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November 14, 1898 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-14

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Students' Laundry Association THE ORIGINAL Students! Student.!
Wnt. VOUGHT-Wmo. t. FOX, agents for If dissatisfied with your laondry service collie
The best highttgraeantdry in the Stattte. $1 EXC ELSI1O R LAUNDRY
oly machino domoetic ftnisht intho Wes.Goen fnihasiie . Alwokprmtl, A IIe 're iA . OET ro. 0 . ah t
neatty and carefotty doner. TOepornN to tt21, Rg.
Office22S. Staterst.tResidtenceo6t0Lowrerrost. OlollotttWloran uirktStrieGuarnt eed.
NeJ tt hn.41 h lte s 1h sic Sti tdOALARM CLOCKS, $1.00.
Pin, ie ra~nd otootir ARE NOW ON SALE AT U. OF il. PINS, 30 Cents.
PFionoWotiheItoyniraod o Streciolti,
Frotm Stuttgart Consertatory, Gerrtany. J .OHAPmAN
612 S. Dioison St. Conoert Piano Tuning FRESH EVERY WEEK. too SouteMaio Sireet

Mr. W. Eugene Page,
Uoes ttho
Joseph IBohmann
Aod also the
Washburn Instruments.
'They ae fotrosaleatthe
1t4 ZXest Ltberty Street, Ann Arbor.
0. Mr MARTIN.,.

