New Bo
Recently Received
To close out odd sizes.
The Philippine Islands,"...... .® '
hy Dean C. Worestwer 334 S. STATE ST REET.
Hope the Hermit,/ Ageey tar she Celehroted Longtley I3 Hat.
by Ena yall r .Beetst O DolartGlove, an the easy in the
The Castle Inn,' LineedUlined.
by Ian 'tactet
The Day's Wnrk,
Roes ones y i ln LIVERY,
Tattle Tales of Cupid, 'Telephone 146. 515 E. Liberty St.
Buccaneers and Pirates of our Coasts, FINE COACHIES AND COUPES FOR PARTIES.
hy Siockton
Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow,
The Californians, by Jroe . eomeoLAFPR STU D E N TS
CyrnoDe ererahy Edmsonid 5ososiAWe call tttesition to our complete line of (Center Dratt Nickel lalated Lumps,
The Gospel of Freedom,I rangisng in price fryc ~ to 62.50 each. 'These Lamps are of the latest and
hy Robe ticick oisot improved patterns and makes. Inctoding "The New Rlochester," "The
TheLovs o th Lay Aaheta Yale" "The Loyal, ""The Berlin Student Lamp, " "The Perfection Student
The ovesof he Ldy rabela, Lamnp" Itfvets want the hest Lamp tar the Leas.sf iosscomnse and see us.
by 11. Elliot Sewelli
Mahkeaspecialty at
Fine- Black Suits.
Al Workmansship.
214 Eane Washitngton St., near 5th Ave.
W. J. BOOTH, PRS, '4 "
W. ARsOaD, sot "iee-pes /Ij>
'Transacts a general
Capicet,,00.tSurlsaateasd Profits, t40,000
'rosa.ctsa general anking bussines'. Forests
eanebosught end soild. Furnei'cs ees of
E. D. aK~INE, Pree.. HARRI5O5N SOUL,
5. XW. CLARKsSN, Cashir
Long Drawn, Old Number:T-
by EdiniPughc 44 SO MAIN ST.. Cor anadHrnSres
Poor Human Nature, iodiottttoiey ANN ARBOR. MICH. D E A Ni L ~Csssih50 ~ocsts85 'rast a
enrlbnigAve Rums. Immortalis, R,Kssra,t'es'. C. E.ssa aVie-es.
by F. Maro woretectcd A 'ontsideralepotion'isstof the stork Notice. FREo. 5 BESt." Coshie.
The Battle of the Stronig, sotsPu'lic Ds'ltsley T'rof. Henary C. Nos visitoirs still be adeitited to thse-
byGihbet. Parer 'eAdamss, sass recesntly beets treasslated Athsletic Field ane sisy thsis sweek onThe116Ran PtrbDr'savings Bank
IntsJae Ilstse. 'The trasslator is Dr. account sof secret preactice. Caopital Stock. hs500.Surplus'1"5 0000.
LAI EN APEft Y. Oo h oseavsstoosk asocostorsudegree CIIAs. BsAIRD. Reoues$1,t10000
hy the ptond 5c, :0,osant 25c. Visitiog Cards at the Uniiversity iso 1889. He is Oegitod ede55 the'seeral Baning Lows
t'e.eost'~. Nse syte te 5tttoeey sow ~ss ffiesslof asaa aaeltoo Every student whets in Claicageo fors' stat5e. Rdeeives deposits .s and esellest
'I to excano n sthe tprincipit es th e t'Unitedt
asuthosrity uplot Jsaanese fissassce. te lug geate, Thsaanksgivinsg day, Stes afoots cshed uopropeetificasttiont.
'lse sttantucript oef thse trasittionst 5sh~ould stake tite Beads Hotel Isis o5rcms:hitaackot.Peo.;W.lt.Hatioti
r evssedt by Itsuses 'hksttaga, foriserly headquaarters. 'Thlis Itostelty as ted mait tie-r Pt Cta.E.C Hisceshi her;M.
