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November 08, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-08

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Ill t -±1f to imlpress this upon the mninds of
. fI. the freshmen. 'There the freshmen
have beenssnistero of the upperclaos-
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durisng tlbs en, sond a crdingly, last Moniday
College year, at evening they scere iniiatedl into)the
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ranks of college n(en with much
Srrxee: The inland Presos, ilenniog Bloch. ceremonsy. The exercises, held iin
Bloth Phoney 147 Kenit theatre, swore openledlhy a hand
MANAGING EDITOR. coce, after which all freshmen
were presen~esl with a suitale .EOZtAn'iL fteocso y alemson-
. E1as.snn 0 , vnro ieOeOO yaIlsohe
II 1.ES ANAGER.IZ of the junsior class. They tlhemt cere
EInTOS. Comlpelledi to jearadse hefore their so-2
Atthletie Editor, T. It. Woomtow,,'00 L. jeisro I'ilevel coesmes and to dos
P.,W. JONE' ', A. it. MDsoAt.L. ol E, nlltltlls feni e to showse tileir Ilill-
F, D. EsAn, '01 L. c. i. Leon, '000A, it)'. lre( eilit 1hrper asid the fac-
G. ID. itcooos'e, '01 E. olty wcere hackI of tihe mlovemien~t anld
only inseistedi thai there 011(101(1be
nothlingl hern g eonihazin~g.
Iii :110 sre, ingout1(10s, whichl take
The suhbsipton peofa the DAnaY is i2.>0 for plaee every yeare hetween tile sopilo-
hs colle " year,.wititegulaersdelivery lbeore ssores and(1 freesteen at Yale, the '
noon e chdy. Notiees, coamanaos, 00(ndlisss
ethos sattler intendedl foe publicaon east be SOelsaeS,> 1 l ev'(rytinlgths il
handed in at the DAILY office beforeo pm rdm ade 113 10(0tile fre01111101strill to thseir
mualed to the editaor51efo00 3 p. m of the day
previous to thaIt001 whiehlthIey 000e0expected 10 waisits andlil 1111tile'"(orisel stroke"'
up peas.
ueseeiytioesmaybelft olat the DAssYoffice, slitiltoothspiek s isteach of oars.
Meye's, oas tofltete s nesstad, oeralihsiness005 In these lawo(istitu~tions, at least,
Manages. SIlsleileetsill cooter lesaverlby
reporting 1pro1mptly at thiseoffiee any failureO of Class distinction is -Ill Iflair seay' to he
carriers to delive aper10.
All chatgestia advecrtising ma11er msuDbe iu preserved.

$15.00 BL.UESIT SERGE SUT $15.00
Sindsgle or doubte Dreasted, French faced and nicely piped
witha satin. In tse cot yen wilt find the handiwork of
an artist, and tonttae builsd the svork of competent tailor.
See ours befsore buying.
Cutting, Reyer & Co.
Aim Arlbor. 201-203 Sosatln Maims Street.
The Most Deliciouso l
Molasses Candies.
10, 15 amd 25 ceemt Packages.
On Sole at Campus Drug Store.

AWe cordially extend to you an Invitatton to examine our Fat
and Winlter Shoes. You will find all of the swell and newest
lasts and with popular prices. REMEMBER THlE NAME.eM .

