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October 25, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-25

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__will refuse. And we cannot blameI Before Buying Your +o t +P + h lmifrlc fspotwe
Paubliuhed Daily (Sundays excepted) dating Oth e A (15d thotalmnmiappreciate 'what is reaeho ieti.o
Alooee thoseUNValumniOFMwhoIAhave ncon-d FL QhU IT OOR OVERCOAT
THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. tributed, when they saw a tastily ar-
ranged trophy rooiiiwould no doubt See oitrs. WVe guarantee the Style, Worki anuship and1( Material.
cOPPCo: TheInliad PressIKenning Bloc. he very wli to o tei hr
Bioth cPhonus la7 w igtod thi sar
II\A;NxDIO. It is to lie hoped that the coammiit-ORrit AEflfl
i.t xEnttrOO'01 L. .1toe and directors of the Athletic1
IIUSeNE~s IAN SGER1. Associationl will make the boot of
0.ITORS. ns the short tim e loft to them and do Cutin , Ree

ticijlOtr, 'i. I. Wonowanei) L. 03tciu ~ '~~o-QSouth Mnriu Street.
P. W. Jolan s, A. 1.1MCDGLacsacc. , to shoiw the alumni that their suip. _____________________________________________
F. 0. -IN Fa o , 10 C. 1. Lua,05 M. port is acceptable.-
(,.D.11loo)sTT,'OlIC. _ ---s ON-s- S tHE ONE
______________ Dr. Angea'sjubilee Speech. rC M U DRUG STORE..
C oItThe Chicago Tees-Herald had ill NEWSTOREHE. NERSTOC
Saturdays issue a very favorable o la fact, eerythig new btto people-they have simplyp
T1cche etltiia p01cc f theo DAnILY i 2a foe I editorial on Dr. Agell's jubilee ad- changed location.
he clegdsa. wtion, egulaneiverybaaoe (dess.Tie following are extract: ..JAS. J.QUA R
other matic lticoatio pblicaoea maitbe ''While Dr. Angell lamagined tlat
aandi ,th11cDotIL dittoborne 8 p .o
maiedto ,tin editor eforae i3p . oathle da his address Is the toast oiii'Inter-_______
isht p wihehare.eicidt natiolnal Arbiratiou' at the Audito-
aPube~riptimatcno: ibe left t the DAILY to riumu aneuet miht strike a dis- F L P N N
Meyee e, Oitlole eanod, oe wih Paine 1F LL u-x4r~
Manage. Sahoocibooc. will cer t aceoiy sonant note ini the pasaans of victory,'
reortiag prompiy amttis eoffc ny aciae o the truth is that on such an occaion We cordially extend to you an Invitation to examine our Fal
eanr .deii'yt cppce: a n te
All cages in ettsic-a ati er 5mustcci ie in notin could be muoro timely~ or ad Wne Shoes. You will find all of the swell and newest
thc tllio b 4 pit. cconte Say prevoustt to tnt cn lats and with popular prices. RtEM EMBER TIE NAME.
on which thy ae taooatptr._ maore appropriate.'
A considerable number of the "Dr. Angell's address nmost eoh- 218S. MAIN ST. WiiR & MIL[[R, Te S81106Me1.
foblplyrarlaenmeprcie q uently andc convincingly set forth_____________________________________
fotalpaeosr aet rclthils thotcel that as il geeral ssi-
every cay. The majority have n ety couts were established for tie 'Ca s Ba a
classes till 4 o'clock to prevent therpoecinot indiividual rights, why
getting 011 tilefield at thlat timnep HEADQUATERS
Dircto Fizparic Ils bellO~l~ishould not nations compose5 their dif- PREANCAIE ES
field every aftornooll at 4 oceclock teemces by lke mceas, through justORELAMPS ofAllBkinSE.
an~d it is uuallv 4:30 or after befoie cdldgnfed trihunals, whos find- DINNER SETS and FANCY CHINA.
-nuh elaeoulo einpac ns would commlanid the respect of 115 Ssth Main St. Japanese Goods and Novelities
mltigl101 nc lttt ellpie nanknld" _ ...___._
110e. "Sadl 1). Angell iniconlcluioni:MO E
Thils Oiccauss I. Fitzpatricol-1 We 0111111stald ver readttosdefelid M N Y LOANED MAKE A STRIKE
ideratilocaninoyan~lc011n1 cuts shc ott OnWotoicca.Diatndc weel ccc ter Pe- --AonE
the time for practice. Whlin it getstmmurights if 1100(1, hou trmight. socal Potet.
dar s ealy bu aver sortprc-Andcas Ameica long ago, unuder tie WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. BOWLING ALLEY.
tiarkc sealiitivenoicrpr of WcashigtonJefferson Oic atretsidoenc, 3amE. Liety 5. Ann A.30S-Mi t