Gofs stoteleast eel Dsisla College, Tokiso, for its cousrteouss treatomenst.__________________________
UNIVERSItTY BOOKSELLERS bttoweime mbiiisser osf the graduate E. B. Gowter, '93 tied'94 L., who D .~
scolof iithe University. toss proinetentits oraitoritcti circliesLA B PE ER
A tnew lut itoffusriituare coverins isptle its college less jusot beets electedl
just 'eceived sit Mairtint Haller's Fur- circuit judge if his idistrict. He is T 11 E
A titssre Stitre. 44 locsated at Katnktakee, 1ll.r
(1 1WANTED-Eoery oe bytohyelatest asd rancy r c r
mu LI eve'ninsg. Nov. 16th, 1898, El Ctapi- each r~epresting aiBsee Bitlsitie'asd willtscoorec r
taJ wI1 ~ ce~ idgtitset chyairss , u fsoppinintolts e Sedt S. ent ptheidto anyayhdeas We keep ,everythingr usually kept insa
N at n eeat lorsBAlSe u o e e BALLoAT15c.inst-class Gtocery and Bakery. Colt
ciii tt Ypsilanati witlh all its origitnal BSEs BsCALAcHEro.ot, us e s
(Stuadents' Leeture Asaociation.) etag icitioce. Detroit, Mticte 318 S. STATE ST.
Estimitates chie'erfully sbmiitted on The Isster Ocean, leaditng Citicags o UREN X
iakinig tnss Witnsicw Seats, Couichces, daily, is handled by P. Stofllet,YORENX
Tickets for thse entire coosrs are Scifats, attnd Divatns, Mlartins Haller's Opseta House Nesws Depot. Trial U. of A1. Berber Shoup
ntow sit sale at Wilder'sott State St., Fusrnitutre aid (Car'pet Store. 44 stibscritption, daily only, sdelivered at aetl Beetisltttooms.
atod at Gsodyear's, sits Main St., sr Alttrnoeetoneciedf ,ci $1.50 for 3 msits., psayable is J. P. TtsOJANOss'hui. Prop. 322 5. Sate Os
ithey Th ric ehiroonlystudetat 1solts . EBCeooley of' the Etnginteer-'--RAZOR HONING
1tes ft rc soiy$.0 i'pstrttentl, stattssestatte tnaval Butreau a w sst, Wassiisgtoin, D. IS A SCI ENCE...
Tinktoftthletariteg aut itontiesve itgivent it outt thttt eslC. Itafortmatione perttiintg to the tte Guaaneo ur (acork.
iteer'stmuitt reteainteinserovice un- Lasts of tie Utaited States, of thse WARREN THE BARBER.
L30U R K E 000CKR A N tl pets's' is finatlly cosumamaeated. several states anti territories of ftse
Utilted 'Stsates, eof Foereign Cosittries THE MODEL of Stnte Street
For 20 eta., alking over ettnelcoverintg parlsyfturtnislhedslpntiptiPltlicatittt. in DuNasa& E bfriuei u getseily eB RER H PI o esvire
etarry tier titis ipurpeose the largest 'Te Goodyear D~rug Co. wisites tto tirht-clahs wark snd corteour treatment
I NN ES' B AND assortmenet t o etcoiritngs sttch as itmp~ress uposn every stutdettt tite tact try George and Harry at 332 S. State St.
For 20 c ~ t apslstis v, Silk Damstasks, Velontise, thtat they earry the largest litte tet'
For 0 Ct., o Coreroye'slss ated lshes. Fturnitutre, sttideits Supplies asteel sostlaat they ENOCH DIETERLEIuealaDretr
('arpeet nd IDraiper'y Store of M\arttie are NEVER UNDERSOLD. Calls attended Day or Ntigtt.
IA N M A CLA R EN 1 l Haller. 44 20 tn.-6 wt. No. 16t N. Liberty Street. Residence53nS
Fourtt Ave, Phone 129.
For 20 cta. - --
'Thie dates for the aboeve will soont
be matte putblic. Watchs thte Bulletitn
Botards. Derby Ribbed s'1F
Fleece Lined U NL RWE 0
Ceoblnetteen 4 0Q Cut F'ull.
nLoet°wear I Well Made. I SAETANRO