tbs olico biy ass. 511.ou thle day pieouseto shot


sa whiolh t ley are to alla.. Good Work ofl Dr. Martin. C VI. 2'. ..\N.L.----. -.,[IV.P1VUJ&V
All of the stuidenat publicationls Dr. J.N. iartil, scho retturned ill a a a
have a place, a113 it is to be hsspcsl gooad healthl at the begilaling sf thse ~bi'~.~~
have a definite aimi. We will lot schsool year, after a year's leave of ISE AISUAJITEIIS
discstss the questionl sith roferenlce ahsenace, 15ictful of enlthutsism and For LAMPS of all kinds.
to other puhliicatiomss hut sish to say deeper in isnedical wsrk than evem. PORC'ELAIN CItAMIIEtI SETS.
a Woass S to the 0a111 1f thle DAILY Thae hospital reodssowlocthsat dtir. D)INNER SETS amsd FANCY CHINA.
11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n istlts~pse fts Al o he mtl lontth of Oct.,tmore thsams60 115 Soth Maiu St. Japanene Goods and Novelittes
a blieiuel luiy l~fr~lat~li011Istientls iIintoe Departmenlt sof IDi-- ___________________
matters of interet to all, andultosa Ilr- S"S ofWss scr ~s'ele{toa MON E Y LOAN\1ED IMiAKF(E -A S R I
ticuhar s-lassessof thse Iniversity public. thseclass 1111dtaboutt 3(0 tlopration ; on WMatceas, Ditatotds, Whees osthesler-
It is tile aill of ' esditors tso sake it performnedlhsy lDs. Matrit a ssistesd by sestal Proety01. -TTn
Bust ina order to sheotthis tile fewv froms impile 111105 toth(le ulot difficsmlt )tAih clhsn.Eofieta. or 1 .Mi t
who hlaveSp~ec'iali chasrge of thle wort:knhiowniato moeirn surgery,slnd sciths 10lltoeit-3oa. anld Ieol:3i0 adto p. n03. 'T. M AHONEY, - Proprietor.
no deaths. ~~~Joteph C. Wats. Oe aadN t
nmust 30110111 to iii extetonl 0101thl 0seuthsarsguts ne on eld-hadWatehes d Dtaansnp DY as bNg
co-sperations ofIothers. Managers til thefpresen.'t tittie th100ere 1111e more___
anid officers who iave inotices 1113dlthe 30 pat ill inthis dep~artm~ent
ithhoitladanmeousdf items of iterest "dcll hlphaussto -r-11i~l~brestil
msike thie DILY ia tfallem' accoumnt of 1l lIitiilg admlisin. !h
tile essllege hapI~penin~gs, andc at thle Casrl F. .Lange, 191 , 1hos illsp COLLEGE STUDENTS
01a01 tille jpossibly secure a sider cir- ptointed instrsiettr iln Germsanlfsar osse
culaltion~ of their work, by coillnli- year at Harvard. Mr. Lunge taughts T HE
eain tes fimpiortancet hefor severasl yesrsatKalamaszoo, u(mmliiNTR
DAI. D ear thle doom of thse Iresi- he emntresd 'Harvairdfssr gradluate OVER
demt's office is a box iii shich no~tices scork a year ago.SM E
ansi other itemus may be placed, andlMOK
we woulds urge thle use of thsat eeans
fcomnctobymmesoth Ufaculty aud by tile student body. REPERIRE COMPANY S 055 ~urbu 'ts UUIUUII cU rbI
--Hazing. e I ___ -__________
Hauziisg and inter-class rshsles in AT NS HE RE J
Amnericanunsiiversities and colleges EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK.
Will 00011 ho a tiing of thle past. It Prics,5 - 25, 15stands 10 eta. f You Want Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in our line, no matter
hlas gratdully diesd out at Lelsigh how smalt or ho0w large,
and actionil has beenm takeninu regard John L. Sullivan and Jake Kilrain a Job of WE CAN DO IT
tilte msatter at ethler Ilstitntiells. Anthi advleoipnSaudy P n i g fryu. nd tacane.
Teatoiisat Pictnhave At NIs igheit~tet~5t, sda P inindfryoul. Cladgetselane
heen striving to abolishs all formus of El Capitan, Sousa's Comic Opera *®*o*oFlhe Inlamnd Press,
hazimng for someiue ll, 1a1(1 have deallt Henning mask.
severely wtscu me10memilbe'rs (If tile On s 7itta~y ciitt'ts-
sophlomlore classs alit are determsined -_-______=i_______=r________-_____________ -
to brimig 1110 11111 hr toanat issue. As & Colm~mm 340 S. STATE.
a result tile espholmore class helsi a UNIVERSITY IA nIH N 9 Pf
Illeotmfg l s 1"siiy, tt whchelsoeo MU' fUifI ~Oppotsite LaswBuilding.
lutioutsscore pro'posed to abolish all School o Dancing A1
hazimsg if thte faculty wotmls take --AT- _ Law Book Publsh r a d Im o tes
bsack the 111011recently hsuspended andsci dI
if thte stuldenltbody at hlrge sosuld Granger's Academy. Have yeou readWblions e hesand i te rs.yJame
imsist uon lte titwrittems laws of BlPhonses 146. DeWitt Amdrews, or Curran's Speeches? 'These books
class sistinctioti. M are for sale at our branch store asidsee sitall he glad to hav
At a mseeting of tile student body'1} Man W ho es r~ oul call amnd examsinae them. Special Sale on Erskineo
(If Dartnmouthi College, held recently, i~ iUUI Speeches. KENT'S COMMENTARIES.
thte follsswimng resolution wsapiassed: -# iPeas an l~d Popcotneatsethleidtic 51'
" We, tile mlem~bers of Darttmouthli Field is O u r Branch Here Closes Soon.
Csegin mass sueeting assembled W.S PAR ER,______________ ______ _
Chlg, 1--. _.___ i --'1.5.Sf ? elievintg thlat htazing io against thte _W_-__S_-__PARKER_
best interests of the college, do hsere- 315 S. Stahe. Call in and see him. S A E T O E 'Ve YU ET
by abolish thte custom." SHKT OEe YO RFET
The necessity of class distinction COPYING andTMEI[S WORIK OLD GUNBOATS Can YOUR FANCY,
is, hoswever, universally recognized. Alt kinds at Typewriing &, speciaty. Prices
The students of the University of esonuble. AFrasnklin Typewriter las Rant, BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. fit YOUR FINANCES.
Chicago employed al unique snethod 119 N. Main; OeraHI'5louse Block. W. J1. APRIILL. 119 H. Wanhington St.

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