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November 05, 1898 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-05

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Pn.HPpe. K EMn CnpEto O R CT A D S Y IH TAILORING,.Mr W.Eugene Page,
From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany.L7an Joseph Bohmann
6125S Division II._ Cocert Pano Tuig We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and L And ato the
Students' Laundry Association equal any in the State. Washburn Instruments.
Wi. VOUGHT-win. . FOX, agets fto We r espectuly solicit your valued patronage. they ae oe v1ale atthn STR
The bet high grade landy in the Sate. The All garments mad e bt.y us kept pressed and in epar fot114 West ivi UiS TORE7
only machine dameti fiih ithe West. one Weat Liberty Street, ADD Arbor.
Glove finish atoogiven. All wok promptly. n y.1___________________
orll audcarfeony door.
Office20 S. Sate t. Reidence 610O Lawrence fi.o.M MATN.
New State Phone. 4i1. 106 E. Hluron. New State Phone 413.
____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ FUNERAL
MIh A DCALENDAR. decided a yor ago to take up the DR CO
PR[NER . v. '0 M. atRegeto iel. attheSugestin o Prf. 1 idence 302 Fifth Ave.
An roMc. Saturday, Nov. 5-AIlFreshntiwhlo tisecretary of the Amerrcan ___________________
Ann AmarhoreentRich. aoociationa committee, it was decided A mdcsI
vo. lmaat Rgeito Fild. tt have a parallel ivetigation carried
MIGti I G R N 6 E N T R Ri L Saturday, Nov. 5--Michigant vs. onl in this country. Thle resulto. of
TheNiaaraFals Rute Northwestern, at Evanston, 11. th research of Prof. Pattersona andit "P
"h~aaaPl ot." Monday, Nov. 7-Prof. WVeley on Dr. Gtthe increase by one-ninth of j. u i
CENTRAL STANDSARD TIME. "Robert Burns' itt Unity Club Le- tone per cent. the value of te ampereAr ld
Tkg irtAg.ISS. tre Course. (and the electro cenical equivalent W m Arnol Leading
and OoNSrnls. 'Saturday, Nov. 12-Hoiu. Herbert of silver) adaso a consequence the Jeer
mail & Exrs ................lchitaGoo Goerti1ttitClu dicrepancy in the values of te --
Atlantic Express ......... 45 A. M.per. Tepae read b r U C E
DoGrand Eaptdt Express. t 10.....555 Saturday, Nov. 12-Myichigan v apputearils. byishd n Dr. i
Exprss. Express ..........10 As Illinois University at Detroit. tt rceiiso ieascainai
. ..Bosto~n. N. . & Chiago. (S.... 3" Saturday, Nov. 19-Gets John B. also ii te Physical Review and AT
So R&Kie trnExress . 1........f3 1 . Gorin S.L. A. course. Weemtt's Artitalell. It b
..0.&.a......~....45 ordotieanmay Aw w. 1 IU1TLy S
Chicao . Night iExpresu.s......s.031 Saturdaty, Nov. 19-Micltigart vs. added thatt the Amterican association38 oSaetrt
Pacific Express.............it 3 A. M.Beloit. ta3mde tSrattSortaepeposSotreet__
. T,. IOIJGcLS H. W. flAYE3, hsmaeitganorteupoeo
gaOP.- . T '. Ag't. (hicao. AolT Ann Arhor Tltttrsilay, Nov. 24-Micltigativs redetermitintg teelectro-motive force -
___ Chicago, at Chicago. of the Clark cell by nieans of tie
Redetermination of -the Ampere. same1 apparatut. This work will be OUR PHOTOS
cAt tile Bostoni Imeeing of the arredl ot hee._ R .
