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November 03, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-03

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VOL. IX, No. 34.
E 7N1 E

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byccnskililel clerks. We e1-
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CHICAGO'S LOSS. Exhaustion in Athletic Events. Dr. Amderson's experiments- have-
Dr. WI. G. Anderson, director of special iterest because it is under-
Chicago Loses Her Halfback Gor- tile-Yale Gymnasium, has been en. stood that President Dwight of the
don Clarke. gaged for the past year in a scintiic uiversity will, in his annual report.
Gordon Clarke, halafback on the study of the effects of various athle treat of te question of tie alege&t
University eof Chicagoc football teanm tic evemnts upon the athlete as shown harmfulness of athletics and that the
ill pichier and secnd baseman oil illhils loss or gain sot weight. In the above exeriments till formn the basis
tile baseball nine, has retired fromn first iplace lhe foun~d out 1howimch ill for coclluios5 wichl President
all conn~ecin with university i. weight it cost a track athlete to take Dwight may deduce.
lties. Uponi receipt of nles hat part in his event. The weigts were
Wisonillwoildreestha l~ eo-takenimlledciiately before and after Pennsylania Chooses the Negatime
feasoed toCoc Sag aintim Prcssidcnt cmpejstition at tie annu~tal gulles at for Debate with Michigan.
IHarpler thait 110 wa1s a prolfessiollP ale, aud tile average ltss of weight Tie Debate Conuittee has seleted.
I 1895 11e coachedltile eleven at wasO as follows: te negative site of tie question to
SakS0Average be debatted witil ieiigilUie.
csfs srrci- Eent No. men. loseweght st Teqeto s
ing $51) for it. Ihis Imalde hilla i00 yards daoh....c. 3 (Io is lb 3sty' 110qtisie s
irofessional laccordiing to the rles 4405 yarde dash........ 01, lse "Reoled'IThateunder existing
plei b ie 501 lierii s oil yards vn.......100 2 tescnditionis, tie abolitionl by 1111 civi-
IlOmiorlea.........12 104 The liedlnattionls of tencirmtliOs aitt'
iSt.121 yards Ihrdles......7 0 o hls
(larerbs1ad(10the foltlloig slate 220 yrds hurdles... 4 0(t ibe naiesIC, oter ltan those required for
Ieutto tichie SChiicagelRecd vi-est- 1 ile Wlk. .t ... 0s6 051 the til aitetalntccof thitolcestie
cay ill r egartio tile tatter: Broadecijumpc .... ....4 0.61 lbs ipolice, is feasille.-JPeccslyvanio..
Feein tat1 asanin ieu i Ple vauclt. ,... . 5 0oclt6a
pliinevertht I ile lot esltedlit- Th bIetallSow ha .n o Glee and Banjo Club.
played for licoee , ted knowing thlatlevet 5was the aveage love ofItwoci Aoiut 41) cndliactes othtie (Glee,
titch lie ii-ithe sharpc ltiatieticec wasvipoundsl. 'the figresae 111utth vlul- Banjo1and(1Mtndlino eluetla(st
lidsbt is c s-ccayinlor iv ceilegable tand ittetestig. Tey shocciiItght cnd eigiven50 utgodital11k by
for Ine acnedIci eec cchig fortmotccy, I conciidtively thacit 11hccuhrte mci le i dcheleutlc, cttcdltheotttlob foirIse.
slititll cclr1em vlltia ite mebr ftio Unci1 cith motc xllcitiig ccl the shccrt csslcieaillis vrey favorelltl. The-
vertsity of Cliceagccteatic. Whenl uIniiieen xioie s icthecniithe hctciii Ciltcii f cicateofor the
heard last ight 1tatI was15likely tto mie, ad eairily 15 itch as the iile. Guitare,Banijcc cniiiMcmdolinm till be
Ie Icrotdtedi Iy Wiscoinsiti I iicciiciThe sc iOcares1 exerimlets st-eve cldi 1tisclcy, Ni. 8, ill Roccmcl24:
attiy wenit oser tcc seeSMt. Stagg cmii lidi iithi the cndidates ini the ihighi University hll.
piresenteiliy cas1e0to im ~l. CUssjiicui, the hammtilier throwct, aid tie 1-s0l Class Cane.
tiearimng it hec inodi reerlc I110that I swas shocit it, but thio loss of seight The 1901 Ciie Comittee hav.
ineligittle icc playuponicctihe Univ er- amounctted til almost nohig. met adiaoptd 1aelaslcae, ad it
sty of Chiiecgocteals. I also wi1s11tee Dr. Andersonl has ipreparedl ustable, is xpetsdetteiisurpas l rvos
say ttht tie lact thalt I halve cochledi compliledl fromch ie igures tkenm at lebt nroadt ult n
fo mne ws irt ad kow t tefildgaes-i.wiloss retetprice. They iilbe ready by the
th or fpyia utreti aiainilth oso wih stle of the footcball gaime tat Detroit.
monig.Inwihdawngfromte hw'.Itfllw: l opidhhmire edesirimicoe s h
University of Chiciagoc teutam I deemm Event Greatest loss. Leastlos leave their inamhhs with Fred Fred--
