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November 05, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-05

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f t w * The first of the lectures on the
Good Government Club course will ~ U U UL U NU
.fished Daily (undays ecepted) dring the be given tonight in Newberry Ilail
Cllege yea. 5t by William Dudley Foulke. His
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. byjc s"ii SrieRfr. Single or double Beasted, Frenche faced and nicely piped
subjct s "CvilSerice efom."with satin. In the cut you will find the handiwork of
'crric: cTheInland PesslHenning Blck. Mr. Foulke liae long been identified in artist, and in the build the wok of competent tailor.
Bthnithesa 14 with this branch of refirin work andSeousbfrbyig
MANAGINGa EDnTOR. iso perhaps as capable as any man in
F.Eann.neAR,5lL. America to speak cncerning the Cutting, Reer & Co.
BUSINESS MVANACE:R. progress of the cause in the past ando.1,AN,' Lthnedtda.H wscoenb
EDITORSS. Pis. Benjamin Harrisn in 1890 to Amm Arbor. 201-203 South Maim Street.
Athletic iitor, T. iR. Wascas, ,005L investigate the Civil Service Bureau
,W. Jans,'i, A.11. McuALLm, 'siaE, and his report as chtairmamn of ltba
.D.Enx a, '51 L . . I.tct, '55 M. committee is perhaps the most able The Most Delicious of all
00. IuneNUT, 'Ol. piece of literaure oii the sbect et qVoassCnis
published. Through his lng peril
of service in this novemnt le has 10, 15 ad 25 cent Pnckges.
grown so imieresed in it that those On Sale at Campus Drug Store.
"2 e scaip ec htaae~ ieybf Iaehada be tisatich iioprtic'oat he TDatn in 2.5 for who hear limi tonight will feel that J. J. QUARRY.
soan eant day. Ntines, cnmeunicationsnd_____
-aedimat ttentLeth picafc tio uth psl ftecue
mkailedtththe edrofit e eoe p. ., ir As an orator M. Foulke ranksO P N G
i 1.o th ed FLrviutohatont whitch lthey are eapetted to amng the first of the cottntry today.TI I. ..I'.7II
3nhbcncpttonnn ety helt at the DAILYOMec, He :s tot called an orator sirply be- We cordially exetd to you an Invitation to examine our Fal
'.Meye', oa toSntlet's newstand, en with nuinenss cause lie ieks bit because le pas, and Winter Shoes. You will find all of the swell and newest
MSanager. Subsncibenrwill ceatefavterseby pe
epnting pomtly t thstfint any fileeoa sesses those qualities tat appeal to lasts and with popular prices. REMEMBER THtE NAME.
,reangesindelicti pnpet.
Al1 hne6 necciin ttnain ni his auditors as constituting trie ra-
1chne4p.i.oth e mtte mutei__fn tWRf l & i1MLLEpIR Illo loo Mn.
,in.which it I yaetea. arieiun inthat tr3 He instrictsetes , amses 218S. MAIN STn(,
, hin e to inpaline. trpess
S-- ---atid iarouses. A leaditigtettber of
Nloember Alumnus Out, the literary faculty said unqualifiedlv a
The November issue of the Aluti- tat WilliamitDudley Ftttlke wan ~ ~ m Ja
tstes appears tsday, and will be tf the greatest orator its ad yet hetrt. HEADQUARTERS
interest not only to thtise formerly in And omn his chosen stbject le grows For LAMPS of all kinds.
the University, who are usow located especially eltquent Is lie speaks of PORCELAIN CIAMBER SETS.
elsewhere, lit totstuilemnts of the this geat advamtages ad benfits of 15DIN ai I. JpNESES and Nove CHINAs
presetit. ('ertaiti articles alsot sill e civil servicn refirl15cotlMiat. JpnseGostn.ovlte
ceceived by the geteral pubic witht Mr. Folke is the author of tSlav- -- ---
much itterest. Tie initial cotrib- atd Satxoni," pubisheid several yerVM ONEY LOANED MAKE A STRIKE
inn is -Thtomias Al. Cooley, as agoi. He coies fromtInhidepeiiieice, in wtchs, iamotend, wteIiels ie Ptr-
Writer and Teacher" by Prof. An Indiana. snaiProerty.:-AT TnE--
Laughih as recently conpletel Webster Elected Orator. Oltc atticescidene, eai E. LiertySt ,, An31 5 Min5t
a te Mr h All b itnecntidti aliI ntents'r . an t
ew editiomn of certzaimiworks of .Judgee 'lie Senmior Lits fieli their electioti to 11:30 ia. a. itidm n :tad 7 itt 5s: a T. MAHEY, - Proprietor.
