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November 12, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-12

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T ' MICHIGAN VS. ILLINOIS. start at 2:30 o'clock sparp so that Debating Agreement Between Uni
W I I. 7 ___ample time for two full halves will erities oi Pennyivania and
The Annual Detroit Game Taes e had.
The team will line up as fllows: Michigan.
T Place Tioday. MICHIGAN ILLINOIS. 1. Th'lere shall e tws dehates e-
t~~~ This afternoon Michigan will line Bennett...... ..1 e.... dir twee the Univrsity of Pensyva-
F"F ~ia SITINGS. H up against Illinois o the D. A. C, white .......1. t.......iilayto
flCaley............... li~ a ad te University of Michgn
r groonds in tie first footall contest Cunningham......c.....McLean The first shall iso held t Ain Ar-
E E............ g....... Kngthey have ever eitered together. A Franze ............r.t.... ~~raKngoerii 1899 the seondiatl itae
hard game is expected y supporters Snowr.............r. a.....Lingren piia in 1900. The University of
, ~~~~~~~Tslcott..... .q.Wilmarth lc ashlhvehag ote
WE ilY M:E LARESLa T he bth teaiss. Michigan 11ad5been Widaman.1.. . .h. ....Cates Ilgl hl ae hreo
T WE T ab laked on as atsre swiiner until Barshbe............r. h. lis...Hle detailo sf the arrnigemnits at Ann
A Aek last....f ...._onso Saturday's game witis North- Wsk. ........eh te Aror; the University of P'eisisylva
1TIL CITY. Western, where she Brn by sich a The Engineering Shops. iia halThae dchaites latl occur the
narrow margin Sincethenhose. The cage ii the arranlgemseit o ha h e ae hl cu h
I ever, ier spportes have een less lockers and) toilet roomini the Bigi. is Fia in Much. The ssiject
sagieadtefcLhtn ot- ern aoaoyi opee n of the deate shll bi e closei iy the
Lbl o sgonesofantiepartcuCat i mie eersihLansruts r s esiislefeal. nViiversity tinder whose ausices the
Os: TNS (fll sutelrimp~lort 10eds.stitis Sholl) eXI ho havelO t i sletoised, adshallle sihbmitted
hasscmefrssimithe 1 liiiois gridl-irosis srisal fromiitCe students wtirhoohe sieritabve. 5
for ie iets o masisike'use of lhess. TsststeoterOt 5
frtha past Csoees s dese otes hel1)p ro. C . Tylr hisso t e cie o s iidssshall 1r1st switi
maltters .ay. Illinisois practically Presif orC. iG ehayworkels srifthe tillviitiig University, adill.lIbe
asssuskiiowii quantity, they Ilaving nade Switiniltisseek lter 11he so -
playesd nsosbipg ilames so fr this seauinCII hrsg sisisitthe ciwsogrk lll sle p fte nlc hsn h
son11uiles tat ill shichsNsotre IDasse nssrilsssi onoseik estof thess' bai erss halclso bei.eh
Th cr f5t fTse mentsa sendfer tshse maitn parital isyix
de.featesd themsIs csei St o be ossetune secsgesi st lesst ss.smonthl befor'tse
s P paaIss.. 40bilding h beenlcoverted ei~st'
~ ~ he xeelil I. 'lliio, issss ees', S i n1t Is toilet rissonsansi here are sosse 2 TseI ieris'si sr
SD oct w lryii is 1i551 15 1 11eie 00 lockers selicis are'tt tie isiosals , tsi h
:fio s o tilepresent tenrgth ol the odeebisesa iee i ~ ~ illtehillslI lsme lilfinnial obel-
4 een'iros iiof Istoi(s. hiss essro s w. osexcNeptithe.exeses of the
P ecIlsc o wdsses, sof eco rse, ai alwIrays Illl le lasteIiilsslr~ visitingsdelegation.
in l~ e sDetroit, sill Ie alillost entiely 11dl tltI) l+sisi llls ses ii . Eah J~nv ril)'y sl select
15 ',. lhel'llitti OilwitihtwtithIMichiganis iuitllnoiliii boundthreeii repre, sitalti ei~ es fm i sseu-
binil tr we en, twc allwel erisoiatditiee.is i
,s i t est. Ilrma t iil Iiherielfle ard.Ti heuis. ~ ig n:lttr ssllhe-s es detnCte bd nan-eat en ihu
lwfntm ush ilelo Itterspaceifoimhely occspeddtwo
-, .Sniiseim Iii siiiahessmtwhsh a atlttithruggeAsnli mitaeltssition sbu n 12nethtll e chssenoi
givr e te rdail~Syafelooniil ltili iith oif5 i o Css r e prsn t- ,.Tiestyw oi
~444 +4~~4d4 55l~i0 5 Ol~rtS~ul, ~l~ esissgilCiihrecsmln.. etc is eia s th h ill I slssi he''le Oill 1)thiseih
DONsAE ai' te ed si t i o Chie til onenitS~h ien~g~ttpo f osl or-l'', h tsr ii iitleo iei o
WIO 6IsA)15R A BL e tl trd00 ra ute Mane a esir, dai'li' te 'lfor lsis' a ls ldil ltrit
,:,ttsIMSt,!itrsdeses cis manasgers'strlterMaisdsgearI.oT e gea danthelwil .0ued5y he 'E'ch t.eb it t!it'ilibe a'si dt w
si 5.1hiesthsslste ad e Scrlay retis.oftYe hSupssiss edeelt illa phsseoetf-ierestsaset'hic.
