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November 02, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-02

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T TCOURTEOUSACIN Goernment Club Mass meet- Fresh Lits Hae Narrowed Down t,
fore Dame Reprimands Paer Room C was completely filled last Freshman politics re proving a-
for Sluggng. night on the occasion of the second interesting this year as ever. Two.
T ~The following commuication, en- ma5ss meeting of the Good Govern- cmplete tickets have been made uip,
FIE ALTWTNG closing a letter from Rev. John Cay.retCo.Tesceo ftefrtec-liin oh ersnaieo
anaughub.ThofucNotre th DasteacUcliversity, reresmeeting a INEFfLew ceeks aaugagoo Ninduced nivthey, m)tithafetheekliteraryedthebanlth lengineeringgneein de--
FI was received yesterday from Prof. executive board to hold a second partients. Neither is all Michigan,.
EE Pattengill, and shosws that the Notre open meeting to arouse interest in ut the one haded by ''hompsoic
i ~~Dame officials arc determined t o the work of the cluh n to further makes its stand as al-idependent,
their share in keeping iitercollegiate advertise the lecture corse. while the Beiscoter ticket is con-
W CAYTHLAGS. Tathletics pure: Thle speaker of the eveiiiig was ied fraternity aid indepeiident
T ECRYTELRET TI U. sf.M. Dily, Jodge Donovan, of Detroit, who The electioni will e held ii Room C,
STOCKA Many of the spectators of the spo0ke0on ''Oportunity.'' He remnext Saturday at 0110 o'clock.
INTH CTY footall game etween our team andv ferred to the great natioal opportu- The tickets that have eeii lace&v
' htfo3h Uieot)fNtr lt ~ihi101ll0i1tOIfr151 in the field completed sp to date are.
Daine were mouch sdisturbed over an m1en1, suchi a1 Dewey, Smso, ob-101 given hbelow. There beig onyeie
LI incident that ocurredl duing the son iansd tooseve lt The wateti wo011 candidate for the (thece of tIost
gameland il~l iibe glid to knosw that of tiell'w1e(01 e ms019tl e o por- strh eeiliiSl01'el
00'oetig 1(111'lbiit' tunity. Ad c tw eil yfotie young A 1-111(epednt -:-res, Fred G.
108 E. WASHINGTON ST. hope youxiii e :able 1to hill room tii lawyr 1i, ti fil o oplrtllity 11t an ll ihphl 11;(l li0 A m
HHYnr Iale'1) ieei~~ I llur1111(ing 1110ne I site. f(II(tiesixcr- lDahlstrom, Ihpelo lg; treal., Henry
fro1111t11e 1acltyi Board(1 (f At1111t11tioi tatithertlilllllrs1ion o 1f01 T. 13111wn, Ann111A111o; orator,Wel
C11o1(1otftie Uniivesity of Ntre Icro(1111d(1 Che Iopporltunity 0w10nevr gIUtley, IDetoit llian10111Aniit IH.
1110111 Th i 11prompt ac(tioniiand1brihi 1te llforiambitious, Iillig,(ablerIRot, Eri, Pt. . 11110100 iB
s~ pirtlof curey11 ewrty f c10Yun1'wer"
d_____ 11iarcognlitionl. 5o11ar i' I k 1 1 Pr1l.1. t.iMLauightiuiiih1en(Perrin, 1)troi; llltomLEda (ull..
