~t ~ ~Chicago May Lse Rogers. wl
hkblshed Daily (Sundays excepted) during tke protest Rogers, Chicago's guard, aod
College year. at. one of the best players onth ~e eleven
TEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. as being ineligible biy the role adhopt-
elsa-aca: The Tnland Pre, Henniag Blecka. mats fromn playinig more tlhan four
Bothl Phocet 147 years. Itogers was formaerl y a Beloit
MANAGING EDITOR. player and acktiowledges lie played
F. ENLaaeRtaa, '0t1 . againist Mitntesota ini 1894, but lie
BItt5NEtStANAGERI. says it was otnly for hart osf the gatos.
0. tt. Stot, '00 tL. The folloiwinig year lie took part
EDITORS. againist Northwesterns, bitt once tiore
Athltic Etorl~. I. tR. Wattatot, '05 L. it was naot tor a ftill galtie.
P.W. JSs,'59, A. t1. MitouGALL,*01 E, Whether the fact of his Ii'viti
G.50. 11TDsUc T, '01 E. played itn the two gaties mtenitiotned
1,wul1b tia'a tetedtct,,as h cavi~tnat
'-f' t.. . Tr M-'t iFY- ~i F=$i -- -?Y99'F I~F Y~ fT 9*F1 Y i'
a year is the qutestion that is worry- rI LIliI~ ~5
titt aa teO .itng the rooters. Accordling to the Ch usrpin rc fteDILyi 25 o
d=ihe ttl roles adopted atteT~~kIlh O ERT
eatt -ya, ihargla eieybeoet n each dae. Notice, comamuaaiatins, ad faculty cottferetnce last year, a plye
ther ma~ atitendeS tor tmlicationat b T P!t
taaet5 ttatth tass'tite htoe ~ta. ~is considered to have a1ye1iy etrirf
mailed to1theeditor bee 3a. o wte li e participates its sne-half of a gatoe r K
ertcs ta a iihit teaye tigainsotatiy of thte other teams rept n
ubc tao a' eleft at the DAILY Otetee. ity le otertc. ''.. 2. t
teyer'e. tle tl'c news'tand, or with Biestaresentedi h oneec. The [his trne of thae vear'an
atnagee. Subscratierswill confer afavor hy opninseemto b hti Rgr
rfeotn potlyttt t~is oe an fire ttetittitei 'ilgbe o tttss'oIr you will find yourself
carriestodeliveerpap~er. played a fttll half hin either o h rprydesd t
Alt chaneges it adertisinag mantcttemut he'otneproperly desd t
tikg li+tJo 'coat that can bho worn
tite tiarostn teatt. T1he loss of tosRssioreflldas
a whictheyareto ateratthis tittie sasitd ttean a ser aus c , /
F. D. EAMAN. blow to thte prospects of thte Chicago or on warm datys in the
T--ters--will--beeantincetengtoffthegaessited- winter'.'We are display.
teaittrittitltbe resteofitheogathes 'Id
DAttLY Board TONIGHT it 7 pi. .-\,. \ Itig a splenidid. assortment
its the DAItLY OFFICE. School of Music Crotwded.- of the host ttailored kind.
On accoutit of the overcrowded ASK TO SEE OUR $15 1G a
Thesis-Writing in the Late Depart- conditiott of thte School of Mutsic, td- Bu iteStt I o at 1,~ti n
ment. mission has lbecttrefused to 35 ptupils. Bu Otre tsIfoskyioufartht
Thse tiatter of tltesis-writiiig itt tte Irf sta ss ~o otOtv r
law departmlenltthaobeenti suttpttt agievig itnstritctiontlo s301pttpils earls.
aies balis. Witho i viewe to secure T hits to the largest menmbershtip the ' I0 '
atot ottly a btter "election of sttbjectssch1o101 his ever bad.
ats ti~re tteftlsatri ot te ur 0 Compulsory Worh in0Gm.