'Cooley, antd his close, persontal aC- froao yesterday w Biarigl mem niainit Sc-inind 5 athcsndtid Daoints, Open Day and Night.
quaintamscc with thte great jurist, left over frimnitliir regular class____
nakesis estimiate of the work which electioin held tuo weeks ago. h 'liii _
Judge Cooley did, as an author andi candiidates were C. 1. Webter andh
as an instrttctor, of great weight. He F. E. Rhiinfrati. Tie yoe wasU
Swells largely sit tileissefiel cover- very ciose Webtrir gsuccessful C L EG TU E T
ed by Juilge Cooley il his comsider- by a vite of 78 tt 73. A. J. Wily-
aiomi of state co stitutions, a ndm of woer mi w as elected to th ee ihig ie ec . 'H E
the almolst prophetic character of Siaboard iii place tf P. H. Falte ONR
some f the grett 1egal primciples whoit did not returmi to citlege. ThitsUTR
insunlated. class also vited a taxcf 50 cnts per I OVER f
FTits life of Prof. Walter is treated iembr to supprt this fotbuall teamt. SMOKE
in "this resolutions imi his niemory, G.I'Pal'9,msbctectei,
writtens by Prof. Demm, amd adept- GC.F.Paul, 99, ha beenrlectednt1(
sem1 by the University Senate. Per- to this Wrinkle board. Suri u!uIVLo olJ1JiUI UUj.JbII
traits of bithi these late mibers o -
chic Faculty are givem, thusotis of * ______WEEK
Prof. Walter beimg from his latest ATHENS THEARE.
ntetogratjhi. Several photographs,IfYuW n OrBnigorRlnoaytngnorlnenomtr
grouped, showcJuidge Cooley at vani- COMMENCNG IhYuWat owBindingor hRulg, ntigi o ie ile
Pupeidinhis life. Dr. Deck Moday Ening, Nan. 7th 1 a Job of hosmlor0wage
cntributes a paper which sill ho of { (y +W CA DO I
:interest to this medical profession, I.Ci Pfr OlflhflTT lI~fl P in in oryo.Calln gtIcuantd
-Leopold Auentbruger amd the is-ls 1110. UUUl lIIJ1Yll l i'itn e e. aladgteq~itd
Memorials," is nit article by Mss CHANGE OF PLAY EVERY NIGHT Henning ]Block.
"Teal) W., isi,'7 ernehfen eca o sn i5e
thory7ofPercusiomi." an tt is de- Ca tet Wis 9,rerne rmus n Ay itdci Osit a **miTenedad res
the '934cn0mteoias t.sdo dndSTAtTE.n il eadmimn j
scrpte of the variouitsinemoorials, of teaelshe acctmpniieid by gntmnc. 9 l Iupll f 30 S SAE
c.las.es amd othes, staninhmg upn the _____________________Opposite_ LawI;Building. I
minlus, amd is illustrated. Thise_______ Uf- fUtfI VIJtpIiA Ln Bidig
TimantmginsseoteAtl sine s°n'gmiuoe ?btg t UNIVERSITY " L w Bo kP bls esjnnmp res
;anunced assat"War Number," and School of Dancing aw Bo Pblsesnd mprr.
it will be devotedl to givimg as com- -AT- l Iavs youmiresad Wilson's Works, as edited by Jtmes DeWitt I
l~lte hitoy, s pssileof he raners Aade y.Andews, tic Vomi Hest's "Cnstitutiomnal and Political Hitory H
-wlatef a hiryas possibeleauftme"Grner'sAcde y.oftie Utnitei States?" These books ae for sale at ourp
scwar betweenm this ceuntry and SpoutiMnSl rnch store aniil se shall e glad to have you call and .
class Games. IThe M nl W ho Iels examnite thieis.
'Tse '00 Medics failed to show tip PantsmadPpesnmi th Athleic 1i Our Branch Here Closes About Nov. I St. i
to Fil their date ith th i Senior LawsesField hs
- eted the gamne. Thse Al-Freshimin 35S lt ilinadseii H K T OEuYU ET
tok their place for a practice game -31 ._tt. al nad _e hm HA E THSe O R ET
and a good game was played, this GOP'YING and IT-ESIS WOIRK O D G NB A S cll YOUR FANCY
Freshmen winning. The Junior Laws AOLDimdaatGUNBihOATSesn~~.Prn
sad~~~~~~ Frs eic lytli aun eanate. A pranahhag'catn er iet. BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. fit YOUR FINANCES.
;at 10 o'clock on Regents Fielsh. 119 IN. Main; Opera Iose Blck. W. J. APRILL. 19[F. Washington St.

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