f.-+.......................+ no ahar igv or01opla jlinlt e((li d oe 111( (~ )t "loll G(v0'11111011I-'L!min lg, Port 11uron; T. T. o 1111500
S le petfoly 1111rs, ire 0111rse it 1had11secred,(-1111((le \Wi.; B. B. mang r, Max Barour,
Your Myot veten ovil:A. IIL .PArv u ltof1(wh11 1s111nlautority i in io wy. Chaioni; Iladler oard, tFred ,
YOUR TOOTh 11105WH, NT EDan.uUNI rtlIli-x. Tiket orthe c011110 ee00 10100 wey
YOU-RToBLAC iKIi BRUS, lT'thePresidetoof tie Pallh tBord placeton sle ithi a result which Combinel literreigiilriig-
*rYU HS-R01 of Athlvtics, University1 of Micohi-se kossvell for the succeso of til'e sWliiA.IectrDro;
~-nyan: course.0100vice-hrei., Estella Molay, Caro
Thesone ums hain maoyime wornot, 1 have een directedh to tranmiit to 'Te first lecture swill e given by sec~hRy MCo, Bay City; tres.,
hav sssssimuy-ass(in u-t-desismtr. W- y utefloemg ehlc r10teHomn.WilliamiuDdey Foulke the Donlmmmd M. Fergnso, Ahlmt; oa-
ou (5,,-lb o DsoggllS ndrs is inmuiites of tlie-Facuclty BoardI f famols civil semvice reformie, unext I~,hryWlib vilhN .
j s05515s-t-.Athletic Control of hic University Satsurday night mu Newberry Hall. historian, Waluter IR. Stevemns, Pt.
WILDER'S PHARMACY of Notre Damue: Tickets for the emtire course sf six Hrn rlhtsMs ei h,
aae5nni unle tatelst"Atta ofHuthe;havehheess, atsliGtnecemuts
"taspecial muetig o h lectureshaebn placeda 0cnsmam, MrIuete; aseball maager
H......_____________bIoard Mr. George Lins was chargedvl------ a sum merely sufficiemnt to meet tie 1.. Lee, Coldwater; track teae;.
DON'T FORGET withi "slugging" during the Michi- expemnses of the various lecturers. maager, Jas. Strasurg, Chicago;.
gan game, Octoer 22. Mr. Lins Inlnder oard, Iarhse LewisDu-
ths OLD RELIABLE admitted that lie sas guilty as Facultyi Concert. b ulue, Ia.; toastmaster Jspl
House. Hot and cold unches horgdbt ladin xeuto 'qoe
at all hours. Chocoates and Iea rge, lieaded iexnutn he second concert iii the series to Stadart, Detroit.
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and that le had heenm repeatedly held y e giveni by the Faculty of the -
Tohacco, and full line of Smoking Sup- the Michigamiquarterack, amd Clint School of Music occurs omi Thursday Fresh Laws Elect Oficers.
plies. R. E, JOLLY & CO. his protests o the officials were umna- evenig, Nov. 3, at the School of Thfrsminltcasneyse-
308 So. State Street- vailing. The oard decided to ex- Music, day afeiiouu lawhimaNewhey all se
-eluhsde Mr. Lins from the next iter- nPROGRAM. ayelecteoonnNwer ala
n I n colegate gamet CII ayd it Sonata for Piano and Violmn, eecedoficers.- The temporary elair-
Myuougn aSa DePausw Oct. 28." paedwt Op. 45----------------(i..rieg. manm resigned, amd Mr. Weimstein
Dalam hae eem diectd o rqemst Allegro Molto ed appassionato was cosem inm his lace amd comdut-
toaebendrce t eus Allegretto espressivo als Romana epiemetn iiamai umnr
isatmah a-ue sa hat youm rig this action of tie Allegro Animath. dtemtigianal rtnr_
isasnerl hrtle a a bordtothe knowedge of tie stu ALnEnTo JoNAs and HERamAN A. Znmv. When a motion was maue to proceed
medicine can he amd he '2 Aria Infeice-....Mendelssohn. at once to tie eectiomi of officers, in.