Amtericatn Assoiationt for tieadvaticePEFCINSYEADIIH
,! - A iei o nr ii~o To Pain Jackson High School. PRETI TL N III
iterest to physcsts was5 redib Dr. ~h tnAbrHg coleee T H E"
TIM TALE arlE. uile f te Uivesby of iinite p agaist the Jackson
IET ABLE ft Kiharl.GItlemoietheestsofHghSchool eleven this afteritootiat Berry anS udo
T krboret, r. , 298. Mctg3i.ftetboidtiersut ' clock A stiff gatme is expected ~./ y a
Trains leave Ann AroseryCernra Stand, of an investigationiiiitried otaby Iitm-a ohtasaei xeletsae I2Ws uo t
edTine, self atd Prof. Y --)nt inithe Pita ot eisar neclln hpe 11 et.uo t
________________________theUniversitytoatd have a good record itt the way of
NORTH SO00211ctsicesloLaboir toryt oftthegamoiStaverPont 1to
-8:00 A. 21. - -cr2:,A . determtine tie exlact value of the pvictisfto l.Theircrdiaimte gattiesSantre19
0:00ot. u. 1125 A. 5. electrical unitltknlownias san anmpere. pyd ti al Ti at vib
4:K0 P. . 8400P. M. Inye at tei r rud n
t0:5 . M i +szsP. . yahteoafa ih ih nt roa eneitdsuslpected t iso xvi e25ctt.A. G. SPALDING 8&.BROS.
Run beween Ann Arbor and Toedo only. 01ti tti hsb ect _________ Tie Ne the Guarantee.
eTiestraens oSunday only and run e- for 00111 titne iby physicists, owig to Dress Repairing done at 412 EF ~ B L
tween Toledo and iloswell. Alt other trainFO T B L
aly excepSunday. the disrepanlcy betweeni the itechanall iluroll 4
E. S. GILMOU1E, Aget. ical equievalentf of heat as determlinled SUPPLIES______ 4
n. x. BENNETT, G. P. A. by fiti ehnticadlntethod of Rot- The Waldo banjo has auusical - oficial otiters to all the
- - ______ __--~ lud, nid ue sllilecqllvltlcit iS toic. Tey ae an imopovedoeng colleadigecolegescholaan
detertmined by eletrical mlethods. In the fattots old Dobsot for quality. Spding's Official Inter-
order to correct tiis error, if it ex Have as nmttch volumei as this air. colegite Foot Bal
DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- isted, tie British Associationt cotit banks or Stuart. Anni Arbor Mtsic Usedxlsiccltyby~ae, Prineton, Harard
V Pennylania Cornell and alt other leadin6
BO ALWY nittee on electrical moeasuremtents Co. colleges and suniersites. Mnager shold
BOILRAILAY.wrie tr pries and saps bcore ordering
___--_--- ------ c-i ."""--- l ewere. Spaldings Ofiial Foot Ball Guide,
ieditd hy Waler Cncp. Record. piot
Cara leave for Detroit at a quartergrpsoledntamfgsuewihi-
after every hsur, beginninsg at 7:11 a. dx and xlanaory noe, ion.
~ 4.~ 1N~4.aoa~oo~o~a 4A. U. SPALDING & BROS, New Yok, Chicg
in. and up to 11:13pm. For Ypsilanti N(ULCJLtpLC h Oer~.
ata quarter before the hour up t 12:43 TI
aint. C etse onaeatron's____o . nes ~t1Y ~ l
an S. icsvonaeraturon'.._. and_
Drutg Store. Intrrtorllonivtns Bueau 01 ls nniMIG G re A Newt Std, 607 E Wiim S.
Ii~I~iUI~~tsI~s UHUQUVI IUUU~iII. UOIIUDO.Give mooi trial. First class work and
GOTRELL. & LEONARD. prompt service.
Coips, Gowns, and Hloods made to orier and rented. Also Class-
3 tdnsCnes, Class Bats and Cps, Cass College Pins. Addres F
W anted= tuet W.C.O(IitN. Western Mngr., F.J. SCH EEDE
To solicit shscripioss1o the .} -tHskell 51tnseun, Uni. f Chicago. 3405 S. State St.,
q ______________--Bidslooo25c. andnupward, andBele A.A.
Chicago Record ANDALL, 11 OAL. Every ind. aennFotinPsfr$10adup
Ais opportnity to crn ome money. r1 etIsiSIAEBLER, All Linen Paper 4 I bs. for 50c
tO. E STE~ENS, 5 L.StateP9onees4.Washington Street
G. M STPHEN,'9 L. tat Phoe 14. oth Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. Finet Sttionry in the city a1 lowet price.

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