tiecanihe hai, and agreat portiongubodalh.Allbusne- cofidntilS.orMainPrpit. r
adamiJ1ilnliiilearmne tie b iraitue lon ;a. atdIc:3adtoa .in.lcTn. MAHONEY,-Prpet.
itt that iundter idifficulty. 111000 whogdeosaph C. Wats.
docm i iels htmc ieof contmimtal Etrope for 1101-chamn-lcBaraie'icc ecccctdaicanwtlticcotnaonclo. opn Day adceNight.
tinrom e 01t 1110y ilOa hatd gelt ill erpac ioship othtie rights of neutral - - - ._-._ - _ _-
Ironatoni mtamdyheidngetnwhomigerprac-e-
tice in rturnm for it. It is to e nlinia'ol oy omh iewl
lisped that thitse nihis re dhhameliet hims is ringing witha shoumts for malrtial
wlcosdrtorsanapervcoishaetehgeglrofmore prommptly hereafter, eading, withnsane amd deliberate C L E E S U E T
What - -judgmemt, the procession of nations
WhtTropltq Room Will the Al to tie sabstitmtion, as far asIpssible,TH
Lat uemntirSar'itdoilof:teuicaof fothernmiiacnrer-flOUNERY
La mnier Seesagetdelo lm o ftile teatior hn hiotrye- OER
talk about firnishmimgia trophyroomoisi510.'Tie address was throughout
int the gyiniioum. Monmey for fitting worthy of the great occasiomi upon SMOKE
it tip was raised imi various ways. ohich it was made.''
Part of Itce receipts (at the faculty FCui.hCarmody,(97, nownteachin
basebal for e thispupposeid vristbs elocution at Notre Damie, wnas in
lsd oya aluismiupomtrhmmtd svim ousonSaturday the Michigan-
loy auncotiuesovnrton ytseand money to he umsed imi fiximng it uip.Ntmiga. Notre_______________Dame____________game.___________
Thfis icsumer- the regents gave the ______________________iiYu-Vn Or Bfnding, or Ruifng, or anything in uline, no mater
ass-ociatiomi a ooii m ithe g rymilmlcsinmIO at hwsml rhwlre
for tiis puarpose. Early this year a ATHENS THEATRE. Jbo o ml rhwlre
comnmittee to arailge the furmisliug Friday Evening, Octh 28a WE CAN DO IT
cc] sareoJ rttuma olitnelice nl
was appoimnted fiomn the Athletic I~~cni." 'icPncocntiongia for you. Call and get acquainted.
Boad lndfurmiture ordered fain'the 'Printingt Cmeia
Th~eoon.riisi: MR.0 IDY D LL ** *The Inlannd Press,
for he oom Ths i as ar s te "" aHnnng slac.
not arrived id lie comnittee, st ith tupotetdcby LAnRAJOCEoELtecr] suc rlznescaatr n1=-T= z L S;t~t= >- T-
the areesoesa r Iaziess haric-er- And the oiginam comcpnc it Augutushi
istic of soine (ot the aluetic commmit- Tiomasc')acccotcccComecdy DrcamaA IflA I ff 340 S. STATE.
tees, has icikenino fiurther sf )s to The H oserDotoHC L LAH ANfl C019-Oppsit Lw luildng.
fix tip the comi. Besides tie tro-. H oir oe o H-
phies whlichc a1e oowin thie handsiof Pricoe 50 5,ondc$1.60.1 ~an
the comimiiiteeofthere is ci large hmm-ii. Setc actio 'ci atWoi's on a in 5t. ad L w oo rublishers adI p res
her suhadrwins,____lr Hf ag)tImportenStaers .
teamts, fooitblls imdhbaseballs aused - J=- Have you read Wison's Woks, as edited by James De~sitt [I
mn famouis gamics, etc., which arei UNIVERSITY I Andrews, or Vomn Host's "Constitutional and Political Hstory
the posseasiomi of various sttmaents ~ of the United States?" These ooks are for sale at our
and fraternities and wsould he gladly S h o fD n i branch sotre and swe shall be glad -to have you call and
givemsnap for tie trophy room. Al -oc-- examime them.
ihese should have beemi collected and Granger's Academy. Our Branch Here Closes About Nov. I St.
hung uip in the rooma long ago. 71.n Phoe.2 46.cl _________________________
Next Saturday is the date of the Sels--_____......_ ---t_________T T TTT
almmni game amd those swho are here TIhe Man WAho el
adcontributed will ask to seehat VIU
their looney has been used for. Peantsand PocornatecAihletic SHAKE THOSE We YOUR FEET.
They will have to be told that oth- . Field in OLD GUNBOATS cn YOUR FANCY.
mg has been done. Naturally the W.I S PARKER, i
next timte they are asked to contribute ' f i BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. ft YOUR FINANCES.
to athletics at their alma mater they 315 S. Sate. Call in and see him. W. J. APRILL. 119 . Washington St.

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