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November 08, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-08

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Too Much Fumbling. Articles Relating to Debating In- tion proposed, those (drawing even
~ 1411) The 'Varsity's work in practice trss numbers on the negative. In Inter-
yesterdlayafeno was very rge Now ta the in d e Sciety and Itepartment debates
aferoo aged tht preliminaries (when the numbers shall have been
and it will take the hardest kind of bating are on, we have been request- reduced to three on each ide) te
work on the part of the coaches to el toe publish the articles in the con- sdes shall be determined by lot as
FALL$UIING. Ngetthe mien into any kind of shape stitution of the Oratorical Associa soon as the teams are selected.
H FINE FL UTNS for Saturday's game with Illiniois. tioii in regari to debating:AfethihadgmwthNr- b Sec. 2. The annal Iiter-De-
rAfterthi gae Nrh ARTCE Xv-OFFCERS. partmet debate preparatoy to the
E weste it was hardly expected that Sec. 1. The for representatives Central Debating Legue shall be
the players would get much snap in-
totefrtIrcie u h otu-of the literary societies on the Ora- held on the Friday h is rcie u h mtny before Tanks-
to tthefirs a harcterzedthetorical .Board, together with te Pro- giving recess.
T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lfmln hc WE CARRY THE LARGEST 1 i imlu hc l rceie h fessor of Elocution and Oratory shall Sec. 2. Each debater in aiiIiter-
practice is inexcusable. In two plays onstitute the IDebating C omiitttee Depau rtet contest shall have 18
A TOK otofevrytre te al asfan fthe Oratorical Board. minutes, except that the first affirma-
bled. The coaches will slied all See. 2. The four representatives jNTECT.terefrsti eki orcigtie shall have five inutes addition-
INTH CIY thiefotthsweiicorcigo the societies, together with fie al tiiie for rebuttal at the o e.
thiL Franc, eklSifa -dX cuilty lembiiriochosen by the fle- Sec. 4CGrding at all contests
Donild otultv of the t uivrsity shall coisti shall be (doie ioiit oislttioii
iowaWSINTO S. laliyedl at hafbac k id inade frii haoisiaio fth1 et iet jde vno i s-erk o rgcml
ilSoley.(E.l 5l WAlPSHItNlGotTteONlstsgBordTiovlemeahani oe oneing rafo r ach
finlh good shoiing at thiat position, mf h osiuino h eta
Il R is fast and quick fin etting itoDletig Leago. dlbtr onlie "le of I09.
tiep .AiTIeisiLXVI-DSUTIES5 OF' Oi-liLtS Sec 5. ThelPreset snotS-emr-
ether iesceddi crn Sec:- . It shall e the (duty ofitaroy shll receive the gralle of the
uneathl i~Oeedftepcice10111the Debating Commiittee -to tiiike adgesaThIlte i hal l oh1Iti ihis b
whe Aergot trogh hleIlaiigetiii ts forp1ivolisiiay dbtes i iii hit1, )?, e ,sepsistle iin
l---- leiea00 Ci hIicding liii to the ina InI iii--Depsi t- hirgum1111et ruiiild d eliver The1ank
*+*+*++**++**+*+***+:It) iiitls o a toiieliioii iTle iii eii t JDb teThie slcinof' jiigs shl to-o lidtheI1 i l-
ineil iii lor abouit hit0iiminuthis pritthe Oriatoricsalord. The Initir - e eli d firs, tie i sitod
+ Doctors tieis fllows : Dprnei ~iies~l i iihrit- ovs fai-li. h
AIUITY 5.CiiO. 1tle imanaigemiet f the Oratorical li-tr haiicoise totailliv eto ti-
Allen.......s.C.nningha ... ....1BownHoeBadhighest shailie elarel first.
Prf Alles ~ sisngti........... riii.ii,.lowellSec7~. 2. It shall also e the( duty ATIiLE XIX-aJiiiiS.
tae... ...h . Kaie
by ity idlr, Weoem- fWhite.r . t.. Larsen t heIeaigCmitetiii Fouriiiin-esdeits shall lecho-in
rlponly rgi-tmero mis~rn.- + Avery........1 t.. .Liaker rblg by initlseis fl te- hte Oratorictl oaird to act as
c0, " an -siar,iloveytre- Snow, lhles ...r. e... anshow sciety edebttes foiietiriiinigthe jiiigs at thetiiniiitl hIntrDX e rt-
o~iiii oiiaol iii loiiit~o :Benntt. ...{ fIick, society camiipiiso of the Cii- mn ~bee
otto. lobi~siiiei icardson
PHRMCY *T-lott.. . . .Bt ohr versity. AirraIcE xx -Tri'IONiulas
WILDER'S PAM C Teizel, Barabe... .r h. Ith...73ene Sec. 3. Thle Debtitnig Board sall As testiisuiuls of success the ie
3ss SolStanie Sreet. +Wtdman-.....1. h......McLean hasve geieral supevisions of debating haters winiing the right to rerseit
Weks------I Ilnnn nerst I teIKsievly, sha th55le Tniversity ii the Centriih Debt-
--- -___- -upodi the eligibility of debaters whoinlg League shall receive $150, to be
DON'T FORGET Whist Club Meeting. sshh represent the Uiiversity, ad distributeid as follows: Seveity iolo-
the OLD EELIABLE Thursday nights meeting of the shahl prform such other duties as ars to the deater winninhug ist
House. Hlot and cold lunetes U. of M. Whist Cub was attenuded are set forth in the coistitution of Honor; $50 ti the oie wiin~ig
at ahl hours. Chocoates and Ice by the largest crowd of the season thic Central Debatiiig League Second Honir, and $30 to thic oie
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and tlus far. Several old members, who ARTICLE XVti-SCONTESTANTS. winning Third Honor.