effective. IC is made of demts of the Umiversity of Michigan, Au .BIE.fcim ttmitdt eueafrle
just such thing as the either through Che ciillege paper or 3 a. Soirees do Vienne, No 5..... ad.urmm
doctors use for coughs y amy other means which you mamy------------------Schuert-izten etim e to alloshth Clue caa didBtes
anud is Cle hst thimg to prefer. Thoughi nt authorized to do bI Nocturne, C minor-.... hapinmioetmutofshtercavssBt
use untl imedocor so, I may iniformu you that Cle exclu- o Northern Dances, O. 12, No. tie attenupt failed. Two camdidates
use untl the octor, 2 md 3......Alberto Jonas. stre nmaed, Jas. E. Kerr, of Cal.,
c et 25cmsshn of Lins, ecoupledi sithi our large (ediatd io'se n Osave. hcms
'' r ens hospital list,''muiukes it exts-emey ELSA o (GRAV. Cle nomiimee (f the all-states cahmus,
E. E. C LKINS. likely that se shall ose todiy's gamme 'I4 Minnelied------------.ti..rahms. amd J. B. Rockwelil of1Pontic, te
B. . AL INS wthDeauw Wthbet wshs, 1)"Wovr maht dih o kranke nominee of te Michiganucu iius.
.__________________set.eas. Wthhs.ihs.-----------Schumann. T1he allot resultedh Kerr 112, anme
___________________ e remain, dear sir, e "Guten Aroad-.....Bam
Yours faithfully, AIoE E. BoouR. ~ssiocksl, 4b. .Krr ws- sll msm-
ow on Sale! REv. JOnuN CAVANAUGI, C. R. C. WihdfNrhwsensPa efe uated hy Mr.telcesuv the candidate
New Third Edition of Several yeass ago swhemm theweomnm's Nosthusesterm'sehevemu averges 17 mores- was umauiliusy eectd- vie-
gymnasiium sas eing plannmed for, pounds imi weight. The hune vesages prsesident. Nl onle seemlel greatly to
COQOLEY'S Mr. John ". Canflds, of Mamuatee, 179 poumds, amd Cleacks 170. desire tie offices of sIceary and
pledged $5,000, tie same to heoumue Blosw is givell Ii list of their payers treasurer, as five ors six sere nomi.-
-CONSTITUTIONAL 'lie then that amuoiut swouldh con. amd their positioms amdsweights; mDatel fors each office and11 lithdews at.
'lplete Cle gymnumasiumu. T1he oari of Ryan-.....r. e......160 omce. Filally Mr. Niiemhmsg' was
LAW, regemts decided last summuuuer tClap- ( . Diet s-... C-......10 ummaimuossly eletel secetry an.
poraethe difference bietwseenm the C.Ditzt.e-----.-..--.-----------------95 Mr. D S. Suuuth, treasureror.,
By ANREW C. MCLAUIGHLIN,Lprops-late..... I ......-...g- 195r0
amoumt needed ad the $5,000 amd Thone l(Capt. 8..-....19 Deiches was1 de-laed tatmaslter y
A. M.,La. 0., Psoo tonnsin A. IHistosy, Mr. Canfield thereuponupaid le suh. Mel hueley-I... t. -...178 acclarnatiiiu. It was decideu not Cl>
UsnsiytMcia. scription. pi Sieerts.-11 0 - .......155 elect a footalmhuhaages.
Cloth Binding-----------.......$250o Johnson-...q..-...145 -
C. E. Mead, '96, who was sith othne-.. r. h.....182 Supt. Reeves had his entire foree
Full Law Sheep-----------......3.0o Torrey's Rough Riders at Jackson- Perry-..... 1. .....6
ihleundr Gmm. eeis n tiwn our Lihertn-----------~ of men at work yesterduauy fternoon
SuhstdrGu.Leisi ow o ietutss Ehihot......175cherstsmg leloeumuus-moute
' usiue:Elot 6"Shiesoigteloelme bu hWaors ook store a~ fe w days visit. Ile ad tie rank 150; Trefz, 170; Smith, 159; Lwe-,175 campus n safe hplaces here it could
ofJudge Advocate. Chuddock, 150; MChesney, 1t5. mnot e availahle for onfire pusposes.

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