Cresm odis W>stee hole', Cig arss d ass ishti s topWoul.AbolisetheugI Hop. spesch yst s, n C12rfmuegstv esile fhall
-lhcesgiveltli ttS okn Sp the Ill in s igal, ih Issn ist 'rs juoe si Isireas the oshteriehiCweste ieg5v ii
________________ _______________ sirierairl isureledinogthseeetiecus.ye ,er aay if esoll se led e iso pgehs lal b pn db
oneisalyer'ca r GrssiveiMan ge] prBitsd, Ithetheffil mf a geeraldconsai-alersrnaes
iloO DlEIB E ctv otrpsios t asig r in tssichmmnas used aste .hecotsopsslh tsle
H o l.t ad Tdiunh s drigradute ccrhsMfahnagl- e oleoerossossewere elected ansI de ide h tre ajdges rsi
excurion tcketssill e goo itolr- be s ein vieospeoandles tedisAi. 'ese eoso il oisce il
atill s ris .. n ce ertr rntro h lmi p~es ressefondosrigs saiiise
Thea S'Varsity, ipindulged ad inoclight.WudnA boisBate Crek; esose.ind
Bssl OsosilssiIttht negativesi sisashall
Tasscoeandiul li io SsmsoingS p r Acotice 5yeterday at i ers n s t . Alt astb two n th s e oe the
plies. R. E JOLLY& OO. userG5t Beija~o sodthe si;jass ee-is ra
31as So. . . . . .as campusonte atheGro. in lseweret hopion isstedyterIs". C. nKn eGied co i seaUniersi hty siiesg hle
Naild Mii irollsstea sadearlieCrundrough wt ndneetriwas rpids toFregod u ahe ocizain d eatebshallcsuhmitaisof 12h pe-
spn, ealyinstrction. hIt inexpecerogs is-aey is avrd a eisithi e iiig nvrit hl
in the firt half atleast.hsixinntheforereifeprefrence, th
Seie hstersogsnasers.pear ,go;htrckmsusd anaer, rL, firsTthrecesaihalltobe judgedo
ofThroughthecourtesyoftheMich- Thefseownsatiosos th e eete n eie ytre ugsfo
p1 . > 1s in the lne upl thea olowtesinmen ffouin:aPrspeecth.yMxRoEma nu telconteswhfonshr eoftesi
oxv onxSle! inhetackens Pilayr:BonKumnadaigteahohition-earedavailahnenothcnnerdist hh
Th eyfnews t r~c hrdcoltma of, Aeryun MclnaldnicksRic ard: t enio op.ne;Heclaiet hatMisseprepreintto le ann e. io, n
wit crav,_ .... .......... e T e 'arsty nduged in i t n Hw r as o i tin tv relyand elu hsi e niEac h ejudgeowithoutmcnehttio
sonfTeetiellWhitiomlt, Blenese, thrhjudges-sh
Vo epoue ~hcomne- pat ernoterdainaensowMoclefortatclss.Itwaeonthstonlusoof nths dehfredet
trcOs TITUTIONAL........_.." arps narHowelymlosine. a es pafr httepietee ctet the sdnfier sea hledind ein
Hot olra runthrogh wth ad putingwas mads;edisstad ThSae sclawileTeaecisionofuthetjudgestshall2ten
Le"aikrac . ..... Hoc pallce, FeHert, V cii n goes cetn i i o cethsh none otepeiigofcr
Bair, H B. ottr, .W Poter ie ,and aeleCtheind Geenent ls 5. nTheed ing office, r shall_ he
B ANWafrwi MCalAG h LIN, spTralinruitptic.IthisexphandwiluchoenrathestigUniversity alic
tasoaheicakng ad will b lye mMs akey Miitsffrfirstrbllmm geroftheAop cmitz se_ ep thedeakte i n ek ito
A.I.,.a., Praesar ma . i hefristf tlas.go;tacrangrFe Lu.is n h rdroh eeldnhject
ttivni f ihiaB pearae nthe oft nmetioneanw unireasesavdoe meingthewasft treaalbt ob ugofp
' nthiforma. t l hee roc esio undi proh h y xEabl ilke n uing. eproalsofthe o thr Uierftsity
of oers , ichewil formnatthe jMr Jonp. Brooksi'95Lhatas pCharirnofiemnsyaeaDeat
Nel Lw hp...........f AvepotacndardiRchtthrssellwaelectdismenhtieyofnthexclNew-ork comjitte.ihuonutto
ous eteWicob lnoe ycasslyfomir ie Cul tb ityhh ahmjor. triods. CsThaElOOth
COOL S StretBralofwonelBaserHan areled y f sou ht cl00. Mr.wBroos ransincaimaiof tU. ofatM.edebatn
CONTIUTOtNL aruponasHmpe alndte gaeswilthedemoai tickTh lssieh et.cinomtte dehalte
Wal ebrVla aaes cetn i i o cethsb none otepeiigofcr

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