the stutdetnts, bttttalselSre systettitc ( sc t i itrr ttletit
and thiorottghtexlainattilottatnd te-ICassithlteryndngnj
'visioto ly te facttlty, te wholc' at eBettttg fteshtttetncotap~ulsory gyttitta-
:ter has Iseenti uttnderthse getnerath 5tttlttttSw okbegintodasiay tadstill be _________
,stttrolh of a standittg cotmmittee, teld regarly echdswee5kdcay as fol-
bse known s'th ie cottmtiittee on thteses. os: 11:t15ta.to., 4:10, 5:15 and& S
This cottttittee is to publish anualy 8:0tt.ti1.ists have beetn received
i list of apprttpriate subjects frot ro Secretasty Wasde atid thtere yet IMPRoTERS ANDt MANUF1ACTUREROS OP
which the studenit will iake a selec-tematis tboutt 75 literary atid 20 CHEMIlCAL and PHYSICAL APPARIATUS.
tiott. ''htese sttbjects are to be the etngtneertng sttdents tos he entrolled. MICIZOSCOPIC FINI)INGS. Headquarters for all ILaborat-
aarroow hioisscnenng ihteThtose whto fail to appesr ontthieir dort' Supplies
lacilus ttlerdispgtedoricnIlt floor tiunbers in their claoss will be tlts ai5. Str 5eet', Antn Arbot, ticha.
formative contditionatnd are to be mre absent slnd treated accortd-___ _______________________
''l asnt1a~e1cssbesi e tgly. Tile first five rows will be Fine Confections
-tdpnet reserved for freshmtienits the after- ti o Bn n
quire origeitnal adt ndpt detitt-' - o Bn n
vestiglotholl by thte student. Cotideto tooot classes. The wotrk is col-t~sl '"" " an. 5
satiotns of existinlg text-boos, or the YY t soryatid every' literary tttidetngitneer- j_ hoolte
relsetition of work previoausly dosne by iti rsoaas-as attdttl~ x 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET,
others, at's to be rejected, attdlthe ecoedarmtoiatndwilltos8 held ' 3SG SOUTH STATE STREET.
stttdetnt is expiected to gos directly to eahdy fot2t ot o8p.ts
tltscass s~llto xhi~utttil .otthor-KEENE FITZI-ATRIt:ia _________________________
tiees tots andtob ehaustLthe faYothWan Or Binding, or Ruling, or anythinag in our tine, no matter
Untiformihty itt style of preparation howsmal or owOlrge
ts proavitded fat', attd careful regula- l obo WE CAN DO IT
tiotns atndIditectionishave bees nmade'~P i tn o o.caladgttqtitd
respectitag thes collectionitand stork- rn i g o o.Caladgt cuitd
itng-up o~f temsterial. This theses AO J The Ilanald Pess,
whent approved ore to be collected HennI~ ing Ittath.
.ntot volutmes, bound, ittndipreserved. [1 11 -- - ___hecommittee__for__the present__year____'r________
is comoseosaf Itrofessoars MeelteotIm~~u m u 4 .SAE
(chsairtmanst), lWilgits (secretary), antd 1340hIiS.inSTAATE.f
Latte. _____ __ ~ UALLAGHAN fl UU19 SOppoittowwetuilding.
Preparatiotas for the Twnelfth. Publ n . ~~ ish r lipsismkn ra reaa a o kand I p res
b iotis for thte ganmo wit Michtigatn at -- --_._ _
Destroit ott this 12th, tad it is expect. I Have yout read Wilsoni's Works, as edited by James DeWitt
.md that folly 600 pesrsotns will ac- Audreaws, or Von Holst's "tConstitutitial ted Political History
2stttpany fteteatm to root. 'lbs of the Uttited Slates?" T'hses bookis are for soaeat our h
Bhlinois eleven ill play their taluitt0ti br:1 anch stairseaad i'shslashbe glad to hsave you call atsd a
tnext Saturday atsi expect to will, ts ec/~/a/5 ~ xatsinte themn.
thesir teatot sorkhotas itmprovedh dltrittg //11/ ANNARSOR 1 Our Branch Here Closes About NOV.I1st. AI
te past tooweeks. - L
Hospital Guild Election. ____- ____ __ ___ __ __
.All mettiers of thisUttiversity UNIVERSITY SHAKE THOSE We YOUR FEET,
Ho0spital Guild are itnvited 'to be
paresenat at thes annual electiottof School of Dancing OLcGN OA S n1f YOUR FANCY,
,officers to be held at the residence oaf O D G N O T i
Mrs. .Harrison Souls, 708 S. Iaiver- GagrsA-Aae y BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES., i YOUR FINANCES.
tatty Gr.ael PingrAae my.6.We . dAPRILL. 119iE. Washington St.