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November 12, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-12

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of ,0 1.Protests Don't Go.
3A. 1 n'tIA. . Chicago anl Wisonsie will line
up teiay with their teams unchanged
pibihdI Dal- 10 iiaiiex ite)uin tig the save fo the alsencee of Clarke from
Colliee ea ttit tthe Maro's eleven.'The charges
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN thtt have been ititters of late
aigiiiiiit teieee of 1)oth teams have
tisatit.: l and iii itO t '. i i.gtBloc. he i asiteredl satt utcirily. Itenry,
iiiiii ii lllit'ut r it-Iigti'e Reserve ltot year,
,1 ~NAl1N EtDITRl. itill play the poitiiiiat haltak va
F.ii ttnx . .-0 L tt iiy l a''rke
t UlitiNS', UCAN Cxt. tlt.lii. ottet till le a royal oiee 50
ii i*a illHA ' .. 'ia-' tipu tii tn ertid O'Dea
EDIIlR,,. a dTti ier'i'l ,.,i..ire 1ii-ohitly le.
Allciti iC i , T . C' nw0. i tllltOCI twio bet kickre on thle gridirntoii i-
F, . JO.KE-i.'i, . C. ii. ii 'I 'ii -err ii, p le Pottiilrris rep er iil tta e
F.D A i.' ii.Lii C, Ti. i tb. np Wi II Ml, otliri li t
-''yardlieoi inrcCic WI twaity.
Whist Club Meeting.
The i i-, itiiiiY1. n; tOih tit ih - l e seliii' -I Cl ii-iI
110iiii-ie°' liii-iTit ii elia : ile i 'a ioii
Mt ate ii iinde . nd 1.111 lto i l - n' , ii
'i m f1ni~~ ol}c h~i 1iii. w
flit, ifie '(ln iii' iltill lii i I ionlihi
I i-aiii CiN I
Shoting Sltrs L-tipI. lbte... [
Th in o .. Il i ', i Z lt i t liPi rn t i i t .. -j-i
soiti l I, IoIi '
of the grii ii iiiofit899.Students in the I1 sr
tiettiei I 1Hiti~ s it ft hit ea t i'he A itlum i A fi C i. i I d, Iir'iilio
tIC t f te llsi'andi ithell ti ll Cli'' 'icti'a ll' e d itt "un I l ii n e- t
advncd n tiexl i titio liti't Ii'iing th iei ( i oi l f IC;ra u
ttl - si, h1 it 11' i111 i t--ut C lime, a'-turd Itulientsi l Iti'lu I lilset ill'
thatx t ifiitst allit Ci In 18331li lit lil has wa ihlpi- n. 1The'.(;iit
thiai' t iit inc 9r 1111 'Cel y atilt eityii 10 ii ittyl d'irost hat ill .l I (,(,.i
ili t iii ('ill1a ' 11111o 111 II buritiinto o ii bI l''~ Oi l IIt uIC S ia~ o
lich eii.irtiliic I t Co iollow telinnUiit scral of ATUrDtaY, N. a
airiiindlttie stiC. lue i* 30jI IIIiIV
'cliiivittki ti'iloillthrte t li (lv asIi: ivei'tjAroterocen.
tat t h e'i t hi'i'ii' ronIti is.I t7 i i iiIi un lie he fn 's e t t re
hous seepngu~rss t.-rneb5theI r30-wVloeeitle Strr cesi
lileat's toirb ip 'l ii. h eodgttl ou Mewir1) lto order in &ilan
..p we itt wel i 1 66,an fle iennrl - in it.Dti ut ie.
ietdeavy 'shlie risprteiic tied otirel fF fieOe~
s-trtlte tO itt1£3te.thtu tlreaml' l I C Deat p otsa', om o eras
appeart toi oli itfr ott irecii'lisn tiea'C3 Ip ,lland ioilifield
titiot 25 itilie 1t,(eoutdil l u u thco-
the irtuibrltto 111t0i melttooes gi ATHE.~N i EAuRE
tle ralosatbeextitforte ihitettu SAURDAof .12
Cie eltty dIttli itilteittheyiter Sc Jhool
teoalht' I ai.TI44 it illeabeitil.
Titlespoe'ed i thugi:to-t r ke-te Grne''Aaey
up.d 0ote, wandthnart1e;;tyhrge ntIhe; Mird Ctan itheHArI Farce
aetrvk Ci erearthotnte flrowit ri rs teheviOcen.s
exct ei lly ft he.teatiderers, no 3 V eillnPeStiars te, tiei
dangberfwhaever i iut eferdthe,
Cout Vllctil mpie-he-as-0WScPAR ER
Aldelbethgae r oa ttthCe elad,0.'nr15, Sal 5cal nand se7im
Thannkgving de ay.hte wil then1 6OYING ayd TI-W1 O
jine al l-sttheeartAnote r otalAn, d a yeata neity oe
Teatiapeid istrpeaough trexas thn e Grner'AcFiadsyewetmyoemot
Califow n hnasyfamnta.111heN.MainpWh o seBlck

$15400 ID EGE DT 15.00
Staple ot' douhle Breasted,.French hated aad nateetcinted
wtthlisatin. In te cetyoe will find the hatuititt et of
donartsC,anit hte btithCte iwork ofi-iiiiietei t tiioitr.
See ours hefore baving.
Cutting,, Reyes & Co.
Asim Arlmrs. 201- 0"1 5 l)il tii uiiiStreet.
The Most Delicious of all~
Molasses Caindies.4
A n .uue at Ca tt3iruri More.
- J,1 u 5- cUARRYtge.
W~eerdially exteidtot Youott Itntitationti o axlite ;tr Fl'i
andhit 5th t o es Yo ii i nd utatll of tlh evellI mi ntewiest
asts and Is i ,:ri I c=s. ,t I ; I Iith '1'Cit N. N ME.
21 S.t9i - WMR &MIL LER, C8UoMt n.
l)iCN \1"I-I "NT Stuld I F . NC YCIICNA.
115 Southli Si C li Jptsei ooci'andh ovelt's
Of u-ie t - .d ui'i,.31 .a I5. btuu Sit .i31 S lu SC
1::0. llItlia-' imiil lul). - T. MAHONEY. - Proprietor.
.uitlC. Watos
1('ItE it
if Yoc\'ct)u'ttL? 1'1i h( u I 1o ute
I i 'i .it I i i l ie
a~o~oI W CAN DC
Prnig Cil1 aliu e
'll' I' l 5
0 0 0 - Illasuk.""vo


iln i U Q ll 340t. .AT~.
J~JULL II V iU, L(iuu Iu'iiituu
Law BJook Publishers and Im orters.
'I Have youa-Cd Wilson's Speeches, as i-i: wd by Jauesii
DeWitt Andrews, tur Curran's Speeches? 'These hiotiks
tere fur soleet our hirutuci stote andil te shlttl lie glad Co huave t
h ytou call and extinue titetut. SptecitalStile itt ErskineU
Our Branch Here Closes Soon.N
In close Pacessss,,
With the coming ad goiag of the seasons. are the fashins
in Shet. The Setet of yesterutay are sooa forgotten it the desire Cot
that of to-mereew. See eat wiadews flee the heet ep-te-date line efi
the styles flee totmeerew. c f (RG
"" TP 115 W6U HES ll Ann hrbngton SI.,

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