T 1151E TEtmbalming a opeiailty. No. 200 Fourth
I jL4Tt ttttrlDiitrr ooet.ie(e 302 lFifth cAte.
h otst n rot, t~eMh. Saturdtoy, Notv. 19- (leti. John ttt
- - Gordon in S. IL. A.core
MIHGB A ~N E NI RAL , fiatoolt , Nov. leg-Michtiganrtvs. K rfi61"k
___Beloitrr. ly N 2-M'itti
'The Niagara Falls Route." l No. 4 I1oh~ll
CENTRIAL. STANtoolll'ttDIE.ttiltg, itt Cllgrt(.. ,,
4K j Leading
Tuking EIltiet Xir. 04,l189f3 A 1.
ChicagoWeFo m heBagrs A'rnoldU Jeweler
tMtil aood tutores i'tt For the first dill' it)firte your--------
N. Y &tBoston .pecirrl. 58^
Foot 3ttro............ . )103 (hiciagrouel erlool sonin l ~ot-
ato-otevit rba ll Sautrdaoy by a score of 6 lto 0
Dietrotit. NieThotitxptressie rlu; riti tu
Gratrd Rapidoos o7 iit hc ros ea tt . r l tohe rld
Botont~. N. Y. & Chuetlyr .. . - o lire tirin ardtrr hie soflt muddefi eld AT
Faot Wettern l x r ,5 ...lteri.rr.o.e.ri I Ie
0.' the. a dter.cidrteleotritttltt;" er wr 1U" LE
CicaegortNighr brot, xpe ........ )ft3tirir lirghter rivalo. I lerseirlrWror.
Prarific r t ........o. . . . t12 it0 o.or. 33
0. rt3tir. t o'e tv rltrro1( ~otitli it ~ i.1 So. Marte Street.
0. t.S.1. t le... Rtt zr t to t 0111 ii liO'De rani l i e \fir t h tal ii ttft ol rrrttlrrr t 3tr
Cil hti11It'Ifo.o 1 \ X I.n roor li.At llEie",o
G.iP01111T o. 'tt rrrerr'iirriIt inruiArorititrtt OURte PHOTOSeVscnsn -
-- :a rr~arhadthe111 4iest o ol ritt t t li rent~ owned mantr o inMvI irtuAREso
NN 1r ;~oo4tl i aitt lnarows glt)'cnetfrsot.nfu anoi niuta t O R P O O
oR-r0e i io It er(i i t grI ttd ntt o iii to to 11a'rr , tl trt rl)
AL GADalt, toe et of h irtinwtill bire oitlie-eele oyPERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH
TIME TABLE iiei lipinrte Islattds is tire titile I) Pri'or otin) ornki oreioothie
Taring EftOct, .2,t1898. ofi lrgorkotejurot iuedby Drir r . SundatlyttXtttoritt, a en u I n ilrtulotdie
Train;; leavee AnnroArbor b eta Sad I ln & C. ewt York. Tiere idooent ofi ts1 bioard 01f1troot ooesj
idi~.athoiso f. Ds IeanrrC. Woresetr, -11100e isor lorr tioli llt18,8~, writhlo 1I 12 W~est H uron St.
NOJI~i SLTI li Th«oitk itemb~odiesobisireltates mt heitt lt e xcepiitinofoil e011yer, 1, -i7,
sodS 0. I. SOUTH 'Sttor lit 1.9-d in twtovisitsoto tire ilands, on ier lith trwas ribsenit rout iie I tri..OrtrPhi ,
t12Ot i. t IltS A. Oi. in 188 ind theothtier itr 190, 10101veisity.
-teoo. 84 ,.I3A. x. +6o5Pr.. or. is ilrustrarriitted w irtay origirnal lltpI hici-nBok A. G.gSP FA L DINiG &BROS.
,uetllr witeoeit tort-Orisr ort drroo toyrgorirs. Au rlip endoix deails otithlfiLte rchiten(,tr trot
root set carto oont Sundaty only arun bor t hetrerisotiresrof th I'Ie lilippirres. (both , 323 bilges, puce . 501 p ullb- O T L
twoe nTedior rooand otll. All other traitonsielb .I. Ho nti ~ ttl
dElyoritutdr. t. 5. (ILtItilE, oAgnt. Mandolin Club. anosale rt bookSr sttori liv .1 . fI~ U P P LI1 ES
t. W. BE -NEOT, tO. P. A. Tirhe exoamtintliirotof candidaltes o fr d ubs, (631 S. Inrgalils St. r H ()Tint oti teritoir arnllthe
-1______th- ie Mranoliniir andrilBtanjoi (l1110 till - - - _at__ lerolirt roi ,01 001 o
is nu it ril ot tx 'rrorr ,ir Gr Ipliioortr i nte ~ , / Spaldingc'slubficial Inter-
lRororm 24. 1tereeil worlo 11tl arndrthrefior-elte s=, collegiate Foot Ball
DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- C. 1. ST1XtsitjoRi, iwork gurararnteedi. Ma~rrtin ilrlior's lisedexclorivelyityYrte, Prittetort,Htarroord
licirt yloortol.or. ~ns ol otad all othroleadinog
BOR RAILWAY. Citii2alttt IitlI torigCoitttrittee. tir riittirt ad arril i t re 14 eolersr i oourtire.c arrii lrrt
wrirtetfor proiesot'anrsam lelbefore'ordeoring
-_-- - elsewihere. Spalding's Official Feat Ball Guidle,
Catleave for IDetroit at a quarter c~~°..rv .=u-.s rr n r r . r ,r _t r edited try tWalter iror. iRerordo. pihotro
Crorstsof ltrortint eamtsti , .1850trles, ow 11)in
after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a.}deoxtand explantortytnotes IOuc
n11. and up to 11:10 1).in. For Ypsilanti letclv b l oovpe. A. 0. SPALDING 6c BROS ,New Yrk, Chicago
at a quarter before the hour alp to1t:45 0JUCIT lIO oiiihir ( r'
a. m. Cars leave cornrer Huron and M~~~~ Yom S LJflaII houneyu
Mairr Sts. Tickets on sale at Blrown's0
l)rrig Store. IntercnhIlflia1e 5U o01flGdteuhiG '3o~tumre. At Newt Stand 607 E, Wiloow Si.
" GCoe eun E L ,&LEf'l R.Glee tore ta trial. First clans tir)k and
GOTRLL LENARD triioth ervice.
ArBANr, N. Y.
Cerps, Gowns, and f looids made to oroler trod renteod. I~lao rss PAUL-EYER
W anted=3 tIC1l'.rCaes, ClasHo ath andtlCapsr,tClasst Collrge fins. hoddress - -- -
tWoetteliorttroO. C. HKElS, Wrstern I Ongr., F. J. SCHLEEDE,
, - - - ---- - indsoltrokstfor 2. 0and ual rds, andsells A. A.
Chicago Record Q"\AL $ vryluido. iWateriranontain .ea or $1.00)and rip.
itne opportunirty rotenranuomoney. I7 .ANDiLL, K / I.. Al'. ~TABLERll All Linen Papony,4 lbs or 50c,
Si. TEPHNS,59 "0 Sate hone144 11tEIiWest Washirrgtoo Street
G. M STPHE S, 913L. SatePhoe 14. othPhones,Noe. lils, trno Arboi r. i.eso"ttory ito tire city nt loweotpricer.

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