Tobacco, and full line of S moking Sup-
plies. R. E. JOLLY & Colhad not attended previous meetigs Se. 1. The debaters who shall
308 So. State Street. this year, and a number of visitors compete in the Inter-DepartmmentD- AT achorteeatfl
- - ---were preselt. Applications for meni- bate shall be six iiiniinuber, three e young meini who suppore
bership were received fromi a large from the Literary Departmnt aid Leonard Verdier in the cnididacy
CAoIgh D SI1 per cent of the visitirs. It was de- three friii the Lame Departiment. for the presidency of the seiiir-iter-
Vly ~ b ia ie to iiake the next meeting anll uchy shall be chosen by judges of ary class, have decided to reari the
ther openl session to which all ste- debate at society adiniter- society youiig ladies wio stood by then in
is as nearly lariiles as a deiits ainivited. W. D. Ellsworth, preiiniiaries in ech deartient uni- their successful fight fr the office,
medicine can be aiid be '99 L., resigiieid his positiioi as se- til the iumiiber of cotestaits has aid will give teiii a complmetary
effective, It is maideif retaiy of the club aiid D. T. Jiiies, been reduced to three from each de- idaice at Graigers aadeiiy in the
jest such things as the ' 00 L., incs elected tim succeed him. partineit.iear future.
doctors use for cuighs IlTop scores Ini the play of the evei- Sec. 2. Aiy stideitswho is reg- This is soiiethin~g unique in the
aind is the best thinig to tug isre miade Naid S. byBRogers laly eiiroled ini the University for history of colsge social fuinctions,
use until the. doctor ai([ Cok, of the Ypsilanti Whist at least 10 hours of recitatioii or e- but tie yiiugiiieim areanxoustosbow
cusses. 25 cnts. I Club,amd E. and W. by Lowe aind tiies per week, who is a candidate their fair cassmaes that they appre-
CAIKIS T.1)30Jiiies fr mm degree, a miembmer of one of the elate their loylty tim the caisiidate
E. E CA K'fluTe cliii raink of the five ]calling fouss literary scities uf the Umniver- whomu they proumisdh to support.
__________________________ __ teamuis, baiei-on h ~e saverige siore fr ity, md of the Oratorical Assicia- There have bein suggestionis of par-
themnumbe ruf eveinigs each teasm tion may enter the debtig cotests, ties before the eles-tons anul there
N o o S le bs lye i a fllw utn 5st-lint shiall twi-leencter a may have iiineindhivuiidualmhproimiss
N 1. Luste mmiid D. T. J~o- -i-S..,+8cintstofittie CntralhDebatig for hparties lfter te eectini, but
New Third Edition of 2. Smithi anduhMansdeu-hm., +s-J7 League or twice represent the Uii- never bforo has the- thiig heein doie
3. Mntigsiiery aid Fisher... -t+ versity againlst aiy one istiutioin so Iandsomuely ois a lrge scale. Ths
C OOLEY' S 4. Eisivoitim sainu Flanssburmg. , . + j5 ot a imeuiber of the atove league. wilstl set a hard precehet for future
5. Miller amuishMurrill ........ -4 Sec. 3. The speakers adjudged classes tim line ill to, but the 'faith-
CONSTITUTIONAL first, secoid amd third at tIeniter fu" girls of '99 iii have a good
LAW,DElwa1 C. Mtulsouey, of Fort Department Debate, withiout refer. tiime.
Dog,a,I mwiiho t hassthie sumu- s-mie to sides, shall represeit theCii- At the imeetiig of te Practition.
Br ANDREW C. McLAUHLINin mr tit Camiup Chiciuuusgaa i the iriy iiitie Semi-Fial Debate of ers' Cub t (Grce hosital in De-
A. M., LL. R., Professoo m . isltory, 52ind Imuitm.his retsiuned tim tke uplitie(Ceintralh Debatiig League. Tle trot lst nhult.,IProf. C. iB. Kimyon,
Uiveriy of Michigan. pim o isk im the Lam epaptmmeit. He one receiving fourth place shall be of thisciredtparon"u-
~ oliBmdig------s l iked as first serge ant iii is coai- declared the alternate. ciywemu uplere o i t-
Cloth Binding .......................*2 50 ~~tIntoxicatioin." There .0pn. RILuceICNET. ln rsntfo n rbpoys,
F'ull Law Sheep.s.....------..... ) Sec. 1. 111 society preliminaries cam rsitf-tsAm Abr
One thuusand and sixty-two lockers deaters shall choose sides by lot. Wayne aid Mt. Ceimenis.
Wahr'sBookstre have been taken in the iee's gym- rhiose drawing odd numbers shahl -Miss J. H. Kehley '01, is teaching
W ah 's ooknasiu n td 13 in the women's. speak on the affirmmative of tie ques.im Elgin, I.

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