it wise to mnake this public state- Quarter mie.....24 ls i4 ah> (1 illisolstet
ment."halt mie ...... I lb 410,______308 _hompsonstreet
meni"ble... ...........3y lbs i4 b
His loss to the team will be a Mile walk ...... 2 lbs 141lbh Engineering Societi.
heavy omne. Although weighimg but Pof101B11vi seen ngner-
144 pcunds and at very slowr rumnier, rotepnieeetpyiali
his wide kmnowledge of thle game, notepnieeitpyial nmgmer fthmen netri addreythe
excelentheadwsrkdurilg paythe intercollegiate track list, is theulmbrofteEgmeimgScty
excelen hed wrk drin pl eile runaind mnext the mile walk Friday evening, of thiussweek, at 8 pt
and his dash amnd nerve have given . mt 1 nierngBidn,
him hih pacein wsten fotbll.The table is likely to throw coldSill.ct:oS10esgiteing Bhatlderg
____________ water oii the efforts of several col- Sbet~~ll hlg ia eo
'Varsity's Work Poor. leges whichl are tying to have thethogtof Iele. Evrbd
For the past twvo day's 'Varsity's mil swalk event thrown out of the i hub rseimindtoa t. ideeycli
practice has been secret, mno spectateors anniual comhlptition~ as too exhusting. We
havming booth allowed on11tile field. 'Tire gretest imstance at Yale of All-Freshmen vs. Alma.
Time coaches are teachinmg the memm alosf vimtdrmgclpttin At a imeeting of th Atllethi
rather gain of weigt because o b
fewv fammcy plays tcc Ie used agaimnsto a-Bard yesterday it was decided to-
Norhweter onSaurdy. ll heseilce of ecomlpetition, is recrded i m it Ihc All Freshmenlelevn te.
Negulrshmweere out rday ll thep the cuse of George L. Cdwalader, play teo elvenl fromm Alma Colge
Bakeras weoutt lf adkhed 1111. the footbal cemtr rush. Cacwalader next Saturday afternloon~ at Regents
tile first timie he ihs lied 01) since sas heavy andelt'rainer Keene iet- Field, This swill Iethie first game
his retuirn. Caley his Iabout recover- Patrick used special means tol keep for the fieshlmamd till ho iter-
ed fromli his lame shoueldcer timddIJl yecldlownl his weight. Ome Satureday estimg as soiebilg the reult of Coachs
yesterday. T111 coaches are by ildiaf ternmoion after tie cicose of tie week- Clarke' swokrt witi tim renhlthis fall,
Imeas satisfied withl tie work of the ly practice Chsadale reighmecd i at -____ ___-__
elevemn,inot duly inl egard tic the wa-tv128 poutnds. He ested Sunidiay,antiel It aolbeel recemtly delcidedl that
tilyaurO tabimg hold of tile ntw secret n Modal~y afternoonepo rcetedi again the WIest Poinmt Cadets acid thme An-
plays whihlthey hauve heemm wocrkineefor 1rlice.Il~e tienltippicel il hthe napoiNavlliCadets swill ieet on
at fey tile last tiwo daysut evenscbales uat 242, his twoe days' est ba- tie griciro bofor iihanksgiving.
their work tit puttinhg u~plillblrd img ilelllt 14 Ioenles tol h. Thiios ill be tie first gdlill the-
fcictball. Their wocrk is notcta115ftat Dr. Anldersonl as xtemnded his tib- teams have played togeter since
or as hard as it waIs lst sweek, and servaltionls to tile class gymnllasti 194.
oly the ilardlest bimnd of woirk Ic the driliii Sixty mem~bes of tieniigeht T
vis-cYrroV". otre Damle univesity has just
ciohes sill get the 111n0ill goodIlass wrewighedhiefore and after ?
sihl~~~pe ~takbing their exercise of 2(1 minuhtets et 20100 onm a gymnahisltim, and-
by Saumiy. ctaree mhlvelets-thcmt is, tiwctit tants tei ecate it oith 11 triangla
Merril c. 'Tifft, '88 L., of Glencoe, apparatus, fellowedl by 20 miniutindooiicir iieet tbetweenll McligalhI Ch-
Milhm., has been judgo of probat of on tile bars, rimgs, and 1 orse. Tie cago amd Netre Damunliiversties
Meheod cmmnty for eight years. At averuage lss in wecight approximlated The Daily's Telegraphic Ex-
the time of his first electiom le swas one-halaf poumnd. tra giving a tll account of thee
but twventy-five years old, amd is said Frinm expteriments iace of the Nrh etr-Mcia
to have beemi the youngest miaim ever weight of athletes practicimg in the N heaenMichigan Eaie
elected to the jtdgeship in Mimime. gymnuasiumm, it Ilas beeinm found that will be on sale Saturday at 6:acee
ota. they lose abott twso pouinds daily. p. mm. Get one.


N ow on Sale!
New Third Edition of
A. M., LL. 0i., Proerssr f Ama. isory,
tivereity of Mieigan.
.Cloths Biiding ................$2 50
Full Law Sheep .............. 3.00
Wahr's Book store

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