N1. M~clumgh. Chiciaig, mamu nde sue riservednisetts
____~ s r d 1 . otimtofieemouaredpunrbym gthe -ctMisslegeieral hscumosimmu mihei) hnicyamnin obtamin thieumat Shechamuns unuti
tatudi esoniimsr itcrsuhinuninatin- beissAlice Iiusmsey. Aul studentin- m.Satrdaiy, whnet hinose tiat mue ift
+ p - ate stdies wih Is ahrta ob ilb l a icuae ecanius hueri are nnt teresteuim Cin'hesuhieetmiihu c- mvi mumtkeum tni Chicagoindusumioul.
ihmorne l conninedl either ms listener or as pair- As tierstre ut iiinitomimmmnumer
10 LaW mors. questhinmms cusnfriuminining tciptiuminmmtie inicussiinm. 'Tiii' mot- heft, thonse sisinuuig in mmisoniuthnisc-
in At tie same ti ine, ome of theimemg opessmt Sio'cick iiiI)bormn 21. Cuire tihemn mt on(,. 'lie semus re-
grmvst ust io mmmowcmvnfronting_____- served for tie Chimiago Alumniui sso-.
tuis, amd several othenr stronng stmte 1Rev. J. I. Cronoker f tie Uni- catiomsnemalss nery shl. Aleaudy
Rlufeutt &mW~oedimff's Americanmthtime uuans fr emrryinig heyond thim'thnesubject'Tie finres iseducing SuiennsmtCmmgiUiiess nr
Guses ons Co~nmrats, unidegraduate cuicumiuiminthisemoi-! Anierca.''3mmthemeeuning, terStuiminkis a hiaoUnvritr
Clt idn fr$...sderabe mumbiher of ibrilliant amn viii e amuarioicsinng service" t mtkit ngvi il instituting mmdupicat
ChtmBmiiu o 27.aspiring schoarsmwho tre mlling tin 730.wistucrament.ty wlilmaibormcciaumn
Price Nemw, give the time .focmtwosi us three years itrfaent faradfrahm
Clothi Binding ................$81 50 of advanced stuy.. Regent Co. Henry S. IDean of the iiinisilii.
Full Law Sheep ........... .4.00 Qu"It is by thin training of sucheImnmen G. A. 1R. wilinimtroucmee thinsold ConMm ichigan shoiuil foserhut manm
Finee wriing pape fic ~, 20 nnd i5cpes iii.that American scholarship mi bel federate Gueneral John 13 . Gosrdoin mMcesan.Ile mwil.e a teror tin
tarried to the higih level wehichm te next Saturday eveminug Gen. Gordonnn Chicaigonn if his ok Sturday is any
W a n rs B ook sto re e for thin good of the shnt andutme L. A. course m thu Methoudist ch urch. News. ,